4月17日,Merlin Chain 宣布已開放Merlin's Seal 積分對應的空投查詢頁。據悉MERL 的20%將分發給質押Merlin's Seal 的用戶,以MERL總量為21億的數量來看,本次空投代幣數量約為4.2億枚。雖然MERL代幣仍未正式發行,但已有多個場外的MERL平台推出了交易對,4月18日MERL的價格約為1.74,以此價格計算。本輪空投的規模約為7.3億美元。
On April 17, Merlin Chain announced the opening of the Merlin & #39; s Seal credit check page for air drops. It was reported that 20% of Merlin & #39; s Seal's clients, in terms of their total MerL of 2.1 billion, were to be assigned to Merlin & #39. Although Merl's currency had not yet been officially issued, there were several outside MERL platforms offering transactions, with the price of MerL on April 18 estimated at 1.74, which is about $730 million.
In Merlin, the outcome of the pledge was not positive, with PANews accounting for the main types of pledge product, if one BTC value had been initially pledged. Only BTC, ETH, USDT, or ORDI were at the end of the day positive, and several others negative. Of these, except BTC, which had a combined interest rate of 82.25 per cent, had won the highest yield in the period.
According to the current user feedback rate of about 68:1 and the current air drop of 4.2 tokens, PANews returns a total of about 28.5 billion points.
On this score, if based on an off-site currency price of $1.74, the price per fraction would be approximately US$0.025.
那麼在Merlin Chain進行質押所獲得的利益有多少呢?
So what are the benefits of the pledge at Merlin Chain?
依照上述的計算方法,1個比特幣每日可兌換的MERL的代幣數量約為146個,收益金額約255美元每天。如果用戶從2月8日開始質押,直到4月14日。 66天質押收益約16876美元。
According to the calculations described above, the number of MERLs that can be replaced by a bitcoins per day is about 146, with a return of about US$ 255 per day. If the user is to be held in custody from 8 February until 14 April, the 66-day pledge is about US$ 16,876.
如果你沒有參與Merlin 的質押活動,會賺的更多嗎?
Would you have made more if you hadn't taken part in Merlin's pledge?
On 8 February, Bitcoins collected US$ 45,288, up to US$ 7,3777 on 14 April. If user A is a trader, during this period chooses to hold only bitcoins and sell them at the highest point, user A has a maximum yield of US$ 28488 and a maximum return of 62.9 per cent.
用戶B假設是在Merlin鏈上的忠實用戶,從質押的第一天就質押了1個比特幣,直到4月14日才選擇撤出(理論計算,實際上要等比特幣減半後才能撤出)。那麼該用戶的收益為比特幣持有的收益+ Merlin空投收益,這兩者的收益相加約為37,249美元,收益率最大為82.25%。
User B assumes to be a loyal user on the Merlin chain, with a bitcoin pledged from the very first day of the pledge, until April 14, when it chose to withdraw (the theory is that it actually waits for the bitcoins to be cut by half). The user then has a gain in bitcoin + the Merlin drop, which is approximately $37,249 plus a return of up to 82.25 per cent.
By contrast, if the price of Merl’s currency maintains the current trade price when it is online, then the risk that the client’s pledge on the Merl may avoid the cowback file may be significant, but the overall difference is not significant. If the formal opening price of Merl falls below 0.83 US dollars, then the yield of the Merl’s airdrops and currency holdings would be better to sell BTC at a higher point.
Since Merlin’s points are calculated as BTC equivalents (10,000 cents per day per BTC), many of the non-BTC holdings that have been pledged have been affected by BTC transfer rates, resulting in a fall in current prices and a reduction in the number of points.
For those who hold RATS assets, it is likely that the pledge on Merlin will miss the best time to sell. During Merlin’s pledge period, RATS will have a yield of up to 169% of its sole currency, and if Merlin is selected for a drop-off, the overall rate of return will be -10.67%.
For example, at the time of the initial pledge, the A user chose to take BTC, and the B client took RATS, which were also assets valued at 1 BTC, assuming that the initial amount was $45288.
For A users, his daily score is the same, 10,000 points.
And because RATS has been changing to BTC, the overall trend has been downward, with RATS having dropped by 56.79 per cent from 8 February to 14 April, which means that B users will have less than 10,000 credits per day. If we estimate this decline by linear variations, the sum of the B clients holding RATS is 220,000 fewer than the A users holding BTC, which is about 2,754 less than the number of moles.
The combined RATS prices fell by approximately 37.4 per cent from 8 February to 14 April, and even if the 26.6 per cent rate of return through the pledge was calculated, the combined rate of return for the period was -10.6 per cent.
However, these are calculated only for Merlin’s pledge award, and not for other items of Merlin’s ethos. The benefits would be better if they were combined for other projects in the system.
The 20% of this round will be released 50% in the first month, and then unlocked in six months. At the current extravagant price of $1.74, the market value will be completely diluted by about US$ 3,654 million.
另根據官方公告顯示,MERL代幣將於4月19日10:00 UTC時間開始在OKX、Hashkey Global、Bitget等多家CEX上開啟交易。
According to the official announcement, on April 19th, at 10:00 UTC time, Merl will start trading on several CEXs, including OKX, Hashkey Global, Bitget, etc.
官方公佈的數據顯示,這輪空投活動期間。 91%來自比特幣原生社群(其中17.5 億美元的BTC和9.8億美元的BRC-20資產)。就此來看,大多數的用戶仍選擇了採用BTC進行質押,這也是目前在Merlin鏈上擼空投的最優選擇。
According to official sources, 91% came from the Bitcoin native community (of which $1.75 billion is BTC and $980 million is BRC-20). As a result, most users still chose to use BTC as a pledge, which is now the best option for airdrops on the Merlin chain.
As a whole, for those who hope to reap their gains from airdrops, the last large drop in StarkNet has fallen by 85% since its height. When swapping real silver for airdrops, it may be necessary to consider changes in market behavior and learn more subtle ways to do it.
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