After almost 20 months, Bitcoin broke the $40,000 mark again. On 4 December, Bitcoin continued its upward trend, breaking the 40,000-dollar whole door with $41,000 and $42,000, which increased by more than 6 per cent per day. At 1910 hours on 4 December, Bitcoin reported $42063.31, with a 6.3 per cent increase in 24 hours, which was also the first since May 2022, when Bitcoin broke by $40,000.

According to the global currency website CoinGecko, in the last seven trading days, the Bitcoin transaction price has risen gradually from $36,770.40, with a small tremor between $38,000 and $39,000, reaching over $40,000 after four consecutive trading days. By monthly variations, Bitcoin has shown a marked appreciation for three months in a row, with a 25% increase in Bitcoin in September 2023 and a single-month increase in January 2023.
Looking back at the year-round trend since 2023, bitcoin has rebounded significantly, with only May, July, and August falling in the past November. Compared to the trade price of tremors near $16,000 at the end of 2022, bitcoins have increased by nearly 150% in the current year.
As to the reasons for the increase in the current cycle of Bitcoin, the digital economy of Zhejiang University, 此外,北京市社会科学院副研究员王鹏补充道,除了美联储结束加息周期的传导效应外,比特币现货交易基金(ETF)方面的动向受到关注。自10月中旬开始,比特币期货ETF交易获批预期升温,美国证监会在11月下旬也与贝莱德、灰度等巨头就比特币ETF上市与交易细则进行了商议。由此进一步推高了市场交易比特币等加密货币的情绪,促使比特币交易价格上涨。 In addition, the Deputy Fellow of the Beijing City Academy of Social Sciences, Wang Peng, added that, in addition to the passing effect of the end of the interest-added cycle of the Fed, Bitcoin spot transactions ( 受到比特币上涨消息带动,全网加密货币市场整体呈现上涨态势。CoinGecko数据显示,截至12月4日19时10分,包括比特币在内,市值排名前十的加密货币多数上涨,涨幅集中在2%-5%。其中,以太坊涨幅靠前,报2259.94美元,过去24小时内涨幅为4.4%;狗狗币报0.089360美元,过去24小时内涨幅为5.2%。 According to CoinGecko, as at 4 December, at 1910 hours, including Bitcoin, the top 10 encrypted currencies had mostly risen, at a rate of between 2 and 5 per cent. Of this, 2259.94 dollars, or 4.4 per cent in the last 24 hours, had been reported in the past 24 hours; and 0.089360, or 5.2 per cent, in the last 24 hours. 不过,基于加密货币多空两吃的玩法,比特币的大幅升值也让部分“做空”玩家迎来爆仓。根据币家园数据,截至12月4日19时10分的过去24小时里,共有64906人、2.89亿美元资金爆仓,折合人民币约20.62亿元。其中发生在空单部分的爆仓资金达到2.24亿美元。 However, the significant appreciation of bitcoin has also allowed some “empty” players to explode, based on the combination of encrypted currency. According to the currency home data, in the last 24 hours, as of 4 December, at 1910 hours, there were 64906 people and $289 million in funds in storage, equivalent to approximately RMB 2,062 million. 另从过往比特币走势来看,暴涨暴跌情况时有出现,也很难如市场预期一般呈现单边走势。盘和林提醒,比特币等加密货币本身具备高波动特征,在没有实际价值支撑的背景下,其后续走势仍依靠美联储宏观调控和消息面因素驱导。美元是否如预期持续走弱,比特币是否能在国际结算、流通方面扩大份额比重,是影响比特币走势的重要因素,但这两方面趋势并不乐观。 In addition, in view of past trends in bitcoin, there have been surges and drops, and it is difficult to see unilateral trends as expected by the market. Both warn that encrypted currencies, such as bitcoins, are characterized by high volatility per se, and, in the absence of real value support, continue to be driven by the Fed’s macro-regulation and face-to-face factors. 王鹏则建议,在境内炒币活动被全面叫停的当下,用户切忌人云亦云、追涨杀跌。不被所谓高回报所吸引,审慎进行相关投资决策,避免参与这类高风险投资活动。 Wang Peng, for his part, has suggested that, at a time when the country’s currency campaign has been completely shut down, the users are obstinate and desperate. Instead of being attracted by so-called high returns, they should be careful in their investment decisions and avoid engaging in such high-risk investment activities. (文章来源:北京商报)
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