
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:23 评论:0



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At a round-table forum on the theme “The direction and trends in the application of the block chain”, which was concluded before the end of the series of activities of the Flame Group “Fire companions asked about Wudang”, industry guests expressed the view that, as technology and scenes matured, there was scope for increasing the application and future demand of the block chain industry in the real economy.


In 2019, it was widely recognized as a watershed in the development of the block chain, a concept previously perceived by the public, where the application was mainly a digital currency and smart contract; today, industrial development has shown a trend towards the integration of the block chain with the traditional industry, and the application of the block chain has evolved in a number of areas.


According to the Deputy Director-General of the Commercial Property Department of Sino-Sinjiang, many of the stages of development in the real estate sector are well suited to the applications of block-chain technology, and some of the applications are already on the ground. For example, Yu Anjin District, which does not use the traditional model of commercial real-estate development, can introduce block-chain technology to manage its stock assets, mainly in the form of public rental housing. For example, the upgrading of more profitable and complex squatter settlements, and the introduction of block-chain technology, keeping track of the progress made, can make the process more open and transparent.


President Xiaojun said that China had more than 50,000 private gas stations serving more than 100 million car owners, with a yearly turnover of about $1.3 trillion and a very large market. Private gas stations were a less informative industry, so they were well suited to introducing block-chain technology for asset management and efficiency.


According to Xiaojun, Siving shares have entered into strategic cooperation with China, which has worked together to build the Haima energy supply chain and to promote the landing of block chains in areas such as private gas station user growth, smart service platforms, oil traceability and oil supply chain finance.


The International Centre for Intellectual Property Rights Transactions in Yokohama, CTO, said that the intellectual property industry was well suited to the fielding of block-chain technology applications and was currently focusing on three directions. First, it had the right to store intellectual property rights on block chains; second, to develop smart contracts using block-chain technologies, so that institutions of the intellectual property value chain would work on the basis of a consensus reached in smart contracts to promote the value appreciation of intellectual property rights; and, third, to undertake financial innovation, to use block-chain technology to digitize the assets of intellectual property rights, and then to divide assets and place them on exchanges.


While some practical results have been achieved since this year with regard to the application of block chains, the process of the application of block chains has been, in the view of many practitioners, much slower than anticipated.


Mr. XVII, Vice-President of the Coal Group, said that the development of block chain technology had been somewhat slow over the year because of the lack of scenery and the fact that, for the scene and application side, the return to technology was dependent on the maturity of the technological infrastructure and the upgrading of the technology base. To some extent, it had become a dead end. So, to accelerate the fall of the block chain industry, it was necessary to open the dead end.


First, applications depend on the maturity of infrastructure and the upgrading of bottom performances, whether cross-chain technologies or performance indicators, which require a step closer to the status quo than is currently the case. By way of mobile operating systems, Seban did not succeed as an ecosystem in that year, and apples did.


Second, there is a need for continuous infusion of the scenes. Lord Xian also gave the example of how many Apps had no life before they were moved to pay, and it was very difficult when it came to online payments. Video services such as Aichi, for example, would not be warm until mobile payments, for example, were made.


In addition to working towards these two essential conditions, there is a need not to relax the attempt to integrate block chain technology and traditional industries across the block chain industry. Continuous effort is needed to learn lessons in practice.


For example, it has worked with the Coconut Network and Hainan Bank to develop the Coconut Stocking Platform, which is the country's first block-based “competing technology distribution and exchange platform”; and with the International Centre for Intellectual Property Rights Transactions in Yokohama, to study a one-stop intellectual property service platform, to produce a double record of block chains and time stampes, to provide a rigorous forensic record of the original creators and their works, from the birth of the intellectual property right to the application, transaction, lease, search for infringement, and rights, and to provide full life cycle protection. In addition, the Coal China has explored the application of the chain in the context of identity certification, oil traceability, and the operation of membership rights and interests.




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