The highest increase or decline in the yen cosmopolitan concept unit on March 21 is in rainbow soft technology, with a start-up offer of $33.75 and the latest offer of $37.5, an increase of 10.62%.
>, which is the conglomerates of the meta-cosmos
, which shares do you have in the meta-cosmology concept unit

1, Yoshiro shares: flagship shares
公司业务有互联网相关业务。3月21日晚间复盘最新消息,吉宏股份5日内股价上涨22.35%,截至15点收盘,该股报20.810元涨9.99% 。
The company has Internet-related operations.
The company is engaged in digital visual integration services.
The company is mainly involved in the integration of marketing and communication services. On 21 March, Zeung-ya International night review, stock prices rose by 4.55 per cent within 7 days, rising by 17.22 per cent this year, and the latest report, $22.880, increased by 3.63 per cent, with a market value of $3.639 billion.
4, Perfect World: Head
The company’s main business is network games and video business. On 21 March, the perfect world closed at 3 p.m., the unit rose by 3.44 per cent, reporting $15.920, and the share price rose by 11.24 per cent in five days, with a total market value of $30,884 million.
1, Yoshiro shares: flagship shares
In the second quarter of 2022, Yoshiro, which is owned by ToC - a cross-border power provider for Internet marketing, colour wrappers, paper boxes, environmentally friendly food packagings, etc., earned 1,447 million yuan, 570 million yuan, 442 million yuan, or 55.22 per cent, 21.74 per cent and 16.88 per cent.
财报显示, 2022年第三季度,公司营业收入13.15亿元;归属上市股东的净利润为8338.92万元;全面摊薄净资产收益 4.11%;毛利率41.43%,每股收益0.22元。
The financial statements show that in the third quarter of 2022, the company earned $1,315 million in operating income; net profits attributable to listed shareholders amounted to $83.392 million; total net equity gains of 4.11 per cent; and a Māori rate of 41.43 per cent at $0.22 per share.
In the second quarter of 2022, CG Visual Services, CG Dynamic Visual Services, etc., were based on income of $386 million and $6,901.29 million, or 84.82 per cent and 15.17 per cent.
Silk Road Vision released its third quarter of 2022, achieving operating income of $281 million, a year-on-year increase of -27.39 per cent, a mother-to-man profit of 20.996 million, a year-on-year profit of 16.65 per cent, and a gain of $0.18 per share.
In the second quarter of 2022, Zhenya International’s main business was digital advertising services, digital marketing services, data technology products services, etc., with revenues of $295 million, 98,473.3 million and 2,588,000 yuan, representing a ratio of 70.38 per cent, 23.46 per cent and 6.16 per cent.
财报显示, 2022年第三季度,公司营业收入2.78亿元;归属上市股东的净利润为1230.7万元;全面摊薄净资产收益 3.7%;毛利率20.88%,每股收益0.07元。
The financial statements show that in the third quarter of 2022, corporate operating income was $278 million; net profits attributable to listed shareholders were $12.307 million; total net equity proceeds were 3.7 per cent; and the Maori rate was 20.88 per cent, with a gain of $0.07 per share.
4, Perfect World: Head
In the second quarter of 2022, the perfect world company was based on mobile network games, PC-end network games, television dramas, etc., with revenues of 2,624 million yuan, 978 million yuan and 119 million yuan, representing 66.88 per cent, 24.93 per cent and 3.03 per cent.
The perfect world released its third quarter of 2022, generating operating income of $1,788 million, an increase of -29.4 per cent in the same year and a net return to the mother of -304 million, a ratio of -43.85 per cent; a gain of $0.16 per share.
1, Rainbow Soft Technology (688088) : The company has visual artificial intelligence technology in its business.
2, Waqay e-Bay (300592) : The company's main business is a creative and cultural enterprise that provides services for the design of space-based arts. On March 21, Walle e-Bay's evening review news, stock prices rose by 22.01 per cent over seven days, and this year increased by 33 per cent, with the latest report of $22,850, an increase of 10.39 per cent and a market value of $6.608 billion.
3, Yuseng (00310) : The company’s main business is running up-to-date, distribution channels and branding.
4、川大智胜(002253):公司主营业务为航空与空管业务、虚拟现实( VR)和增强现实( AR)及“人工智能”业务。3月21日晚间复盘消息,川大智胜开盘报价18.03元,收盘于18.710元。7日内股价上涨16.78%,总市值为42.21亿元。
4, Kawakami Ji-sung (002253), : The company’s main business is aviation and air traffic management, virtual reality (VR) and enhancement of reality (AR) and “artificial intelligence” operations.
6, Kunlen Wanvi (300418) : The company is engaged in Internet services. On 21 March, the Unit reported $30.100 up to 15 p.m., an increase of 8.27 per cent and an increase of 9.34 per cent in stock prices in 3 days, with a total market value of $35.765 billion.
7、拓尔思(300229):公司从事物联网通信、人工智能/大数据、 ICT 运营管理、手机游戏。3月21日消息,拓尔思收盘于24.430元,涨8.15%。7日内股价上涨4.13%,总市值为194.29亿元。
8. The company’s main business is primary and secondary education software.
The data are provided by the Southern Wealth Network for information purposes only and do not constitute an investment proposal. Stock markets are at risk and investments need to be prudent, and thus operate on a risk-taking basis.
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