
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:21 评论:0



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On December 6th, at 8 p.m., the fourth issue of the “Cybers say” micro-message lecture was held at the WikiLeaks' WikiLeaks. This session was invited by Mr. Sun Junwoo, the current Senior Operations Manager of HaoBTC. He was in charge of the management of HaoBTC's mining operations, and he shared the secret of Bitcoin's “mining industry” for his fans.


Between 2015 and 2016, he led a team to raise the HaoBTC computing power ratio from 2 [per cent] globally to 6 [per cent] globally, with a management history of more than 110 P. What is this concept? Understandably, if 100 bitcoins were dug up around the world, almost six bitcoins would have been dug up by them.


What's a bitcoin mining?


Mining is a process that increases the currency supply of bitcoin, while also protecting the security of the bitcoin system against fraudulent transactions, and miners offer the opportunity to get a bitcoin reward by providing arithmetic for the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin is a point-to-point payment system, the core of which is a transaction. You send me a deal, and I send you a deal. These transactions have to be accounted for. Just as paying treasure companies keep accounts for users, we keep bank accounts for bank transfers. That bitcoin is accounted for by a man called a miner.


Bitcoin by half


Each page of the new incentive is half before it becomes half of the time, which is called the bitcoin by half, almost once in four years or so. The Bitcoin network has now been halved twice, for the first time at the end of November 2012. A further halving was carried out in July this year, when the 25 new bitcoins per page became 12.5.


The next half is expected to be around May 2020, and, by extension, around 2140, the Bitcoin system will not be generated by newly-generated bitcoin. In addition to the new bitcoin, there will be transactions in each block.


The evolution of mine mining.


At the time of the birth of the Bitcoin creation block on 3 January 2009, there were only two miners in the world, the other being Hal, in addition to Nakamoto, who was known for his time in the cryptosphere, who was also the recipient of the first Bitcoin transfer, and who had been testing the Bitcoin network at an early stage only between him and Nakamoto.


At first, these two people can dig 50 bits of bitcoins with a normal computer CPU 10 minutes. This difficulty is to generate 2016 pieces, that is to say, a 2016-page adjustment on a bitcoin account book. No matter how many people guess it, the difficulty of the subject is always to let you guess about 10 minutes or so, the other rules remain the same, and who's to guess first, who's to whom the new bitcoins are to be added.


On 22 May 2010, a buddy bought 25-dollar pizzas with 10,000 bitcoins, equivalent to 0.0025 bitcoins, and two months later, by July 2010, a bitcoin valued at 5 cents, a 20-fold increase, and by November, the price of bitcoins was 0.5 dollars, and 200 times more than half a year.


bitcoinminers and manufacturers


How much has the net become? 40 GH/S, 40 billion times! 400 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And then there's a lot of miners, some of them developing chips and machines. Besides Avalon, there's a lot of mining companies, like domestic roast cats, ants, dragon mines, and so on.


In fact, the CPU era has been marked by the use of computers in the IDC machine room, and the FPGA era has been marked by the purchase of hundreds of cards for mining. Only now, when the size of the mine is far from the size of hundreds of cards, the machine room for thousands of miners, 24-hour full-time maintenance, cold-water cooling measures, etc., has ensured the continued operation of the mine, so that the bitcoin mine is now in the era of scalding.


The latest mine currently is the ant S9 and Avalon A7,16NM chip, and a miner, which is already low enough to reach the net total of 2,000 Ps, and what is the concept that the Bitcoin network can now do two trillions, or two trillions per second, or two hundred and eighteen counts per second.


How much electricity does it take to dig a mine in Bitcoin?


It has been questioned that the value of the bitcoin system is now over $10 billion, that the new bitcoins are more than $500 million a year at current currency prices, and that some of the costs of a financial system that maintains such a large market value are normal. We now need to hire staff, paper printing, security, and other consumption. By the power of mainstream calculations, a crude estimate is that the world's Bitcoin mining industry now consumes more than 600,000 degrees of electricity per hour per hour.


In Sichuan Province, water disposal may be close to 20 billion degrees in 2016, a fire power station of 2*35W kW can be addressed, and bitcoin mining can consume some of the disposal energy.


The top 10 mining ponds, seven of which are in China, account for approximately 70 [per cent] of their capacity, including about 6 [per cent] of the good bitcoin.


Bitcoin mine proceeds


The lower the cost, of course, is the cost of arithmetic purchasing and operating costs, including labour, network fees, construction costs, etc. The lower the cost. The risk to be addressed is a sharp fall in currency prices, a sharp rise in the difficulty of mining, and an increase in the cost of mining.


The future of the bitcoin mining industry.


The mining industry will continue to exist as an idea that reflects the power of the medium-sized design of Bitcoin from the beginning, and the safety of the entire bitcoin system, but the return cycle will be extended slowly, and it is unlikely that the early years of development, dozens of days or even a dozen days, will be normal for more than a year. As the currency rises, there will also be a slow increase in the arithmetic, because the basis of the calculation is already very large. It is unlikely that the previous difficult cycle will rise by about 20 [per cent].


In the future, mining will be highly intensive, and there will be mega-mines. The division of labour will be more refined, the machines will be made, the mines will be operated, everyone will do their best, more people will be involved in mining through cloud computing, or standard computing exchanges, etc.


about the "Signature Say" event


A carefully crafted “fire money,” the best companies and institutions in the country in the area of block-chain asset research and digital money-related fields, provide insight into the current situation of block-chain assets and the industry chain of Bitcoin up and down.


The main form of the "Fire Money Says" is the MicroCredit Lecture, the most recent edition of which can be seen in the content of the official Wirenet micro-letter. Each issue will be shared by a man from a country’s excellent block chain or digital-currency-related field, giving our little partners a better idea of what Bitcoin is about, how the industry is about, and how they can play with great pleasure in the business. We all say that there are two parts of the live air, the first part being shared by guests, and the second part responding to questions from guests.

  那么我们在前三期分别邀请了第一期火币COO朱嘉伟分享了 区块链行业的发展概况,第二期 雷盈创始人沈陶磊分享了他们是怎么在第一时间发现Bitfinex被盗的,第三期比太钱包创始人文浩分享了比特币的分类、怎样存储比特币钱包更安全。

So in the first three issues, we invited the first one to share an overview of the development of the block chain industry, the second one to share with the founder of Ray how they discovered Bitfinex's theft in the first place, and the third one to share bitcoin's classification and how to store bitcoin's wallets safer than the founder of Tai's purse, Wenho.




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