As the concept of the meta-cosmos deepens into the lives of people, there is growing interest in the meta-cosmos, but many of the small partners do not know what is the meta-cosmos. In fact, the meta-cosmos is a virtual world on a proxy network that can be built into the world through a series of high-precision technologies, a concept that is now fully understood by the meta-cosmos, which still exists as a hypothetical concept, but the potential for expansion of the meta-cosmos is enormous.
元宇宙(下载地址)的英文意思是 verse,你可以把这个意思理解为多元宇宙,也可以理解为多元空间,这个空间主要指的是虚拟空间。我们都知道现实世界是现实宇宙,如果我们把虚拟世界算入在内的话,我们就可以把一个个虚拟世界算成源宇宙。每个人对元宇宙的理解往往不同,但不变的是元宇宙是一种新的互联网应用和社会形式,它是由各种新技术整合而产生的。 The English meaning of the meta-cosm ( download address
But the development of the metacosystem is gradual, underpinned by shared infrastructure, standards, and protocols, supported by a variety of tools, platforms that are constantly integrated, evolved and shaped. It provides a immersion experience based on extended reality technology, a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technologies, a system based on block-link technology that integrates the virtual world closely with the real world in economic systems, social systems, identity systems, and allows each user to produce content and edit the world. Professor Shenyang of the University of Qinghua Press School says that & ldquo; metaco is not a technology in itself, but a concept and a concept that combines different new technologies, such as 5G, 6G, artificial intelligence, big data, etc., with emphasis on disharmony. & & rdquo;
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