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In recent years, digital money has developed very rapidly, and it can be said that it was once a black horse in an investment project. There are currently two most common and mainstream ways to invest in digital money: mining, trading through an exchange, where the second is simpler and easier for most investors. The most basic is to choose a . So, which digital currency exchange is chosen?




A total of 634 transactions were matched by a total of US$ 4,825 million worth of gunnet assets, with US$ 12,505 million on a 24-hour basis.


As a large domestic trading platform, both technologically and in terms of the depth of the transaction, and operating steadily, there have been no too much security problems to date, and the security of assets is more trustworthy. With the help of large domestic user markets, the platform has developed very rapidly in recent years, with better prospects for its continued development in the future.




BitMEX assets amounted to $3.2 billion, with a total of 14 transactions for a 24-hour transaction of $1,557 million.


The BITMEX Exchange is the world’s largest contract trading platform, with its users worldwide, and has been operating steadily for several years. It is safe and secure, and has never seen an outbreak of bad currency theft, while its team is an elite in the industry, receiving investment from well-known institutions in the currency circle, and its strength is unquestionable.

3.Coinbase Pro

Coinbase Pro交易所资产22.17亿美元,共有74个交易对,24小时成交额3.61亿美元。

The Coinbase Pro Exchange had assets of $2,217 million, with 74 transactions in total and a 24-hour transaction of $361 million.

Coinbase Pro总部设立在美国,为用户提供安全的平台,方便用户进行各种数字资产投资。Coinbase Pro平台界面简洁易用,包括实时订单查询、图表工具、交易历史记录和简单的订单流程。

Coinbase Pro is based in the United States to provide a secure platform for users to invest in a variety of digital assets. The Coinbase Pro platform interface is simple and easy to use, including real-time order queries, graphic tools, transaction history records and simple order processes.



4.k Net


The assets of the knet exchange amounted to $2,125 million, for a total of 129 transactions of $224 million on a 24-hour basis.


KNet-based Kraken, located in San Francisco, was established in 2011 as the international station for bitcoins with the largest volume of transactions in the euro and also with Canadian dollars, United States dollars, pounds sterling and Japanese yen. Kraken has been rated by independent news media as the best and safest international station for bitcoins. Kraken was the first international station to show the price and volume of transactions at the Bloomberg terminal, and the first to pass an encrypted foreign exchange reserve audit and to be a partner in the first encrypted currency bank.




币安网(点此注册) (注意:国内用户目前仅支持邮箱注册!)资产20.37亿美元,共有635个交易对,24小时成交额78.24亿美元。


As a headline platform, there are more foreign users, and the country is more likely to believe that


Not to mention the security of the currency, which has been stolen many times in history, which has survived with a great deal of domestic activity, which is relatively simple in technology and does not see much advantage in depth than in the other two headlines, as well as the now popular marketing of beautiful women's clubs, which also feels bad and dislikes platforms of this kind.




The Bitfinex exchange had assets of $1,695 million, with 254 transactions in total, with a 24-hour transaction of $146 million.


Bitfinex is one of the largest and most senior Bitcoin international stations in the world, supporting transactions in virtual currency such as Taiku, Bitcoin, Lightcoin, and Ether Classic, with a daily turnover of more than 3 billion yuan. Offering currency transactions, dollar-dollar transactions. Registration is very simple. In 2016, Bitfinex was stolen from social media by some 120,000 bitcoins.



The BitFlyer Exchange had assets of $1,555 million, with a total of four transactions of $742.85 million on a 24-hour basis.

BitFlyer成立于2014年,总部位于日本,比特币交易量居日本第一。 Bitflyer由高盛前员工创立,意图填补MtGox倒下后日本比特币交易市场的空缺,目前已获两轮融资,投资方包括三菱UFJ金融集团旗下的三菱UFJ资本有限公司( Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.),日本电通集团旗下的风投公司电通数码控股公司(Dentsu Digital Holdings, Inc.)等。

BitFlyer, founded in 2014 and based in Japan with the highest volume of bitcoin transactions in Japan, was created by former Goldman Sachs employees to fill the gap in the Japanese Bitcoin trading market following the fall of MtGox and has now received two rounds of financing from Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Ltd. (Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.) under Mitsubishi Digital Holdings, Inc., under the banner of the Japan Telecoms Group.




Bitget was founded in 2018 with an asset strength of RMB 368 million and a 24-hour transaction of RMB 75,371 million, with a total of 716 transactions and 514 currencies.


Itget is the leading global currency exchange



9. Twin stars


Twin stars had assets of $589 million, with a total of six transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $28,939.96 million.

Gemini(双子星)是由Winklevoss兄弟创立的比特币和以太坊国际站,是一家数字货币金融投资平台和托管机构,允许客户投资和存储数字资产,直接受纽约州金融服务部门(NYDFS)的监管。 Gemini总部位于纽约,目前仅支持BTC、ETH和Zcash的投资,而且只在美国、加拿大、英国、韩国、香港和新加坡开展业务。

Gemini, founded by the Winklevos brothers at Bitcoin and Etheria International, is a digital monetary investment platform and trustee that allows clients to invest and store digital assets and is directly regulated by the New York State financial services sector (NYDFS). Gemini, based in New York, currently supports only BTC, ETH, and Zcash investments, and operates only in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore.



The assets of the KuCoin Exchange amounted to $1.43 billion, with a total of 1,261 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $3.665 billion.


KuCoin, a well-known global platform for digital money trading services, supports multi-digital asset transactions. Established in September 2017, it has grown into one of the most popular digital money trading service platforms, providing a one-stop service of currency, French, contract, Pool-X, and lending to 5 million users in 207 countries and regions around the world. In November 2018, KuCoin, known as the “business services platform for all”, operated by Seychelles, provided multi-language, 7x24-hour customer service teams to users, while KuCoin established localized communities in Korea, Japan, Spain, Italy, Viet Nam, Turkey, Russia, India, etc., to provide the most locally-owned services to users everywhere.


Open the sesame door.


The Sesame Opening Exchange had assets of $204 million, with a total of 386 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $8,771.86 million.

2020年7月22日,Gate.io品牌全面升级,中文名“芝麻开门”正式启用。 gate.io 大门国际站,是一家有态度的全球区块链资产国际站。从13年创办至今,已为来自全球超过130个国家的数百万用户,提供了近百种优质区块链资产品类的交易和投资服务。gate.io致力于做一家值得信赖的安全、稳定、有信誉的区块链资产国际站,不仅为用户提供安全、便捷、公平的区块链资产交易服务,同时全面保障用户的交易信息安全和资产安全。

Since its inception in 13 years, nearly 100 high-quality block chain asset classes have been provided to millions of users around the world for transactions and investment services. Gate.io is committed to a trusted, secure, stable and credible international site for block chain assets that not only provides security, easy and fair chain asset trading services to users, but also provides comprehensive security for transactions and asset security for users.



12. BG Exchange


The BG Exchange has assets of $197 million, with a total of 30 transactions of $109 million on a 24-hour basis.

Bitgalaxy Global是全球领先的合约交易服务平台,持有资产排名前列,是全世界用户体量最大、最高级的比特币交易服务平台之一。BG总部位于香港,并且持有美国MSB、澳大利亚DCE、加拿大MSB等多国合规牌照,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、以太坊等数字资产的币币和衍生品交易服务。

Bitgalaxy Global is the world’s leading contract trading service platform, with the highest asset holding ranking, and one of the world’s largest and most advanced Bitcoin trading service platforms. BG is based in Hong Kong and holds multi-country compliance plates such as US MSB, Australian DCE, Canada MSB, and provides currency and derivative trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Etheria, etc., primarily to global users.




The Bybit Exchange had assets of $149 million, with five transactions in total and a 24-hour transaction of $1,290 million.

Bybit成立于2018年3月,注册在英属维京群岛。是一家全球性的数字资产衍生品交易服务平台。用户遍布全球200多个国家,覆盖北美、欧洲、亚太等地区,为个人用户及专业机构提供专业的数字资产衍生品交易服务。 Bybit通过数字资产与传统金融的结合,引领数字资产的生态发展。提供一流的流动性,致力于打造业内最安全、公平、高效及人性化的交易服务平台。

Bybit was founded in March 2018 and registered in the British Virgin Islands. It is a global platform for digital asset derivatives services. Users are located in more than 200 countries worldwide, covering North America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific, and provide professional digital asset derivatives services to individual users and professional institutions. Bybit leads the ecological development of digital assets by combining digital assets with traditional finance.




The Bitstamp Exchange had assets of $120 million, with a total of 22 transactions of $156 million on a 24-hour basis.

Bitstamp是欧洲的老牌国际站,曾经排名世界第三。 BitStamp创始人是纳杰克·科德里奇(Nejc Kodric),2011年8月,他与戴米安联合创立BitStamp。2013年10月,Bitstamp获1000万美元投资,投资者为Pantera Capital Management。2015年1月,Bitstamp不幸遭遇黑客攻击,价值510万美元的比特币惨遭洗劫,平台一度关闭。不久,Bitstamp劫后重生,目前已恢复正常运营。

Bitstamp, the oldest international station in Europe, was ranked third in the world. Bitstamp’s founder, Nejc Kodric, created Bitstamp in August 2011 in conjunction with Damien.




Poloniex had assets of $115 million, with 173 transactions matched and a 24-hour transaction of $35,629.98 million.

Poloniex成立于2014年,俗称P网,是世界领先的加密货币国际站之一。Poloniex平台提供多种山寨币服务。 Poloniex自2016年它的竞争对手Cryptsy消失以来,特别是2017年年初山寨币泡沫之后,拥有了非常快速增长的投资量,访问量从2017年2月每月700万增加到5月份的月增长3000万。 Poloniex有友好的手机和电脑端服务界面,这是因为它是一个纯粹的数字货币国际站,不能使用法币。

Poloniex, established in 2014, is known as the P-net, one of the world’s leading crypto-currency international stations. Poloniex’s platform provides a multiplicity of bounties.


16. Currency


The currency exchange had assets of $107 million, for a total of 131 transactions, with a 24-hour transaction of $273 million.

币格(BigONE)是一家诚信、安全、专业、共赢的全球区块链数字资产托管及交易服务平台。平台建立了完整的数字资产交易生态体系,包括现货交易、杠杆交易、合约交易、理财、借贷、PoS 矿池、去中心化交易服务平台BigDEX、数字资产天使平台AngelONE 等,为用户提供全品类、一站式的数字资产相关服务。

BigONE is a platform for hosting and trading digital assets in a global block chain that is honest, secure, professional, and win-win. The platform has a complete digital asset trading ecosystem, including spot transactions, leverage transactions, contract transactions, money management, lending, PoS pits, decentralised transaction services platform BigDEX, digital asset angel platform Angelene, etc., providing full-volume, one-stop digital asset-related services to users.




ZBG assets amounted to $105 million, for a total of 80 transactions, with a 24-hour delivery of $804 million.

ZBG.com在2018年成立于香港,凭借创新、高效和全球化的运营,ZBG在短时间内迅速跻身行业世界前十,被誉为新一线国际站。 目前平台已支持七国语言访问,为全球180万加密资产投资者提供服务,平台日均活跃超过12万。在未来,ZBG将继续拓展全球市场,为全球区块链爱好者提供稳定、安全、快捷的区块链项目上市、加密资产投资等服务。

Founded in Hong Kong in 2018, ZBG.com, thanks to its innovative, efficient, and globalized operation, has quickly joined the top 10 in the world of industry as a new frontline international station. The platform has now supported seven language visits, serving 1.8 million encrypted asset investors worldwide, with an active platform of over 120,000.



AOFEX had assets of $90 million, with 135 transactions in total and a 24-hour transaction of $3.26 billion.

AOFEX是全球领先的数字金融衍生品服务平台。 AOFEX总部位于英国伦敦,创始团队长年深耕金融及高科技领域,为大量高新企业提供战略咨询服务,并为大量金融机构提供核心服务,拥有非常强大的全球战略运营能力,以及丰富的金融风险控制管理经验。AOFEX引入世界顶尖的传统银行金融风险控制系统,采用多重底层安全技术,建立内部监管预警制度,设置风险储备金机制,让加密数字货币交易环境的安全性大幅提高。

AOFEX is a leading global platform for digital financial derivatives services. AOFEX is based in London, United Kingdom, and its founding team provides strategic advisory services to a large number of high-tech businesses and core services to a large number of financial institutions, with a very strong global strategic operating capability, as well as extensive experience in financial risk management.


A bit of a cow.


The assets of the Bit Cow Exchange amounted to $7,566.3 million, representing 51 transactions, with a 24-hour transaction of $681 million.

比特牛(BTNEX)是一家全球化的专业区块链数字资产国际站。成立于开曼群岛,创始团队为区块链早期探索者以及从事传统金融10余年的高新尖人才。 BTN采用银行级SSL安全协议,企业级冷钱包,证券级的交易系统。优势不仅在于国际站资产高度安全,更大的优势在于创新型的生态建设。多种类的数字资产交易衍生品以及用户可参与到国际站的利润重新分配中来,让每个用户都有主人翁的精神参与到BTN。

BTN uses banking-class SSL security protocols, business-class cold wallets, and securities-grade trading systems. The advantage is not only that international station assets are highly secure, but also that innovative eco-building is the greater advantage.


20. Hobbit


The assets of the Hobit Exchange amounted to $5.68747 million, representing 109 transactions, with a 24-hour transaction of $681 million.


Hobbit is the leading global technology-driven platform for encrypted asset trading services, with 56 high-quality capital co-leadings, such as Firepop, OKEx. After nearly two years of smooth operation, the Hobbit trading platform can provide customers with currency, contracts, OTC, options, finance, etc. and the platform’s mainstream currency and contract transactions have high levels of liquidity and depth in the industry.



Through the above presentation, it is believed that there is some understanding of the digital currency exchange, and that little friends in the currency circle remind investors of the choice of a more well-known, larger, digital currency exchange, which would help them to exclude small exchanges, while some informal exchanges would also be excluded. More importantly, irrespective of which digital currency exchange the investor chooses, it would have to run a full value + buy + sell + cash out itself and experience the exchange's service level, which would make it easier for investors to screen their own digital currency exchange.




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