1 bitcoin = how many yuan and how much a bitcoin
Bitcoin is a virtual digital currency whose price is not fixed, and so far it has experienced several price hikes since its birth in 2009, up to $20,000 in 2017!
有小伙伴想知道1个比特币等于多少人民币,以及比特币为什么这么值钱的问题,CC期权 平台5美金就可以玩 比特币了,下面平台的小编就来给大家答疑解惑吧。
A little partner wants to know how much a bitcoin equals, and why bitcoin is so valuable, and the CC option is five dollars to play the bitcoin, and the little editor of the platform below will answer the question.

Bitcoin is the highest price in a virtual currency, and the price of a bitcoin is now around $7920, which translates into about $56,000. A small, invisible thing is worth over 50,000, which sounds exciting.
First of all, we need to know that bitcoin prices are not fixed, are as volatile as equity, funds, gold, etc., and are much more volatile than the ones you know. The word in the currency circle, the stock market for a year, is exaggerated, but it is true that the volatility of digital currencies is true.
1. Bitcoin’s first value exchange was made on 22 May 2010, when a programmer purchased 25-dollar pizzas in 10,000 bitcoins. On 18 December 2017 (currently the highest price of Bitcoin), the programmer purchased two pizzas at the equivalent of 130 million.
2. Bitcoin prices amounted to $1 on 13 February 2011, i.e. 1 bitcoin equal to approximately RMB 6.8
3. At the beginning of April 2013, the price of Bitcoin exceeded $100, i.e. one bitcoin equals approximately 670 to 680 yuan
At the beginning of January of 4, 2017, the price of Bitcoin exceeded $1,000, i.e. one bitcoin equals approximately 6700-6,800 yuan.
On 18 December 2017, Bitcoin arrived at US$ 19891, i.e. a bitcoin equal to approximately 133,900 yuan (the highest price currently in bitcoin)
Until now, the global average of bitcoin has remained around $7,800, and conversion into renminbi, a bitcoin = $54,900, remains a large conversion rate.

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