排名 |
币种名 | 美元价格$ | 24H涨跌幅 |
流通市值$ |
初始发行价 |
24h最高价 |
24h最低价 |
1 |
BTC 比特币 |
$65,926.27 | -1.03% | 12957.8亿 | $0.0025 | $66,943.64 | $65,160.34 |
The current index applies only to bitcoin, and we are collecting data from the following five sources.
Volatility (25%)
To obtain the current rate and maximum of the bitcoin and compare it with the corresponding averages for the last 30 and 90 days. We believe that the abnormal rise in the volatility rate is a sign of market fear.
Market dynamics/transactions (25%)
The current volume of transactions and market dynamics (comparable with the average of the last 30/90 days) and put the two values together. Usually, when we see large volumes of purchases in active markets every day, it can be concluded that the market is acting too greedy/exceedingly.
While collecting and calculating each of the reddit and twitter coins on various labels (publicly, we show only bitcoins) and checking their speed of reception and number of interactions within a given time frame. An unusually high level of interaction suggests that public interest is growing, which corresponds to greedy market behaviour.
Market survey (15%)
Every week, an encrypted currency poll is conducted on the polling platform strawpolm.com and people are asked how they see the market. Usually, every poll gets 2,000 to 3,000 responses, so we do see a group of encrypted money investors. We don’t pay much attention to these results, but it was very useful when we started our research.
dominance (10%)
On the other hand, when Bitcoin’s dominance falls, people become more greedy, investing in other currencies that are more risky, and dreaming of opportunities in the next bull market. In any case, an analysis of the dominance of a non-bitcoin currency may lead you to the opposite conclusion, because it may be more interested in another currency than in that currency, and it may come to the conclusion that the currency is rising/grieving.
The Google trend data for various bitcoin-related search keywords are extracted and processed, in particular changes in search volumes and other recommended current popular searches, for use in indexes.