BTC/FDUSD as a whole is a digital virtual currency, is currently held free of charge, is an encrypted currency based on transactions in the block chain,
i. What does BTC/FDUSD mean ?
数字货币采用加密型和完全去中心化的支付,给用户带来一定的便利和安全,但平台如果存在安全漏洞,一样被黑客攻击,所以用户在持有数字虚拟货币期间要保持警惕,不可盲目点击一些不明链接,谨防上当受骗。Bitcoin or BTC is an encrypted digital currency in the form of a P2P, based on a virtual currency in which transactions are carried out in a block chain, the transaction records are transparent, point-to-point transmissions are used, and a system of complete centralization of payments is used. Bitcoins are not issued by a specific monetary institution, unique algorithms are generated through a large number of calculations, and the currency is provided with security in the course of transactions. Once the decentralized character of P2P is formed, it cannot be tampered with, it is not artificially controlled currency values.
digital currencies are traded using addresses of both sides in the payment process, ensuring the anonymity of monetary ownership and circulation transactions.
II. Does BTC have a fee on a permanent basis?
Bitcoin’s long-term holdings are free of charge, because it is placed on an exchange or in an encrypted wallet as a form of deposit, and many exchanges deliberately offer a number of preferential policies to attract customers to invest or trade. Bitcoin is described as an attractive investment asset in global market space, the first ever decentralized payment ecosystem, with a strong background, and the advantages of decentralizing features, point-to-point nodes, etc., attract a large number of investors, with no top agencies involved in the Bitcoin network, fully open, transparent transactions, and every transaction is recorded in a chain that cannot be tampered with and kept true.
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