
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:147 评论:0



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In particular, on June 28, the Hangzhou Internet Court of Justice issued an open judgement in a case of violation of copyright for online distribution of works, establishing for the first time the legal validity of the electronic data stored in the use of the chain of works, and clearly establishing the method of adjudication of the serial chain of electronic evidence. Since neither party has filed a complaint, the decision is now in force.


As a result, the case became the country’s first-ever chain of evidence and generated widespread social attention, after all, the chain technology was called the next-generation network, and the evidence was the most readily accessible feature of the industry’s chain, and the court could say that it gave the most effective endorsement at the right time, and that there was an introverted meaning to the site where the chain was to be used.




In fact, many people look at the verdict and find it confusing, especially with the technical nouns and depositions in it. Some friends who understand the principles question what kind of chain this is, but it's a third-party record company that put the extracts on the chain.


This question seems to be valid, and the same question arose from my initial reading of the judgment, which led me to a more in-depth study of the chain evidence, including reading the white paper published by FACTOM, the analysis of the principle of chain evidence by the founders of several national record-keeping institutions, and finally to an important conclusion, namely, that the preservation network in the first case of the chain evidence was using the chain memory of the sector through the “settling” technique, which is likely to become the mainstream of the chain of evidence in the future.


So let's do a little bit of scribbling to show how we get this conclusion.


A friend who knows about the current electronic recorder knows that normally, when it comes to the third step, the electronic record is handed over to the public record office or to the centre of identification, in order to seek the endorsement of the authority. But a separate thread in the security network gives the data to the FACTOM sector chain and to the Bitcoin sector chain in this section. Why does it use the FACTOM sector chain and the Bitcoin sector as a public link?


In fact, FACTOM is a well-known American company that uses chain technology to protect and test the data, and its core principle is to anchor the data onto the bitcoin chain. So, you will find that the secure network has reached the fourth stage of the process, which is to lock the data onto the bitcoin chain through FACTOM.


finds out what the anchor is. >/strong >


It is well known that the bottom-structured technology of the Bitcoin is a chain technology, so that what remains of the bitcoin's property is a bottom-level chain — that is, a chain.


And what is unusual about this chain is that it is currently the longest in existence, the longest in operation, and the most reliable chain after multiple attacks, a feature that makes the Bitcoin chain the first choice for storing data and preventing data manipulation, and that can be understood as a bitcoin-based transaction that, once the transaction is “recorded” by the Bitcoin, will remain permanently on the Bitcoin chain and cannot be deleted or modified.


By way of example, if a ship stays in the water and flows, then the best way to stabilize it is to find a steady anchor on shore and to tie it to it. The bitcoin chain is the surest anchor, and the way to tie the data to the anchor point is called anchoring.


FACTOM, for its part, has developed a well-functioning locking program and has been able to obtain data fast-tracking, proofing, etc. after the data have been anchored to the bitcoin chain. So, I assumed that the ultimate purpose of the net was to place data on the bitcoin chain, but only that the upper chain and locking process had been done with FACTOM, because the summary of data stored by FACTOM was also fixed on the bitcoin chain.


How does "strange" work?

  要知道,在比特幣區塊鏈上放數據是有成本的,而且比特幣區塊鏈的技術特性決定了在上面錨定數據體量不可能太大。因此,存証機構當然不會把全部的存証數據都放上去,而是將存証數據進行摘要計算得到數字指紋,必要時還會通過默克爾樹(Merkle Tree)算法來計算獲得這個Hash值,也被稱之為Merkle根。從而進一步降低數據體量,然后將根值放到比特幣區塊鏈上去。

You know, putting data on the bitcoin chain is a cost, and the technical characteristics of the bitcoin chain determine that it is unlikely to be too large to anchor the data on it. Therefore, the depository will certainly not put all the stored data on it, but will do a summary of the data to get digital fingerprints and, if necessary, use Merkel Tree to calculate the Hash value, which is also called Merkele root.


The usual way to load the data onto the bitcoin chain is to write the Merkelgan value in the form of a transaction into an OP_Return area that provides 80-bit space, which is set to be completed once the transaction is confirmed by the bitcoin chain (account).




So we can make it clear that the bitcoin chain is treated as a decentralised public document throughout the electronic record-keeping process. Because of the lack of confidence in the objectivity of the data stored by the electronic record-keeping system and its anti-polysis requirements, the most powerful public chain of the bitcoin has been introduced to back the book, while the third-party record-keeping facility has built a “digital channel” between the user and the Bitcoin public chain, so that the data can be checked and tested at the same time as the data can be locked up.


The chain is a technologically decentralised programme, compared to the traditional introduction of public evidence, and the theoretical access of any electronic record-keeping institution is more favourable in terms of reliability, convenience, openness and cost reduction once it has been recognized (in fact, the Internet court has passed a case law).


why the locking blocks chain is reliable


In fact, there are also many forms of chain memory, including self-built chain (private chain) data storage, federal chain-building data storage and what this refers to as locking (not necessarily to bitcoin, but also to tama or other public chains).


The reason why I look much better at the lock-in chain is that locking into a public chain, especially a reliable one such as Bitcoins or Etheria, is more likely to guarantee the integrity of the data, which is the ultimate goal pursued by the electronic memory. In this respect, the “strength” of the private chain and the union chain, which is driven by the technical characteristics of the chain itself, is a problem, and reliability is always a problem.


Of course, it must be pointed out that there are still a lot of developmental and special advantages to electronic evidence based on private chains and chains, such as the fact that, within a closed system, the chains (private chains, chains) that are operated or maintained by a central platform are still more reliable within the system, especially with regard to the evidentiary problems that can be absorbed without having to go through the courts but within the system, including chain transaction identification, product retrace, etc. In these settings, the chain and union links have proven to be effective enough to solve the problem, and are more dynamic at the same time, customizing more available evidence products.


anchored section links proved to be the key to judicial recognition


The chain of anchors is by no means 100 per cent reliable and, even if it is used in judicial practice, there is still a need to recognize the evidentiary strength of the evidence in a case, especially since the authenticity and integrity of the data during this time period cannot be demonstrated by the chain itself, as if the Public Prosecutor's Office could only prove what data it saw, but not previously.


, therefore, I believe that it is still necessary for the court to conduct an examination in two circles before the data is chained: .


First, it should examine the process and the extent to which the person in question is using the locking-up chain memory tool. Because, before the person in question extracts the target data, the form of the data and whether it has been modified by the person in question are unknown. This requires the person in question to prove to the court the course of his or her operations and the reliability of the end-of-the-line and network environment in which the tool is used.


Second, the rationale and reliability of the tool itself is also important. This includes whether the tool has sufficient logs for the user’s operation, whether the anchoring algorithm used by the tool ensures that the data is placed on the chain without tampering, and whether the tool provides reliable data proofing methods. We note that in the first case of the chain of evidence, the Hangzhou Internet Court examined Google capture procedures used by the preservation network, as well as other record-keeping processes.


the country's first chain of evidence


On June 28, the Hangzhou Internet Court of Justice issued a public ruling in a case of violation of the copyright of the Internet transmission of works, confirming for the first time the legal validity of the electron data from the use of the serial chain technology and establishing a clear method of judging the serial chain of electron records.


In this case, the plaintiff, a company in Hangzhou, proved that the defendant, a company in Shenzhen, had published works related to the plaintiff’s copyright on its operating website. The plaintiff, via the third-party record-keeping platform, carried out an automatic source recognition of the intrusion web page, and calculated the compressed packages of the two content and transfer logs as hadh values to be uploaded into the FACTOM and Bitcoin chains. The use of the sector chain technology as an electronic data repository and as a means of ensuring the integrity of the data was a new integration between the Internet technology and the electronic data repository, which provided more possibilities for new models of computer creation and rights, and the development of digital evidence.


According to the Hangzhou Internet court, an open-minded and neutral approach should be used to identify electronic data that are valid for the use of technical means such as sector chains. Neither can technologies such as sector chains be excluded from, or subject to higher standards because they are inherently part of, the new and modern techniques, nor can they lower the standard of recognition because of their difficult to alter and delete features, and the validity of their evidence should be determined in accordance with the relevant legal rules of electronic data.


According to the judge in charge of the Hangzhou Internet Court, the sector chain is a decentralised database with special features such as openness, distribution, irreversibility, etc., and as a low-cost, efficient and stable electronic data storage platform, with technical neutrality, technical instructions, and a case-by-case review as the basis for the determination of the legal force of the electronic evidence storage system in the trial.


court review of electronic evidence:


The Hangzhou Internet Court of Justice, using the technical principles of chaining techniques for data storage, based on the legal standard of electronic evidence review, has established the following method of checking the validity of the chain of electronic evidence:


1. To examine the trueness of the source of the electronic data, including the integrity of the third-party record-keeping platform, the technical reliability of generating the electronic data, and the path of transmission of the electronic data;


2. To examine the reliability of electronic data storage, including the uploading of electronic data to public sector chains, cross-printing of the contents of the chain, and logical timing of block node generation;


3. To examine the integrity of the contents of the electronic data.


4. Examination of the link between the electronic evidence and the other evidence, from the point of view of its legal validity and evidentiary strength. Specifically, in this case, the Court found that a web screening and source identification by means of a more credible automatic grab procedure would guarantee the authenticity of the electronic data; that the use of a relevant chain technology to keep the digital data in check ensured the reliability of the electronic data; and that the electronic data had been used to confirm that the Hash test was consistent with the evidence and that other evidence could be cross-printed, and that the electronic data could be used as a basis for recognition of the infraction rights in the case.






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