对话Suji Yan:再做底层区块链意义不大 |链捕手

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:27 评论:0



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来源:雪球App,作者: 链捕手,(https://xueqiu.com/3160465651/161609361)

过去十多年,Web2.0的发展极大地拓展了用户获取信息的能力,但同时也导致Facebook等巨头各占山头、据地为王,利用用户的隐私数据牟利,种种弊端受到越来越多人的批判,Suji Yan就是国内最先意识到这种现象的那批人之一。

The development of Web 2.0 over the past 10 years has greatly expanded users' access to information, but it has also led to a growing number of criticisms by

Suji Yan向来凭借着离经叛道的标签活跃在互联网人的视野中,他尝试以「女装程序员」形象对抗普遍的社会刻板印象,和妻子Katt Gu共同发起「Anti 996 Lisence」抵制互联网行业不人道的工作制度,还曾深入福岛核灾区报道以追查真相。

Suji Yan, who has always been active in the eyes of Internet people with deviant labels, has tried to confront the prevailing social stereotypes with the image of a “female dresser” and has joined his wife, Katt Gu, in launching “Anti 996  Lisence” against the inhuman working system of the Internet industry, and has gone deep into the Fukushima nuclear disaster to find out the truth.

在意识到数据的价值后Suji Yan成立了Dimension,其核心产品Mask Network(原名 Maskbook )于19年下半年推出,该产品试图帮助用户从 Web2.0过渡到 Web3.0 的门户,该产品试图在Twitter、Facebook等传统社交巨头的平台上,无缝发送加密信息、加密货币乃至去中心化应用,即在现在的互联网上搭建通往新型开放网络的桥梁。

In recognition of the value of the data, Suji Yan created Dimension, whose core product, Mask Network (formerly   Maskbook), was launched in the second half of 19 and seeks to assist users in sending encrypted information seamlessly, encrypting money and even centralizing applications on traditional social giants, such as Twitter, , i.e. building bridges to new open networks on the Internet now.


For example, the product helps users to encrypt the information they send on platforms such as

近日,链捕手(ID:iqklbs)对Mask Network创始人Suji Yan进行了专访,他在此次访谈中详细阐述了创造Mask Network的初衷及愿景,对行业发展发表了许多独特见解,相信本文会让你看到一个特别的去中心化世界信仰者,对去中心化的愿景产生更多思考。

In a recent interview with the founder of Mask Network, Suji Yan, by a chain catcher (ID:iqklbs), who elaborated on the original intent and vision of creating Mask Network and gave many unique insights into industry development, it is believed that this paper will allow you to see a special decentralized world believer and give more thought to the vision of decentralizing.


I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about.


♪ The editor ♪ ♪ The editor ♪



wants to be a bridge between the block chain and the Internet

链捕手:Mask Network是一个很有趣且令人印象深刻的产品,你创造它是希望为互联网世界带来怎么样的变化?

Serial Catcher: Mask Network is an interesting and impressive product, and you created it as a hope for change for the Internet world.


Suji: In the past, many people said that data sovereignty had been liberated, but no project could connect the old and the new world, and the Internet giants would not upgrade themselves. So, through this project, we wanted to build a huge bridge that would force the traditional Internet to enter the new Internet, upgrade to Web3.0, hopefully eventually lowering the threshold for using decentralised products and directly using Web3.0 products.

链捕手:除了信息加密工具,Mask Network还有哪些有意思的工具可以分享?

Serial Catchers: In addition to information encryption tools, what are the interesting tools that Mask Network has to share?

Suji:我们已经开发了一套技术框架,叫做DApplet(Decentralized Applet ),可以直接插入到Facebook、Twitter 和Reddit等等里面。简单来说,Mask Network可以把小程序装入Facebook或Twitter,并且他们不会知道;或者是通过我们的技术使它去中心化,使得社交平台也不能封掉它。我们应该是目前这个行业里面唯一一个掌握这套技术框架并且乐意将其开源出来的团队。

Suji: We have developed a technical framework known as Dapplet, which can be inserted directly into

过去一年中,我们在Mask Network中已经开发出了一些「 Applet」,其中包括一个以太坊红包功能。通过这个插件,用户可以将任何加密通证装入以太坊智能合约中,同时将这个红包以Tweet的形式发布在Twitter上。只要其他用户同样使用了Mask Network插件,通过正确的方式就能够领取红包。

Over the past year, we have developed a number of "  Applet" in MaskNetwork, which includes a darlin's red package. Through this plugin, users can load any encrypted pass into a darlin' smart contract and post the red package on Twitter in the form of Tweet. As long as the other users also use the MaskNetwork plugin, they can receive the red package in the right way.

另一个小程序的例子是Gitcoin捐款。Mask Network将检测到所有包含 gitcoin.co URL的Tweet,并在用户的社交页面中显示一个浮窗,用户可以通过这个浮窗进行捐款。

Another example of a small program is the Gitcoin contribution. Mask Network will detect all Tweet containing   gitcoin.co URL and show a floating window on the user’s social page through which users can contribute.

 我们最新开发的交易小插件,可以通过检测网页中是否存在以美元符号 $ 为开头的通证标签。如果有的话,用户只需要将鼠标悬停在这个标签上,就能够看到这个加密货币的市场趋势,上了哪些交易对,甚至如果这个通证在Uniswap有交易对的话,还能通过Mask Network 中内置的「Swap」 界面进行直接交易,这个是由Uniswap支持的。这些功能都已经对Mask Network所有用户开放,无须另行安装。

& nbsp; our recently developed transaction plugins can detect whether there is a pass-label starting with the dollar sign   $ & nbsp; or a pass-through tag on the web page. If there is one, the user simply has to put the mouse on the tab, it can see the market trend in this encrypted currency, which transactions are right, and even if the pass is traded in Uniswap, it can be traded directly through the "Swap" & nbsp, which is supported by Uniswap. These functions are already open to all Mask Network users and need not be installed separately.

 链捕手:你将Mask Network等产品称为桥梁,这里具体怎么理解?

& nbsp; Chain Catcher: How do you understand how you call products like Mask Network a bridge?


& nbsp;Suji: Yes, they are bridges that can be customised and adapted, but not tools, but intermediates. Without us, many projects cannot be used directly on a centralized platform. But, unlike other intermediates, we are decentralized projects with open source codes that can be developed by all.


& nbsp; we see the Internet itself as a data base for the block chain world, and we see the new world as a database, and we put the two worlds together, not as a cross-link, but as a cross-Internet block chain.


& nbsp; for example, by working with Poca and Etheria ecology, we have succeeded in moving Poca and Etheria to Twitter,


& nbsp; Chain Catcher: There are very few teams like you in the block chain industry that have been focusing on encryption plugs or bridges to share your initial thoughts on doing this?


& nbsp; Suji: We know that many projects are cool from the perspective of the traditional Internet industry, but they lack understanding of the new world and of Web3.0. I also know some Web3.0 bosses, like Vitalik, who already know where the problem is, but the ship is not going to turn around, and they can only say that they finance Dimension to do it.


& nbsp; the Chinese Internet is similar to the American Internet, and if any Chinese Internet project, like industry or VC, says I'm going to knock down the Internet giants, it's just a dream. Similarly, any project that says it's going to knock out the Etheria, though possible, is somewhat difficult.


& nbsp; too many people do decentralised bottom block chains, and it doesn't make much sense, so we do a bridge across the Internet. The Etheria may be like the Internet of the year, cool but high-threshold; and the current Internet giants are very useful, but very closed, so it can block or block users at any time. So I wonder if I can do something more innovative on the Internet: direct use of DeFi, , DAO, Taiwan, Boca, etc.


& nbsp; Chain Catchers: Tool-type products are often difficult to realize, and what are your business models?


& nbsp; Suji: The business model under this model is also quite straightforward, and the logic of Compound, Uniswap is somewhat similar. We are building a vast network that does not require any recognition, no regulation in the traditional sense, with huge profit space, and we work with cloud computing firms, etc., where users have to pay a fee or a price to unlock, all of which are captured by Dimension.


& nbsp; but there is no point in doing so now, and we want to make users aware first of the importance of data, which are their assets, and we provide them with legitimate technology to defend their own data assets.


& nbsp; Chain Catcher: Can we talk about the specific number of users and growth trends of several products that are emerging?

 Suji:我们有两部分用户,一部分是清楚了解什么是Mask network并且每个功能都会用的用户,这部分有3、4万的下载,日活大概3千;另一部分是指通过互联网入口进入我们的用户,数量已经有80多万。用户增长趋势说夸张一点,一年有接近一百万的增长。

& nbsp; Suji: We have two parts of users, one with a clear understanding of what is a Mask network that will be used for each function, the other with 30 or 40,000 downloads and roughly 3,000 living daily, and the other with more than 800,000 users entering through the Internet portal. User growth is an exaggeration, with nearly a million people growing a year.

 我们目标是在三年做到2000万的安装。像今年春节期间我们和Maker的合作的红包活动就吸引来了 1000 多个真实用户,以太坊创始人Vitalik 也参与了。

& nbsp; our goal is to install 20 million in three years. Like the red packs we worked with Maker this spring, it attracted & nbsp; 1000 & nbsp; many real users, Vitalik, the founder of Ethio.


These people may not be Web3.0 users and will not do more with DeFi, but it also proves that the original Internet platform is an entrance that needs a bridge, even if successful as Etheria, Maker needs it.



Web3.0 is breaking barriers and restrictions

 链捕手:现在社会数据隐私泄露非常普遍,很多数据其实是企业或者政府他们主动收集的,Mask Network这些产品使得互联网巨头或者政府都站在了自身的对比面。那么自从发布以来,你们与Facebook这类大企业或者政府有没有进行过什么博弈呢?

& nbsp; Chain Catcher: Social data privacy is now widely leaked, much of it is collected by businesses or governments on their own initiative, and Mask Network is a product that makes the Internet giants or governments stand in contrast to themselves. So, since it was released, have you made any games with large companies or governments like ?


& nbsp;Suji: Will do, and it's not easy to tell. What I can say now is that software like Twitter is our ally.


& nbsp; Bitcoin has reached a market value of more than $100 billion over 10 years, but as long as Zuckerberg and Bethos join forces, it seems to be able to block the entire industry. One simple thing,


& nbsp; so we have to join forces with the Ethernos and Poca projects, so that there is no excessive competition between them, so that we can work together to truly decentralize the world.


& nbsp; Chain Catcher: Your goal is to build a bridge between Web 2.0 and Web3.0. May I say what kind of Web3.0 you understand?


& nbsp; Suji: All people have different understandings of Web3.0. I understand that Web 2.0 could not be done for some strange reason. The Internet had many wonderful dreams early on, such as cross-border payments, three rights privacy, online governance, permanent storage, open finance, data belong to individuals, but since countries and some business organizations are blocking this stage for their own purposes, we call this stage Web 2.0, and the next phase of breaking barriers and restrictions is called Web3.0. .


& nbsp; Chain Catcher: We understand that you are also one of the sponsors of the anti-996 agreement. Do you think that block chain technology can improve individual empowerment?

 Suji:Vitalik一直信仰和去实践的概念:数据即劳动(Data as labor)。大家都认为996运动改变生产关系,而生产关系的本质无非是劳方和资方的关系。数字世界里用户是劳方,平台和平台拥有者是资方,用户的劳方是通过创造数据付出劳动的,只有密码学能够保护数据或者保护数据转移跟交易,这个就是开放金融或者DeFi。

& nbsp; Suji: Vitalik has always believed in and practiced the concept of data: Data as labor. Everyone believes that the 996 movement changes the productive relationship, and that the essence of the productive relationship is just the relationship between labor and capital. The digital world is where users are laborers, platforms and platform owners are capitalists, users work by creating data, and only cryptography protects data or the transfer and transaction of data, which is open finance or DeFi.


& nbsp; so I'm convinced that all people can become capitalists, that these farmers need to have capital, and that they need to start a movement to help them really own their intellectual property, rather than let the big companies do it on their behalf and make money through it. I think that the 996 movement is the beginning of this vision.


In the traditional world of & nbsp; , we need to adopt laws and regulations to protect workers' ability to pay for their work, and in the digital world you need to make it happen through the talismans and smart contracts.


& nbsp; Chain Catcher: You have a lot of very personal labels on you, and the behavior of women programmers, anti-996 campaigns, university dropouts, etc., with some deviant connotations, can you say how this sense of resistance is formed? At the social level, however, many values are deeply rooted, and the effects of the resistance seem to be limited?


& nbsp; Suji: It is difficult to say that everyone sees and believes different things, such as that you believe there is no difference between sex, that the Government and the Monopoly do not interfere with truth-seeking, so that they become journalists and participate in social movements.


& nbsp; I think someone has to do something like this, it's not a rebellion or a departure from something, it's a reform, it's a reform, it's consistent with what we do commercially, we advocate for users to take back their data privacy, it's bound to force some Internet giants to make a change, it's an Internet revolution.




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