
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:24 评论:0



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In the early morning of May 30th, investors in the currency circle who wake up may have a cold heart.


“Arise early in the morning, drops another 20,000, earns a little before, but now even the principal is falling.” The investor, Li Jie, says.


On the morning of May 30, Beijing time, Bitcoin continued to fall by 5.33%, reporting $34,493, a cumulative 40% decline since this year. If this trend continues, it is likely that Bitcoin will have achieved its worst monthly performance since its birth.


“In less than a month, the winter came?” Li Jie said he looked at the account every day and was wary.


"Strong" bitcoin close to the waist.


In recent days, the three major associations in the financial sector and the CFS have been hit successively at the heart of virtual currency, such as Bitcoin.


This week, Bitcoin has a high number of dives, almost close to the hips of $65,000 last month, with multiple defense fronts falling apart. The UALCoin data show that the virtual currency contract is more than RMB 3.1 billion in one day, with the largest single multi-barrel explosion amounting to RMB 57.6 million.


Bitcoin prices have now returned to levels before the Musklis pushed bitcoin in January of this year, which means that if a bitcoin was purchased at the beginning of the month, it would now have lost more than $200,000.


Pessimism is spreading in currency circles. There are investors who feel that they're running fast and making money and running away; there are investors who want to cry without tears: "The money in the ring is blown out, it's gone." There are other people who look like they've seen the magic of the currency circles: "Texra and the map are locked up, so ordinary people shouldn't do this."


William, Chief Researcher at the Euley Institute, analysed that recently Bitcoin had been in a vulnerable situation, and that market sentiment had given feedback as a result of the fact that Bitcoin's largest increase since last March had exceeded 1,600 per cent, the market had accumulated a large profit margin, the pressure had increased and it was likely to face tighter regulation.


On the evening of 29 May, Xinhua released an article entitled "A hundred times the leverage! A crazy currency circle brings with it a "breath of wealth" or a "breath of barns"? Once again, Xinhua focused on the highly volatile and leveraged explosion of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin.


On the evening of May 28, Xinhua released "10 million miners can eat 45 million degrees of electricity a month! Is it a coin or a pit?" Questioning the enormous energy losses caused by Bitcoin's "mining." At noon on May 29, Xinhua released "Scope Money, Financial Innovation or the Ponzi Conspiracy?" Questioning the true value of virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, and the risks to the financial system.


Supervises the Ore Circle


The ring is even more difficult because of the tightening of regulations and currency circles.


In late May, seminars on virtual currency mining were held in Inner Mongolia and Sichuan, among others, to intensify the fight against such behaviour.


On 25 May, the Committee for Development and Reform of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued the Eight Measures (Advisory Drafts) on the resolute fight against the punishment of the “mining” of the virtual currency, which was the first shot at the punishment of the mining of the virtual currency.


“Inner Mongolia’s strong regulatory stance on virtual currency mining will be sustained over the long term, ensuring that the goal of ‘145’ energy consumption is met. Currently, the principle of ‘up-the-horizon’ has been adopted, and access to letters and reports has been opened.” Inner Mongolia’s IDRC sources have spoken to Chinese securities reporters.


On 27 May, the Sichuan Regulatory Office of the National Energy Agency issued a circular on the convening of a research seminar on the virtual currency “mining”.


William analysed that the country’s bitcoin mining industry is mainly located in two major regions: the south-west region, which is dominated by hydropower, and the north-west and north-west, which is dominated by fire power. The Bitcoin mine consumes enormous electricity and, with the increase in full network computing, the total consumption of bitcoins will only increase.


“The introduction of regulatory policies will lead to a sharp fall in the price of mining machines and, in the short term, the virtual money market will fall into the bear market.” Yanxi Tanya, the founder of the US R.R.A., told journalists.


The 300-million-dollar printing machine will be shut down on day ?


What have you been through lately as a miner at the top of the currency chain?


A bitcoin miner in Sichuan, who is at the center of the storm control, sits on his feet, "At the time of the regulatory news, there was a feeling of blackness and a sudden fall. We thought it was the cow market this year, new to the machine, and many of the miners around us were ready to leave."


Linhai said, "I wanted to move the field to Xinjiang, but now it's so heavily regulated that I can only plan the worst -- to go out to sea. But it's a tough decision, unwieldy, disassemble, connect the site, leave the country, commission the transport, then unload the cargo, load the plane. How easy can it be to start from the beginning?"


“There is a tendency for domestic mines to move out of the country, starting with 2019, when the National Development Commission listed encrypted digital mining as ‘deteriorating capacity’. Some domestic miners have now closed the mines and planned to relocate them abroad, mainly to Russia, the United States, Central Asia, etc..


“Now that the Russian mines are saturated, no one has been here before, and now 50 calls a day to ask me what's going on here.” Liu Yang, who is at the overseas mines, says.

剑桥另类金融中心2020年的比特币采矿地图显示,目前,中国占全球总算力的 65%,美国以7.24%的采矿活动排在第二位,俄罗斯以6.9%排在第三位。虽然中国仍遥遥领先,但自去年9月以来,它的算力份额已经下降了约10%。

At present, China accounts for 65% of the global total, the United States ranks second in 7.24% of mining activity, and Russia third in 6.9%. Although China is still a leader, its weight has declined by about 10% since September last year.

今年以来,随着比特币价格大幅上涨,挖矿成为最赚钱的造富运动,crypto analytics和链上市场分析公司Glassnode的最新数据显示,随着机构资金持续涌入市场,购买比特币的需求大幅上升,比特币矿工从业者在过去30天内平均每天赚约5000万美元(约3亿元人民币),是去年的4倍左右。

Since the beginning of the year, as the price of bitcoin has risen significantly, mining has become the most profitable enrichment movement. Recent data from Crypto analytics and the chain-based market analysis company Glasnode show that, with the continued influx of institutional funds into the market, the demand for bitcoin has risen significantly, with Bitcoin miners earning an average of about $50 million (approximately 300 million yuan) per day over the past 30 days, about four times as much as last year.


However, issues such as high energy consumption from virtual currency mining are not insignificant. Virtual currency mining requires a huge computing system that solves millions of complex calculations every second to validate transactions on the Bitcoin network.


According to media reports, on 29 May, British police accidentally discovered a large illegal Bitcoin mine on the outskirts of Birmingham, United Kingdom, containing more than 100 mining equipment. The mine stole thousands of pounds worth of electricity to dig for Bitcoin.


A study by the Centre for Alternative Financial Research at Cambridge University showed that, as of early this month, the annual electricity consumption in the global mining of Bitcoin was approximately 149.37 watt-hours (1 billion degrees of electricity at the same time), a figure that exceeds that of Malaysia, Ukraine and Sweden and is close to Viet Nam, which ranks 25th in the electricity-consuming category.




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