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Since this month, there has been a wave of currency circles.

在波场(Tron)创始人、火币(Huobi)全球顾问委员会成员孙宇晨(Justin Sun)于美东时间3月22日被美国证券交易委员会(SEC)起诉后,美东时间3月27日(周一),美国商品期货交易委员会(下称CFTC)又起诉全球最大加密货币交易所币安(Binance)及其CEO赵长鹏涉嫌违反监管措施。

Following the indictment by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Justin Sun, founder of the Tron and member of the Huobi Global Advisory Board, on 22 March,


According to the information received, CFTC filed the above-mentioned action in the Chicago Federal Court on 27 March US Eastern Time. CFTC states that the currency was not registered, thereby avoiding a series of obligations incumbent upon it.


According to Bloomberg, since at least 2021, the CFC has been investigating whether currency security has failed to prevent the American people from trading encrypted money and its derivatives. According to the rules of the CFTC, if a platform allows the American people to trade in some derivatives, it must register with the agency.


Photo source: Twitter

被美CFTC起诉后,赵长鹏在其个人社交平台发布一字推文:“4”,疑似引用其年初发布的2023专注目标及建议的第四条款作出回应:Ignore FUD,fake news,attacks,etc.,即忽略FUD(惧、惑、疑)消息、假新闻、恶意攻击等

After being prosecuted by the United States CFC, Zhao Chang Peng published a quote on his personal social platform: “4”, suspected to respond to article 4 of its recommendation, citing 2023 issued at the beginning of the year: Ignore FUD,fake news,atracks, etc., i.e. ignoring the FUD news,/span news, false news, malicious attacks, etc. .


According to the Bloomberg report, CFTC is one of several U.S. regulators that has been investigating currency security — the U.S. IRS and the U.S. Attorneys — has also been reviewing currency security's compliance with anti-money laundering rules, and SEC has been examining whether currency security is trading some unregistered securities for customers.

据CFTC官网,其指控赵长鹏和三家运营币安平台的实体多次违反《商品交易法(CEA)》和CFTC的其他法规。除了赵长鹏外,该机构还指控币安的前首席合规官Samuel Lim存在协助和教唆币安的违规行为。

According to the CFTC network, accused Zhao Changping and the three entities operating the currency platform of several violations of the Merchandise Trade Act (CEA) and other CFTC regulations. , in addition to Zhao Changping, the agency also accused Samuel Lim, the former Chief Compliance Officer of the currency, of aiding and abetting the currency.


CFTC accuses Money and its three entities of operating centralized digital asset trading platforms and numerous other business tools through a deliberate, non-transparent joint venture. The defendant also allegedly deliberately ignored the CEA application and participated in a carefully planned regulatory arbitrage for commercial gain.


CFTC seeks compensation, civil damages, permanent market bans, and prohibition of further violations of CEA and CFTC regulations.

CFTC主席Rostin Behnam称,“多年来,币安明知他们违反了CFTC的规定,但却仍在进行交易。(今天的执法行动)对加密货币领域的任何人都应该是一个警告,CFTC不会容忍故意逃避美国法律的行为。”

President Rostin Behnam of the CFTC said, “For many years, the currency knew that they had violated the provisions of the CFC, but the deal was still going on. (Today’s law enforcement operation) should be a warning to anyone in the area of encryption money, and the CFTC will not tolerate deliberate evasion of the laws of the United States.”


Source: CFTC Official Network.

“被告涉嫌故意逃避美国法律是本委员会对币安进行起诉的核心。被告的电邮和聊天记录显示,币安的合规就是一场骗局,币安一次又一次地故意选择将利润置于法律之上。今天的执法行动反映出,CFTC及其执法部门将追究那些藐视并试图规避CFTC监管要求的加密货币平台和个人。”CFTC执法部门首席副主任兼首席法律顾问Gretchen Lowe表示。

The defendant’s e-mail and chat records show that currency compliance is a fraud, and the currency has deliberately chosen to put profits above the law again and again. Today’s enforcement action reflects that CFC and its law enforcement will pursue encrypted money platforms and individuals who flout and attempt to circumvent the regulatory requirements of CFC.”


The petition also stated that, from July 2019 to the present, the currency had supplied and executed bulk commodity derivatives for the United States. It was alleged that the `strang' currency compliance plan had been ineffective


The complaint alleges that, for most of the time, coins did not require their customers to provide any identification information prior to the transaction on the platform, despite its legal obligation. In addition, they failed to implement basic compliance procedures aimed at preventing and detecting the financing of terrorism and money-laundering.


The indictment further states that even after currency security claims to restrict United States customers from doing business on their platforms, currency security provides its customers, in particular United States VIP clients of commercial value, with the best way to circumvent compliance requirements. In addition, the indictment also accused them of playing the role of a designated contract market or alternative enforcement agency in facilitating derivatives transactions without registering with the CFC as required.


According to public sources, currency security is a global, encrypted currency exchange that provides a platform for transactions for over 100 encrypted currencies. In April 2018, currency security attracted about 1.4 million transactions per second, making it the world's largest encrypted currency exchange.

币安英文“ Binance”的名字基于单字binary和finance的组合,提供150多种加密货币的交易,包括比特币,以太坊,莱特币以及其BNB代币。

The name “binance” in the English language is based on a combination of words binary and finance, providing transactions in more than 150 encrypted currencies, including Bitcoin, Taiyo, Leitco and its BNB tokens.


At the end of 2021, in the context of a huge increase in encrypted currency, such as Bitcoin, Zhao Chang Peng, who was well known to all in the currency circle, was a Chinese-born Canadian entrepreneur. At the end of 2021, with $94.1 billion (approximately $63.4 billion renminbi), Zhao Chang Peng was the richest man in China and also the world’s ten richest and most famous.

虽然圈内经常戏谑地说道:“玩币 归赵”,意思就是个人投资者手中的币最终总会进到赵长鹏的口袋。但是在昔日加密货币的光芒之下,仍有人同样带着财富自由的梦,一头扎进这光怪陆离的世界之中,同样获益不少,觉得暴富已经瞬息可达。

Although the circle often says, “Playing the coins to Zhao, it means that the money in the hands of individual investors will eventually enter Zhao Chang Peng’s pocket. But in the light of old encrypted money, there are people who share the dream of wealth and freedom, and who also gain a lot in this strangely distant world, feeling that the rich is fast reaching.


However, as the global contraction has intensified and risk assets have borne the brunt, encrypted currencies face tight scrutiny by national regulators.


Bitcoin has been running low since the end of 2021.


According to Bloomberg, in June 2022, SEC investigated whether the first issue of coins in 2017 (ICO) involved a violation of securities law.


Moreover, it was not the first time that the CFTC had taken the “opening” of an encrypted currency exchange — according to a Reuters report — that last year the CFTC had also filed a lawsuit against BitMEX, one of the world's largest encrypted money derivatives exchange, for the cessation of the United States commodity derivatives business.


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