AIGC“创策图文”,重新构想Web 3.0内容营销

资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:25 评论:0



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♪ Designer to create amazing works with MidJourney and realize that as a new tool AI paintings will be accepted by designers like Photoshop;


♪ The ponies are writing a press release, which is then given to the machine to rewrite hundreds of soft letters for distribution in different media, and in the battle with the machine, the ponies have chosen the human machine model long ago;


♪ The same two-year planner who collects and downloads plans, data reports, marketing cases, classic scripts and labels to fill his knowledge system on various platforms, so that he can be prepared for more than once.

一直以来,公众对AI的认知通常被认为是可以更高效的从事可重复性高的“日常工作”。 这种工作更多的是按照基于预先定义的规则或者模板来高效处理任务。AI绘画刷屏事件刷新了公众对AI的创造力认知。而近期“AI网红”ChatGPT能写代码、修复Bug,还能回答各种问题,更有网友们用它来生成绘画脚本、写莎士比亚情书、甚至是“毁灭人类计划”,AI俨然开始扮演起一个创作全才的角色。

The public’s perception of AI has always been seen as a more efficient way to perform “daily work” with a high degree of repetitibility. This is done more efficiently on the basis of predefined rules or templates. The AI painting screen events refreshed the public’s perception of AI’s creativity.

近日,蓝色光标销博特发布AIGC“创策图文”营销套件,该套件结合内容营销业务Know-How提供从创意、策划、文案、图片等内容一体化智能生成解决方案,通过AI技术让Web 3.0时代的内容营销实现实时在线、即刻生成个性化内容,构建更有情感、更富质感、更具体验感的新营销方式,实现个性化内容营销。

In recent days, the Blue Curves launched the AGC “Inventives” marketing package, which combines content marketing with Know-How's content marketing business to provide an integrated intellectual generation solution of content from creative, planned, casework, photo, etc., enabling content marketing in the Web 3.0 era to be generated online in real time and instantaneously through AI technology, creating new ways of marketing more emotionally, qualitatively and empirically, and personalized content marketing.



According to the information received, Colbot has acquired three software copyrights in the field of creative and case-generated automaticity (genuine machines, brand ideas, national style cases); and, in the planning area, the creation of a brand-positioning support machine patent is in the process of being processed, as is the associated patent and software writing rights for the previously released “Condinsky” model, in conjunction with NLP technology in brand positioning and the introduction of mathematical vector calculations.

PGC– UGC– AIGC为内容营销赋予更多想象空间

随着自然语言生成技术NLP和AI模型的愈发成熟,AIGC(AI Generated Content - 人工智能创作内容)逐渐受到关注。AIGC是继PGC(专业生成内容)、UGC(用户生成内容)之后产生的新型创作模式。它的能力远不止于画画本身,其特点是高效的自动化生产;具有智能数据内容孪生、编辑、创作三大能力。目前已经可以实现自动生成文字、图片、音频、视频;这种颠覆性的内容生产模式无疑给内容营销带来前所未有的挑战及机遇。

As natural language generation technologies NLP and AI models mature, attention is being paid to the AIG (AI Gendered Content - Artificial Intelligent Content). AGC is a new creative model that follows the PGC (Professional Content Generation) and UGC (User Generation Content). Its capacity goes far beyond painting itself and is characterized by efficient automated production; it has three main capabilities: smart data content creation, editing, and creation. It is now possible to automatically generate text, pictures, audio, and video; and this subversive content production model undoubtedly poses unprecedented challenges and opportunities for content marketing.


AIGC actually combines the expertise of the PGC (Professional Content Generation) and the spontaneous participation of users in the UGC (User Content Generation) with a natural advantage in content marketing. Moreover, AIGC added AI generation capacity to the previous AI analytical capacity, a technology that necessarily combines information data from user feedback with content formation and is then incorporated into the knowledge system of the vertical industry and presented in different content forms.


AIGC Content formula = user \ scene information (data) + expert system (vertical knowledge system) + content form (photos, text, audio, video, etc.).



公众较为熟悉的Stable Diffusion、MidJourney、Dall E、Novel AI等等爆款图片,展现出惊人的创作能力。而其他的新兴公司也在AIGC积极布局和尝试。今年10月份,Jasper.ai官宣完成了1.25亿美金的A轮融资,估值达到了15亿美金,该公司提供的核心产品正是通过AIGC帮助企业和个人写营销推广文案以及博客等各种文字内容。同样,在广告文案创作方面,Copy.ai也是一个通过AI来写作广告和营销文案的创业公司,它可以帮助用户几秒钟内生成高质量的广告和营销文案。Persado结合营销心理学绘制精准用户画像,利用自然语言处理和机器学习自动生成基于行为和态度的数据,从而实现个性化文案生成。

In October of this year, Officer announced that he had completed $125 million in round A financing, valued at $1.5 billion, and that the company’s core product was helping businesses and individuals to write and promote literature and blogs through AIGC. Similarly, in advertising writing, is an entrepreneurial company that writes advertising and marketing through AI, which can help users generate high-quality advertising and marketing texts within seconds. Persado combines marketing psychology with precision user drawings, using natural language processing and machine learning to automatically generate behavior- and attitude-based data.

即使在创意这个相对冷门和有争议的领域,广告公司基于技术的加持也进行过大胆的尝试。2017年3月,在伦敦举行的英国广告行业年度会议上,日本麦肯广告展示了一款名为AI-CD β的机器人,来担当广告片的创意编剧。

Even in the relatively cold and controversial field of creativity, advertising companies have made bold attempts at technology-based ownership. In March 2017, at the annual conference of the British advertising industry in London, McCann, Japan, displayed a robot called AI-CD beta to act as an innovative writer for advertising films.


Back in 2016, BCG came up with the idea of integrating a strategic machine. Based on the current state of technology, the author argues that "people and technology must each play their specific role and people must constantly improve their design."



In addition to the ability to create, AI technology can be applied to content production, making full use of technological advantages in terms of creativity, expression, overlap, dissemination, and individualization. The application of artificial intelligence is greatly enhanced in the examination of content at the interactive end: it is inspired from auxiliary production to a gradual transition to content creation. In this process, AI can significantly enhance the simulation of human consciousness, including the automatic production of ideas, the planning of automatic generation, the preparation of manuscripts (text), the production of posters (photos) and the production of videos (videos).



This time, the Blue Cursor Sales Bot launched the AGC “Inventives” marketing package, which includes:


♪ Planning to generate:


1) Smart planning: User input Brief to plan a 15-minute backstage generation plan.


2) People's drawings: In conjunction with behavioural psychology, user drawings are generated through community data and research data keys.


♪ Creative generation:


1) Creative Storms: Ideas are captured through NLP technologies to capture creative sparks, and innovative concepts are recommended for interlinkage of relevant elements.


2) Creative compass: Users gain creative inspiration through crowds and outlets.


♪ Picture generation:

1)一键海报: 输入关键词或句,基于营销热点生成每日打卡海报;

1) One-key poster: Enter a keyword or sentence to generate a daily card poster based on a marketing hotspot;

2)创意画廊: 基于用户输入的关键词或上传的图片, 一键生成抽象画。

2) Creative Gallery: An abstract painting is generated by one key, based on a user-inputed keyword or uploaded picture.


♪ Text generation:


1) AI translator: ancillary writing based on the press release template;


2) Branding: Generates slogan on the basis of brand names and keywords, styles and keys entered by the user.


3) The country style case: The branding case is based on branding, tone and core sentences.

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Content marketing often creates content that gives users a sense of purpose, and brand owners attract audiences through valuable content. It is essentially a value-realization process, transmitted through the creation of new relationships that create a value in interaction, which requires content creation that is user-driven, user-friendly, user-friendly and feedback to users.

对于用户来说操作简单,输入信息,如:文字描述、自身标签或情绪等,当程序获得这些数据之后,他们就会调用专家系统(图片库、语料库),并采用专家的知识体系将这些元素进行生成。对于营销人来说,技术+艺术+商业是我们一直追求的,而如今Web 3.0 + AIGC给出前所未有的时代机遇。

For users, it is simple to enter information, such as text descriptions, their own labels, or emotions, and when the program obtains these data, they call on expert systems (picture libraries, language libraries) and use specialist knowledge systems to generate these elements. For marketing people, technology plus art plus commerce is what we always seek, and now Web 3.0 + AIGC offers unprecedented opportunities for the times.


The article is reproduced to provide readers with more information.




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