
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:21 评论:0



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As founder of SpaceX, an internal member of the Mask flag, the old rumour, backed by new evidence, is that the two people share a common language paradox.


SahilGupta, who claims that Mask is the main player in Satoshi Nakamoto, is convinced that Bitcoin’s creator is probably the co-founder of PayPal. In previous years, he was forced to deny in a tweet that he was the creator of Bitcoin, although it was a weak denial.

北航教授胡凯:推进“数字云南”建设 区块链助力云南省新基建:5月17日消息,北京航空航天大学计算机学院教授、北航云南创新研究院数字经济研究中心主任胡凯认为,大力建设“数字云南”推动云南省数字经济发展,需加快部署新基建,重点布局区块链。他表示,正如互联网发展初期需要建网、联网、扩大网络规模和质量才有现在的全域网络应用一样,推进新基建部署需要搭建区块链基础设施,有效为数字社会发展的价值传递提供有力支撑。目前,最重要的是建立与集中式系统相融合、相并存的区块链基础设施。(昆明信息港)[2020/5/18]

Professor Hu Qi: To advance the construction of the “Digital Yunnan” block chain, which supports the new infrastructure in Yunnan Province: On May 17, news came that Hu Qai, a professor at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Director of the Centre for Digital Economic Research at the North China Innovation Institute, argued that building the “Digital Yunnan” for digital economic development in Yunnan Province would require accelerated deployment of the new infrastructure, with a focus on the layout of the block chain. He said that, just as Internet development initially required networking, networking, expansion of network size and quality in order to have the current global network application, advancing the new infrastructure for deployment would require building the infrastructure of the block chain to effectively support the transmission of the value of digital social development. At present, it is of the utmost importance to build a grid infrastructure that integrates and coexists with centralized systems (Kunming Information Port) [20/20/5/18].


Gupta told BeinCrypto: "A few years ago, I wanted to know whether Mask had the ability to write bitcoin's source code. Then I realized that he was actually writing the software for his first company, Zip2 and X.com, which actually specializes in point-to-point payments. The source code for X.com was written in C++ and described as a single film, as well as Bitcoin."

动态 | 春节期间比特币链上大额转账活动较为活跃:据Tokenview链上数据监测,近24小时比特币链上转账总额为72.58万BTC,链上转账笔数为30.03万笔,新增和活跃地址数较七日均值则分别下降7.43%和3.43%。春节期间,比特币链上交易额在1月25日降至近14日最低值,随后开始回升,链上大额转账笔数自25日起连日上涨,在31日达到近60日来最高位,与市场走势呈现出一定的正相关性。在挖矿数据方面,比特币近七日算力均值为111.76 EH/s,近24小时算力均值为109.78 EH/s。昨日全网区块总数为143个,较前日减少8个,链上转账手续费总和为16.95 BTC。注:以上内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议。[2020/2/3]

Large transfers on the Bitcoin chain were active during the Spring Festival: according to data from the Tokenview chain, a total of 72.58 million bitcoins were transferred for nearly 24 hours, while the number of new and active addresses fell by 7.43% and 3.43%, respectively, compared to the average of seven days. During the Spring Festival, the amount of transactions on the Bitcoin chain was reduced to almost 14 days'minimum on 25 January, and then started to rise again. The number of large transfers on the chain rose daily from 25 to nearly 60 days'peak on 31, with a certain positive correlation with market movements. For mining data, the average value of the value of the value of the new and active addresses was 111.76 EH/s for almost seven days, and the value of the 24-hour average was 109.78 EH/s. The total value of the entire web block yesterday was 143, a reduction from the previous day, with eight chain transfer charges totalling 16.95 BTCs and 16.95 BTCs.


He then dissected Bennett's forum post and stressed: “Mazek's use of Brodyhard and the commonly spoken word orderofmagnitude is an iconic expression, written in double spaces over a period of time, and strangely so is Mask. Then, one article said that he had leaked an IP address in Van Ness, Los Angeles, in 2009, and it was strange that SpaceX was near Van Ness, and that Mask often visited Van Ness Airport.”

声音丨苹果联合创始人:围绕区块链的喧闹像网络时代的过度兴奋:苹果联合创始人Steve Wozniak表示:围绕区块链的喧闹有点像网络时代的过度兴奋。区块链技术有真正的可实现的潜力,因为它是“分散的,完全值得信赖的”。但就像互联网一样,它可能需要比预期更长的时间才能赶上早期的炒作。[2018/6/27]

Founder of Sound Apples: The tumult surrounding the block chain is an over excitement of the web age: The Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says that the noise surrounding the block chain is a little bit like an overcircumstance of the network age. Block chain technology has real and achievable potential because it is “dispersive, completely trustworthy.” But, like the Internet, it may take longer than expected to catch up with the early productions.[2018/6/27]


Gupta mentioned that, although there was no direct evidence that Mask was a medium-breathing, there was substantial circumstantial evidence. He said that it “has a rare geographic location, technical capability, writing style and the intersection of inspirational ideas”.


Gupta asks himself whether it would be good to push this paper to the world. “In view of Mask's jokes on Twitter more than once, he may not have much negative impact. At the same time, he is not and will not be commended for being a mid-breath, unless the subject of the evidence is so overwhelming that the public understands and demands his honour. A few weeks ago, Peter Thiel said that the United States should organize an auto-record march for Middle-bone, so that we can see whether he has kept his promise.”


Gupta actually practiced at SpaceX, so he was very close to the source. After working for SpaceX, he said he linked all the points. Gupta said that, although it looked strange, Central Ben and Elommask had a common language paradox.


He also referred to “recent reports that Mask's e-mail was active in the original Cypherpunk mailing list in 1998”.


PayPal's original mission


Gupta quotes Luke Nosek, another co-founder of PayPal, who says that PayPal's mission is to create a global currency. They want it to be “free of these corrupt banks and government cartels, which are demeaning their currencies. We have succeeded in building something very powerful economically, supporting many small businesses, and we are very proud of it, but we have never achieved it”.


Other evidence: English


It is well known that Chinese is using the spelling variants of English. But sometimes he is also using the spellings of the United States. In one report, this is seen as an attempt to get rid of any Internet detective. CraigWright, an Australian who claims to be Nakamoto, says that being an Australian means that he uses English. He adds that this proves that he is the creator of Bitcoin.


However, Mask grew up in South Africa, also a British colony, and then moved to Canada when he was 17. He then moved to the United States, where he spent all his adult life. Over time, it makes sense for him to adapt to both spelling variants.


“It is clear that the details underpinning this argument have become thicker.”


I hope this article will be of some help.


Questions can be left in the comment section.

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