1. 昨夜行情回顾:BTC价格遭遇“黑天鹅”,凌晨4:30突现断崖式下挫,一举击破斐波那契0.382回撤位(8061USDT)支撑,这一突如其来的变故出乎我个人预料。巧合的是,下跌时间点与币世界发布的某条消息几乎同步,市场普遍认为二者存在关联。
Last night, the BTC price was hit by a “black swan.” At 4.30 a.m., BTC fell off a cliff, backed up by a hit of 0.382 (8061 USDDT) in Fibonacci, a sudden change that I personally expected. Coincidence is that the point of decline is almost synchronized with a message published in the currency world, which is widely seen in the market as related.
2. 消息面解析:对于引发大跌的比特币ETF相关消息,我认为市场反应过度。此ETF并非此前市场期待的芝加哥交易所版本,性质有别。尽管跌破关键支撑时伴随显著放量,反映部分投资者恐慌性抛售,但整体格局尚未逆转。
2. Information analysis: I think the market was overreacting to the news about the bitcoin ETF that caused the crash. The ETF was not the Chicago version of the exchange that the market had previously expected, and it was different in nature. Although the collapse of the key support was accompanied by a significant release that reflected the panic of some investors, the overall pattern has not yet been reversed.
3. 技术面分析及操作建议:日线级别,MA6与MA18仍维持强势多头排列,前期提及需待MA18回升至7300USDT上方再行上涨的观点依然适用。当前调整属健康范畴,无需恐慌。关注7800USDT支撑,跌破则减仓或离场,未破则可坚守仓位,暂勿加仓。
3. Technical analysis and operational recommendations: The level of the solar line, MA6 and MA18 remain strong and high, with previous references to the need to rise above MA18 to 7300 USDT still valid. The current adjustment is in the realm of health, without panic.
EOS1. 昨日预期与实盘操作:原以为EOS即将突破上行启动行情,遂大胆开出20倍多单。未曾料到,今晨醒来竟收到一连串OKEX爆仓通知短信,幸亏仓位控制得当,损失有限。此事再次警示:杠杆交易风险极高,非专业玩家切勿轻易尝试。
Yesterday, it was anticipated that EOS was about to break through to launch the campaign, and it was about 20 times as bold as ever. Unforeseen, a series of OKEX reports came out this morning, fortunately under proper control and with limited losses. Again, it was a warning that there was a high risk of leverage transactions and that lay players should not try easily.
2. 技术面分析及操作建议:日线图显示,EOS价格再度回落至MA6下方,MA6与MA18趋于走平,暂无明显空头信号。下方密切关注8USDT整数关口支撑,跌破则先行离场观望;若能有效突破8.8USDT阻力,则可恢复看多。
2. Technical surface analysis and operational recommendations: The sun charts show that EOS prices have again fallen below MA6 and that MA6 and MA18 have been flattened and there is no visible empty signal.
ACT1. 币种表现与基本面观察:ACT堪称“奇葩”一枚,其下跌势头之猛,底线之无,令人瞠目。查看Achain公链,竟无一款应用上线,团队工作效率令人费解。
Currency performance and fundamentals: ACT can be described as an “eccentric” one, whose downward trend is spectacular and whose bottom line is unfathomable. None of the Achain public chains can be applied to the line, and the team's efficiency is inexplicable.
2. 技术面分析及操作建议:ACT走势遵循“三日一新低”的标准下跌模式,MA6与MA18双线空头排列强劲,币价无力挑战均线压力,弱势尽显。多头几无抵抗,故短期维持看空观点,建议场外观望,操作价值偏低。
Technical surface analysis and operational recommendations: The movement of the ACT follows a standard downward pattern of “three days at a low” and the two-line line of MA6 and MA18 is strongly arranged and the currency is weak to challenge the same line of pressure and vulnerability is evident. Many headlines have no resistance, so the view is maintained for a short period of time, and it is recommended to look outside the field and to operate with low operational value.
CTXC1. 技术形态对比:CTXC技术形态与ACT如出一辙,同样惨不忍睹。
1. Technical contrast: The CTXC technology pattern is no less tragic than that of ACT.
2. 技术面分析及操作建议:日线图上,CTXC连番刷出新低,MA6与MA18空头形态坚挺,币价再破MA6后下跌势头未减。空方力量明显占优,建议投资者继续保持场外观望,不宜入场。
2. Technical analysis and operational recommendations: On the sun map, the CTXC has sprung newly low, the forms of MA6 and MA18 have been strong, and the currency has continued to fall after the price of the MA6 has broken.
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