比特币是一种由开源的P2P软件产生的电子币,数字币,是一种网络虚拟资产。最早于2008年11月1日,由一个自称“中本聪”设计和发明。 Bitcoin is an electronic currency generated by open-source P2P software, a digital currency, a virtual network asset. 比特币基于一套密码编码、通过复杂算法产生,不依靠特定货币机构发行,它通过特定算法的大量计算产生,比特币经济使用整个P2P网络中众多节点构成的分布式数据库来确认并记录所有的交易行为。 Bitcoin is generated on the basis of a code code code and through complex algorithms that do not depend on the issuance of specific monetary institutions. It is generated by a large number of calculations of particular algorithms, and the Bitcoin economy uses distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record all transactions. P2P的去中心化特性与算法本身可以确保无法通过大量制造比特币来人为操控币值,基于密码学的设计可以使比特币只能被真实的拥有者转移或支付。 The decentralized properties and algorithms of P2P can themselves ensure that the value of the currency cannot be artificially controlled by mass production of bitcoins, and that cryptography-based designs enable bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by the true owners. 比特币有哪些特点? What are the characteristics of Bitcoin? 比特币之所以越来越火,不是单单因为好奇和投机作用,比特币的以下几个特点,不仅使它可以具备传统货币功能,相对硬通货黄金它也具备一定优势 Bitcoin is getting more and more hot, not only because of curiosity and speculation, but also because of the following characteristics of bitcoin, which not only allows it to have traditional monetary functions, but also has a certain advantage over hard currency gold. 去中心化 比特币是第一种分布式的虚拟货币,整个网络由用户构成,没有中央银行。去中心化是比特币安全与自由的保证。发行数量得到控制使它可以像黄金一样防止通胀 Bitcoin is the first distributed virtual currency, and the entire network is made up of users without a central bank. Decentralization is a guarantee of bitcoin security and freedom. 全世界流通 比特币可以在任意一台接入互联网的电脑上管理。不管身处何方,任何人都可以挖掘、购买、出售或收取比特币。 No matter where you are, anyone can dig, buy, sell or collect bitcoin. 专属所有权 Proprietary Ownership 操控比特币需要私钥,它可以被隔离保存在任何存储介质。除了自己之外无人可以获取。 Controlling Bitcoin requires a private key that can be stored in isolation in any storage medium. No one can get it but himself. 低交易费用 Low transaction costs 可以免费汇出比特币,但最终对每笔交易将收取约1比特分的交易费以确保交易更快执行。 Bitcoin can be transferred free of charge, but eventually approximately 1 bit of transaction fee will be charged for each transaction to ensure faster execution of the transaction. 无隐藏成本 no hidden costs 作为由A到B的支付手段,比特币没有繁琐的额度与手续限制。知道对方比特币地址就可以进行支付。 Bitcoin, as a means of payment from A to B, has no onerous limits. 怎么投资比特币? How to invest in Bitcoin? 开立比特币账号--—下载比特币钱包 Opens a bitcoin account -- downloads a bitcoin wallet 首先要下载 Bitcoin 钱包,它提供取得 Bitcoin 地址的所有权,Bitcoin地址就像你的银行账号一样,你可以用它储存、接手和支付比特币,通常地址类型如:15EhGBC8JBBVDKQ9yp1AqCb1xnzQLk6QHX,下面我们将获得比特比的两种主要方法。 First to download the Bitcoin wallet, which provides ownership of the Bitcoin address, which is like your bank account, you can store, take over and pay Bitcoin, usually in the following two main ways: 15 EhGBC8JBVDK9yp1AqCb1xnzQLk6QHX. 通过挖矿获得比特比 gets bitby by mining 挖矿是比特币产生的重要方式。挖矿工具是guiminer,它是个绿色包,下载下来直接解压就可以用了,有了挖矿工具还需要选一个挖矿的地方。即矿池,目前特币全球最大矿池deepbit。 Mining is an important way to produce bitcoin. The mining tool is guiminer, a green bag that can be downloaded and unpressureed, and there's still a mining site to pick. The pond, the world's largest pond, is now Deepbit. 登陆该矿池挖矿时,要注意一般会要求注册账号,要完成你的账户设置,再矿工信息,然后把矿工信息导入挖矿工具guiminer,选择用显卡工作,更新一下显卡驱动就可以。 When landing at the pond to dig, care is taken to require registration of the account number, complete your account setting, then miner information, then import miner information into the mining tool guiminer, choose to work with the card and update the card drive. 通过交易获得比特币
目前很平台都支持比特币在线交易,如Mt.Gox、 btcTrade等,国内比特币中国、火币网、比特币官网也可以进行比特币在线交易 Currently, the platform supports Bitcoin online transactions, such as Mt.Gox, btctrade, and the domestic Bitcoin China, the Currency Network, and the Bitcoin Officer Network can also conduct Bitcoin online transactions. 步骤:开个个人账户;注资(包括人民币汇款和比特币汇款:从你的比特币钱包地址汇到他们指定地址);交易(可买可卖);最后提现支取。 Steps: Opening of a personal account; capital (including //span> 比特币可以全天24小时交易,包括周末;另外比特币现货交易类似无杠杆保证金交易,可以裸卖空。 Bitcoin can be traded 24 hours a day, including weekends, while Bitcoin spot trading is similar to a non-leveraging bond transaction and can be sold naked. 投资比特币有哪些风险? What are the risks of investing in bitcoin? 比特币作为投机品泡沫破灭风险 bitcoinas speculator bubbles 比特币本身没有任何使用价值,不仅如此他也不想法币一样由政府信用做担保,比特币由于具备货币的某些属性而被投资者看好。现在虽然比特币可以用作某些方面的支付,但如果一旦比特币出现了其他替代品或者因为价格太高,投资者失去兴趣时可能会崩盘,由于比特币没有任何使用价格,它的价格可能会跌倒很低。 Bitcoin itself has no use value, not only that he does not want to guarantee government credit as much as French, and bitcoin is favoured by investors because it possesses certain attributes of money. Now, while bitcoin can be used as a payment in some respects, it may collapse if it becomes uninterested because of the fact that Bitcoin does not have any use price, and its prices may fall low. 比特币缺乏监管引起的风险 Risks arising from the lack of regulation in Bitcoin 就比特币本身来说,目前德国表示接纳比特币,但是中国央行副行长曾表示近期不可能承认比特币合法性世界上很多国家政府都没表示承认比特币的合法性。虽然比特币本身很难被取缔和没收,由于不被政府认可,他的流通使用收到了很大限制。 As far as Bitcoin itself is concerned, Germany is now offering to accept Bitcoin, but the Vice-President of the Central Bank of China has stated that it is unlikely in the near future that the legitimacy of Bitcoin will be recognized by many governments around the world. Although Bitcoin itself is difficult to suppress and confiscate, its circulation has been severely restricted because it is not accepted by the government. 对于比特币交易平台来说,比特币的交易账户资产没有收到严格监管,几乎完全取决于交易平台所有这的自律和道德良知。目前国内已经出现比特币交易平台诈骗案。 For the Bitcoin trading platform, Bitcoin’s trading account assets are not strictly regulated, almost entirely dependent on the self-regulation and moral conscience of all the trading platform. There are now cases of Bitcoin trading platform fraud in the country. 比特币投资的流动性风险 liquidity risk for Bitcoin investments 目前比特币交易平台较多但是成交量很小,成交速度也有待提升,这一方面降低了比特币的变现能力,另一方面增加了比特币被认为操纵的风险。 At present, the number of bitcoin trading platforms is high but the volume of transactions is small, and the speed of dealing has to be increased, which reduces the liquidity of bitcoins and increases the risk that bitcoins are considered to be manipulated. 进入【新浪财经股吧】讨论
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