比特币价格破5万元 国内交易平台赴海外

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:162 评论:0



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  破5万元 比特币疯涨的背后


On November 2, the price of bitcoin surged after Chicago Business Exchange announced the proposed front line of bitcoin futures. On November 2, the price of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, an international platform with several bitcoin trading platforms, rose by 50,000 yuan per dollar, and the price of the United States dollar by 7,000 dollars. At the same time, the domestic bitcoin trading platform was based on overseas trading platforms, offering point-to-point off-site trading services to the global French currency, and investors were so stupid that, according to analysts, foreign rivals were more anonymous, trading channels were numerous, and there was a risk of fraudulent transactions.


Bitcoin prices skyrocketed


domestic trading platform overseas


At 1900 hours on 2 November, according to the gold industry, there were several Bitcoin trading platforms offering over 50,000 yuan. In the United States dollar, the price of Bitfinex, CoinDesk, and other platform price indices showed that Bitcoin had crossed the $7,000 mark, with a maximum increase of more than 10% in the day.


Previously, there were reports that the world’s largest futures exchange, Chicago Business Exchange, planned to launch Bitcoin futures in the fourth quarter of this year. Then, Bitcoin prices rose to $6330 per year, the highest ever. At 9 a.m. on 2 November, according to the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index, Bitcoin prices crossed the $6,800 mark and climbed to $6832 per year.


On the domestic front, on 31 October, the domestic Bitcoin trading platform was cleared. However, the completion of the repatriation did not mean that the website was closed.


At the same time, Li Lin, the founder of the currency network, has stated that it is now operating at a global level, such as a China-wide military station, a China-based company for block-chain technology applications and development, serving a large number of Chinese customers, promoting the development of block-chain technology in China, and launching a new domain name. In addition, the currency bank, through investment and cooperation, has obtained a license plate for the world’s digital asset transactions, which will enter the overseas market.


Roll-out point-to-point




For domestic investors, because domestic trading platforms are shut down, they can only switch to off-site transactions, while the gunnet, currency lines, etc., will be based on overseas trading platforms, oriented towards global French currency, and will launch point-to-point off-site trading services. On November 2, OKEx issued an announcement calling online C2C services, i.e. off-site trading services.


Out-of-the-counter transactions often have no borders, and the relevant platforms can provide services globally. According to the recently released Bitcoin Out-of-the-Street Transaction Monitoring Report, four of the Bitcoin out-of-the-field trading platforms currently used by domestic users are overseas, including Local Bitcoins, Paxful, CoinCola, and BitcoinWorld.


According to the OKEx bulletin, users can buy or sell bitcoins at any time at a rate up or down in the value of the OKEx index, the counterparty being the comptoir, transferring local coins to the comptoir when the order is successful, completing the transaction, the investment area using French currency in and out, the business strategy of adding digital assets to digital assets, i.e. either the user or the dealer, filling Nbitco with only Nbitco, and selling the excess with French coins. In addition, the open trading area is located at a user that buys bitcoins with demand.


According to the Director of the Centre for Internet Finance at the Suning Institute of Finance, C2C point-to-point services, according to the business model, were significantly different from the previous exchange mode, which was followed by investors charging the money to the exchange's bank-to-bank counterpart account and then buying and selling virtual money within the platform; while C2C models, the platform brought together a large number of buyers and sellers, with the parties determining prices and dealings autonomously, with the funds transferred directly from the buyer to the seller's account and without the platform having access to the funds, could be considered as a point-to-point match-to-place mode.


“If one exchange is only in the face of an overseas market, there is no need for C2C services, so it is more open to domestic investors, it is closed at home, business needs to move overseas, and the platform offers C2C services in order to avoid regulation.” In the view of Senior Digital Currency Researcher Xiao Xiao Xiao, domestic investors can switch to overseas markets if they have money, and if there is no currency, some of the offshore opening processes will be involved, and the full value will have to deal with how the renminbi is transferred, and it will be good if the small money is transferred and the large amount will be monitored by the State.



Where's the future bitcoin from


For the future development of Bitcoin, Xue Hongxi argues that the uplinking of futures products itself marks the beginning of the admission of virtual currency investments, such as bitcoins, in mainstream financial markets, and is more than beneficial for virtual currencies, and may accelerate the price increase in bitcoins. Given the product properties themselves, the uplinking of futures products increases the short-term volatility of markets, but does not affect long-term trends.


Shaw said that the Chicago Commodity Exchange’s front line of Bitcoin was of great significance, because futures were a very dominant global variety, and if they were admitted to the futures market, that is, to mainstream financial markets, there would be more financial institutions, or speed up the movement of bitcoin than larger hedge funds into the Bitcoin market. Moreover, in terms of futures, there might be some volatility in the price of bitcoin, but the cost of doing so would be great when the market was so popular.


In response to the C2C model, Xue Hongsheng stated that, for investors, the emergence of the C2C trading platform facilitated virtual currency trading and reduced the cost of synthesizing transactions, which could be considered a post-ban transition and model exploration for the platform.


Shaw argued that if the platform were to be transparent and recordable, it could block some very low-level risks, fraud would be less, and it would help to sunn down underground transactions. The OKEx bulletin also indicates that if there was a fraud, the account would be closed down.


According to analysts, however, transactions outside Bitcoin still pose a significant risk. According to the report of the National Commission for the Expedition of Funds, according to the means of payment of the renminbi used in BTC-CNY (bitcoin vs. renminbi) off-site transactions, 96.3 per cent of the BTC-CNY off-site transactions completed through Paxful since 2017 have been carried out through the payment of treasures, 2.7 per cent through micro-payments, followed by Itunes gift cards, which account for 0.56 per cent.


At the same time, the National Commission on the Exchange of Funds noted that, as Bitcoin developed further, off-site transactions are becoming more active. The parties to the off-site transaction are more anonymous, there are many channels for transaction payments, and there is a risk of fraudulent transactions.

  北京商报记者 岳品瑜 实习记者 张弛

Beijing Business Journalist, Yoon Yu, intern journalist, Zhang Xian.




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