Bitcoin, a world-renowned virtual currency, was born in 2009 as a first digital currency using
2017年春季,比特币价格一路攀升,6月份时突破了2000美元的大关,约合人民币14000元左右。随后,比特币价格继续上涨,最终在2017年12月份创下历史最高纪录,达到约20000美元,约合人民币13万左右。这个时期被认为是比特币的“黄金时期”,吸引了大量的投资者涌入市场。 In the spring of 2017, bitcoin prices rose all the way, breaking the threshold of $2,000 in June, about $14,000. After that, bitcoin prices continued to rise, culminating in a record high of about $200, or $130,000, in December 2017. 比特币价格的变迁和金融市场一样,受到多种因素的影响。其中,市场供求关系是决定比特币价格的最主要因素。比特币的总量是有限的,而市场的需求却可能出现波动,这就导致了比特币价格的起伏不定。此外,政策法规、市场热点等因素也会对比特币价格产生影响。 Bitcoin price movements, like financial markets, are influenced by a variety of factors. Among them, market supply and demand relationships are the most important determinants of bitcoin prices. Bitcoins are limited in volume, while market demand can fluctuate, leading to price fluctuations. 另外,比特币价格的波动周期较长,投资者需要具备耐心和长远眼光。例如,2013年4月份,比特币价格一度飙升到260美元,但不久后价格又急剧下跌,一度跌到50美元以下。这种价格的暴涨暴跌,非常考验投资者的心理承受能力。 Moreover, the price of bitcoin fluctuates over a long period of time, and investors need patience and a long-term vision. For example, in April 2013, the price of bitcoin jumped to $260, but prices fell sharply after that, falling below $50. 虽然比特币价格的波动性很强,但很多投资者仍然愿意参与比特币的交易。然而,比特币投资本质上属于高风险投资,具有相对较高的风险和不确定性。 While bitcoin prices are highly volatile, many investors are still willing to engage in bitcoin transactions. However, bitcoin investments are inherently high-risk investments with relatively high risks and uncertainty. 首先,比特币交易的风险较大。因为比特币本身不被政府或银行认可,交易时缺乏权威机构的监管与保障。如果交易所出现安全漏洞或恶意攻击,投资者资金将可能受到严重损失,甚至不可挽回。 First, there is a greater risk of transactions in bitcoin. Because bitcoin itself is not recognized by the government or banks, transactions are conducted without the supervision and security of authorities. 其次,比特币价格的波动性很强,存在较大的投资风险。虽然比特币价格的上涨空间也很大,但不排除价格下跌的可能性。如果投资者持有的比特币价格突然下跌,可能会面临巨额损失。 Second, bitcoin prices are highly volatile, with high investment risks. While bitcoin prices have a large margin of increase, they do not exclude the possibility of falling prices. 尽管比特币价格的波动性较大,但仍然不乏投资者的追捧。比特币的市场前景和技术发展也具有很大的吸引力。但作为一种新型的虚拟货币,比特币的投资风险也是不容忽视的。投资者选择参与比特币交易时,需要具备一定的风险识别和控制能力,毕竟任何投资都存在着获利与亏损的可能性。 But, as a new type of virtual currency, the investment risk of Bitcoins cannot be ignored. When investors choose to participate in Bitcoin transactions, they need to have some risk identification and control, and after all there is a profit-loss potential for any investment. 免责声明:本文为转载,非本网原创内容,不代表本网观点。其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。 如有疑问请发送邮件至:bangqikeconnect@gmail.com If you have questions, send an e-mail to: bangqikecontract@gmail.com
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