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Internet development started late in China xff0c; but it developed rapidly xff0c; it began with real Internet access in China xff0c from 1994 onwards; an average of three to five years xff0c; xff0c; from 1994 to 1996 xff0c; it belonged to the initial gestation phase xff0c; website and xff1b; from 1997 to 2003; xff0c; xff08; xff09; xff0c; xff0; xxx0; xxxb; xxxb; ffffx; xxb; xxxb; bx; bb; xx; bb; bx; x; bb; ; ; ; ; ;


一、Web3.0的概念全新 开创个性为王的时代

i. Web3.0 is a whole new concept, creating an era of personality as king


Many say we haven't figured out what's going on at Web 2.0 & #xff0c; Web3.0 again & #xff0c; the speed of Internet development is amazing & #xff0c; the innovation of the Internet is always present & #xff0c; its charm is constantly being reinterpreted & #xff0c; whether you accept xff0c; Web3.0 is coming. So xff0c; what's going on xff1f; let's do a comparison xff0c; help you better understand the difference between them #xff0c; and let you better share the benefits of the innovation of the Internet.


其实就和Web1.0、Web2.0一样,Web3.0也只是由业内人员制造出来的概念词语而已,它从来就没有所谓的定义。在今年的韩国"首尔数字论坛"上,Google CEO Eric Schmidt就被问及在Google眼里,到底什么是Web3.0。Eric给出的答案是Web3.0是各种技术应用的组合。这听起来的确有点像是"Google正在打造Web3.0"。这意味着对于个人用户来讲互联网将更具有可管理性。

In fact, like Web1.0, Web 2.0 & #xff0c; Web3.0 is just a concept term made by people in the industry & #xff0c; it has never been defined. This year's Korea & #34; Seoul Digital Forum & #34; on & #xff0c; Google CEO Eric Schmidt is asked what is in Google's eye & #xff0c; what is Web3.0. Eric's answer is that Web3.0 is a combination of technology applications. This does sound a little #34; Google is building Web3.0 #34; this means that the Internet will be more manageable for individual users.



In the author's view xff0c; web1.0 is an elite culture xff0c; the era of conglomerates xff1b; web 2.0 is a grass roots culture xff0c; the era of succour xff1b; web3.0 is a sex culture xff0c; a new personality age will be created. Whether you are an elite or a root xff0c; xff0c in the era of solution xff0c; will have a personal identity xff0c; it will build a personal information platform based on your interests, hobbies, needs, personality, knowledge, etc. xff0c;



Web1.0 allows the Internet to centralize, inform, professionalize & #xff0c; creates an era of conglomerates & #xff0c;
web sites such as New Wave, Fox Search, Web Easy & #xff1b;
web 2.0 makes the Internet open, interactive, universal & #xff0c; #xff0c creates the era of segregation & xff0c; Blog, Wiggs, SNS, #xff1b;
Web3.0 allows the Internet to be personalized, refined, intelligent #xff0c; #xff0c; #xff0c; excellent representatives such as Yafrog (Yawa.com), Netvibes, etc.



The definitional characteristic of web3.0 can be expressed from above in four points xff1a below;



1. Personality is xff1a;
has good personalization settings xff0c; one of the very important features xff0c; elements such as displays, colours, pixels, frames, etc. required by the user can be set freely by the user.



2. User experience xff1a;
has a good humanization of user experience xff0c; better representation of user needs xff0c; human interface friendly xff0c; intelligent UI interface.



3 Modular custom & #xff1a;
with good custom customization of modules & #xff0c; Modular organization & #xff08; widget) Free integration & #xff0c; customized for multi-end platforms such as computers, mobile phones and PDF.



4. Data integration & #xff1a;
has a good vast data integration capability & #xff0c; data resources can be freely integrated by users. In the future, an open API will develop more applications for interested users & #xff0c; achieve more modules & #xff0c; integration functions for user-free organization units. The Internet continues to evolve xff0c; in the age of big information xff0c; users need to find information they need faster and more precisely xff0c; this will require data integration xff0c; and intelligent synthesis users need information.



The platform will be micro-modules & #xff08; the micro-application module & #xff0c; or the unit organization & #xff09; make-up & #xff0c; the user will fully and autonomously create the information module module & #xff0c; the platform will be based on user needs & #xff0c; the intelligent handling of Internet-based big information integration & #xff0c; the eventual aggregation of user-specific needs. The platform will be xff0c; it will be more precise, intelligent, individual xff0c; all information on the platform is entirely controlled and integrated by users xff0c; the web platform will provide only technical support and improved services. xff0c; a more intelligent “clean” network #xff0c; it is a filter #xff0c; and the intelligence integration of user needs flow of information.



II. Web3.0 will redefine web marketing


In the concept of Yafrog (www.yaawa.com); xff0c as the network develops xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c as web3.0; xff0c as it changes the way users access information and user behaviour xff0c; xff0c; xff0c as well; redefinition of network marketing.



1. Precision marketing
Web3.0 is a sexual era xff0c; it also makes users more accurate xff0c; both keywords and orientations xff0c; it reflects the individuality needs of the individual age xff0c; it makes users more relevant to the information xff0c; and its users more accurate. For example, when a user aggregates information on a “building property” xff0c; its behaviour is related to a built-in property xff0c; marketing for such a group of users xff0c; that is more representative of the interface between business and users.



2. Embedded marketing
when Google created the AdSense embedded advertising marketing model & #xff0c; it did count as an innovation. But when the time of web3.0 comes & #xff0c; it works better in web3.0, neither content nor abstract #xff0c; it does not affect user reading & #xff0c; it does well to display the enterprise's products and brands.



3 widget marketing
in the past Internet era xff0c; there is no flexible widget element xff0c; hence there is no widget marketing. In the future of API opening xff0c; web3.0 will be elements of a large number of applications of widget xff0c; widget has translations into form mini- or microscopic xff0c; in fact it is part of the application technology module xff0c; it is a user-free organization integrating xff0c; it is a unit that reflects individualization. It has emerged xff0c; it is also possible to present new marketing models xff0c; #xff0c; widget module xff0c in the chain related to enterprise products; and it integrates new marketing models.



4. Database marketing
while big information and large individualized aggregates xff0c; bringing together a large number of users and data xff0c; xff0c through data timeliness analysis; making it possible to sort out a huge user behaviour and habits analysis etc. xff0c; xff0c through a huge data stream xff0c; combining with precision marketing mode xff0c; providing powerful database marketing. Although it is not a new model xff0c; it is a bright spot for web3.0.



5: Monument marketing
lives in the era of the Internet xff0c; whether we drink tea and chat xff0c; or drink wine xff0c; and talk more or less about what we like about the Internet. And good user experience xff0c; that's user behavior preferences xff0c; web3.0 has good user experiences and user habits xff0c; it's the most important point that future users will talk about.



III. Web3.0 will change user access to information


By that time, xff0c; the integrated portal of the same pattern that everyone can see will no longer exist xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; and xff0c, which is the first page of the new wave news that people see will be interested in; xff0c; xff0c, which they will not be interested in; these personalized aggregations are entirely dependent on a powerful intelligent identification system xff0c; and long-term analysis and locking of a user’s Internet behavior patterns. This personalized convergence model will destabilize the traditional integrated portal xff0c; Web3.0-era Internet evaluation criteria are no longer traffic, hits xff0c; but access rates and user values.



The real Web3.0 era is not just about providing integration services according to user needs xff0c; creating an integrated service platform xff0c; and, more importantly, xff0c; providing personalized polymerization services based on user preferences. This is particularly true in the case of Yaawa.com. For example, xff0c; personal intelligence of search engines xff0c; users do not have to analyse and test how to combine key words xff0c; a web site that lists what they want xff0c; personal preferences and background connections xff0c; search engines that can provide suitable data xff0c; a more rapid search for information, problem solving xff0c; and a web-based #ff #jff & #xxx1 ; #ff #bff synthesy ff ; #x #x ff #bf & nf ff & np ff & np & np ff & nt ff & nt ff & nt ff & nt & ff ff & nt & ff & ff ff ; # ff # ff # ff # ff ff # ff ff # & ff # ff ff # ff ff # ff # ff ff & ff # ff ff # ff # ff # ff ff # # ff ff ff & # ff ff # # # ff ff # ff # # # ff ff # ff # ff # ff ff ff # # # ff ff # # # # # ff # # ff ff # # ff # # ff ff # ff ff ff # ff ff # # ff ff # ff # ff ff ff # # # # #



iv. Web3.0 will change user behaviour and habits


As more web3.0 web sites appear xff0c; it is both a tool and a platform xff0c; it saves a great deal of user time xff0c; it will acquire a large number of user preferences xff0c; at the same time xff0c; it will slowly develop a new group of users xff0c; it will eventually take websites such as xfff0c with web-navigation, portal news, etc.; instead it will choose the way of accessing the Internet and the direction of attention xff0c; and the individualization of web3.0 will be the preferred way for users.



So xff0c; Internet mode xff0c of the Web3.0 era, which is truly user-friendly; Internet mode xff0c, which must be based on the convergence of user behaviour, habits and information; personalized demand setting, humanized design, friendly interfaces, easy access etc. are the core elements of the user experience xff0c; and information aggregation based on user needs is the big trend and the great future of the Internet.



Combining xff0c; as a general Internet user xff0c; no matter how the Internet changes xff0c; it will always serve users xff0c; and the advent of web3.0 xff0c; the age of personality is about to break out xff0c; we should open our minds xff0c; and we should meet the new era of the Internet xff01;


Author & #xff1a; U Xibin & #xff08; ID: High & Xff09;
Blog & #xff1a; http://www.wuchuanbin.com




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