比特币价格昨日逼近6200元 创下近三年来新高

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:17 评论:0



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According to market analysts, Chinese investors buy bitcoins in large quantities, mainly because of the strong dollar and the significant depreciation of the renminbi, and they buy bitcoins in search of safe havens. But, according to some insiders, “ the most important factor supporting the move is the use of bitcoins, and payment and preservation of values are the application of ”


Bitcoin, which entered the cow market, broke through the $800 mark and continued its assault, reaching $860 yesterday; in contrast, the Chinese market also kicked the 6,000-dollar gate.


Market >


Bitcoin grew by more than 150% during the year


By winter, on the afternoon of December 21, the price of Bitcoin passed $820, a two-year, ten-month high. After last week’s surge, Bitcoin did its best.


At the beginning of this year, bitcoin prices fell by $2,400, which has doubled to date, up by more than 150%. Market forecasts suggest that the current price of the currency is high, and that the possibility of further escalation is very high, and that once a bitcoin of $8,000 was brilliant, probably not far away.


From Bitcoin’s monthly Kline, North Yin reporters noticed that the last round of the Bitcoin fire actually lasted for over a month. In November 2013, the scenes started with $1258, reaching a maximum of $8,000, with a closing of $722, a sharp increase of 473.63%. The market then went out of deep V, and in December of that year it went down to $2119.99, and took it up to $4373. And then went down until January 2015, when the bottom hit was $900.


According to the reporter of the Beijing Youth News, the amount of Bitcoin, ranging from $5,000 to $6,000, has been re-established over a period of approximately six weeks. From November to yesterday, it experienced a maximum withdrawal of less than 5 per cent per day and only three drops of more than 2 per cent; on the contrary, eight increases of more than 2 per cent per day, and more than 5 per cent, have been repeated twice.


According to analysts, the current currency is an important milestone for bitcoin, and the market’s confidence in the bull market is growing. The price increase in bitcoin is the result of multiple pushes, driven by the promotion of bitcoin, digital money, and block chain concepts, and, above all, by the need for investors to look for safe assets when the world economy is undergoing radical political changes.




The year-end prize for Bitcoin is over 300,000.


The days of a large number of Bitcoin start-ups began to flourish as the mood raged. The most obvious feature was that talking about the end-of-year prizes became more accommodative, with the unanimous view that there was more certainty than last year.


The coin tells Beijing youth newspaper reporter & ldquao, the founder of the newspaper, & ldquao; the amount is still undetermined, and there are more than last year; it is certain that the end-of-year prize is the renminbi, and everyone wants to buy bitcoins at any time. & & & & & ldquao; Liu & Aiqua complements the new changes in the company, & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & ; ; & & ; ; ; & & & ; ; ;


The year-end prize in Beijing for good bitcoin is relatively new, with COO Guanggu saying, &ldquao; the year-end prize is arithmetic, with the highest achievement of 500 T. & & & rdquao; the Beijing youth newspaper reporter has made a bill that, if calculated on the last T equals 0.1 bitcoin, is $6,000, the year-end prize is $300,000. If Bitcoin appreciated, its earnings could continue to climb.





Recently, the good news of Bitcoin became the back of the round.


Early yesterday, the miner Bitfury's CEO revealed a big story via Twitter, &ldquao; in the last 24 hours, several more than $10 billion in asset-management funds have been called to buy bitcoins, 30,000-50,000 each, and we didn't sell them today. As to why the Fund bought bitcoins, it was not easy to judge whether the new deal was relevant.

公开信息显示, Bitfury是俄罗斯的一家ASIC比特币矿机芯片研发团队,2013年8月29日在talk上有人收到了第一台bitfury比特币矿机,这家公司引起了爱好者的普遍关注。 据了解Bitfury已经集芯片、矿池、交易平台于一身,总算力世界第二,被称为比特币矿机界一只凶猛的老虎,据了解,该公司的算力大约占全球的15%。

According to public information,   Bitfury, a Russian research and development team for the ASIC bitcoin chip, received the first bitfury bitcoin on talk on 29 August 2013, a company that has attracted widespread attention among fans. & nbsp; it is known that Bitfury has collected chips, ponds, trading platforms, and is the second most powerful tiger in the world, known as a violent tiger in the Bitcoin industry, which is known to account for about 15 per cent of the world.

此前的12月20日,有媒体报道,英国海峡群岛批准通过了Global Advisors的比特币投资基金(GABI)。至此,全球首个受监管的比特币基金正式上线。GABI诞生于2014年,是Global Advisors推出的首款产品。该组织之后发行的COINXBT和 COINXBE在瑞典纳斯达克也成为了开创性的先例。获政府批准后,GABI将率先在海峡群岛证券交易所(CISE)交易。Global Advisor负责人丹尼尔·马斯特斯在接受采访时表示:目前比特币的市值超过了124亿,打破了新纪录。还有消息预测,2026年之前币价可能实现8倍上涨。

Earlier, on 20 December, media reports reported that the British Channel Islands had approved the adoption of the Global  Advisors' Bitcoin Investment Fund (GABI). As a result, the first regulated Bitcoin Fund was officially launched worldwide. GABI was born in 2014 as a Global  Advisors’ first product. The organization’s subsequent COINXBT and & nbsp; COINXBE was also a ground-breaking precedent in Nasdak, Sweden. With government approval, GABI would take the lead in trading at the Channel Islands Stock Exchange (CISE). Global  Daniel & Middot, Advisor’s head; and Masters, in an interview, said that the current market value of Bitcoins was more than $12.4 billion, breaking the new record.


On the same day, the country’s domestic capital market also received powerful news that the founder of the national Bitcoin exchange, the former Bean Dingnet CTO Star, was preparing & “ buying shell & & rdquao; and a new three-board layout. On the same day, the new tri-boarding company, China Censorship, announced that Xu was planning to purchase 30.6 million shares of the SWF by way of an agreed transfer, accounting for approximately 54.66 per cent of the total stock of the listed company, at a price of $2.5 per share.





比特币是一种全球通用的虚拟货币。 比特币不依靠特定货币机构发行,它通过特定算法的大量计算产生,比特币经济使用整个P2P网络中众多节点构成的分布式数据库来确认并记录所有的交易行为。

Bitcoin is a global virtual currency. & nbsp; Bitcoin is not issued by a specific monetary institution, it is generated by a large number of calculations in a particular algorithm, and the Bitcoin economy uses distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transactions.

数据显示,比特币今年价格一直稳步攀升,在美国大选结果出炉后,随着美元走势强劲,比特币更是跟着价格飞涨。12月21日,比特币交易价格高达822美元,创自2014年1月以来新高,分析人士称,这是比特币走势上一个重要里程碑。 尽管过去24小时内的大多数交易都是以美元、欧元和英镑为交易货币,但值得注意的是,中国投资者是这一轮比特币飙升的大推手。

According to the data, bitcoin prices have been rising steadily this year, and, with the US election results coming out, bitcoins have been on the rise as the dollar has been strong. On December 21, Bitcoins traded up to $822, a new high since January 2014, according to analysts, and this is an important milestone in the movement of bitcoins. & nbsp; while most transactions in the last 24 hours have been conducted in United States dollars, euros, and pounds sterling, it is worth noting that Chinese investors have been the driving force behind this round of bitcoins.


According to market analysts, Chinese investors purchased bitcoins in large quantities, mainly because of the strong dollar and the significant depreciation of the renminbi, and they bought bitcoins in search of safety. Moreover, because of uncertainty about the political situation of the next US president, Trump, and the European election season, which will come in 2017, it is also important for global markets to buy bitcoins.

币看创始人刘爱华则有另外的看法,他认为“支持行情的最重要因素是比特币的应用,支付和保值都是应用”。好比特币COO吴广庚指出,比特币产量的周期减半也是一个不容忽视的因素,今年7月12日之前,比特币每天产出是3600个,在此之后,每天产出则是1800个。一下子供求关系发生了变化,一边是供给端产量减半,一边是不断增长的需求,价格就这样推上去了。文/本报记者 刘慎良 图示制作/王慧

According to Liu Yihua, founder of the currency, there is a different view: “ the most important factor in support is the use of bitcoin, where payments and preservations are applied & & rdquao;....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................




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