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文章来源:互联网作者:欧意交易所app官方下载发布时间:2023-03-29 13:24:00

Source of articles: Internet author: OIE app official download release time: 2023-03-29:00


The currency exchange software for circulation has been opened by firehuobiapp, BitGlobal, HKEx, DigiFinex, Bibox, PKEX, FTX, Kraken, Gate.io sesame, 10 Bitcoinwin.


1, Fireboop:


The Houthiapp trading platform believes that many investors have heard of it, and it can even be said that a large number of investors are using the Hobobiapp trading platform, that it was established in 2013 to provide users with transactions in French, currency, contracts, etc., and that, eight years after its creation, Huobiapp is still on the top 10 exchanges of the DTT after years of block-link trading.



As a compliance-based financial institution, BitGlobal has financial operations in more than a dozen countries and territories, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Hong Kong, and plans to gradually establish regional distributed international stations. With the support of order-sharing and mobility-sharing technologies, BitGlobal will provide users with a range of services such as digital currency transactions, digital asset distribution, block chain projects hatching, and decentralized finance.


HKEx是一家综合性数字资产服务平台,成立于2018年3月,总部位于新加坡。HKEx.one面向全球客户提供数字资产管理和交易服务,关注和扶持区块链游戏垂直领域的生态建设及发展。注册用户超过120万人,活跃用户40万人,日产管理资金2000万美元。支持中文、英语,日语等多国语言。 平台拥有强大的技术团队和运营团队,致力于为全球用户提供最安全、稳定、高效的资产与衍生品交易及资产管理服务。

HKEx is an integrated digital asset service platform, established in March 2018 and based in Singapore. HKEx.one provides digital asset management and transaction services to global clients, focusing on and supporting ecological development and development in vertical areas of block-link games. More than 1.2 million users are registered, 400,000 active users are active, and $20 million in income management funds.



DigiFinex is the leading global platform for cryptographic asset trading and management, based in Hong Kong, with a core team of top executives of listed companies in mainland China and Hong Kong, with five offices worldwide (South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China). DigiFinex is a trusted and preferred partner in the investment of encrypted assets for 4 million users worldwide, with a secure top 10 liquidity ranking, with over 240 transactions and 150 encrypted currencies. The platform provides services such as encrypt asset transactions (including spot, bond and derivative transactions), encrypted asset management (e.g., quantification funds, pledge money, etc.), and encrypted asset storage values.



Top Bibox High-quality Digital Assets International Station, known as Financial Derivatives Service; Global First Personal Industrial Smart Digital Assets International Station, innovatively achieving trade security, platform stability, operational convenience; headquarters in Estonia.



PKEX, registered in Singapore in 2017, provides digital asset trading services to more than 3 million users worldwide, with multi-end coverage: PC web end, H5 mobile end, iOS/Android mobile phone client, 7*24 online client service. PKEX serves nearly 100 countries and territories through decentralized self-organization, an innovative service platform focused on block-chain asset trading. The core team consists of global professional elites in various fields such as financial investment, cryptology, security, etc., with a wealth of industry resources and top-level technical capacity to create the safe, stable, efficient and encrypted digital money investment environment for global users. PKEX supports 10 international languages, English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish, etc., that serve nearly 100 countries and territories, with more than a million users worldwide, providing industry with the depth of transactions and safe, fast operating experiences, while mobile end-to-end and multilingual switching to make it easier for global users to operate at any time.


FTX成立于2019年5月,是一家全球领先,安全、创新、高效、专业的数字资产衍生品交易服务平台,创建于交易员并服务于交易员。FTX现已上架70+合约交易对及6种指数合约,平台有不爆仓杠杆代币,波动率(MOVE)合约及美国2020年总统大选合约,期权,算力合约,原油合约等。FTX致力建立一个可为专业交易公司以及首次用户直观使用的强大平台,并把安全和创新作为准则。FTX平台币FTT是FTX生态的应用代币,市值约为3.3亿美元。目前FTT已上线FTX,binance,火币,BitMax,Bitfinex,WazirX, CoinEx等多家交易服务平台。

FTX was established in May 2019 as a global leader, a secure, innovative, efficient and professional digital asset derivatives trading service platform, created by traders and serving traders. FTX is now on board a 70+ contract deal with six index contracts, with unbridled leverage on the platform, volatilities (MOVE) contracts and US presidential election contracts in 2020, options, arithmetic contracts, crude oil contracts, etc. FTX is committed to building a powerful platform for professional trading companies and first-time users, with security and innovation as a guideline. FTX is an application currency for the FTX ecology, with a market value of about $330 million. FTT is now on line with multiple trading services platforms such as FTX, Binance, CoinEx, BitMax, Bitfinex, WazirX, CoinEx, etc.


Kraken总部位于旧金山的Kraken成立于2011年,是欧元交易量最大的比特币国际站,也可用加拿大元、美元、英镑和日元交易。Kraken一直被独立新闻媒体评为最佳和最安全的比特币国际站。Kraken是第一个在彭博终端上显示交易价格和交易量的比特币国际站,第一个通过了加密验证的外汇储备审计,是第一家加密货币银行的合伙人。2014年3月获300万美元天使轮融资,主要投资者为蜂鸟风险投资公司(Hummingbird Ventures)。目前,Kraken已跻身美国最活跃的数字货币国际站阵列,根据Bitcoin Charts目前的数据显示,Kraken平台的日成交量为4,579 BTC,这一数据超过了竞争对手ANX以及BTC-e。

Kraken, the headquarters of Kraken in San Francisco, was established in 2011 as the Bitcoin International Station, with the largest volume of transactions in the euro, and also with Canadian dollars, United States dollars, pounds sterling and Japanese yen. Kraken has been rated by independent media as the best and safest bitcoin International Station. Kraken is the first Bitco International Station to show the price and volume of transactions at the Bloomberg terminal, the first to have passed an audit of the encrypted foreign exchange reserves, a partner in the first encrypted currency bank. In March 2014, $3 million in angel wheel financing was obtained, with major investors financing the Hummingbird Ventures.


9; gate.io sesame:

gate.io芝麻开门国际站,是一家有态度的全球区块链资产国际站。从13年创办至今,已为来自全球超过224个国家的数百万用户,提供了近五百种优质区块链资产品类的交易和投资服务。gate.io致力于做一家值得信赖的安全、稳定、有信誉的区块链资产国际站,不仅为用户提供安全、便捷、公平的区块链资产交易服务,同时全面保障用户的交易信息安全和资产安全。gate.io主体为Gate Technology Inc.,服务全球,在加拿大,韩国、日本、香港等多个国家和地区均设有独立的交易业务和运营中心。gate.io 拥有超级防卫SSL链接,离线比特币钱包技术,即时区块链资产存取功能,多币种地址共享技术,多重安全验证保护,同时提供较低的区块链资产交易费用和提取费用。

Gate.io is dedicated to a trusted, secure, stable and credible international station for block-chain assets, not only to provide safe, easy, fair chain-of-assets services to users, but also to provide full security for user transactions and asset security. Gate.io is a global service for millions of users from more than 224 countries, with separate transactional and operational centres in several countries and regions, such as Canada, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong.


Bitcoinwin(BCW)成立于2018年,公司总部设立于加拿大多伦多,是全球领先的数字资产金融服务商,已为超过130个国家的数百万名用户提供服务,交易量进入全球前9行列,荣获郑州理财博览会“最安全合规海外交易平台大奖”。 Bitcoinwin(BCW)持有澳洲数字货币牌照,受到澳大利亚数字货币交易的法定政府监管机构AUSTRAC (澳大利亚交易报告和分析中心)的监管。

Founded in 2018, Bitcoinwin (BCW) is the global leading digital asset financial service provider, based in Toronto, Canada, and has served millions of users in more than 130 countries. The volume of transactions has reached the top nine in the world and has been awarded the “Best Secure Compliance Overseas Trading Platform Award” at the Chu State Finance Fair. Bitcoinwin (BCW) holds Australian digital currency plates and is regulated by AUSTRAC (Australian Centre for Trade Reporting and Analysis), the statutory government regulatory body for digital currency transactions in Australia.

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随着更广泛的加密货币市场下跌约 2%,狗狗币价格今天下跌 1%,在过去 24 小时内跌至 0.085902 美元。这个水平意味着模因代币在过去一周上涨了 2.5%,但在两周内下跌了 7%,在过去 30 天内下跌了 3%。

With the broader crypto-currency market falling by about 2 per cent, the price of dog money today fell by 1 per cent, down to $0.085902 in the last 24 hours. This level meant that Monets had risen by 2.5 per cent in the past week, but fell by 7 per cent in two weeks and by 3 per cent in the last 30 days.

DOGE 的走势发生在其 24 小时交易量超过 6 亿美元之际,这一数字实际上在今天早上早些时候飙升至 10 亿美元。然而,虽然一些持有者可能希望鲸鱼重新回归加密货币,但现有证据表明,更大的交易商可能正准备出售。DOGE 的指标目前并没有描绘出完全令人鼓舞的画面,因为它们似乎表明短期内会进一步下跌。该代币的相对强弱指数(紫色)在过去几个小时内跌至略低于 50,这意味着它在超卖之前还有足够的下跌空间。

The trend of DOEs occurred at a time when they traded more than $600 billion in 24 hours, a figure that actually jumped to $1 billion earlier this morning. However, while some holders may wish to return whales to encrypted currency, available evidence suggests that larger traders may be ready to sell. The DOGE indicators do not currently provide a completely encouraging picture, as they seem to indicate a further decline in the short term. The relative strength and weakness index (violet) of the currency has fallen slightly below 50 in the last few hours, which means that it has enough scope to fall before it is sold over.

相应地,DOGE 的 30 天移动平均线(红色)相对于其 200 天移动平均线(蓝色)已经趋于稳定,这意味着该代币可能处于进一步下跌的边缘。

Accordingly, the 30-day move average (red) of the DOGE has stabilized relative to its 200-day move average (blue), which means that the token may be on the verge of further decline.

鉴于过去一天左右的交易量有所增加,进一步的价格走势可能确实迫在眉睫。一些观察家指出,在最近的损失之后,至少有一些鲸鱼已经恢复了 DOGE 的积累。

Given the increase in the volume of transactions over the past day or so, further price trends may indeed be imminent. Some observers point out that at least some whales have recovered from DoGE accumulation after the recent loss.

然而,虽然有一些积累的证据,但似乎有更多证据表明鲸鱼将 DOGE 转移到交易所,准备出售。例如,过去几个小时看到一位大持有者将 6000 万 DOGE(约合 500 万美元)转移到 Coinbase。

However, while there is some accumulated evidence, there seems to be more evidence that whales are moving DOGE to the exchange for sale. For example, over the past few hours a large holder has seen 60 million DOGEs (approximately $5 million) be transferred to Coinbase.

最近的其他例子包括3110 万 DOGE、2800 万 DOGE、6000万DOGE、6030万DOGE、1020 万 DOGE等的动向。虽然此类转让可能与个人合并其持有的资产有关,但它们仍然增加了众多鲸鱼可能准备出售的可能性。

Other recent examples include movements of 31.1 million DOEs, 28 million DOEs, 60 million DOGEs, 60.3 million DOGEs, and 10.2 million DOEs. While such transfers may be linked to the consolidation of assets held by individuals, they still increase the likelihood that many whales may be ready for sale.


This is in line with the decline in DOGE since early February and is likely to increase in the near future.


In other words, for DOGE, the more distant future still looks good. As in the past, mainly because of Elonmask, Tesla and Twitter remain the most visible and straightforward supporters of dog money.


The recent example of Mask lending his supporters to DOGE included a viral tweet released last week about his firewood dog, Floki, which caused a brief surge. Similarly, he was in the fifth Super Bowl in his dog-coat T-shirt, which could have been seen by millions of people.

虽然这些特技看起来微不足道,但它们都为人们对 Twitter 迟早会引入狗狗币支付的持续期望提供了可信度。

Although these stunts seem insignificant, they all provide credibility to the continuing expectation that Twitter will sooner or later introduce dog bills to pay.

因此,在不久的将来,DOGE 仍然有可能从一些非常大的采用新闻中受益,但这种机会尚未得到证实。如果确实如此,其价格将大幅上涨,可能会回到2021年5月创下的历史新高0.731578美元。

Thus, in the near future, DOGE still has the potential to benefit from some very large use of news, but this opportunity has not yet been proven. If it does, prices will rise significantly, possibly back to the historic high of $0.731578, which was created in May 2021.

就此时此地而言,更清醒的分析师可能会提出2023年DOGE0.13美元的目标。如果 DOGE 能够达到这样的水平,那无疑将为进一步上涨奠定基础,尤其是在全球经济和更广泛的市场变得更加乐观的情况下。

At this point in time, a more sober analyst might have set a target of US$0.13 for 2023. If the DOGE were to reach such a level, it would certainly lay the foundation for a further rise, especially as the global economy and wider markets become more optimistic.




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