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In view of this problem, many investors can be said to be blind because the measure of Bitcoin is usually one or one, and suddenly one hearing, and many investors see that they will be silent, and the hearing is also a bitcoin unit, and the smallest unit, just as we usually say, rice, centimeters, centimeters, is a unit of measurement, and once we understand the meaning of the hearing, how much is a bitcoin?


The smallest unit in Bitcoin is Satoshi.

1Satoshi=0.00000001 BTC。



Satoshi has become the word for block chains and encryption money in 2011. Bitcoin mining software like HoneyMiner is using satoshi as an incentive for mining.

很多人,尤其是那些对区块链和加密货币不熟悉的人 , 当他们看到satoshi时可能会疑惑“到底什么是satoshi!?”

Many people, especially those who are not familiar with block chains and encrypted money, may wonder about & ldquao when they see satoshi; what is satoshi? & rdquao;

当我们说到“satoshi”时,我们并不是在说比特币的创造者Satoshi Nakamoto(中本聪)。但是,我们说到的satoshi同样可以像中本聪这位比特币创造者一样被追溯到比特币和BitcoinTalk论坛的早期。

When we talk about & ldquo; satoshi” we are not talking about Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. But the satoshi we talk about can also be traced back to the early days of Bitcoin and BitcoinTalk, like the creator of Bitcoin.

一切都始于2010年11月15日,当时BitcoinTalk用户Ribuck提出1/100的比特币(0.01 BTC) ,这是当时可以在比特币区块链上显示的最小单位 - 被称为satoshi。虽然Ribuck提出了这个提议,但当时BitcoinTalk论坛上的其他用户都没有肯定或否认他的提议。这可能是因为手头的线程是投票,其中投票发生了比特币的最佳Unicode字符,这与账户单位无关,因此可能使Ribuck的提议看起来不合适。

It all started on 15 November 2010, when BitcoinTalk user Ribuck proposed 1/100 bitcoin (0.01 BTC), the smallest unit that could be displayed on the bitcoin block chain at the time - known as satoshi. Although Ribuck made this offer, none of the other users of the BitcoinTalk forum at the time confirmed or denied his offer. This could be because the line on hand was a vote, in which the best Unicode character of Bitcoin occurred, which had nothing to do with the account unit and might make Ribuck’s proposal inappropriate.


But when Ribuck joined the Unicode thread, he entered a question:


& ldquo; what is the plan to break the bitcoin down? Can we imagine a public system (mb, micro, nanobit) in thousands? & ldquo;


That was a very interesting question, but no one was willing to answer it, and they did not comment on it. As a result, the question expired and no action was taken on the Ribuck proposal.

三个月后,也就是2011年2月10日,Ribuck对加密货币单位细分再次发出了类似的提议。这一次,Ribuck的提议在一个名为“ 需要更多的可除数 - 移动小数点 ”的话题中引起了人们的注意。他的提议在八天后得到了反馈,当时在一个标题为Bitcent的帖子中,BitcoinTalk用户Kolbas认为是时候考虑比特币区块链上记录的较小货币单位了。

Three months later, on 10 February 2011, Ribuck issued a similar proposal for a breakdown of encrypted currency units. This time, Ribuck’s proposal was brought to the attention of a topic called & ldquo; Needing more separities - moving decimal points & rdquo; His proposal received feedback eight days later, when BitcoinTalk’s user Kolbas thought it was time to consider smaller currency units recorded on the Bitcon block chain.


On the Bitcent post, one user found Ribuck's initial proposal, which proposed:

“1 satoshi=1 microbitcent(最小面额)

& ldquo; 1 satoshi=1 microbitcent (minimum square)


100 million satoshis = 1 bitcoin


Do you agree with me?

另一位用户回答说,“同意。”然后,所有人都表示:那以后1 satoshi=0.00000001BTC,satoshi从此就成了可以记录在比特币区块链上的最小单位。

Another user replied, &ldquao; yes. & & & rdquao; then everyone said that then 1 satoshi=0.000001 BTC, and satoshi became the smallest unit that could be recorded in the bitcoin block chain.


Why is satoshi too late to be used widely?

虽然satoshi在2011年就已经成为了区块链和加密行业词汇,但直到最近它才开始流行。最近,有越来越多的人提到satoshi,他们在播客中提到satoshi,有围绕satoshi的活动 - 例如,#StackingSats - 或者用satoshi定价商品和服务。

Although satoshi had become a block chain and an encryption industry vocabulary in 2011, it was not until recently popular. Recently, more and more people mentioned satoshi, and their podcasts referred to satoshi, with activities around satoshi -- for example, #SackingSats -- or priced goods and services with satoshi.

比特币咨询公司bitConsult的首席执行官Chris Mezzacappa表示,这可能是因为价格偏差:

Chris Mezzacappa, Chief Executive Officer of BitConsult, Bitcoin Consulting, stated that this could be due to price deviations:


& ldquo; because I'm from the financial industry, I naturally think about the split between stock prices and stocks. People always want more and have price bias. & ldquo;


If the value of the stock is relatively high, the company may decide to split the stock first in order to attract more slobs, and the pressure to buy is smaller because the price is cheaper and smaller. The same applies to high-priced bitcoins, which is why when the slobs first enter the field, they choose the cheaper ones, such as Ripple or even Ether.


Mezzacappa goes on to say:

“因为这个原因,所以我在过去一直非常关注那个小数点有没有再次发生移动。即使抛开价格偏见不谈,我们在网上用0.01 BTC买东西确实也让人觉得有点可笑。我不确定SAT会不会永远是比特币区块链上最小的单位,但是如果整个行业都使用satoshi做定价单位的话,那么它将成为比特币区块链上一个非常重要的组成部分。”

& ldquo; for this reason, I've been very concerned in the past about whether that decimal point has been moved again. Even if we leave the price bias aside, it's a bit ridiculous that we buy 0.01 BTC online. I'm not sure SAT will always be the smallest unit in the bitcoin block chain, but if the whole industry uses satoshi as a pricing unit, it will become a very important part of the bitcoin block chain.

作为消费者,我们通常都比较喜欢价钱趋于整数的商品或服务,从而避免找零时的麻烦。但是,由于现在比特币的价格相对于许多日常商品和服务的价格来说都要高太多,所以当我们用BTC定价商品时,便会出现非常多的很繁琐的价格 。比如,现在5美元是0.00057206 BTC,这样以来,消费时就会变得非常麻烦。

As consumers, we tend to prefer the price of goods or services to the price of an integer price, thus avoiding the trouble of finding the clock. But, now that the price of bitcoin is far higher than the price of many daily goods and services, when we use the BTC to price the goods, there are a lot of them.

但SAT却能够改变这一点,并为消费者提供一个非常方便的价格,5美元等于57,206 satoshi,这样不管是在消费时还是在记录时都会方便很多。

SAT, however, can change this and provide consumers with a very convenient price of US$ 5 equals 57,206 satoshi, which would be much easier at the time of consumption and at the time of recording.

摩根大通的法人代表Jesse Xiong与Mezzacappa有着相似的想法。Xiong也曾公开表示,satoshi之所以现在越来越受欢迎,就是因为以它为单位,记录起来比较简单,而一大串小数看起来真的让人很头疼。

Mr. Morgan Chase’s corporate representative, Jesse Xiong, has a similar idea with Mezzacappa. Xiong has also stated publicly that satoshi is now becoming more popular because it is relatively simple to record, and a large array of decimals really seems to be a pain in the ass.


Most people do not like the use of fractions and decimals. So, if the goods are priced at BTC, they may make many commodities unattractive because of price problems, because consumers are likely to dissipate the idea of buying them as soon as they see such a large array of decimals.


So we should know about satoshi, because it may exist as the smallest unit in the bitcoin block chain, and at least in recent years it has been applied. After eight long years, satoshi is now more and more popular.


Satoshi has created a more convenient method of pricing. Price deviations have delayed the widespread application of SATs, but at present the industry seems to have formed a model, and they have found their own unique way to integrate satoshi into our lives.


Through the above presentation, it is believed that there is an understanding of the extent to which a smart bitcoin is a matter that is part of the theory of superbitcoinization, that is, that bitcoin will replace the future of all currencies, in which case the hearing will become a meaningful day-to-day unit, and, most importantly, that bitcoin micropayment is another application that can be experienced by services like Satoshipay. If you want to know more about it, you can focus on the currency circle, which will be updated on a continuous basis at a later stage.




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