比特币(英語:,缩写:BTC 或 XBT)是一種基於去中心化,採用點對點網路與共识主动性,開放原始碼,以區塊鏈作為底層技術的加密貨幣

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比特币(英語:,缩写:BTC 或 XBT)是一種基於去中心化,採用點對點網路與共识主动性,開放原始碼,以區塊鏈作為底層技術的加密貨幣,比特币由中本聪(網名)(Satoshi Nakamoto)於2008年10月31日發表論文,2009年1月3日,創世區塊誕生。在某些國家、央行、政府機關、學術界則將比特幣視為虛擬商品,而不認為是貨幣。貨幣金融學認為貨幣具有交易媒介、記賬單位、價值儲藏三種基本職能,但由於其高度波動性因此不具有後兩種基本職能從而不是貨幣。

bitcoin xff08; English xff1a; xff0c; acronym xff1a; BTC or XBTff09; it is a decentralized initiative xff0c; 比特币


Common Marks in Bitcoin Clients

?多米尼克流通货币?全世界(除在中国等少数地区被禁止流通)发行历史始发时间2009年1月3日货币单位?1比特币(Bitcoins,BTC)?10?2比特分(Bitcent,cBTC)?10?3毫比特(Milli-Bitcoins,mBTC)?10?6微比(Micro-Bitcoins,μBTC)?10?8聰(Satoshi)货币符号BTC、XBT、?、?货币估值货币供给有限发行(按照收斂等比数列,发行速度每4年减半,直到2140年,总量接近2100万)- 数据来源:
Number of bitcoins in circulation


Bitcoin .


The view was expressed that xff0c; that the birth of Bitcoin was the result of people's hatred of the excessive national currency in the commodity economy, and of currency policy precipitous and community-consensual monetary autonomy in the gift economy xff1b; that the Bitcoin exchange rate was the response of global investors to increase or decrease xff1b; and that the bottom technology block chain of Bitcoin could be applied in a variety of industries.


xff0c; the initial letter “Bitcoin” refers to the bitcoin technology used and xff0c; the initial letter “bitcoin” refers to the currency itself. Bitcoin is also payment system and virtual calculators ; xff0c; #xxx & & transfer of currency xffec; #xxx#s#sfffs; #ffffs #bffs; #ffffffffs #s; #sfffffffs #vets #bs.; tfffffffs #s.bs.bs.bs.bs.bs.bs.bs.bs. #s.fffffffs.bs.bs.bs.bs.bs.bs.bs.


As a bookkeeping system & #xff0c; Bitcoin does not rely on central institutions to issue new money, maintain transactions & #xff0c; rather, it is done by block chains & #xff0c; the network resists 51% of the algorithms against assets and transactions. The transaction log is maintained by the entire network computer & #xff0c; the validity of each transaction has to be verified through a block chain check.

作為記帳單位,比特幣的最小單位是 0.00000001 (一億分之一)比特幣,稱為「1聰」。如有必要,也可以修改協議將其分割為更小的單位,以保證其流通方便,區塊回報每產出21萬個區塊減半一次,周期大約为4年,最近一次減半在2020年5月12日,而此種收斂等比數列的和必然是有限的。2018年4月,已经有1700万比特币被开采,剩余400万个比特币,产量已超总额的80%。2019年5月12日時,比特币總存量約17,695,512個,實際可流通的量還會因為私鑰遺失等因素更加減少。比特幣的總發行量達到1910萬,整個網絡的超過90%比特幣已經被開採完。截止到2140年,比特幣將被全部開採完毕,總額度略低于2100萬枚。

xff0c; the smallest unit for bitcoins is 0.000001 & #xff08; 100 million xff09; Bitcoin xff0c; called xff0c; if necessary xff0c; the agreement may also be amended to divide it into smaller units xff0c; to ensure ease of circulation xff0c; the block returns half of the 210,000 pieces per product xff0c; the remaining 4 million xff0c; the last half-time reduction is 80%; the last half is 12 May 2020 xff0c; the last half-time is limited; the share of the harvest xfffffffffffffffffn; the sum of fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.ffffffff


xff08; xff09; an important concept in bitcos xff0c; xfffn/weixin Exffn3%; x4%Exf2%Exff6%Exf2%Exf2%Exr. 2%Exr. 2%EnxnBnxnx6%; fxfnfnnExns 2%Exfffx6%Ex6%Ex9%Ex9%Etregs.


This makes it impossible for the aggressor to rewrite and modify the history of the transaction xff0c; unless he has the capacity to calculate more in relation to the Bit currency against the Internet system xff0c; if he has the ability to generate a chain at a faster rate xff08; if it is called 34; if it takes some time to calculate xff0c; if it takes time to calculate xff0c; unless he has the capacity to calculate more in relation to the Bit currency against the Internet system xff0c; unless he has the ability to generate a chain at a faster rate xff08; if it is called 34; 51% attack 34; xff09; if the workload proves the "B2" difficulty is made by the system xff08%; if the new block is generated, it takes an average of 10 minutes

參與處理區塊的用戶端可以得到一定量新發行的比特幣,以及相關的交易手續費。為了得到這些新產生的比特幣,參與處理區塊的使用者端需要付出大量的時間和計算力(為此社會有專業挖礦機替代電腦等其他低配的網路設備),這個過程非常類似於開採礦業資源,因此中本聰將資料處理者命名為“礦工”,將資料處理活動稱之為“挖礦”。這些新產生出來的比特幣可以報償系統中的資料處理者,他們的計算工作為比特幣對等網路的正常運作提供保障。 有鑑於此,其他類似競爭幣()都是用了相同的理念去處理端間交易資料,只是在工作量證明機制上進行調整,如採用權益證明(Proof of Stake)和Scrypt演算法等。

Clients involved in the processing of blocks can receive a certain amount of newly released bitcoins & #xff0c; and related transaction fees. To get these newly generated bitcoins & #xff0c; users involved in the processing of blocks need to pay a great deal of time and calculus & #xff08; other low-cost network devices such as specialized diggers to replace computers in this society & #xff09; #xff0c; this process is very similar to the opening of mineral resources & xff0c; therefore, Binko has named the data processors “miners” & #xff0c; #xff08; #txff09; #kp & #0fffff; #kfffffffffff; #fffffffffffff; ; #kffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff........t.t.fffffffffffff.t.t.t..t.t.f.f.f.f.f.t.f.t.t.f.f.


"Bit currency allows people for the first time to trade their own property on the Internet & #xff0c; it's safe #xff0c; no one can challenge its legitimacy."

——Marc Andreessen


Bitcoin users can check, save, and spend on their holdings of bitcoins & #xff0c; they can take a variety of forms & #xff0c; they can be simple & #xff0c; it can be various tools that follow the Bitcoins agreement & #xff0c; e.g. computer customers, cellular customers, website services, specialized devices & #xff0c; they can only store bitco’s private key & #xff0c; e.g., a piece of paper, a sign, a flash disk, a text file #xff0c; they can store bitco’s private key #xff0c; they can download customers or access lines before using bitcoins.


"Electrum" is one of many bits of client software.

Multibit(雲資料區塊功能)GitHub - Multibit-Legacy/multibit: Deprecated Bitcoin WalletMIT
Bitcoin Core(Core用戶端、核心用戶端)Bitcoin - Open source P2P moneyMIT



Bitcoin has many xff0c clients; a few examples are given below.


比特币最初客户端为Bitcoin QT,由中本聪开发。Bitcoin QT從0.4.0版本開始,支援錢包檔加密存儲。加密的錢包在每次付款的時候,都必須輸入密碼。但如果用加密之前備份的錢包文件(wallet.dat)替換回來,還是可以正常交易。考慮到比特幣的原理可得出,掌握私密金鑰即擁有對相應地址中比特幣的處置權,不管對錢包文件(內容包括各個地址對應的私密金鑰)是進行了加密還是刪除,都不能否定它。

Bitcoin's initial client was Bitcoin QT& #xff0c; it was developed by China. Bitcoin QT started from version 0.4.0 & #xff0c; supports the encryption of wallet files. Encrypted wallets are required to enter the password when each payment is made xff0c; if a copy of the wallet & #xff08; wallet.dat) replacement xff0c; or normal transactions. Considering the Bitcoin theory, xff0c; having control of the private key has rights over the specific address xff0c; regardless of the size of the wallet document #xff08; content includes the private key #xff09; either encryption or deletion xff0c; it cannot be denied.


其他客户端都是以Bitcoin QT为原型开发的。通常支援雲存儲區塊,以避免使用者花費大量時間和磁碟空間下載舊交易資訊。並且各自提供進階功能。如Armory、Electrum和MultiBit等。此三者特点如下:

Other clients are developed using Bitcoin QT as a prototype. They usually support cloud storage blocks & #xff0c; avoid users spending a lot of time and disk space downloading old transaction information. And each provides advanced functions such as Armory, Electric and MultiBit. These three features are as follows xff1a;

  • Armory
    • 支持將錢包檔離線保存,線上用戶端需花費比特幣時,需使用離線錢包簽名,再通過線上用戶端廣播,提高了安全性
    • 支持运行多个不同的钱包
    • 支持打印比特币密钥,方便纸上备份
    • 使用该软件需安装Bitcoin QT
  • Electrum
    • 无需下载完整的程序,使用远程服务器上的区块链的副本即可实现大部分功能
  • MultiBit
    • 轻量级
    • 无需下载完整程序
    • 支持多国语言


Bitcoin also has a client running on smartphones.





Hard wallets are smart devices that handle bitcoins & #xff0c; for example, raspberry pies that only install bitcoins client and network functions. Hard wallets usually provide more security.



The online wallet service allows users to use bitcoins & #xff0c on any browser and moving device; usually it also provides extra functions & #xff0c; makes it easier for users to use bitcoins. However, the online wallet service must be selected with caution & #xff0c; its safety is influenced by the service provider.


The online wallet service includes the “block chain” & #xff08; on-chain) the distinction with “outside the block chain” & #xff08; off-chain) xff1a; the chain wallet service provider helps the user keep the encrypted private key xff0c; the user's bitcoin balance can be traced to the block chain xff0c; similar to the preparation of a separate safe for each user xff1b; the chain wallet service provider helps the user keep the bitcoin itself xff0c; the equivalent of placing user funds in its own vault xff0c; and the provision of certificates of deposit to the user.



The core parts of the currency most in need of protection are private key & #xff08; private key & #xff09; & #xff0c; because the user is a private key to prove ownership & #xff0c; and thus uses Bitcoin & #xff0c; the medium for storage of private key can also be called wallet & #xff0c; when the wallet is lost or destroyed & #xfff0c; when the wallet is lost #xff0c; and offline wallets can be paper wallets, brain wallets, cold wallets, light wallets .

  • 紙錢包

    Paper wallet.

  • 腦錢包:用戶可自行設定密碼,並以此進行雜湊運算,生成對應的私鑰與地址,以後只需記住這個密碼即可使用其中的比特幣。
  • 冷钱包:指在一台不联网的电脑上随机生成比特币的地址和私钥,并且在今后的使用中也不连接互联网,而只通过二维码或U盘来发送相关交易的电子签名。
  • 轻量钱包:指无需同步区块链的比特币钱包,轻量钱包相对在线钱包的优点是不会因为在线钱包网站的问题而丢失比特币,缺点是只能在已安装轻量钱包的电脑或手机上使用,便捷性上略差。


Bitcoins generate xff0c at the time the address is created; the corresponding private key produces xff0c together; they have relationships like bank deposit accounts and passwords xff0c; some of the wired wallets are xff0c stored on the cloud; users can only use bitcoins through the service of the online wallet.


地址用於接收比特幣,功能類似銀行的存款帳號,但不需要實名登記。若只公開地址不必擔心裡面的比特幣被盜走,也沒有任何,也可以離線產生。比特幣的地址是由使用者的公開金鑰經過?SHA-256?雜湊運算後,再通過 RIPEMD-160 雜湊運算而得,其長度固定為 160 個位元(bits),通常會利用 Base58 將之編碼成一串由英文字母和數字所組成的字串,以方便顯示或散佈,其特徵是皆以“”或者“”開頭,隔離見證地址则以“”作为開頭,傳統比特幣地址區分大小寫,但不包括“IlO0”等字元,“1”開頭的地址長26~34位,“3”開頭的地址長34位,例如"",地址也可編碼成快速反應矩陣碼(QR-Code)的形式讓行動裝置能夠便捷地讀取複製 。比特幣用戶端可以離線生成比特幣地址(页面存档备份,存于)?。一個人可以生成並擁有許多比特幣地址,並用在不同的交易上,而且除非自己揭露,或與其他資料連結,否則外人無法看出其中的關聯。可用的比特幣地址數量接近2161個。形象地說,假如地球上約有263粒沙,那麼比特幣地址總數遠遠超過地球上所有沙子的數量(大約是沙子數目的平方的350億倍)。

The address is also offline. The address is a public key of the user ; nolve's SHA-256/a; r



The owner must use the private key & #xff08; the private key & #xff08; the private key & #xff0c; & xff09; xff0c; the password & xff0c; the password xff0c; to prove that the sender of the message is the owner of the address; xff0c without the private key xff0c; cannot sign the message xff0c; xff0c as unnamed currency xff0c; xff0c as evidence that the Internet does not recognize all the rights xff0c; xff0c;


Private keys must be kept confidential, or anyone who has a private key to a given address xff0c; they can use the bitcoin as long as they have a private key xff0c; they cannot be lost xff0c; they cannot be lost xff0c; users can be able to access the contents of the box properly according to the local financial regulations xff0c; they have their own identification card xff0c; they have their own access to the financial institution xff0c; the password has been reset to their original account xff0c; xxx0; 0x0x; 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXvvvvvvvxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX


Bitcoin private key is usually represented by 51 bits or 52 bits & xff0c; it is encoded in a manner similar to the Bitcoin address. 51-bit tagging is started by a number “5” & #xff0c; 52-bit tagging is started by a number “K” or “L.” Bitcoin address is a mix of Bitcoin public key & #xff0c; the public key can be extrapolated through a private key. So having a private key can deduce the address to which the private key corresponds xff08; unreversible xff09; xff0c; this is equivalent to just having to enter a set of correct passwords #xff0c; it can extrapolate the account name and log it into xff0c; and it cannot be deciphered from the account name.

2013年聖誕節前,12天比特幣節目中,Adam Johnson收到Bloomberg電視台的主播Matt Miller送的價值20美元的比特幣禮物卡。他開心的打開禮物卡包裝,在攝影機前展示了約10秒鐘禮物卡,然後,10秒鐘之內,錢就不見了。這張禮物卡上面,是一個比特幣錢包的地址跟私鑰的QR CODE。

xff0c; xff0c for 12 days prior to Christmas 2013; xff0c; Adam Johnson received a 20-dollar Bitcoat gift card from Matt Miller, the anchor of Bloomberg TV. He was happy to open the gift card package xff0c; showed the camera about 10 seconds of the gift card xff0c; then xff0c; xff0c in 10 seconds; the money is missing. xff0c; the address of a Bitcoat wallet and the private key QR CODE.


xff0c; and 最大开采国


xff0c in October 2021; data published by the University of Cambridge Alternative Financial Research Centre in England, xff0c; the United States has surpassed China xff0c; it has become the world's largest bitcoin mining country. Data xff0c; China's share in computer operations connected to the global Bitcoin network xff0c; so-called “Hash rate” xff0c; the number of zeroxff0c in July has fallen from 44 per cent in May to 75 per cent in 2019. Miners elsewhere have filled Chinese vacancies xff0c; manufacturers of mining equipment have shifted their attention to North America and Central Asia xff0c; larger Chinese miners are also moving xff0c; despite the logistical difficulties of the process. xff0c; data xff0c; the United States's share of mining is now the world's crown xffoc; up to the end of August; xff0c; about 35.4 per cent of Haxxxc; and Kazakhstan, respectively.


See #xff1a; Bit currency capacity problem


The Bit currency records a transaction for about 256 B capacity xff0c; a block ceiling of about 1 MB xff0c; so a block storage cap of 4096 transactions xff08; 1MB/256B #61; 4096 xff09; 600 seconds out of a block xff0c; thus only about 7 transactions xff08; 4096 61; 6.82 xff09; xff0c; resulting in a significant increase in waiting time xff0c; xff0c; planned to start on 1 August 2017 xff0c; giving effect to Segwit2xxff0c; i.e., 6.82 xfff0; wxxxxxxkn; nxxxxxkkn; nxxxxxxkkkkd; nxkxkxkxkxkkd; knknkdnkkt; knkdnktbnkt; kkkktnkkkt.kt.kt.kt.kt.kt.kt.kt.kt.kd; t.kt.kt.

名為比特幣現金(Bitcoin Cash,BCH)的分叉在2017年8月1日出現,分叉後第一個開始區塊为478559,而BCH 478559的區塊大小約1.9MB,超過原有區塊容量上限,意味著比特幣現金的正式誕生,所有在分叉前的比特幣持有者將自動擁有同金額的“比特幣現金”區塊链,區塊容量上限立即提升至8MB。

( Bitcoin Cashxff0c; BCH#xff09;

然而,比特币现金的诞生也伴随着不少争议。比如,其最初使用的交易代码并不是“BCH”,而是“BCC”,这正好与另一个加密货币Bitconnect冲突,而且和Bitfinex上代表“Bitcoin Core”的链分叉期货(Chain Split Token)交易代码也是雷同的,这曾经让部分投资者感到混淆。

However, xff0c; the birth of Bitcoin cash was also controversial. For example, xff0c; its initial transaction code was not “BCH” & #xff0c; it was “BCC” & #xff0c; it was in conflict with another encrypted currency, Bitconnect xff0c; and Bitfinex, representing the chain segment of “bitcoin Core” #xff08; Chain Split Token#xff09; the trading code was also the same #xff0c; this confused some investors.


Also xff0c; BCH developers have modified the original difficulty adjustment algorithm for Bitcoin 34; introduced “emergency difficulty adjustment” xff08; EDA) mechanisms xff0c; which allows BCH mining difficulties to be drastically reduced in slowness xff0c; thereby attracting miners from the competitor BTC chain. This means is considered to be 34; maintaining the BCH chain itself to 34 xff0c; xff0c; but it has also triggered a significant migration of the BCH chain between BTC and BCH xff0c; confirming time extension problems xff1b; and EDA has accelerated the pace of production of the BCH new currency #34; xff0

有人认为目前只有兼容Bitcoin Core客户端的链(即BTC)才是真正的比特币,他们往往会把比特币现金叫做“Bcash”;同时也有人认为比特币现金才是真正的比特币,而且认为“Bcash”这种称呼实质上是一种针对比特币现金的社会工程学攻击手段。

The view was expressed that only the chain of Bitcoin Core client xff08; or BTC) that the true bitcoin xff0c; that they often referred to bitcoin cash as “Bcash” #xff1b; that bitcoin cash was the true bitcoin xff0c; and that the term “Bcash” was essentially a means of socio-engineering attacks against bitcoin cash.

比特币早期布道者Andreas M. Antonopoulos则认为基于比特币的去中心化本质,并不存在一个“真正的比特币”标准答案,每一个人都应该有自己的独立认知。

The early sermon of Bitcoin, Andreas M. Antonopoulos, argued that the decentralised nature of Bitcoin was based on Bitcoin xff0c; that there was no “real bitcoin” standard answer xff0c; and that everyone should have their own independent knowledge.

比特币黃金(Bitcoin Gold,BTG)是2017年10月25日的再次分叉,比特幣持有人將生成出等量的比特幣黃金幣,主要是希望解決日漸中心化的挖礦現象,比特币黃金將採用新的雜湊算法Equihash,來防止 ASICs 挖礦。同时,Bitcoin Gold开发也预挖了一部分BTG,作为对团队维持开发工作的支持和激励。

Bitcoin gold & #xff08; Bitcoin Gold, BTG) another split & #xff0c on October 25, 2017; bitcoin gold coins & #xff0c, which will produce the same amount; mainly mining images that are intended to be solved in the center of the sun & #xff0c; Bitco gold, which will use a new amortization method Equihash, to prevent mining by ASICs. & #xff0c; Bitcoin Gold development also preduced a portion of BTG #xff0c; as support and incentive for team maintenance.

原定在區塊494,784(2017年11月)进行的SegWit2x硬分叉, Jeff Garzik主导开发的sha256挖矿分叉已失败,比特币纽约团队主导的GPU挖矿版成功分叉?(页面存档备份,存于),後續又有數十個比特币分叉,包括Bitcoin Diamond、Super Bitcoin等。此类分叉的涌现甚至引出了一个新的概念“IFO”,即“首次分叉发行”(Initial Fork Offering),与“ICO”(Initial Coin Offering,首次代币发行)性质类似。

xff0c: xff08; > > ;


The Bitcoin interconnects all transactions in the chain & #xff0c; the Bitcoin transaction is “record” & #xff0c; it is usually done with the help of a Bitcoin client. The payer needs to sign the transaction digitally xff0c; prove ownership and recognize the transaction. The Bitcoin is recorded on the address of the recipient xff0c; the transaction has no payee xff0c; the recipient may not be online xff0c; xff0c does not even exist; the source of financial payments for the transaction xff0c; that is, the cost #xff0c; known as “Input” xff0c; the money goes to xff0c; that is, the income xff0c; that is called “Exit”. If there is an input xff0c; the input must be larger than the export xff0c; the input must be larger than the export xff0c.


The mineral output transaction does not enter xff0c; only the output xff0c; the records show xff08; xff09; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; an input must be an output of another transaction xff0c; i.e., an income must have been paid by others. One input does not become an output of another transaction xff0c; it is “uncosted” xff0c; that is, “account balance”; this transaction is usually considered to be safer and difficult to reverse.


All transactions in Bitcoins will be recorded on the sector chain xff0c; the largest addresses in Bitcoins can easily be consulted on the Internet. Most of these addresses are exchange cold wallets xff0c; but the anonymous Bitcoin address xff0c; the principle does not know the holder xff0c; unless special circumstances xff0c; it is usually impossible to know a person's Bitcoin address xff0c; everyone can build and own a lot of bitcoins xff0c; different addresses can also be held by the same person or institution xff0c; some of the remaining addresses xff0c; special, non-existent or non-existent addresses; and the private address of the address may not be used; xffp x ff

有數個比特幣位置存有未使用的大量資金。其中部分位址曾存有美國聯邦調查局自線上黑市「絲路」創辦人「恐怖海盜羅伯特」(Dread Pirate Roberts)處查扣的比特幣資金,這些位址已在2013年10月被美國司法部強制下線。

There are a number of unused large amounts of money in several bitcoins. Some of these addresses were held on the US Federal Bureau of Investigation online black market "Swice by Robert #xff08; Draw Pirate Roberts #xff09; seized bicurrency funds #xff0c; these sites have been forced down by the US Department of Justice in October 2013.

比特币结合?P2P?对等网络技术和密码学原理,来维持发行系统的安全可靠性。与有中心服务器的中央网络系统不同,在 P2P 网络中无中心服务器,每个用户端既是一个节点,也有服务器的功能,任何一个节点都无法直接找到其他节点,必须依靠其户群进行信息交流。比特币使用以下3种机制,来解决初次运行时,查找其他节点的问题。

Bitcoin combination? P2P? To maintain the security of the distribution system. Unlike the central network system with a central server xff0c; to have no central server xff0c in the P2P network; to have a server function xff0c; to have a server function xff0c; to have no direct access to any other node xff0c; to rely on information exchange with its household.

  1. 在默认情况下,运行比特币的用户端加入一个 IRC 聊天通道,并可以获知加入该通道的其他用户端的 IP 地址和端口。该通道的名称和 IRC 聊天服务器的名称被写在了比特币软件中。
  2. 一些“知名的”比特币节点也被编写在软件中,以防 IRC 聊天服务功能因故无法访问。
  3. 可以手动添加运行比特币的其他用户端的 IP 地址。

现在不需要运行上述3个机制,一旦连接到比特币的某个节点,在发送的信息中,就会包含对等网络 P2P 其他节点的地址,直接通过其匿名用户群来找到其他节点。节点遍布整个互联网的 P2P 技术和密码学原理相结合,确保了比特币发行系统无法被政府、组织、或黑客监控、隔离、或破坏,从而保障了系统的可靠性和匿名性。。拒绝服务式(DDoS)以及其他攻击,其目标都是针对比特币交易中心,这和攻击或关闭传统货币交易所的网络,理论上不影响其货币发行和使用一样。2013年5月,美国政府查封世界上最大的比特币交易所银行账户后,兑换率还是维持在1比特币兑换120美元上下。

There is no need to run the above-mentioned three mechanisms xff0c; once it is connected to a point in Bitcoin xff0c; when it is sent xff0c; when it contains the address of the equivalent network P2P and other nodes xff0c; to find other nodes directly through its anonymous user base. The nodes of P2P technical and cryptographic principles that are spread over the entire Internet xff0c; to ensure that the Bitcoin distribution system cannot be monitored, isolated, or destroyed by the government, organization, or hacker; xff0c; thereby safeguarding the reliability and anonymity of the system.


匿名與隐私是比特币問世時主要的訴求,因為交易或建立比特币地址、錢包時,不需要提供任何個人資訊,區塊鏈也不會儲存任何個人資訊,但交易信息是向全网广播的,因此所有交易记录细节都是公开的、而可以追蹤。不同于採用 KYC 認證的传统金融機構,通过将交易信息與客户資料严格保密来保护客户隐私,但若國家機關基於特定原因,而向金融機構調取資料,或是被金融機構被駭客攻擊,或是內部洩漏,這樣仍然會使隐私消失,而使得特定交易信息與關聯的客户資料曝光,相對的,由於比特币的交易紀錄可以追蹤,因此如果比特币的特定交易信息與關聯的客户資料曝光,或經由 KYC 認證的交易所兌換成法定貨幣,其他相關地址也可能追蹤出真實身分,比特币可通过为每笔交易建立不同的地址来保护隐私,bitcoin.org 網站也建議每一個地址只做一次交易。例如,甲方希望发送 1.20 BTC 给乙方,那么任何人都可以通過比特币网络上所有节点都能够查阅这笔 1.20 BTC 的交易细节。但除非甲方或者乙方公布自己拥有其中的一个地址,否则作為不記名的貨幣,其他人很难知道这笔交易是发生在甲方与乙方之间的。

Anonymity and privacy are the main claims in Bitcoin; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; no personal information xff0c; but transaction information xff0c; and therefore all transaction details are public and traceable. Unlike traditional financial institutions that use KYC identification xff0c; xffcc; xff ;

理论上,如果有调查者能够将某一个地址与某一用户间建立关联,那么调查者就可以追根溯源,搞清楚每一笔交易的对方,如比對其它的個人資訊,如交易的 IP 地址等,某特定交易的資訊,要求已知的一方交代交易的另一方的身份等,并顺藤摸瓜經由交易链,並配合比特币交易所基於反洗錢法的 KYC 身分認證,直到确定目标地址的真实所有者,因此,只要有一筆交易被證明為犯罪,如某些交易是綁架的贖金或是未經持有人同意下,從被盜的帳戶轉帳出去等,之後所有後續轉出去的地址都會被“汙染”。但实际上,想要确定某个比特币的真实所有者依然是异常困难的,加上後續混合比特币(Bitcoin Mixing)、匿名轉換成其他加密貨幣,特別是門羅幣等徹底隱藏交易信息的新型態加密貨幣的產生,雖然強化了隐私保护,但也增加金流追蹤的困難,这一属性使得比特币吸引了很多非法物品交易者的兴趣。

Theoretically xff0c; if there is an investigator who can link an address to a user xff0c; if there is an investigator who can trace an address to a user xff0c; if there is an investigator who can trace each transaction to his counterpart xff0c; if there are other personal information xff0c; if there is an IP address for the transaction xff0c; if there is an investigator who can link an address xff0c; if there is an investigator who can link an address to a user xff0c; if there is an investigator xffff0c

為求徹底解決比特币有關隱私性、被監控、被追蹤等疑慮,後續開發了強調隱私,有自動混幣或加密功能的區塊链與替代加密貨幣,通稱隱私幣,包括達世幣、门罗币、Zcash、PIVX 等,但由於這類貨幣極容易被當成洗錢工具,因此在一部分交易所的交易會受到限制。

In order to fully resolve Bitcoin's suspicions about privacy, surveillance, tracking, etc. #xff0c; the subsequent development of strong privacy & #xff0c; block chains with automatic commingling or encryption functions and substitute encryption currency & #xff0c; commonly known as private currency & #xff0c; including Da, Monroe, Zcash, PIVX, etc. & #xff0c; but because of the ease with which the currency is used as a money laundering tool #xff0c; transactions in some exchanges are therefore limited.


  • 2011年6月19日,Mt.Gox?比特币交易中心的安全漏洞导致1比特币价格一度跌至1美分,但該機構宣稱其它交易没有受到影响。原因是一个黑客从感染木马的电脑上盗用了该用户?Mt.Gox?的证书,从而把比特币转到自己的帐号上并抛售,产生了大量该价格的“ask”请求。几分钟后,Mt.Gox 关闭并取消黑客事件中的不正常交易,使比特币价格反弹回到了15美元。最终比特币汇率回到崩溃前的情况。相当于超过 8,750,000 美元的帐户受到影响。
  • 2011年7月,世界第三大比特币交易中心 Bitomat 的运营商宣布:记录着 17,000 比特币(约合22万美元)的 wallet.dat 文件的访问权限丢失。同时宣布决定出售服务以弥补用户损失。
  • 2011年8月,作为常用比特币交易的处理中心之一的 My Bitcoin 宣布遭到黑客攻击,并导致关机。涉及客户存款的49%,超过78000比特币(当时约相当于80万美元)下落不明。
  • 2012年,Bitcoinica 两度遭到黑客攻击,被指控忽略客户资金的安全性以及伪造提款申请。2012年8月上旬,Bitcoinica 在旧金山法院被起诉要求赔偿约46万美元。
  • 2012年9月,Bitfloor 交易中心也被黑客入侵,24,000 比特币(约相当于25万美元)被盗。Bitfloor 因此暂停运营。同月,Bitfloor恢复运营,它的创始人说,他已经就盗窃事件上报FBI,而且他正计划赔偿受害者,但赔偿的时间表尚不清楚。
  • 2013年11月,网络钱包服务商 inputs.io 被两个黑客入侵,盗走4100比特币,目前仅1比特币以上的账户可获得赔偿。
  • 2014年2月25日,总部设在日本东京、全球最大比特币平台?Mt. Gox,因为网站安全漏洞,关闭了自己的网站并停止了交易。
  • 2016年8月8日,比特幣交易所 Bitfinex 被盜走119756個比特幣,當時價格達7500萬美元,損失由所有用戶扣除36.067%的餘額分擔2022年2月,美國司法部破獲此案,以現價來計算,價值超過45億美金。
  • 2019年5月7日,全球最大交易所幣安宣布被盜7074比特幣,當時價格超過4000萬美元。
  • 2019年7月8日,日本東京“BITPoint Japan”比特币儲存與交易公司被駭客盜走35亿日元比特幣,其中25億是民眾資產牽涉約用户约达5万人,BITPoint Japan是在东京二板市场上市的Remixpoint旗下子公司。
  • 2019年11月27日,韓國的交易所Upbit 宣布被駭客盜取 342,000 顆以太幣,當時價格超4900萬美元。
  • 2020年2月5日,義大利的交易所 Altsbits 宣布遭盜黑客攻擊,幾乎全部的比特幣、以太幣和其他加密貨幣均被盜走,價值超 30 萬美元。並且Aitsbits隨即宣布在2020年5月8日關閉網站並停止交易。
  • 2020年9月8日,捷克斯洛伐克的交易所 Eterbase 宣布遭駭客攻擊,被盜取了價值超過 540 萬美元的比特幣、以太幣和其他加密貨幣。
  • 2020年9月26日,Kucoin交易所被駭客盜走價值超1.5億美元的加密貨幣,主要包括ERC-20代幣,比特幣和以太幣。



The Internet security company offers security warnings #xff0c; #xfff0c is rampant in bitcoin mining software; about 3,000 Japanese computers are infected with the virus xff0c; about a quarter of the world's computers are in the lead xff0c; the company calls on Japanese users not to view suspicious mail and websites. The second is 2606 xff08 in the United States; 21% xff09; xfff0c; it is second in Australia, India, France, and Taiwan.


June 2010 & #xff0c; ABC discovered an employee digging with a company server.


June 2011 xff0c; Internet security company is participating in the “mining of mines” in Bitco.

2011年8月,比特币挖矿的僵尸网络被发现了。同時也發現,木马感染的「Mac OS X」電腦被用於比特币挖矿。

xff0c; Zombie network was found digging in Bitcoin in August 2011. xff0c was also found; Mac OS X, a carousel infected computer, was used to dig in Bitcoin.


Also xff0c; a number of controversial software also make extensive use of https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_4019811/article/details/%E5%B9%E8%E8%AE%A1%E7AE%E%" rel="nofollow> /a>.


2 December 2017 xff0c; a Starbucks Café xff0c in Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital; ?



Bitcoin is based on government-controlled, relative, anonymous, hard-to-trace features xff0c; like other currencies xff0c; is also used for illicit transactions xff0c; becomes an instrument of crime, or conceals the proceeds of crime.



Bitcoin has been accused of being a “Ponzi fraud” & #xff0c; because the Bitcoin exchange rate is rising & #xff0c; and early bitcoin users are easier to dig. The European Central Bank has carefully studied this virtual currency & #xff0c; in its analysis published in 2012, it was stated that it was difficult to judge whether bitco was or was not a Ponzi fraud & #xff0c; on the one hand, those who bought bitcoin needed to find someone else willing to buy back #xff0c; on the other hand, many thought that it was consistent with the Ponzi fraud speciality #xff0c; on the other hand, the Bitcoin plan never promised anyone a higher return #xff0c; on the other hand, it was reported that it was a high risk system for users if the money was taken #xff0c; on the other hand, the Bitcoins were considered to be a high risk system.

  • 2012年8月下旬,Bitcoin Savings and Trust交易网站被所有者关闭,并留下据称约560万美元的债务。同时导致其被指控操作庞氏骗局。2012年9月,美国证券交易委员会开始调查这一案件。

在美國,一個匿名化的交易丝绸之路所主導,自称为黑市亚马逊Amazon.com,比特币是它的唯一交易货币。?2011年,纽约州参议员查爾斯·舒默和其他人致信给美国药品管理局,指责丝绸之路运用比特币洗钱,要求对丝绸之路和比特币展开调查。和TOR一样,比特币都是合法技术,被用在丝绸之路的网站中,为执法部门带来了很多难题。不过,开发比特币的核心成员Jeff Garzik表示,虽然各方的身份是匿名的,执法部门仍可以利用先进的网络分析技术,通过区块链中公开的交易记录流程来跟踪单个比特币使用者。?2013年11月,丝绸之路已经被美国政府查封。 2014年1月,美國司法部宣佈,比特幣交易站運營者羅伯特·法伊拉(Robert Faiella)和查理·史瑞姆被正式指控參與洗黑錢,幫助丝绸之路販毒者將100萬美元兌換成為比特幣。?

In the United States, xff0c; an anonymous transaction ; `nosollow' ; Es8%Ew2%Ew2%EbrebnBnBnBnBnE2%EE2%EEE2%EE2%ENEEEE2%E2%EE2%ENEEE2%ENEEEEEE2%EE_EEE_ENEEEE2%E2%E_E_E_E_E2%E_E.EEEEEEE_E_E_E/E2%E_E2%E8%E8%E8%E_E_E8%E_E_E_E_E2%E2%E2%EEE_E_E_EE_E_E_EEE_E_E.


xff0c, which is often linked to illegal behaviour. In 2013, xff0c; #xff0c; and the seizure of 144,000 bits xff0c; about US$28.5 million at that time. But if compared to other countries, 28%E8%B3%BC%E7%E9%A9%B6%E7%C7%A9%C) the US government is hostile to the special currency, the new rules of the Chinese government have restricted the exchange between the people and the special bank's bank's money may not be used to protect the bank's currency.



Bitcoin has also been widely used as ; the method of hacking the victim's computer xff0c; encryption the victim's computer files xff0c; victim's time limits of 72-96 hours xff0c; key clearance xff0c; whether the time key is exceeded xff0xxxff0c; victim's release of encrypted files will be very difficult xff0c; thus xff0c; not only individual xff0c; schools, banknotes, hospitals bishops fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff; fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;fffffffffffffffffffffffff;fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;fffffff;fffffff.;fffffffffff.;ffffffffffffffffff.;ffff.f.f.f.f.f.f.ffff.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.


May 2017 xff0c; Extortion software xff0c; hundreds of thousands of computers infected xff0c; Bitco currency as a tool for payment? June 2017 xff0c; and Petya Extortion software xff0c; also Bitcoin as a tool for payment.



In mid-2018, nearly 300 virtual coins appeared in xff0c in five months; they were also popularly raised by the ICO. In April, the Vietnamese virtual currency, Pincoin, went missing after raising $660 million after raising funds xff0c; it also caused citizens to be moved and noticed. On 19 March of the same year, xff0c; and for the first time, the Hong Kong Censorship Board called the first bill launch that stopped in Hong Kong.

比特币仍然有合法或正當的用途。有多种途径使用比特币,通过电子货币交易所、比特币提款機、服务商和个人等渠道,就能兑换为当地的现金或金币或以现金或金币購買比特币;也可以直接使用它购买物品和服务,或使用比特币金融卡。特别继维基解密宣布接受比特币捐助后,认可使用比特币的个人、组织和企业迅猛增长。?Coinmap页面存档备份,存于)是一个专门收录全球范围内接受比特币支付的实体商家网站,比特币维基有一个网页则列出了接受比特币支付的合法网络商家。?隨著比特币金融卡的啟用,即使商家不接受比特幣,仍然可以依照比特幣與法幣的即時匯率,而以比特幣付款,猶如刷帳戶的金融卡支付外幣(美元、歐元等)消費,仍然可以依照該外幣與的即時匯率,而從的存款帳戶扣款來完成付款,這樣商家只要支援Visa 或 Mastercard等信用卡,或是Apple Pay等行動支付功能者皆能使用,,使用範圍就能從直接接受比特幣的1萬商家,大幅擴大到包括網路購物、賣場購物、餐廳和咖啡廳用餐、搭乘交通工具、加油站加油等數千萬個商家(Visa 2,900萬、MasterCard 3,200萬個),如果許可,並可使用世界各地逾3千多萬台一般法幣ATM,以比特幣提領當地現金使用。

& Bitcoin still has legitimate or legitimate uses. There are many ways to use Bitcoin & #xfff0c; via e-money exchange & Bitcoin withdrawal machines, service providers and individuals & #xff0c; can be converted into local cash or coins or bought in cash or coins & #xff1b; can also be used directly to purchase goods and services & #xff0c;


  • 2011年6月,自由网、機器智能研究所、互联网档案馆自由软件基金会以及其他的一些组织,开始接受比特币的捐赠。
  • 2011年6月,电子前哨基金会也接受了一段时间的比特币捐赠但是随后宣布停止这样做,因为比特币这样的货币系统在历史上没有先例,对于其法律前景的不确定性感到担心。
  • 2011年11月,WordPress宣布接受比特币付款。声明说肯尼亚、海地和古巴等地区遭受国际支付系统的封锁,比特币可以帮助这一地区的互联网用户购买服务。
  • 2013年4月,中国四川省雅安地震后,公募基金壹基金宣布接受比特币作为地震捐款。當時已收到意向捐赠50比特币(按照當時汇率,折合人民币4万)?
  • 2013年5月,电子前哨基金会宣布,在研究美国财政部金融犯罪执法系统发布的虚拟货币个人管理《条例》后,把比特币和汽车一样,当作礼物重新接受捐赠。
  • 2014年2月,英格兰北部的坎布里亚大学据信已经成为全世界第一所接受虚拟货币比特币作为学费的公立大学。
  • 维基媒体基金会通过BitPay接受比特币和比特币现金捐款,不过不保留所得比特币,仅将其兑换为美元使用。


  • LaCie公司是一间上市公司,接受比特币作为其Wuala服务的付款方式。
  • 匿名组织"LulzSec"宣布接受比特币捐赠。他们宣称说该匿名团体“需要比特币捐赠以便继续他们的事业。”
  • 2013年1月,線上遊戲商Zynga宣布將支援比特幣付款。
  • 2013年3月5日,Namecheap宣布開始接受比特幣支付。
  • 2013年4月,海盗湾、EZTV等开始接受比特币捐款。
  • 2013年5月,富比士公布了《接受比特币交易的十大网站》。
  • 2013年6月,PayPal禁止普通商家出售比特币。但2014年9月,Paypal又宣布通过PayPal Payments Hub接受比特币。
  • 2013年10月,世界第一台比特幣櫃員機在加拿大溫哥華出現,允許使用者把比特幣兌換成為加元提取,每天最高上限為3千加元;另一方面,使用者亦可以透過存入現金購入比特幣?,到2017年5月,全球比特幣櫃員機數量到達1167台,分布在58個國家。
  • 肯尼亚创业家和程序员皮爾·布萊恩賈德(Pelle Braendgaard)推出了一个比特币服务Kipochi。在斯瓦希里语中Kipochi的意思就是钱包。Kipochi让用户可以用M-Pesa购买比特币,帮助在国外工作的肯尼亚人无需支付高额国际银行转账费寄钱回家。肯尼亚的银行设施稀少,但智能手机几乎无处不在,由移动运营商推出的M-Pesa是该国广泛流行的移动支付系统,它让公民可以很容易的汇款给另一个人。
  • Bitcoin Channel指出,世界最大的競標購物網站eBay上的某些店铺接受比特币,还有约240家店铺出售比特币服务。
  • 2014年1月9日,美国大型网络零售商Overstock正式接受比特币。
  • 2014年7月,比特幣台灣交換網 bitbarterex - 比特幣 與 商品服務交換 的場所。 網站已更名為 bitexc (https://bitexc.com/?(页面存档备份,存于)?(页面存档备份,存于))
  • 2014年7月18日,戴尔开始接受比特币支付,但目前因低需求而停止。
  • 2014年11月,網路報導宣稱Microsoft微軟Xbox及電子化商品將接受比特幣支付。
  • 2016年2月,日本遊戲與成人內容平台DMM.com宣佈接受比特幣支付。
  • 2016年4月,遊戲平台?Steam?宣布支持比特幣支付。但在2017年12月宣佈不再接受比特幣,理由是手續費暴增且幣值波動劇烈。
  • 2017年4月,日本家電連鎖店 Bic Camera 開始接受比特币付款。
  • 2017年5月,樂桃航空宣佈將於該年年底前開放以比特幣購買機票,成為日本第一家接受比特幣的航空公司。
  • 2019年8月,實惠家居宣佈和時富金融服務集團旗下的鯰魚金融科技(Weever FinTech)及錢方QFPay携手合作,成為香港首家全線接受比特幣付款的大型零售連鎖店。
  • 2021年3月,馬斯克宣佈旗下汽車製造商Tesla允許顧客以比特幣購買汽車。


  • 2013年12月,淘寶網宣布禁止出售比特币。2014年4月15日,支付平台支付宝永久冻结部分曾经参与比特币相关(如比特币交易平台充值码、比特币矿机)交易的用户账户。
  • 中華人民共和国政府自2019年大力取缔了比特币交易所,交易所关闭或出海。。


  • 合法公司无需银行账户,2017年3月瑞典一家新注册的公司“美丽新世界 / Brave New World”,因为和被西方经济制裁的伊朗有关,在无法开银行账户的情况下,利用比特币募集基金,运营业务。
  • 2014年2月27日,美国民主党参议员乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin)近日向联邦政府发出公开信,希望有关部分重视比特币扰乱金融市场的不良现象,提议封杀比特币。?美联储主席耶伦在参议院银行委员会作证时,回应西弗吉尼亚州参议员乔·曼钦的关于比特币的提问时表示,“美联储对比特币没有管辖权”。曼钦对耶伦的表述感到失望,并认为,在不久的将来,美联储银行和比特币之间会发生利害冲突。
  • 2014年2月26日,InterTrader的總經理(Managing Director)Shai Heffetz的話說:「許多的政府開始瞭解比特幣對於傳統的法定貨幣可以展現的真正威脅,也因此它們是有意圖要關閉Mt.Gox的。現下全球貨幣戰爭變地激烈而血腥,所有的國家都大量印製鈔票並且扭曲數據以掩蓋他們瘋狂印鈔票的事實。人們口袋裡面的鈔票或許還可以填飽肚子,但事實是,生活支出的代價在過去五年內出現顯著的增加,持續的貨幣寬鬆並無法永續。比特幣和其它的替代貨幣正在開始被認為是傳統法幣的可行性替代方案;因為比特幣無法受到任何政府的操縱,全世界的掌權派開始憂慮並展開一波鎮壓;當被掩蓋的通貨膨脤事實漸漸被外界獲知時,人們就會開始採信某一種獨立的數位貨幣以取代價值遭到過度膨脹的傳統法幣。」「Mt.Gox的中斷據傳源於全球政府對於比特幣的鎮壓」 網路媒體HITC報導。
  • 《解密比特币》的作者刘宁和沈大海认为,比特币是一个全球用户通过互联网“广播和管理帐单的系统。”
  • 壹比特数字科技公司CMO龚明认为,比特币是目前全球第一个成功的道可思/DACs(发散智能协调机制)。在这之前从来没有一个项目像比特币这样,在全球范围内吸引这么多人力物力参与,不仅产生了巨大影响,同时给所有参与者带来巨大回报。
  • 参与开发者认为它是类似比特信(Bitmessage)的互联网技术,是去中心化运动的一部分。
  • 諾貝爾經濟學得主保羅·克魯曼,認為「比特幣是邪惡的」,發表了若干對於比特幣的看法。
  • 纽约州参议员查爾斯·舒默和其他人2011年,致信给美国药品管理局指责丝绸之路运用比特币洗钱,要求对丝绸之路和比特币展开调查。
  • 比特币资深开发者馬提·馬爾密(Martti Malmi)2013年5月,在美国检察院对类似比特币的、用中央服务器管理的自由储备银行Liberty Reserve提起控诉,并查封其网站和逮捕相关涉案人员后,馬提·馬爾密(Martti Malmi)认为和Liberty Reserve不同,比特币是对等网络中没有实体的电脑程序,能和种子文件一样传播,美国政府还无法封杀。
  • 美国商品期货交易委员会理事Bart Chilton认为它是一种期货。
  • 亞洲首富李嘉誠2013年,透過旗下的維港投資(Horizons Ventures)投資美國比特幣支付公司 BitPay ,数额不详,這是一家相當於比特幣領域的PayPal的公司。
  • 美联储理事会副主席Janet Yellen在参加上海国际货币会议时表示,新型网络货币令银行家们不安,可能成为扰乱金融秩序的工具。
  • 中国人民银行副行长易纲,在2013年的一场论坛上表示,从人民银行角度,近期不可能承认比特币的合法性。但他同时认为,比特币交易作为一种互联网上的买卖行为,普通民众拥有参与的自由。此外,易纲还指出比特币“很有特点”,具有“启发性”,个人会保持长期关注。
  • 比特币风险投资基金的经理们认为,它是一种崭新型的商业模式。 
  • 布隆伯格基金的董事长Jon Soberg表示,比特币很可能会让信用卡过时,带来一场金融革命。
  • 美银美林利率与外汇研究全球主管David Woo 2013年12月,发布研报对比特币估值1300美元,他认为“比特币能够成为电子商务的一种主要支付方式,并且成为传统货币交易的有力竞争者”。这是华尔街投行首次将比特币纳入研究范围。
  • 比特币资深开发者、Bitpay开源软件工程师Garzik认为,和国家发行地货币一样,比特币是个人发行地合法货币。他还认为,2013年,曾为谷歌等全球500强企业供职的、比特币的自愿工作者们纷纷开始跳槽,包括他自己也成了比特币金融企业中的全职雇员。?
  • 香港城市大学教授邹嘉彦认为,2013年比特币成为泛华地区最受关注的社会现象。
  • 2017年11月,韩国总理李洛渊在韩国内阁就年轻人对数字加密货币接受情况的会议上表示,许多学生正在进入“暴涨的”市场,赚到快钱,其中一些人卷入了欺诈犯罪活动,放任发展可能造成严重问题。


  • 2014年2月24日,美国银行监管协会(CSBS)承认,他们已经分别从各州分会组织成员,成立了“新兴支付特遣工作小组”,来调查评估比特币等虚拟货币。
  • 2014年2月22日,在国际知名投资机构高盛发布地《比特币评估报告》中称:比特币将可能成为虚拟货币标准化的里程碑。
  • 国际知名的互联网法律援助公益组织-电子前哨基金会,在研究美国财政部有关定义后,把比特币和股票一样作为礼物募捐。
  • 2021年6月8日,美國國稅局 (IRS) 呼籲立法機關應授權更嚴格加密貨幣交易呈報的規定,認為「大多數虛擬貨幣遠離雷達偵測範圍,這使美國國稅局面臨挑戰」。


Bitcoins are recognized, used and involved by a number of individuals, organizations, businesses, etc. around the world. Some governments recognize it as a currency & #xff0c; others recognize it as a virtual commodity & #xff0c; do not recognize its attributes. Some governments & #xff0c; view the unsupervised bitcoin as an illicit trade & #xff0c; and attempt to take it by law.


2021年12月9日,在美国众议院举行的加密货币听证会上,共和党众议员 Patrick McHenry 表示,加密领域的技术「已经受到监管」,但现有的监管框架可能「笨拙」且「不是最新的」,并具有过度监管的倾向。Patrick McHenry 称:「加密货币对未来的影响可能比互联网更大...... 我们需要合理的规则...... 不需要立法者仅仅出于对未知的恐惧而下意识的监管...... 因未知的恐惧而监管只会扼杀美国的创新能力,使我们在竞争中处于劣势...... 我们如何确保 Web3 革命发生在美国?」另Patrick McHenry在加密听证会上还表示:“我们需要摒弃加密货币只被犯罪分子使用的想法。你知道还有什么是被用于不良目的吗?现金。”

9 December 2021 xff0c; xff0c at an encrypted currency hearing in the United States House of Representatives; xff0c; Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry says xff0c; technologies in the field of encryption "are already regulated" xff0c; but the existing regulatory framework may be "clumbly" and "not the latest" xff0c; and there is a tendency to over-regulate. Patrick McHenry says xff1a; "The influence of encrypted currency on the future may be greater than the Internet. We need reasonable rules... we need not be regulated by legislators simply out of fear of unknown knowledge.



December 2020 & #xff0c; considering classifying bitcoins as & #xff0c & taxing their transactions.



7 September 2021 & #xff0c; formally included as legal currency xff0c; became the first country in the world to have Bitcoin as a legal currency xff0c; #xff0c; and at the same time #xff0c; also triggered numerous legal demonstrations against Bitco.



xff0c of July 31, 2022; Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Digital Financial Assets and Encrypted Currency Mediation Act. Prior to the enactment of the Act, xff0c; Russian regulation of encrypted currency could not be justified. According to the Digital Financial Assets and Encrypted Currency Mediation Act xff0c; digital financial assets refer to the right to digital assets issued, liquidated and circulated in information systems. Digital assets can be used as collateral, traded and exchanged for xff0c; they cannot be used as a means of payment.


22 September 2022 xff0c; agreement between the Russian Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance xff0c; permission for cross-border settlement using encrypted currency.



On 5 December 2013, xff0c; the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information, the Silver Supervisory Board, the SEC, among others, co-issued the Notice on the Risk of Quantified Bitcoins & #xff0c; at that time, financial institutions and payment agencies were ordered to fail to provide services such as bitcoins'trust, swaps, and payments xff0c; and stressed that virtual currency does not have the same legal status as currency. Users must use bitco trading platforms to produce a name xff0c; and are supervised by a telecom manager?


On 4 September 2017, the People's Bank of China, Central Networking, the Ministry of Industry and Information, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Silver Supervisory Board, the Witness Control Board and the Guardian Council began #xff0c; regulated the conduct of #xff0c regarding the issuance of funds through virtual currency; characterized as #xff0c; prohibited all transactions related to counterfeit currency #xff1b; published in 2018 a series of rules prohibiting the trading of counterfeit currency #xff0c; and, as on 7 August, published by the National Network Information Office, implemented a "remand communication tool public information service development moratorium" #xff0c; and banned all transactions related to virtual currency #xff0c on the local chain #xff0c.


On May 18, 2021, #xff0c; #xff0c, the China People's Bank and the China Internet Financial Association, the China Bank Association, and the China Payments Liquidation Association, all three institutions & #xff0c; the Joint Statement states & #xff1a; #xff0c, where the prices of virtual currency have skyrocketed & #xff0c; #xff0c, where the virtual currency trading campaign is counterproductive & #xff0c; #xff0c, where the people's property security is seriously affected; and #xff0c, where the normal economic and financial order is disturbed.


xff0c of 24 September 2021; Circular issued by ten ministries, including the People's Bank of China, on the further prevention and disposal of the risks associated with the fumigation of virtual currency transactions xff0c; virtual currency not having the same legal status as statutory currency xff0c; virtual currency-related operations being illegal financial activities xff0c; internal staff of the relevant offshore virtual currency exchange xff0c; and knowledge or knowledge that they are engaged in virtual currency-related operations xff0c; legal persons, illegal persons organizations and natural persons who continue to provide them with marketing publicity, payment settlements, technical support, etc. xff0c; and liability in accordance with the law.


In addition to Bitcoin & #xff0c; there are many similar currencies & #xff0c; coded currency & #xff0c; coded currency & #xff0c other than Bitcoin; also known as bogus coins, competition currency & #xff08; English & #xff1a; #xff09; #xff0c; there are now several thousand sets of encrypted currency in circulation & #xff0c; and there is a continuous increase #xff0c; new encryption currency may be created by anyone at any time xff0c; it may be created by means of stand-alone, hard splits, coin & #xff08; English & #xffff1a; & #xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.fffffffffffffffffffffft.t.t.t.ffffffff.ff.ffff.ffffffff.f.ff.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f

  1. ^??BTC不是ISO官方认可的符号,且与ISO 4217冲突,因为BT代表不丹
  2. ^??XBT不是ISO官方认可的符号,不过与ISO 4217兼容
  3. ^??此符號亦為泰銖的代表符號
  4. ^??字面意義為"位元硬幣",bit為位元,為數位的最小單位,此名稱有數位貨幣的含義,採用音譯的"比特币"一詞已普遍在各地採用,本條目從而沿用之
  5. ^??中本聪又譯為中本哲史,Satoshi Nakamoto,真實身分未知,可能是一個人或是一群人所組成的團隊
  1. ^??USD, BITS TO.?. bitsusd.com.?[2020-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-30).
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  3. ^??Jon Matonis.?. Coindesk. 2013-09-17?[2013-12-14]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-25).
  4. ^??Matonis, Jon.?. Forbes (New York). 2013-01-22?[2014-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-16).?Responsible for more than 50% of daily network volume on the Bitcoin blockchain, SatoshiDice reported first year earnings from wagering at an impressive ?33,310.
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  9. ^??Mishkin, Frederic. . 中国人民大学出版社.?: 43.
  10. ^??http://news.youth.cn/jsxw/201312/t20131208_4350914.htm?(页面存档备份,存于)?比特币是对货币超发的憎恨 不是货币最终版
  11. ^??Oberhauser, Alex.?. Academia.edu.?[2017-04-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-10).
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  14. ^??Bustillos, Maria.?. The New Yorker. Condé Nast. 2013-04-12?[2013-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-29).?...there seems to be a consensus forming around Bitcoin, capitalized, for the system, the software, and the network it runs on, and bitcoin, lowercase, for the currency itself
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  17. ^??我应该被诱惑投资比特币吗??(页面存档备份,存于)?纳斯达克 2017-03-03
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  126. ^??絲綢之路黑市2013年11月已經被美國政府關閉。美國檢控官的起訴內容稱,現年24歲的施瑞姆是名為BitInstant.com交易所的CEO,他涉嫌幫助現年52歲的法伊拉將現金兌換為比特幣; 而法伊拉則被指使用BTCKing的用戶名在絲綢之路網站上運營一個地下比特幣交易站。有網絡交易專家在接受BBC訪問時表示,繼絲綢之路被查封,創始人被逮捕之後,人們一直預計警方可能對更多可能涉及非法行為的人採取行動。紐約曼哈頓檢察官聲明說,警員是周日和周一分別在肯尼迪國際機場和佛州家中逮捕了查理·史瑞姆和羅伯特·法伊拉。美國緝毒官員詹姆斯·亨特(James Hunt)指出,上述二人躲藏在電腦和互聯網後面,假裝對所參與的犯罪行為毫不知情。檢控官稱,其實施瑞姆不僅知道法伊拉通過絲綢之路洗錢,而且還透過絲綢之路購買過毒品。施瑞姆是比特幣基金會的創始人之一,也是現任副主席; 這一基金會的創建目的就是宣傳和推廣比特幣的更廣泛使用。去年施瑞姆還在紐約專門開辦了一個接受比特幣的酒吧,以鼓勵更多人使用比特幣。一些投資者已經公開表示對施瑞姆的被控犯罪行為不知情,也願意積極配合執法機關的調查活動。
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This article is issued from?Wikipedia. The text is licensed under?Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.




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    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...
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    利空出尽?华尔街多头坚信美股将摆脱泥潭 经济衰退风险被夸大A lot of people on Wall Street believe that beauty will escape the quagmire; the risk of recession is exaggerated. 从目前美国经济的情况加上美股先有的走势来判断,确信通胀已经或即将见顶,这为价格压力回落铺平了道路,这最终将使美联储得以放缓...
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