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The first part of the bipolar book on the value of money and money for generations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To understand encrypt currency, you can't understand chain technology and cryptography!


US Amazon sales books - financial derivatives, financial banks, financial policies, trends in investment, computer technology, and so on!


FinTech Center for Business Studies at the National Successful University -

金融科技與人工智慧實驗室主持人李昇暾與諮詢委員詹智安 聯合審定

The director of the Financial Science and Technology and Artificial Wisdom Laboratory, Li Jianxian, and member of the Advisory Board,


The author, Anthony Lewis, was an out-of-date trader and technologist, but a Bitcoin conference inspired his enthusiasm for sector chain technology, which led him to invest in digital finance. He joined R3 of the Financial Sector Links Association as research director and was selected for two consecutive years as one of the top 100 players in Asia’s financial science and technology.


From the traditional banking system to the sector chain, the book brings together all Antony's knowledge and experience of business, financial services, technology and the sector chain, distils the value measurement of digital assets in all its aspects, and goes deep into the light, perfect disassembly of the key concepts of virtual and digital currency, and their relevance in the real world, revealing why the value of encrypted currency is a beacon that guides the line of practice.


On the other hand, through the key concept of encryption – the basic core technology of encryption currency: cryptography and sector chains, the insight into encryption currency; and finally, discussing the different types of chain technology that banks and large businesses have tried to use to join a regional chain database and improve business efficiency.


The theme is the introduction to four systems: currency, digital currency, encrypted currency, and digital currency, covering the bitcoins, Ether, sector chains, etc., and an important investment issue – the price of digital assets, first-time currency development and risk management. From the author's experience, it is possible to understand how these digital assets are bought and saved, how the participants explore regional chains, and what management risks are – including the unique challenge that new digital currencies pose around the world. With his vision and foresight, we can take the lead on the inside and the future of encrypted currency and sector chains.


Read the book quickly:


♪ Bitcoin, Ether and other encrypted currency technology and use


♪ The chain technology and how it works ♪


♪ The encrypt currency market operation, risk assessment and value measurement


# How Bitcoins and sector chains change global business and potential impact


About the encrypted currency, you just need this one.


Who should read this book?

?銀行業/數位金融Fintech 專業人士

♪ Bank/Digital Finance Fintech Professionals ♪


To help professionals develop new investments in their own businesses, and to bridge the gap between competition and competition.


♪ The director of government control ♪


The book provides a number of core knowledge, including bitcoins, encrypt currency, encryption assets and the technology and risks associated with the latest monetization, which will help the Supervisory Unit to develop more sophisticated laws and regulations to further the prospect of democratization of wealth.


♪ Encrypted money investors


In the domain of encrypted currency, there are a number of promising terms, such as: software wallets, hardware wallets, encrypted currency exchanges, trading agents outside of Bitcoins, etc., which can efficiently facilitate the rapid entry of starters through the progressive knowledge of the book's sequence; and, in the case of investors, by re-escalating risk controls and enhancing profit opportunities.


♪ I'm in charge of the creative team ♪


New teams can use this book to think about whether a new business model can be realized through the centralization of the chain, for example, how to eliminate the need for trusted third-party engagement, or reduce the risk of failing a centralized role, and then re-engineer business processes and open new business opportunities.


♪ Industry information manager ♪


Industry information managers can deploy ahead of time to reshape the organization’s business systems, given the technological advantages of having a chain-related information. Especially in situations where there is a need to work with multiple business partners at the same time, the efficiency of the work can be enhanced by technologies such as a chain and an intelligent contract, which can easily be converted digitally.


♪ The chain of art lover ♪


Reading the contents of the book, which is also a technical fan of the chain of excellence in various fields, is very much in agreement with the phrase "Technology is not all-powerful, but not all-powerful." Reading the book will help open up the horizon and create new ideas by looking at a chain of achievement generation – an encoded currency.


♪ The general public ♪


Financial currency is inextricably linked to people’s lives, and through this book it is possible to understand across the board the multifaceted development of money and cryptographic assets in the digital era, to raise financial awareness and to avoid becoming financial illiterate in the face of a great deal of information.


♪ Tutor at the college ♪


The book covers the core specialized knowledge of currency, cryptographic currency and assets, currency and risk management, and is designed by university teachers of both information and business management backgrounds, with the help of the book, to develop a more complete curriculum that enhances the effectiveness of education and more efficiently leads students to the cutting edge of knowledge.


♪ He's in the department of finance ♪


From a monetary point of view, the book provides a complete account of the historical evolution and development of money, statutory currency, digital currency, encrypted currency to digital currency, and even provides a simple explanation of the fearsome cryptography and the core techniques of the chain, so that the students of the non-information background can find out about it and are willing to engage in innovative research into the encryption of the currency, the assets and the chain.


# Currency, virtual currency, digital currency, digital currency, encrypted currency, encrypted transactions, digital assets, electronic wallets, bitcoins, cryptography, ICO, Etheria, NFT, sector chains, decentralized accounts, decentralized databases, public chains, private chains


Special features of the book

1. 整合產官學,並將複雜知識轉化成通俗易懂的概念,滿滿乾貨卻輕鬆易讀。

1. Integration of maternity education and the transformation of complicated knowledge into a common and understandable concept, full of dry and easy to read.

2. 全面解構加密貨幣和區塊鏈的技術面、應用面、商務面,一本讀懂全部細節!

2. Completely deconstructs the technical, appliance and business aspects of encrypt currency and chain, with a full reading of the details!

3. 作者及審定人皆為重量級專家及業界權威,深具公信力。

3. Authors and referees are both heavyweight experts and industry authorities and are highly credible.


That's a good recommendation.


[Internationally recommended]

「本書完整概述相關基礎知識,是少數我會推薦新進員工閱讀的書。」 ——劉勇翔(Yusho Liu),數位資產錢包服務供應商Coinhako共同創辦人

"This book provides a complete overview of the underlying knowledge, a few of which I would recommend for new employees to read." - Yusho Liu, co-founder of the digital wallet service provider Coinhako.

「這是一本可派上用場又妙趣橫生的實用讀物。安東尼幫助大家明白比特幣和區塊鏈的運作機制。」 ——羅伯.芬德利(Rob Findlay),金融科技社群Next Money創辦人

"It's an interesting and useful practical book. Antony helps to understand the workings of bitcoins and sector chains." — Rob Findlay, founder of Next Money, a financial technology community.

「任何想真正認識區塊鏈和加密貨幣的人,都需要這本好書。」 ——保羅.葛里芬(Paul Griffin),新加坡管理大學資訊系統學院副教授

"Anyone who really wants to know the chain and the encrypt currency needs this good book." - Paul Griffin, Associate Professor, University of Management Information Systems, Singapore.

「愛因斯坦曾說:『無法簡單說明,代表你了解得不夠透徹。』安東尼對加密貨幣和區塊鏈技術的基礎知識不僅知之甚詳,也解說得非常清楚。」 ——柯林.普拉特(Colin Platt),《區塊鏈行家播客節目》(Blockchain Insider Podcast)共同主持人,以及分散式帳本/加密貨幣研究者

"Einstein used to say, "It's not easy to say, it means you don't know it well enough." Antony's knowledge of the foundations of encryption currency and sector chain technology is not only very detailed, but also very clear." — Colin Plattt, co-chair of the Blockchainer Podcast, and a distributed account/encrypted currency researcher.

「我從未見過如此深入淺出拆解概念的書籍——完美洞悉比特幣和區塊鏈的關鍵概念,以及它們在現實世界裡的意義。」 ——詹儂.卡普隆(Zennon Kapron),卡普隆亞洲公司(Kapronasia)董事總經理

"I've never seen books so deep in the light of decomposition -- perfect insight into the key concepts of bitcoins and sector chains, and their meaning in the real world." — Zennon Kapron, Managing Director, Kapronasia Corporation.

「這是一本實用的加密貨幣入門指南。」 ——提姆.史旺森(Tim Swanson),星毛櫟實驗室(Post Oak Labs)創辦人以及《數字長城》(The Great Wall of Numbers)部落格作者

"This is a practical guide to the entry of encrypted currency." - Tim Swanson, founder of Post Oak Labs and author of The Great Wall of Numbers blog.

「這本書寫得平實,讀來卻樂趣無窮,從頭讀到尾都很精彩。」 ——約翰.柯林斯(John Collins),金融科技顧問

"This book is simple, but it's fun, and it's wonderful from the beginning to the end." John Collins, Financial Technology Advisor.

「這本引人入勝、講解清楚、具公信力的書,為認識區塊鏈的應用與意義指引一盞明燈。」 ——葛雷格.沃夫森(Greg Wolfson),元素集團(Element Group)業務開發部負責人

"It's a winning, lucid and credible book that guides a light for the application and meaning of the chain of knowledge." - Greg Wolffson, Head of the Enterprise Group Development and Development Department.

「如果你想找的是一本大力吹捧區塊鏈的書,那請你另尋高明。這本書沒有加油添醋,只清楚講解基本知識。」 ——理查.甘道爾.布朗(Richard Gendal Brown),R3公司技術長

"If you're looking for a book that boasts the chain, then find something else. This book does not add to the vinegar, but only tells the basics." Richard Gendal Brown, R3.




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