此前有传闻称,微软会在 Windows Store 商店里关闭对比特币的支持,不过非但这不是真的,微软还会进一步强化支持比特币。
There were earlier rumours that Microsoft would shut down Bitcoin's support at Windows Store, but, unless it was not true, Microsoft would further intensify its support for Bitcoin.
据国外网友曝光的一份 Office 更新规划表显示,Excel 将会原生支持比特币汇率转换,PC 版和手机版都支持。
According to an Office updated planning table released by foreign users, Excel will support the Bitcoin exchange rate conversion in its original form, with support from both the PC version and the mobile phone version.
更新中称:“现在可以使用 Excel 里原生的比特币数据格式跟踪、计算和分析比特币数据。该功能将会支持 Excel 2016 for Windows、Excel Online、Excel Mobile for Windows、Excel Mobile for Android。”
This function will support Excel 2016 for Windows, Excel Online, Excel Mobile for Windows, Excel Mobile for Android.
具体支持方式不详,据称微软会在 Excel 里为比特币数据提供八位小数支持,简化数据整理。
Specific forms of support are not known, and Microsoft is said to provide eight decimal support for Bitcoin data in Excel to simplify data collation.
对于有关 Windows Store 商店将停止支持比特币的传闻,微软曾专门予以澄清,解释说是微软网站上不确切的数据让大家误会了,用户可以继续向微软账户内充值比特币并购买内容,Windows 商店、Xbox 商店均可。
In response to anecdotal that Windows Store store would stop supporting Bitcoin, Microsoft specifically clarified that inaccurate data on the Microsoft website had led to a misunderstanding that users could continue to fill bitcoin in Microsoft accounts and buy content, both in Windows and in Xbox.
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