The closing balance represents the balance of last month, quarter or year-end. does not have an opening balance in the balance sheet,
Closing balance = opening balance + increase in the current period - decrease in the current period from
The opening balance is the account balance that existed at the beginning of the period. The closing balance at the beginning of the opening balance is based on the question and answer 360 question and answer >/strange >, reflecting the results of the previous period transaction closing is the balance that was carried forward from the previous period to the account at the time when
There are three reasons for this imbalance in the closing balances: an imbalance in the closing balances resulting from the occurrence of the current period or an imbalance in the opening balances, the validity of the closing balances themselves from 扩展资料: Extended information: 1、期初余额的注意事项: 1 当启用时间一致时,除了输入在账务中“固定资产”和“累计折旧”科目的余额外,还需要在固定资产系统的“固定资产期初”窗口中录入固定资产卡提结牛望东顾热片的期初余额。 In addition to entering the balances of the items “fixed assets” and “accumulated depreciation” in the accounts of 当科目体系关闭时,系统自动检查该科目和固定资产中“固定资产”和“累计折旧”科目的期初余额。固定资产卡片的原值与累计折旧色务供友督副核率西示源期初余额是否一致。若不一致,系统将不允许结账。 When the subject system closes fixed assets > `fixed assets' and `reverses="q91zo1' >. The original value of the fixed asset card is fixed with accumulated depreciation . If not, the 接记入新账余额栏内即可,无需编制会计凭孔村吃亲非深可设句第发证,也无需将余额记入账户(收转季大容使站唱船款人或付款人)的借方界聚设书升或贷方,使有余额的账稳秋曲矿户余额为零。 The account balance remaining at the end of the year, which is recorded in the new account balance column 因为,由于年末是一个有余额的账户章应帝热随二士,所以余额要如实反映在账户上,越反映越清楚。否则,余额账户和非余额账户之间的差异将被混淆。 Because at the end of the year, a surplus account 参考资料来源:百度百科-期末余额 Source: 100% encyclopedia - closing balance 参考资料来源:百度绍花打考充双构谈百科-期初余额 Source: 100-degree schilling for two-fold encyclopedia - opening balance
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