元宇宙玩家被“性侵” 扎克伯格太着急

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:18 评论:0



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Man/Wang Wai-jung


Editor/Chou Xiaoqi


May 20, 20, 20, 20, is the tenth anniversary of Facebook. Ten years ago, Zuckerberg harvested the largest listing ever by a technology company in the United States.


Ten years later, Facebook changed its name to Meta.




Last October, Meta said that it would invest about $10 billion in the coming year in the development of technologies to build a “metacosmos”, where consumers could access virtual work and entertainment worlds through leading devices.


As was the case with mobile devices, Zuckerberg's choice of a meta-cosmos at this time is still lacking in clear business models and profit paths. This raises concerns about the future development of Meta.

投资公司YCG Investments首席投资官(CIO)布莱恩·亚克特曼(Brian Yacktman)称:“我对‘元宇宙’的担忧是,这笔投资更像是钻探油井,你可能会两手空空,也可能会发财。我的疑问是,它的规模会有多大,以及谁会成为赢家。”

The investment company YCG Investments Chief Investment Officer (CIO) Brian & Middot; Brian Yacktman says, "I'm worried that this investment is more like drilling oil wells, and you may be empty and rich. My question is, how big it will be, and who will win."


It's still unknown whether Zuckerberg's bet will be successful. But the reality is that Zuckerberg's absence does not prevent him from running into the meta-cosm.


Meta has taken the lead when the world is still in the early stages of the meta-cosm. Promotion of meta-cosm games, investment in related companies, development of VR devices, and Meta’s first down-the-line shop.

“我希望未来我们不再只是一个社交平台,而是被视为一家元宇宙公司。”扎克伯格在去年Facebook Connect大会这样说。

“I hope that in the future we are no longer just a social platform, but are seen as a meta-cosm company.” Zuckerberg said on Facebook last year at the Connect conference.


As Meta runs into the meta-cosm, the after-effects are rapidly highlighted, and problems arise. Players are sexually abused, equipment patented torts, and so on.

回看社交巨头Facebook近几年发展缓慢的业绩,尤其是受到Tik Tok的狙击后,快速押注元宇宙是扎克伯格不得不做的选择。 如果抓住元宇宙风口,并抢到第一块蛋糕,是对公司其他业务的纾困,也是抢占下一个时代的机会。

looks back at the slow progress of social giant Facebook in recent years, especially after being sniped by Tik Tok, fast-tracking the meta-cosmos is the choice Zuckerberg had to make. If he catches the meta-cosmos and grabs the first cake, it is a relief to the company’s other business and an opportunity to seize the next era.


It's just that at a time when the business model of the meta-cosmos is not clear, there's a little too much rush in Zuckerberg.


01 player sexually assaulted. What about the story of the meta-cosmos?


"Strange" seems to have changed when "sexual abuse" spreads from the real world to the virtual world.


Recently, according to the foreign media, a 21-year-old woman was “sexually harassed” by a male virtual figure during her experience of Meta's meta-cosm game, Horizon World.


The report quotes from SumofUs that one male virtual image “almost raped” her virtual image, while another incarnation male virtual image “watches”.

显然,这是一个很糟糕的元宇宙体验。 在这个游戏中,虚拟人物的接触能使玩家手中的控制器产生振动,一旦发生类似侵犯时,即便是在虚拟世界中,受害者也会产生不适感。

It's obviously a bad meta-cosm experience. In this game, virtual contacts can vibrate the control devices in the player's hands and, in the event of a similar violation, the victim can feel uncomfortable even in the virtual world.


This experience is no doubt contrary to the original intent of Horizon World. According to the official presentation, it is an interesting and warm virtual reality in which as many as 20 players can create their own communities, explore, and entertain.




In response, Meta’s official spokesperson stated that the victim had unfortunately failed to open many of the security features of Horizon World, in which the “personal boundary” function would create a “protective shield” around the player in a radius of about one metre, preventing other virtual figures from touching, thus preventing harassment. He also said, “We do not recommend the closure of the security function for people we don’t know.”


shows from Meta's response that the player was assaulted because the security function of the “personal boundary” was not opened and did not seem to be relevant to the platform itself.


In fact, however, such incidents did not occur for the first time.


Last December, during the Horizon World test, a female player had the same experience. At the same time, the tester said that a stranger had tried to “touch” her virtual role in the square. “This (unwell) feeling was stronger than being harassed on the Internet,” she wrote.


In common, the above-mentioned victims state that the feelings and shocks of sexual abuse and the real world are no different, discomfort, or even stronger. In other words, such attacks, which appear to have been committed without physical contact, actually cause emotional harm to the victims.


"Strange" is not a joke on the ordinary Internet. But being in virtual reality adds another dimension to the feeling. I am not only harassed, but there are others who support it, which makes me feel isolated in the square. One victim described his feelings of aggression in the meta-cosm.


Earlier, in 2018, a survey of 600 VR players using at least two times a month showed that 49 per cent of women and 36 per cent of men reported having experienced “sexual harassment” in the virtual world.


Among other things, what gave rise to widespread discussion was whether it would be sexual abuse if the victim was not physically touched.


In response, Jesse & Middot, Associate Professor at Ohio State University, who studied the social impact of virtual reality, said, "People should remember that sexual harassment is never just a physical matter. It can be oral or virtual."


Kathryn, a Washington University Institute specializing in cyber harassment, also stated that sexual assault in the virtual and real worlds was not so different and could produce the same psychological and neurological responses.

更重要的是,元宇宙讲究的本身就是用户的沉浸感和体验感,在这种环境中发生的行为也同样具有真实性。 在特定的元宇宙中,如果此类事件频频发生,势必会对玩家造成身体和心理的伤害。

More importantly, the meta-cosm is a user’s sense of sobriety and experience, and the behavior that occurs in this environment is equally true.




According to Meta’s response, the platform is now open to security features that can help players protect themselves in the game. But it does not provide the relevant regulatory or even punitive policies, which undoubtedly bury the pitfalls.


In particular, when players commit the above-mentioned acts, they are not subject to any punishment or warning, which may contribute to the occurrence of such events. As long as some believe that the virtual world can be free from the law, they are likely to do whatever they want, and that happens all the time.


is currently looking at the need to explore over the long term the balance between the user's sense of experience and authenticity and the rules for the regulation and punishment of certain misconduct.


Now, Meta's meta-cosm game is clearly not balanced by too much haste to attract users. But Zuckerberg doesn't want and does not want to wait too long, and he's eager to tell a new story.


02 Zuckerberg rushing into the meta-cosmos

去年十月,Facebook Connect大会的第二天,Facebook曾经的大拇指logo被撤下,取而代之的是一个新logo和一个新名字“Meta”。

Last October, on the second day of the Facebook Connect Congress, Facebook's thumb logo was removed and replaced by a new logo and a new name, Meta.


At the same time, Zuckerberg said that the word “Meta” came from Greek and meant transcending. But in the mouth of the meta-cosmos, the meaning of Meta seemed to be closer to the meta-cosm “Metaverse”.


Zuckerberg's rush to take advantage of the Yuan cosmos pioneer made him the founder of the most active technology company in pursuit of the Yuan cosmos.


And the 18-year-old company Facebook changed its name to Meta, just the first step in Zuckerberg's bet on the meta-cosmos. After that, Meta's movement on the meta-cosmos became more and more frequent.


First of all, the game, as one of the ways to enter the meta-cosmos, is the most easily connected part of VR, which naturally becomes the focus of Meta's energy.

在 Meta Quest Gaming Showcase 2022上,扎克伯格展示了十几款游戏,类型包括射击游戏、动作冒险游戏等,其中不乏根据影视作品《捉鬼敢死队》《行尸走肉》改编的VR游戏。

At Meta Quest Gaming Showcase 2022, Zuckerberg showed a dozen games, including shooting games, action adventure games, etc., including VR games, adapted from the video " Ghostbusters ".

但用户想要体验元宇宙,首要需要解决的问题是获取一个进入元宇宙的途径。 这时候,硬件设备便成为了一切的基础。

But the first thing that users want to experience is to get a way into the metacosystem. , when hardware is the basis for everything.


Zuckerberg, who was aware of the importance of hardware, spent $3 billion on VR helmets, Oculus, when the first wave of VRs rose in 2014. Zuckerberg explained the reasons for the acquisitions: missing smartphones and their operating systems, many companies have been reduced to Google and Apple. In the future, only having their own hardware platforms and systems can control their fate.


Today, after reintroduction, Zuckerberg is rushing to announce that more VR/AR devices will be introduced and appears to be trying to make Meta a “noun” of the meta-cosmos.

扎克伯格在今年一季度财报电话会议中提到,“今年晚些时候,我们将发布一款更高端的耳机,代号为Project Cambria,它将更加专注于工作场景,并最终取代你的笔记本电脑或工作设置。”

As Zuckerberg mentioned in a telephone conference in the first quarter of this year, “We will issue later this year a higher headphone, code-named Project Cambria, which will focus more on the work scene and eventually replace your laptop or job set-up”.

而对于Project Nazare来说,想要达到发售标准,还有很长一段时间。目前来看,这两个设备还处于研发阶段,究竟何时能与市场见面,以及发售,都是未知数。

For Project Nazare, there is still a long way to go before it can be sold. At present, these two devices are still in the research and development phase, and it is not clear when they will meet the market and when they will be sold.


Zuckerberg couldn't wait that long for him to quickly push his existing VR/AR hardware equipment to more users.

于是在本月初,Meta全球首家元宇宙实体店正式开业。 线下店中,Meta 硬件部门的两大核心产品VR头显Quest 2和视频电话设备Portal被摆在了最为显眼的位置,还有Meta和雷朋合作开发的智能眼镜Stories。

At the beginning of this month, Meta's world's first Yuan Cosmos real-estate shop was officially opened. Two of the core products of Meta's hardware department, VR-head Quest 2, and video telephone equipment Portal, were placed in the most visible positions, and smart glasses were developed by Meta and Leyburn.



不可否认的是,高频率地推出元宇宙相关产品、开设线下店,让Meta花费不少资金。Meta报告称,该公司2021年在现实实验室(Reality Labs)投入/减值损失101.9亿美元。

Undeniably, high-frequency launches of meta-cosmos-related products and down-to-line shops cost Meta a lot of money. Meta reports that it lost $10.19 billion in 2021 in real-life Labs.


As Meta said at a telephone conference in the fourth quarter of the 2021 fiscal year, “Creating the dollar universe is an expensive gamble”.


At the same time, add VR and other software features to the original platform as part of the Zakborg cosmopolitan map.

去年Facebook Connect大会上,公司旗下Horizon平台添加了VR新功能——Horizon Home,用户可以在元宇宙中设计自己的家;Facebook还更新了Quest上的Messenger功能,用户可以在虚拟世界中与现实世界中的朋友对话。

Last year on Facebook Connect, a new VR feature was added to the company's Horizon platform — Horizon Home, where users can design their homes in the meta-cosmos; and Facebook, which updates the Messenge feature on Quest, where users can talk to friends in the real world in the virtual world.


It can be said that Zuckerberg is rushing to the layout for a decade's worth-of-constellation bet. But it's easier to make mistakes, especially if Meta wants to be the first crab-eating one.


In recent days, Touch Technology Development Inc. filed a lawsuit against Facebook's parent company, Meta, alleging that the latter had violated its patents to build the industry's leading virtual reality (VR) headwear equipment.

Immersion在周四提交给得克萨斯州韦科联邦法院的一份起诉书中称,主导市场的Meta Quest 2侵犯了六项涉及触觉技术的专利。在视频游戏系统和控制器中,触觉让用户体验模拟现实生活力量的振动,例如在虚拟拳击游戏中阻挡一拳。

In an indictment submitted on Thursday to the Federal Court of Wecke, Texas, Immersion claimed that Meta Quest 2 of the leading market violated six patents related to tactile technology. In video game systems and controllers, tactile allows users to experience vibrations that simulate real-life forces, such as blocking a punch in a virtual boxing game.

Meta Quest 2,图源Meta官网

Meta Quest 2,图源Meta官网


The violation of the patent by


It is no exaggeration to say that Zuckerberg almost made it possible to tell the new story of the meta-cosmos, to change the name of the company and to insist on hardware and software and to leave even if it was expensive.


Why is Zuckerberg in such a hurry?


2010, David & Middot; Finch's film, Social Network, was prototyped by Zuckerberg, to some extent, as a direct demonstration of Facebook at the time.


In just six years, more than 400 million users had gathered to become the youngest billionaires, and genius Zuckerberg and social giant Facebook had once become wonders of the Internet.


But there are not many long-standing companies on the volatile Internet, especially in large circumstances. Meta is now facing the market test.


Shortly after the name was changed, Meta, who carried the ambitions of the Zuckerbergen cosmos, handed in an unexpected amount of money.


In the fourth quarter of 2021, it was the first financial report to introduce Meta’s meta-cosmos concept. It showed that Meta collected $33.7 billion in the fourth quarter of last year, generating a net income of $10.3 billion, or $367 per share; and that monthly active users of $2.9 billion were less than expected.

更重要的是,Meta“元宇宙”开发部门Reality Labs 2021年亏损达到102亿美元,收入却仅不到23亿美元,两者相差近五倍。

More importantly, the Meta “Megaspace” development sector lost $10.2 billion in 2021 and earned less than $2.3 billion, almost five times the difference.


Reflecting the capital markets, the market value evaporated by more than $230 billion after Meta was released, making it the largest single-day fall in US stock history. In other words, the Zuckerberg dollar-cosmos story did not replace the confidence of capital markets.

业绩不佳、用户流失的背后,是Meta不得不提的对手——Tik Tok。2017年上线后,Tik Tok仅用了4年时间就在全球积累了10亿用户,并连续2年全球下载量超过Facebook,位居世界第一。

Behind the poor performance and loss of users is Tik Tok, an opponent that Meta has had to raise. After coming online in 2017, Tik Tok accumulated 1 billion users globally in just four years, and over two years of global downloads, ranked first in the world.


The most intuitive shock of


In the fourth quarter of last year, Meta’s DAU stood at 1.93 billion people, with the first ring decline. MAU growth has stagnated or even declined in high areas such as North America and Europe.

元宇宙玩家被“性侵” 扎克伯格太着急


By the end of the first quarter of this year, the total income of Meta was $2.7908 billion, lower than projected by Wall Street analysts, while the rate of increase was 7 per cent, the lowest in a decade.


In response, Facebook explained that income from digital advertising was lower than expected and also reflected the impact of rising inflation during the epidemic, supply chain crises, economic turmoil and geo-related situations on online advertising.

而在Tik Tok强烈的冲击下,Meta决定将向全球所有Facebook用户开放短视频功能Reels,对垒Tik Tok。

With a strong shock from Tik Tok, Meta decided to open short video features to all Facebook users around the world, Reels, to Tik Tok.

但刚推出不久的Reels想要看到成效并不容易。 扎克伯格不仅要与Tik Tok争抢创作者,还要面临平台商业化的问题。扎克伯格称,Reels的商业广告不是一蹴而就的事情,需要客户花时间做内容上的调整,优化其创造能力。

, but it is not easy for Reels, who has just been introduced, to see results. Zuckerberg not only competes with Tik Tok’s creators, but also faces the commercialization of the platform.


The only good news is that in the first quarter of 2022, Meta’s DAU stood at 1.96 billion people, an increase of 4% over the same period. While growth has resumed this quarter, the growth of users in individual quarters is unlikely to change the overall downward trend in the growth of Meta users.

可以看到,无论是用户数还是商业化,Meta的Reels并不能和Tik Tok相提并论。

As can be seen, neither the number of users nor the commercialization of Meta's Reels is comparable to Tik Tok.

Meta面临的业绩疲软,让创始人扎克伯格站在了十字路口上。 当传统业务失去动力时,在新风口元宇宙中占领一席之地,或许可以为整个公司纾困。

Meta's weak performance has left her founder Zuckerberg at a crossroads. When traditional business loses momentum, taking up a seat in the neo-window universe may help alleviate the situation for the company as a whole.




At the recent annual shareholders’ meeting, Zuckerberg said that, as people build up their business of selling virtual goods and services, the immersed digital world of the Woncosm will eventually earn money from the creator’s economy. “We want everyone to be able to afford hardware as much as possible, and to ensure digital economic growth.” Zuckerberg said.


In the case of the meta-cosm project Horizon World, for example, there are profit plans. By introducing virtual commodity trading tools, some creators are able to sell virtual props in their own world, while Meta extracts the digital assets sold at a rate of up to 47.5%.


But this pattern has been resisted by a lot of outside voices, and it's still not clear whether Zuckerberg will be able to trace the commercial path of the meta-cosm.


The Founding Emperor of the ancient Roman Empire, Augustus, was the most charming character in Zuckerberg, who defeated his political opponents, united the Roman Empire and exchanged harsh rule for two hundred years of world peace.


In the past decade, Zuckerberg has opened its doors in the social field, making Facebook the world's largest social company, and in the next 10 years, bringing Meta beyond Facebook to build a new peak is the focus of Zuckerberg, a process that means that he will continue to defeat countless rivals and enter the world of the meta-cosm as soon as possible to “take the land” and that is precisely why Zuckerberg is so radical.


(The headlines are from the Meta official network.




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