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1 White Word Block Chain


Author: Chiang Yong


Publication: Mechanical Industries Press, 2017

索书号:TP338.8 /30 (馆藏5本)

Request No. TP338.8/30 (5 books in the library)


Content Profile: This book details the composition, application, realization, etc. of block chains, covering knowledge points such as bitcoin principles, cryptography principles, P2P networks, smart contracts, side chains, multi-chains, chains of alliances, competitive currency, etc., each knowledge point is developed in an incremental manner through a search model.


2 Blocks “Linking” Smart


Author: Oh Ring, Liu Li


Publication: Electronic Industry Publishing House, 2018

索书号:F713.361.3 /112(馆藏2本)

Book number: F713.361.3 112 (two collections)

内容简介:本书从区块链起源、区块链技术等基础内容开始讲述, 对区块链在多个应用场景方面的商业落地做了详细的论述, 以便让读者零基础掌握到底什么是区块链、了解区块链行业发展状況, 掌握区块链技术架构, 区块链核心关键数据, 区块链的安全性, 区块链技术发展路线和区块链的相关政策法规及了解区块链在各行业的应用实践等方面的内容。

Content description: The book begins with basics such as the origin of the block chain, the technology of the block chain, a detailed description of the commercial location of the block chain in a number of applications, in order to give readers a zero base on what the block chain is, the state of development of the block chain industry, the technical structure of the block chain, the core key data of the block chain, the security of the block chain, the relevant policy regulations for the technical development route of the block chain and the sector chain, and an understanding of the practical aspects of the sector's application of the block chain.

3 《区块链:通往资产数字化之路》

3 Block Chain: The Way to Digitalisation of Assets

原题名:Mastering bitcoin masrweing bitcoin Chinese

Title: Mastering bitcoin masrweing bitcoin China

作者:(美)安东诺普洛斯 (Antonopoulos, Andreas M.)

Author: Antonopoulos, Andreas M.


Publication: China News Press, 2018

索书号 F713.361.3 /36(馆藏3本)

Request No. F713.361.3/36 (3 collections)


The technology base of Bitcoin and encrypted currency is tailored to developers, engineers, and software and system architects. The details of Bitcoin’s decentralised network, point-to-point architecture, trading life cycle, and safety principles are detailed. Developments based on the branches of the Bitcoin and block chains include alternative chains, alternative currencies, and alternative applications. Key technical ideas are articulated through user stories, elegant analogies, examples, code fragments, etc.


4 " Fundamentals of the Block Chain 25 "

原题名:Blockchain basics: a non-technical introduction in 25 steps

Title: Blockchain basics: a non-technical in 25 steps


Author: Drescher (E)


Publication: People's Post and Telecommunications Press, 2018

索书号:F713.361.3 /71(馆藏3本)

Book number: F713.361.3/71 (3 collections)

内容简介:通过本书25个简明的章节,读者将学习到区块链的基础知识。全书尽可能避免使用数学 公式、程序代码和计算机科学术语,读者无需计算机科学、数学、程序设计和密码学方面的知识也可轻松读懂全书。这本书弥合了关于区块链的纯技术类书籍和纯商业类书籍之间存在的空白,通过解释构成区块链的基础技术槪念以及这一技术在相关业务领域中的应用来让读者真正了解区块链。

Content profile: Through 25 concise chapters of the book, readers will learn about the basics of the block chain. The whole book avoids, to the extent possible, the use of mathematical formulas, program codes and computer science terms, and the reader can easily read the whole book without knowledge of computer science, mathematics, program design and cryptography. The book closes the gap between purely technical and purely commercial books on the block chain, providing readers with a real understanding of the block chain by explaining the underlying technical symmetry that forms the block chain and its application in the relevant business areas.


5 Block Chain: Technology-Driving Finance

原题名:Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies: a comprehensive introduction

Title: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrence technologies: a comprehensive introduction

作者:(美)纳拉亚南(Narayanan, Arvind)

Author: Narayan, Arvind


Publication: Mandarin Press, 2016

索书号:F713.361.3 /17(馆藏5本)

Book number: F713.361.3/17 (5 collections)


Content profile: “If you are looking for a technical explanation of how bitcoin works and you have some basic knowledge of computer science and programming, the book should be good for you.” The book answers a number of questions about bitcoin and focuses on technical functions and future networks. The authors also look at other aspects of digital money, including safety, user anonymity, regulation and various applications developed using bitcoin as a basic platform.


6 Redefining the Future: How Block Chains Define Finance, Commerce, Culture and Our Lifestyle


Author: The yellow earthquake.


Publication: Beijing United Press, 2018

索书号:F713.361.3 /63(馆藏3本)

Book number: F713.361.3/63 (3 collections)


Content profile: The book provides an in-depth analysis of block chain techniques and analyses of local applications in areas such as finance, commerce, culture and lifestyles, which are of concern to all, thus opening up a vision of the future for all, allowing you to see the changes and futures of all walks of life, allowing you to start planning your own life again, adapting to the emerging block chain society, and achieving breakthroughs in the control and self-employment of future life.


7 Technical Progress in Block Chains and Real Wars


Author: Choi Liang, Li Qi Lei, Liang Su-bo, etc.


Publication: People's Post and Telecommunications Press, 2018

索书号:F713.361.3 /77(馆藏3本)

Book number: F713.361.3/77 (3 collections)


Content profile: The book is divided into four parts: part D provides a panorama analysis of the block chain, describing its epidemiology, history, technological streams, major companies and typical applications, and gives an ecological map of the current block chain industry; part D contains a detailed reading of the known open-source block chain platform in the Pacific and HyperLedger, and describes how the development of the block chain is based on these two platforms; part III analyses the core technology of the enterprise block chain platform, presenting the application development technology of the enterprise block chain based on Hyperchain; and part IV presents the practical application of the project case for multiple block chains and provides a detailed analysis of the development process and key codes.


8 The Digital Currency Age: Application and Future of Block Chain Technologies

原题名:Bitcoin big bang : how alternative currencies are about to change the world

Original name: Bitcoin bigbang: how almost currences are about to change the world


Author: Kelly, Brain


Publication: Chinese People's University Press, 2017

索书号:F830.46 /39(馆藏3本)

Letter No. F 830.46/39 (3 collections)

内容简介:这是一本由CNBC撰稿人、比特币专家凯利打造的帮助读者了解货币的未来和比特币将会带来的革命性变化的指南书。在本书中, 作者将探索数字货币起源, 讨论支付系统的歷史, 解释比特币如何被用来促进价值的自由和快速传输、如何投资比特币, 帮助读者了解比特币体系将如何彻底改变商业、法律以及政府在货币体系中的作用, 启发读者对以比特币为代表的虛拟货币进行反思。键代码进行了详细分析。

In this book, the authors will explore the origins of digital money, discuss the history of payment systems, explain how bitcoins are used to promote free and rapid transmission of value, invest in bitcoins, help readers understand how the Bitcoins system will radically change business, law, and the role of government in the monetary system, and inspire readers to reflect on the counterfeiting of currencies represented by bitcoins. Key codes are analysed in detail.


9 Block Chain: A Fact-Finding Machine for Everything

原题名:Truth machine : the blockchain and the future of everything

original title: The blocklain and the future of everything

作者:(美)维格纳(Vigna, Paul)

Author: Vigna, Paul


Publication: China News Press, 2018

索书号:F713.361.3 /46(馆藏3本)

Book number: F713.361.3/46 (3 collections)

内容简介:大型银行的规模越来越大, 地位越来越牢不可破。在网络上, 人们难以享有隐私权。信用卡诈骗已变成家常便饭。那些传统机构及体系本应让我们的生活更轻松、让我们的经济更高效, 但现在它们已经难以履行其职责。不过, 有一种新型的「操作系统」, 它有潜力为我们的经济体系带来广泛的变革。这就是区块链技术。在此书中, 两位作者讲解了区块链技术及其重构我们的数据、资产及身份机制的潜力。通过此书, 你能意识到这项技术有潜力将数十亿的边缘人群带到全球经济当中, 恢覆人们对社会的信心。作者向我们展示了这项技术在金融、技术、法律和船运等产业可能发挥的颠覆性作用。作者向我们揭示了, 若要用变革性的新技术去绕过已有数百年歷史的传统机构, 将可能面临很多挑战。

There is, however, a new "operational system" that has the potential to bring about a wide range of changes in our economic system. This is the block chain technology. In this book, the authors describe the technology and its potential to reshape our data, assets and identity mechanisms. By doing so, you realize that it has the potential to bring billions of marginalized people into the global economy and restore confidence in society. The authors show us the disruptive role that this technology can play in such industries as finance, technology, law and shipping.


10 Block Chains: Rationale, Design and Application /b>


Author: Yang Bohua, Chen Chang


Publication: Mechanical Industries Press, 2017

索书号:F713.361.3 /30(馆藏2本)

Request No. F713.361.3/30 (2 collections)

内容简介:本书由超级账本核心设计和开发者撰写,是区块链开发落地专业指南。由浅入深,系统化介绍超级账本Fabric设计精华、应用开发等。全书分为理论篇和实践篇两大部分;第1~3章介绍区块链技术的由来、核心思想及典型的应用场景;第4~5章重点介绍区块链技术中大量出现的分布式系统技术和密码学安全技术;第6~8章介绍区块链领域的三个典型开源项目:比特币、以太坊以及超级账本;第9~11章以超级账本 Fabric 项目为例,具体讲解了安装部署、配置管理,以及使用 Fabric CA 进行证书管理的实践经验;第12章重点剖析超级账本 Fabric 项目的核心架构设计;第13章介绍区块链应用开发的相关技巧和示例;第14章介绍区块链服务平台的设计与开发,并讲解应用超级账本 Cello 项目构建服务平台的相关知识。

The book is divided into two main parts of the theory and practice; chapters 1-3 describe the origins, core ideas and typical applications of block chain technology; chapters 4-5 focus on distributed system technology and cryptographic security techniques in the sector chain technology; chapters 6-8 describe three typical open-source projects in the area of block chains: Bitcoin, Tethy and Superbooks; chapters 9-11 describe the design and development of the super-account Fabric project as an example; chapters 9-11 describe the practical experience of installing deployments, configuration management and certification management using Fabric CA; chapter 12 focuses on the core architecture of the super-account Fabric project; chapter 13 describes relevant techniques and examples of the application of the developed sector chain; and chapter 14 describes the design and development of the super-account service platform and the application of the related knowledge of the Cello service platform.


11 Fragmentation of block chain core algorithms

原题名:Science of the blockchain

Title: Science of the blockchain

作者:(瑞士)瓦唐霍费尔(Wattenhofer, Roger)

Author: (Wattenhofer, Roger, Switzerland)


Publication: Electronic Industry Publishing House, 2017

索书号:F713.361.3 /25(馆藏5本)

Book number: F713.361.3/25 (5 collections)


The book describes the basic techniques needed to construct a faulty distribution system, as well as a series of agreements and algorithms that allow for errors, and discusses some of the practical systems that have achieved them. The main concepts in the book are separate chapters. Each chapter starts with a small story, which leads to the content of the chapter. The algorithms, protocols and definitions will be described in a formal way so that readers can understand how to achieve it. Some of the conclusions will be demonstrated in the reasoning so that readers can understand why these concepts or algorithms are correct and understand what they can do. Most of the other elements will appear in the form of comments. These comments will discuss a variety of informal thinking and prepare for follow-up.


12 Block Chain: From Digital Currency to Credit Society


Authors: Changfeng, Han Fung, etc.


Publication: China News Press, 2016

索书号:F713.361.3 /14(馆藏4本)

Book number: F713.361.3/14 (4 collections)


Brief description: The book discusses how the chain of blocks is formed in terms of history and context, state of development, rationale and technology, application of ecology, problems and challenges, respectively, and analyses the problems encountered and the difficulties that need to be addressed in each of the clusters in terms of economics, finance, money, law, science and technology philosophy, etc.


13 Self-repair of cabbage


Author: Li laughter


Publication: Chinese People's University Press, 2017

索书号:F830.91 /1168(馆藏4本)

Book number: F830.91/1168 (4 collections)


In addition, the book offers a lot of practical dry goods for your information, and the Money Court has drawn up a number of key dry items from the book.


14 Block Chain Societies: Cases of Global Application and Investment in Decoding Block Chains


Author: Gon Ming


Publication: China News Press, 2016

索书号:F830.46 /37(馆藏5本)

Request No. F 830.46/37 (5 books in the library)


Content profile: The book provides a comprehensive overview of developments in the block chain industry through independent survey data, as well as years of in-depth and theoretical analysis of the digital currency and block chain industries, in order to obtain information on the technical and industrial development of the block chain or on the various sectors involved in the sector.


15 The Block Chain Revolution: How Bitcoin Bottom Technology Changed Currency, Commerce and the World /b>

原题名:Blockchain revolution : how the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world

original title: how the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world

作者:(加)塔普斯科特(Tapscott, Don)

Author: (+) Tapscott, Don


Publication: Chinese People's University Press, 2017

索书号:F713.36 /1132(馆藏5本)

Book number: F713.36 1132 (5 books in the library)

内容简介:本书全景式描绘了话联网前沿技术 ーー 区块链技术将如何颠覆互联网、银行、证券、保险、物流、电力、制造、会计稅收、法律服务、文化创意、医药卫生等行业, 前瞻性阐述了这种技术可以做什么, 以及我们如何利用好它。

Content Profile: The book's panorama depicts how cutting-edge technologies on the Internet, banking, securities, insurance, logistics, electricity, manufacturing, accounting taxes, legal services, cultural creativity, medical health, etc., are going to destabilize the Internet, banking, securities, insurance, logistics, electricity, manufacturing, accounting taxes, legal services, cultural creativity, medicine and health, and how this technology can be done, and how we can use it.


16 " Read by section chain leaders


Author: Mr. Ren


Publication: People's Daily Press, 2018


Purchased, processed (3 existing collections)


17 "Everybody knows the block chain: 21 days from the block chain to the senior player"


Author: The Rockin Sea


Publication: Beijing University Press, 2018

索书号:F713.361.3 /43(现有馆藏3本)

Request No. F713.361.3/43 (3 existing collections)

内容简介:从如何应用区块链知识打造一个 “区块链+”项目的视角出发讲述区块链,针对部分抽象性概念,书中会配以图文进行说明,属于基础类入门读物。

Content description: The block chain is described from the point of view of how the knowledge of the block chain can be used to build a “block chain plus” project, with some abstract concepts described in graphs and as basic introductory readings.


18 Regulated Block Chains: The Rule of Codes

原题名:Blockchain and the law : the rule of code

title: Blockchain and the law: the rule of code

作者:(法)菲利皮(Filippi, Primavera De)

Author: Filippi, Primavera De


Published: China News Press, 2019

索书号:F713.361.3 /76(馆藏3本)

Request No. F713.361.3/76 (3 collections)

内容简介:本书围绕“代码即规则”(code is law)如何发展到“代码即法”(code as law)这一逻辑主线,创造性地提出“密码法”(Lex Cryptographica)槪念,并以此为基础,深入探讨区块链对金融、契约、信息、组织的影响,阐释区块链在当前及未来所面临的监管挑战和法律适用困惑。书中既有对技术与法、道德、伦理、社会规范之间关系的宏观灼见,也涉及对公司、证券、合同、知识产权等具体部门法的分析,对全面了解和理解区块链与法的关系,特别是对分析甚至解决我国目前所面临的区块链监管问题大有裨益。

Content Profile: The book contains both a macro-perception of the relationship between technology and law, ethics, ethics, and social norms, as well as an analysis of specific sectoral laws such as companies, securities, contracts, intellectual property rights, and a comprehensive understanding and understanding of the relationship between the block chain and the law, in particular the analysis and even resolution of the regulatory aspects of the block chain currently facing the country.


19 Block Chains and Artificial Intelligence

作者:高航, 俞学劢, 王毛路

Author: Takahashi, Yu Xuejun, Wang Mao Lu


Publication: Electronic Industry Publishing House, 2018

索书号:F713.361.3 /50(现有馆藏2本)

Request No. F713.361.3/50 (2 existing collections)


Content description: Block Chains and Artificial Intelligence is a new updated version of the best-selling book, Block Chains and the New Economy: The Digital Currency Time 2.0. The book is an introductory system curriculum for block chains, artificial intelligence technologies and industries in a few systems on the market. From bitcoins to digital currencies (deputies), from foundational principles to application, panorama chains to the development of artificial intelligence, with both a deep sense of history and a sense of the future of technology. Another highlight of the book is the systematic compilation of a map of block entrepreneurship, a learning guide on block chain entrepreneurship, applications, media, and a special sequence of Vitalik, the founder of the Taiku. The book describes a door-level system from basic principles to application, a whole picture chain to the development of artificial intelligence, a deep sense of history and a sense of the future of science and technology.


20 Block chains and artificial intelligence: Shaping the Smart Digital Economy World


Author: Liu Kwon


Publication: People's Post and Telecommunications Press, 2019

索书号:F49 /239(现有馆藏2本)

Book number: F49/239 (2 existing collections)


Content profile: The book is at the forefront of scientific and technological development, cutting back on national policies, and elaborates in depth on the evolution of the integration of block chains and artificial intelligence, with a view to providing practical guidance for industrial development. First, it describes the role played by informatization, e-commerce, social networks and fictional realities in the digitalization of human society, as well as the difficulties faced by digitization; second, it describes the changes brought about by the rise in block-chain technology to the organizational structure and operating rules of business, as well as the wave of artificial intelligence; again, it describes the integration of block chains with artificial intelligence and its technology in the context of digital economic trends, and describes the integration of block chains with peripheral calculations; and, lastly, it focuses on the application of block chains with artificial intelligence in the five sectors of finance, industrial Internet, vehicle connectivity, medical and e-government, and discusses their application for deep integration.




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