比特幣半月價飆50%風險加劇 需紮緊制度籠子

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:20 评论:0



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  新華社北京8月17日電 今年以來增長近4倍,半月飆昇50%,到底是何種『投資品』有如此誘人的增長率?近年來,我國比特幣交易活躍,價格漲多落少,並從年初的一枚1000美元左右一路飆昇至4000美元。隨著比特幣正在成為部分投資者的套利工具,風險逐漸蔓延至金融領域。

The Xinhua Society’s Beijing electricity on August 17 has grown nearly fourfold this year, and half a month, 50%, and what kind of ‘investment’ has so temptingly increased? In recent years, our country has been trading bitcoins, with much price hikes, and has gone from about $1,000 to $4,000 since the beginning of the year. As Bitcoins are becoming a arbitrage tool for some investors, the risk has gradually spread to the financial domain.


7% of holdings account for 80% of global transactions, putting bitcoins at risk


The price of the national currency has risen steadily since August. According to data from several Bitcoin trading platforms in the country, at the beginning of August, a bitcoin price was close to 18,000 yuan, and half a month later, bitcoin prices reached 28,000 yuan, or even more than 29,000 yuan, up by more than 50 per cent.


As the price of Bitcoins continues to rise, so does the number of investors in the national bitcoins. According to the country’s domestic bitcoin trading counter statistics, the balance of countertrade clients is now billions of yuan, with more than a million investors with a capital size greater than zero.


Professor Yang Yi, at Beijing Postal University, said that less than 14% of the country’s capital investors were planning to hold them for long periods of time in pursuit of short-term profits. “The development of the bitcoins is losing its identity as a virtual commodity, turning into a means for investors to pursue short-term benefits, and is being traded by investors to earn a price difference.”


‘In China, Bitcoins hold only 7% of the global total, but they are many times more than overseas, with transactions accounting for more than 80% of the world’s total, and such a high rate of turnover highlights the investment mentality of some of the people.’ Chinese Social Affairs Institute’s pay-for-custody Center Special Fellows say that the Bitcoins market is small, has no upward limit, the price swaps are easily controlled by the investors, and the risk of a drop in prices cannot be ignored.


At present, the rapid development of the bitcoins has attracted high international attention, and countries have continued to build up their positions and control measures. In 2013, five ministries, including the People’s Bank of China, issued a Circular on Protection against Bitcoins Risks, defining the bitcoins as a specific virtual commodity, and requiring financial and payment institutions to refrain from accepting bitcoins or using bitcoins as a means of accounting, and from offering bitcoins and renminbi and foreign currency swaps, among other things.


the Bitcoat trading platform is becoming a risk to the financial domain


Bitcoins, because of their anonymity, freedom from national restrictions, and lack of easy tracing, are often used by outlaws as tools for money-laundering, distribution, smuggling, and other criminal activities. With the development of the Bitcoins trading platform in recent years, the risks of bitcoins have changed and are gradually passing to the financial domain.


"Part of the Bitcoin trading platform packaged bitcoins into a "one-size-fits-all" investment package that attracts investors to the trading table, including financial institutions such as private fund-raising.” The introduction is that, through cross-border business between financial institutions, bitcoins risk can easily spread to the financial domain.


At the same time, many trading platform members are involved in highly leveraged futures trading, operating the market on their own and making false transactions that make it difficult for investors to secure their property rights.


According to the People's Bank, at the beginning of this year, the People's Bank opened several field visits to the Bitcoin trading platform and found that part of the Beijing platform had not been authorized to open its own investment business and had not fully complied with its anti-money laundering obligations, that the fire money network had been sued in court by investors suspected of market manipulation; and that BTC100 had inflated its flat currency trading pattern.


Moreover, there is currently a lack of third-party custody of billions of dollars in customer funds in the country’s domestic currency stands, and clients’ funds are exposed to the risk of ‘runway’. Recently, the Central Bank, in a live inspection of the main trading platforms in Beijing, found that both the Fire Money Network and the OKCoin Bank used investors’ worth of funds to purchase deposits, amounting to about RMB 1 billion.


The People's Bank's Beijing Department's Money Credit Department has introduced that some of the Bitcoin trading platforms have access to investors' transfers, payment keys and passwords, that once they decide to run, they can immediately transfer large amounts of bitcoins to other addresses, and that there are no technical barriers and risks associated with misappropriation or even misappropriation of the customer's Bitcoin assets.

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