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This is a source of data from the Fire Research Network.


An overview of the overall development of the global block chain & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;


Over the past year, new developments have taken place in the global block chain industry as concepts such as Web3.0 and data elements have deepened. Block chain industry patterns have stabilized, business growth has slowed, capital activity has slowed, and standardized layouts have been improved. Block chain infrastructure has been built on a scale that has led to the formation of a new generation of technology applications for Web3.0, which has become an important engine for the ecological development of the block chain.


(i) The growth rate of the global block chain industry has slowed, international standards have steadily pushed down the number of new global block chains, and Chinese and United States firms have remained in the lead. The growth of global block chains has slowed significantly as a result of a combination of multiple factors, such as the macro-environment. As of December 2023, there were 10291 global block chain enterprises, mainly concentrated in the United States, China, and other countries and regions, with a slight decrease in the number of sector chain enterprises. The distribution of country and area clusters in China and the United States was 2802 and 2697, respectively, representing 27 per cent and 26 per cent, respectively, with leading positions. In 2023, newly established block chain enterprises were mainly engaged in innovative business, including cryptographic currency transactions, Web3.0, NFT, DeFi, etc. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; &

  全球区块链企业融资放缓,美国“一枝独秀”。2023年受多国加密货币监管政策收紧,年初FTX等加密货币交易所倒闭等因素影响,2023年前三季度全球区块链企业融资979笔,总金额60.54亿美元,比2022年同期分别下降32%和77%。受益于美国相对宽松的监管环境和发达的金融服务市场,2010年至2023年第三季度美国区块链企业融资金额全球占比达到50.0%,远高于其他国家,英国(10.3%)、新加坡(4.8%)、中国(4.7%)占比相对较高。截至2023年10月,全球区块链独角兽(市值估值10亿美元以上)企业数量达到131家。估值排名前五的分别是:Binance(450亿美元)、Upbit(170亿美元)、Ripple(150亿美元)、Blockchain. com(140亿美元)和OpenSea(130亿美元)。在地域方面,美国区块链独角兽数量最多,总计71家,大幅领先其他国家。   

Global block-chain finance slowed down, with the United States “one-size-fits-all” business finance. In 2023, influenced by the tightening of national cryptographic currency regulations, early in the year by the collapse of encrypted currency exchanges such as FTX, 979 global block-chains were financed in the first three quarters of 2023, amounting to $6,054 million, down by 32% and 77%, respectively, from the same period in 2022. The top five valuation rankings were Binance ($450 billion), Upbit ($17 billion), Ripple ($15 billion), Blockchain.com ($14 billion) and OpenSea ($13 billion). The number of global block-chain Unicorns (with market value valued at more than $1 billion) was 131, with the highest number of single-hull enterprises in the United States as of October 2023. The top five rankings were Binance ($450 billion), Upbit ($17 billion), Riple (15 billion), Blockchain.com ($14 billion) and OpenSe ($13 billion).

  国际主要标准化组织加快区块链标准制定,我国成为标准研制重要力量。区块链是多种技术的融合创新应用,对标准化要求较高,特别是区块链技术逐步在关键领域落地应用,各国对标准化工作的重视程度也在不断提升。自2016年起,ITU-T(国际电信联盟电信标准分局)、ISO(国际标准化组织)等纷纷组建区块链标准研制工作组。在区块链国际标准工作组建立及标准贡献度方面,我国均占有一席之地。组织建设方面,ITU-T、ISO等国际标准化组织已设立16个工作组和研究组,推动区块链标准研制工作,其中我国参与14个,如表1所示。标准研制方面,ITU-T共发布区块链标准45项,我国参与19项。ISO/TC 307(区块链和分布式记账技术委员会)共发布区块链标准11项,我国参与3项。全球企业和研究机构正全面参与区块链国际标准制定,并取得阶段性成果,还将进一步提升区块链技术应用标准化水平。

Since 2016, ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standards Branch) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) have organized working groups on the development of block chain standards. In the area of organization-building, 16 working groups and research groups have been set up by international standardization organizations such as ITU-T and ISO to promote the development of block chain standards, including 14 of them, as shown in table 1. In the area of standards development, ITU-T has issued a total of 45 block chain standards and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 19 of them. ISO/TC 307 (Regional Chains and Distributive Accountancy Technical Committee) has issued a total of 11 block chain criteria. Global enterprises and research institutions are fully involved in the development of sector chain standards.


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Content source: [Fire Research Network]




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