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[keywords] meta-cosm; persuasion to spread; counter-dissemination

【Abstract】Since March 2021, "metaverse" has become the hottest word in the world, and the explosive "metaverse" fever has swept the world.Major technology manufacturers and companies have entered the market, various media platforms have rushed to report.However,the homogenization of concept publicity and marketing hype, the immaturity of "metaverse" technology at this stage, and the information cocoon room existing on social platforms have made the public more consistent in their resistance to the concept of "metaverse". The ongoing controversy over the "metaverse" has further triggered social impacts such as fraud chaos, polarization of public sentiment, and prevalence of anti-intellectualism.

【Key words】Metaverse; Persuade the communication;Anti-propagation


Case description


The metacosystem is seen as the “final form” of the Internet, building on core technical support such as 3D, AR, VR, etc., to form a virtual digital world parallel to the real world. People are able to cross the spatial and temporal boundaries, and live in such an “open-source world” in numbers.


In March 2021, Roblox, the first share of the dollar cosmos concept, was listed on the United States stock exchange in New York with a market value of $40 billion on its first day; Facebook founder Zuckerberg announced that the company would change its name to Meta; domestic, byte, the acquisition of the VR business firm Pico, and Haile announced the release of the first intellectual cosmos platform; on December 21, 100th, the first national production of the cosmos product, “Hyoma”, was officially released; Chongqing City’s Yuan cosmopolitan pilot zone was officially unveiled on April 26, 2022; and higher schools such as the University of South China and the Nanjing Information Engineering University opened up the “Mysun cosmos”-related specializations...

从2021年上半年开始,元宇宙一时间在资本市场上仿佛“风光无限”,大量的媒体和企业营销文案反复地对“元宇宙”进行概念宣传和劝服传播,试图劝服公众对“元宇宙”的未来充满憧憬,或通过这一热点来获取一定的流量,或是为相关企业博得股票投资上的关注与支持。与此同时,在诸如微博、知乎、豆瓣、贴吧、B站、抖音等各大主要社交平台上,有关“元宇宙”话题的帖子和新闻下公众较一致地表达了“批判”的态度,具有明显的反营销、反传播倾向。2021年11月18日 ,人民日报微信公众号《万物皆可元宇宙?》一文表达了对元宇宙较客观的看法。到2022年10月28日,数据显示meta公司股价暴跌,季度收入下降。

From the beginning of the first half of 2021, the meta-cosm appeared to be “unlimited” in capital markets, with a large number of media and business marketing cases repeatedly promoting and persuading the concept of the meta-cosmos, trying to persuade the public to dream about its future, or to obtain a certain amount of flow through this hot spot, or to generate equity investment support for the firms involved. At the same time, on major social platforms such as micro-blogging, Knews, peas, bar, station B, tremors, etc., posts on the topic of the meta-cosmos and the public in the news expressed a clear anti-market and anti-dissemination stance. On November 18, 2021, People’s Daily News, “All things are in the universe?” expressed a more objective view of the meta-cosm. By October 28, 2022, the data showed a sharp fall in market prices for Meta’s companies and a decline in quarterly income.


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Case Analysis


I. Promotion of the concept of the “mass universe” on the media platform


From the dimension of the 100-degree index (e.g., figures 1 and 2), the epidemic’s online socialization has triggered a small wave of discussion among foreign academics in the field of computer science, such as virtual reality. On October 28, the social platform’s giant Facebook officially announced a change of name to “Meta”, and the actions of a series of major companies on the “Meta” have stimulated global capital markets and media platforms; at the same time, the science fiction film, Uncontrollable Players, which describes the virtual world, has been shown on a different platform at the same time; and the epidemic’s online socialization has triggered a small wave of discussion by foreign academics in the field of computer science, such as virtual reality.

图1                             图2                             图3 

(一) 同质化的概念炒作与媒体劝服

(i) Conversation of the concept of homogenization with the media


In other words, the term “Metaverse” is not a standardized concept of industry, and even the term “meta” is reminiscent of the ancient Greek era. After the change of name on Facebook, Stephenson, the author of the “Screen” wrote clarifying his relationship with the facebook as zero, actively desecrating his relationship with the facebook. More of the so-called “Metavers” is a descriptive, probative term for William Gibson in 1984. Different people, capital, media organizations, based on their understanding of the concept of expanding the metaspace, and even space for further reflection in the ancient Greek era. After the change of name on Facebook, Stephenson, the author of the “Stampon,” wrote a message clarifying his relationship with the facebook as zero.


At the same time, the deep connection between the metaspace and commerce prompted the mass media to try to persuade consumers to develop a positive attitude and purchasing behaviour toward specific commodities and industries. In March 2021, the market value of Roblox rose sharply, the country’s share of the A stock group, represented by China’s Qingbao, continued to rise, from 6 September to 16 November 2021, and the share price of China’s Qingbao was raised from $8.20/equity to $37.68/equity, with an increase of more than three times (data source msn) and the stock market’s rise led to the publication of a large number of articles on the concept of the meta-cosmos, in which the economic value of the meta-cosmos was enshrined rather than the technical essence, which was undoubtedly stigmatized by the public.

(二) 忽视理想与现实的差距

(ii) Ignore the gap between vision and reality


Although we have some knowledge of the relationship between the meta-cosmos and current technologies such as VR, AR, block chains, NFT, etc., it is undeniable that there is a gap between what the meta-cosmos describes and what human society still has. On the one hand, many of the above-mentioned technologies are currently at the exploitation stage and remain in commercial and industrial circles, far from daily civilian.

(三) 技术的双刃剑本质

(iii) The dual-edged nature of technology


Technology, like the sword of Damocles, hangs on the head of humanity. For a long time, scientific developments have broken down a long history of religion and superstition, but they have also triggered yet another round of renewal of humanism.


At the end of the day, the meta-coast points to a technology, a society’s future, and the commercial logic of capitalism behind it, the power of political discourse, ethics and privacy, and even the philosophical paradox of the human body and consciousness cannot be ignored. The “double-edged sword” of technology, by its very nature, creates such controversial logical fundamentals for the meta-coast, and the more media platforms and commercial companies promote and imagine the future of such technology, the more susceptible to public questioning and reflection.

二、 “万物皆可元宇宙”的负面影响

The negative impact of the “All is the universe”

(一) 诈骗乱象屡出

(i) Frequent frauds


In December 2021, the phenomenon of heatlessness brought about by the hotness of the concept of the meta-cosmos led to an illegal collection of funds and frauds by a group of outlaws and by a variety of names, using a descriptive concept such as the meta-cosm, travelling on the margins of the law and hiding in a complex publicity campaign called the meta-cosmos. In December 2021, a video of a meta-cosm “cosm” game, which commercials promoted as a game that could be “keep on the ground” and which, in fact, hides the punctuated punctuations of the Pon-cos, which they themselves or may already be suspected of illegally collecting money or financial fraud by using a virtual currency. In December 2021, a poster called the “Path of the Future” was circulated online, claiming that it would be possible to buy the “Mesun-cos” in the realm of the meta-cos, which led to the mockery of their friends.

(二) 公众情绪的群体极化

(ii) Group polarization of public sentiment


The most widely accepted definition of Keys Sanstein is that “group members have a certain tendency from the beginning to move in a biased direction after negotiation, eventually forming extreme views. The heat and expansiveness of the meta-cosm has triggered concerns in industry, academia, and all other circles. In the context of the euphemism of meta-cosmological concepts and publicity, biased articles such as this have provoked a consensus among professionals and non-professionals. The former questions the origin and creation of the concept, the dangers of technology, while the latter contradicts the pervasive homogenous information and mindlessness that surrounds it, and has given rise to a large number of attachments.

(三) 反智主义泛滥

(iii) The proliferation of anti-intellectualism


Thus, in exploring the social polarization of such a public sentiment, we need to think about the emotional expression that the meta-cosm technology itself is no longer the object of exploration and concern, but rather a symbolic symbol of popular entertainment, which is ultimately detrimental to the dissemination of science and leads to a proliferation of anti-intellectualism. The anti-intellectual phenomenon is not uncommon. In the United States, for example, a survey by the American poll agency, YouGov, in 2018 showed that only 66% of young people aged 18-24 in the United States believe that the Earth is round, while the remaining 34% are uncertain and even negative.


III. Ideas and reflections


(i) Physical departure, closer to reality


The rhetoric and propaganda of the meta-cosm concept has inspired the media and platforms to look at the “reality” of communication for any target. Here, the “reality” of the discussion is not limited to the truth in the journalistic sense, but extends to the content object itself, with a presenceist “objective reality”, that is, a statement that can be accepted by society and the general sense of the public and can be tested.


(ii) Focus issues, scientific dissemination


And if the media industry takes full advantage of the role of scientific dissemination in the development of science and technology, it will be able to guide science and technology into society earlier. The ultimate goal is to disseminate scientific knowledge to the public, spiritually raise the level of public scientific knowledge, culture, and promote public understanding of science, support, and participation.


Every emerging concept and industry that has been celebrated has to a certain extent created bubbles, and when the bubbles dissipate, how do we avoid repeating them? As the People’s Daily concludes with an article, “All is within the universe?”:


Whether it is the mirror moon or the touch of the future, whether it's capital or the new track, or whether it's a new bottle of old wine or a new breakthrough in technology, it would be better to “let the bullet fly for a while” before concluding.



[1] 喻国明,耿晓梦.元宇宙:媒介化社会的未来生态图景[J].新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)

[1] Cognitive, Geng Xiaomei Yuan cosmos: a future ecological picture of a mechanized society [J]. Xinjiang Teachers' College Journal (philosophy social sciences edition)

[2] 赵汀阳.假如元宇宙成为一个存在论事件[J].江海学刊,

[2] Tingyang, if Yuan cosmos were to become an event of existence [J].


[3] 刘子涵.元宇宙:人类数字化生存的高级形态[J].新阅读,

[3] Liu Zixian. Yuan cosmos: advanced forms of digital human survival [J]. new reading,


[4] 刘永谋.元宇宙的现代性忧思[J].阅江学刊

[4] Liu Young-shin... contemporary thoughts of the Yuan cosmos [J].

[5] 许鑫,易雅琪,汪晓芸.元宇宙当下“七宗罪”:从产业风险放大器到信息管理新图景[J].图书馆论坛,2022,42(01):38-44.

[5] Xu Jian, Iyaki, Wang Xiaojian. The cosmos is now “seven counts of crime”: from industrial risk amplifiers to new information management images [J]. Library Forum, 2022, 42 (01): 38-44.

[6] 高奇琦,隋晓周.元宇宙的政治社会风险及其防治[J].新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),




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