
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:19 评论:0



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As of the release, the real-time price of Bitcoin (BTC) was $64,126.40, a sharp fall of more than $1,000 from yesterday’s prices. According to OKNews, on 19 June, the German government transferred a total of 1110 bitcoins to the exchange, with a total value of approximately $72.4 million. These bitcoins were transferred to the OKX OIE, virtual currency, Kraken, Bitstamp, Gemini, BitFlyer, Coinbase, etc. The German government still holds 47,859 bitcoins, with a value of about $3.12 billion, and the market is concerned that they will continue to be sold in the short term.

? 拥有超过37万关注者的加密交易员Daan Crypto指出,近期空头部位的增加和比特币市场的下跌,可能与德国政府的抛售行为有关。市场分析师认为,可能进一步加剧比特币行情市场的卖压。

Daan Crypto, an encryption trader with more than 370,000 followers, pointed out that the recent increase in head openings and the fall in the Bitcoin market could be linked to the sale behaviour of the German government. Market analysts argue that it could further increase the pressure on the Bitcoin market.

? 在缺乏新的市场催化剂的情况下,比特币最新价格今年破纪录的涨势显示出疲态,跌至一个多月低点。比特币在3月份达到近74000美元的历史高点后,已经回落了约14%。对美国降息的预期起伏不定,降低了对大多数风险较高资产的需求,使市场更加萎靡不振。FxPro高级市场分析师Alex Kuptsikevich表示:“加密货币受到股市抛售的影响,反映出全球金融风险偏好的下降。”比特币今日跌幅一度高达2.4%,至63442美元,为5月15日以来的最低水平,自上周五以来下跌了约3%。

In the absence of new market catalysts, the latest record price rise in Bitcoin this year showed fatigue and fell to a low point of more than a month. Bitcoin fell by about 14% after reaching an historic high of nearly $74,000 in March.

? 而以太坊(ETH)价格一直在3,500美元左右震荡。

♪ And the Etheraya price has been shaking around $3,500 ♪

? 有资料显示,以太坊的权益证明(PoS)共识机制是加密领域最大的经济安全基金,总额近1120亿美元。但是,确保网络安全的验证者并不仅限于获得锁定以太坊上的基础奖励。长期以来,流动质押代币(LST)一直是参与者将其以太坊和共识层收益带入去中心化金融(DeFi)领域的一种方式-可以在其他交易中进行交易或再质押作为抵押品。现在,再质押的出现以流动性再质押代币(LRT)的形式引入了另一层内容。验证者通过重新质押他们的质押以太坊来为主动验证服务(AVS)提供额外奖励,从而获得收益。据OKNews数据,目前所有已质押的以太坊中有16.3%在eigenlayer 、 Karak_Network和symbioticfi等协议中再质押。

There is information that the PoS consensus mechanism is the largest economic security fund in the field of encryption, amounting to nearly $112 billion. However, certifications to ensure cyber security are not limited to obtaining lock-in as a base incentive.

? 在再质押时,回报会通过将其再投资于其他协议而增加,这类似于在固定收益市场上借出证券。标普全球数字资产分析主管Andrew O 'Neill表示:“再质押预计将使经济安全环境变得更加强劲。”“它使新服务能够由以太坊节点运营商使用已建立的令牌进行验证。这避免了服务使用自己的代币构建自己的验证器集的需要,这些代币的非流动性和波动性限制了它们作为经济安全工具的有效性。”

In re-prising, returns are increased by re-investing them in other agreements, similar to lending securities in fixed-income markets. Andrew O & #39, Global Digital Asset Analysis Manager, Pull, says: “Re-deposit is expected to make the economic security environment stronger.” “It allows new services to be validated by the use of established tokens by nodes operators. This avoids the need for services to use their own tokens to build their own portfolio of authentication instruments, whose non-mobility and volatility limit their effectiveness as instruments of economic security.”

? 目前活跃的再质押服务很少,因此Andrew O 'Neill等分析师预计它们的回报将出现增长。分析师指出,再质押的风险主要是操作性的,但投机可能会产生金融风险。Andrew O 'Neill表示:“我们目前预计不会出现重大的生态系统级金融风险,因为质押和再质押通常是非托管的,也不存在抵押品的再质押。”“必须监测再质押对系统级杠杆的影响,特别是通过去中心化金融(DeFi)贷款协议的借贷和杠杆指标。”

Andrew O & #39; as a result, analysts such as Neill expect an increase in their returns. Analysts point out that the risk of re-multation is primarily operational, but speculation can generate financial risks. Andrew O & #39; Neill says: “We do not currently expect significant ecosystem-level financial risks, as pledge and re-multation are often non-trusted and there is no re-molding of collateral.” “The impact of re-multation on system-level leverage, particularly through decentralizing lending agreements and leverage indicators.”

? 当前全球经济面临的诸多挑战,如通货膨胀、供应链紧张以及地缘政治风险,促使投资者寻求更安全的投资渠道。各国央行对加密货币态度的转变,尤其是美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对比特币ETF的批准,为市场注入了信心。此外,欧盟、中国等主要经济体对数字货币和区块链技术的重视,也推动了市场的繁荣发展。

The current challenges facing the global economy, such as inflation, supply-chain tensions, and geopolitical risks, prompt investors to seek safer channels for investment. The shift in the attitude of central banks toward encrypted currencies, particularly the approval of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Bitcoin ETF, has instilled confidence in the market.

? 面对当前的市场形势,虚拟币投资者应保持谨慎乐观的态度。对于比特币和以太坊等主流加密货币,长期持有策略依然被认为是较为稳妥的选择。然而,市场波动性较大,建议投资者多样化投资,合理配置资产,以减少风险。同时,关注新兴加密货币和区块链项目的动态,也可能带来潜在的投资机会。

In view of the current market situation, virtual currency investors should be cautiously optimistic. Long-term holding strategies are still considered a more prudent option for mainstream encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ether.

? 在这一波市场热潮中,选择一款安全可靠的加密货币钱包至关重要。BOSS Wallet以其卓越的功能和用户体验,成为众多投资者的首选。

In this wave of market booms, it is important to choose a safe and secure encrypted wallet. With its excellent functionality and user experience, Boss Wallet is the preferred choice for many investors.

? BOSS Wallet虚拟币是一款去中心化的加密货币钱包,支持数十种主流公链,包括BTC,Ethereum,BNB Chain,TRON等主流公链及资产。BOSS Wallet虚拟货币提供了完整的钱包功能,让您轻松管理您的数字资产。

The Boss Wallet Virtual Currency is a decentralised encrypted currency wallet that supports dozens of mainstream public chains, including BTC, Etheeum, BNB Chain, Tron, etc. The Boss Wallet Virtual Currency provides a complete wallet function that allows you to easily manage your digital assets.

? BOSS虚拟货币钱包不仅仅是存储加密货币的工具,更是与区块链网络进行交互的必备工具。重要的是,BOSS加密货币钱包实际上并不存储用户的数字资产,而是存储与之相关的私钥和公钥。私钥用于签署交易并证明所有权,而公钥用于接收加密货币。

The BOSS virtual currency wallet is not just a tool for storing encrypted money, but also a necessary tool for interacting with the block chain network. The important thing is that BOSS's encrypted currency wallet does not actually store the user's digital assets, but rather the private and public keys associated with it. Private keys are used to sign transactions and prove ownership, while public keys are used to receive encrypted money.

? 此外,钱包还会生成公共地址,这是一串由字母和数字组成的标识符,代表了在区块链上的特定接收位置。

♪ In addition, wallets generate a public address, which is a series of letters and numbers of identifiers representing the specific receiving location on the block chain.

? BOSS Wallet的特点

♪ Boss Wallet's Features

? 多链支持:BOSS Wallet支持数十种主流公链,包括BTC、USDT、Ethereum、BNB Chain、TRON等,其生成一套助记词就可以管理多链资产。

♪ Multi-chain support: Boss Wallet supports dozens of mainstream public chains, including BTC, USDT, Etheium, BNB Chain, Tron, etc., which generate a set of synonyms to manage multi-chain assets.

? 安全可靠:BOSSWallet.com采用顶级安全技术,确保您的私钥和数字资产始终安全。私钥和助记词仅存储在您的设备中,不会上传至任何中心化平台,保障您的资产安全不受威胁。

Security: BOSSWallet.com uses top-level security techniques to ensure that your private keys and digital assets are always secure.

? 简易操作:BOSS Wallet拥有用户友好的界面设计,让您无需专业技术知识,即可轻松上手。发送和接收加密货币、查看资产余额、连接DApp应用,一切操作尽在BOSS Wallet虚拟货币的掌握之中。

♪ Simple operation: BOSS Wallet has a user-friendly interface designed so that you can easily access it without the need for technical expertise. Send and receive encrypted currency, see asset balances, connect to Dapp applications, and do everything in the hands of the BOSS Wallet virtual currency.

? 一站式Web3入口:BOSS Wallet致力于成为您的数字资产管理中心,提供一站式Web3入口。通过BOSS Wallet,您可以轻松访问数百种DApp协议,尽情体验区块链世界的无限可能。

One-stop Web3 portal: BOSS Wallet is committed to becoming your digital asset management centre and provides a one-stop Web3 portal. Through BOSS Wallet, you can easily access hundreds of DApp agreements and experience the infinite possibilities of the block chain world.

? 加密货币钱包是数字资产管理的基础,BOSS Wallet为您提供了全方位的功能和服务,让您充分体验加密货币的实用性:

♪ Encrypted money wallets are the foundation of digital asset management, and Boss Wallet provides you with a full range of functions and services that allow you to fully experience the practicality of encrypted money:

? 管理加密货币:随时查看加密货币链上资产余额,轻松掌握资产状况。

• Management of encrypted currency: access to the balance of assets in the encrypted monetary chain at any time and easy control of the asset position.

? 交易便捷:发送和接收加密货币的交易一触即达,让您的资产流动无阻。

♪ Easy to trade: Transactions that send and receive encrypted currency are instantaneous, leaving your assets unobstructed.

? 连接DApp应用:通过BOSS Wallet,轻松访问数百种DApp协议,尽情体验区块链世界的无限可能。

Connecting Dapp applications: Through Boss Wallet, you can easily access hundreds of Dapp protocols and experience the infinite possibilities of the block chain world.

? 随着全球经济的不确定性持续存在,加密货币市场有望继续吸引更多的资金和关注。比特币和以太坊作为市场的领头羊,其价格和市值可能会继续攀升。而随着技术的不断进步和应用场景的拓展,其他新兴加密货币也可能崭露头角,为投资者提供更多的选择。比特币和以太坊的价格突破再次证明了其在全球金融市场中的重要地位。选择像BOSS Wallet虚拟币钱包这样的先进工具,可以帮助投资者更好地管理和保护他们的数字资产。在这个充满机遇与挑战的市场中,保持敏锐的市场洞察和科学的投资策略,将是获得成功的关键。

As technology progresses and applications expand, other new encrypted currencies may emerge, offering investors more options. The price breakthroughs in Bitcoin and Etheria have proved once again their importance in global financial markets.




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