排名 |
币种名 | 美元价格$ | 24H涨跌幅 |
流通市值$ |
初始发行价 |
24h最高价 |
24h最低价 |
1 |
BTC 比特币 |
$66,029.67 | -0.52% | 12978.2亿 | $0.0025 | $66,943.64 | $65,980.24 |
For example, when Bitcoin cut production for the first time, it doubled by five times in the first 376 days; when it cut production for the second time, it doubled by 92 times in the second 367 days; when it halved production for the second time, it doubled by 2.3 times in the second 540 days; and when 525 days, that is, the 16-17-year-old cow market, it increased by 29 times. Although the second cut fell far short of the first one, it also led to a boom of 10,000 yuan.
The third reduction, which should start at a low point in 2019, to $8620 before childbirth, has risen by 177%, close to half of the previous drop. The drop in the postnatal period is now about 25%, a significant difference from the previous 29-fold increase.
So, in Bitcoin’s history, there is no problem with this analysis. If you look at another region, there are other reasons for the increase in bitcoin in 2013 and 2017.
Looking back at the two previous reductions, the decline in Bitcoin was indeed to be expected.
On 28 November 2012, Bitcoin lost production for the first time. One year before childbirth, market prices rose from $3 to $10; after childbirth, Bitcoin directly opened the bull market from $10 to $200, a 20-fold increase.
On July 9, 2016, Bitcoin reduced production for the second time. One year before the birth, market prices rose from $300 to $1,000; after halving, Bitcoin opened a big cattle market from $1,000 to $20,000, a 20-fold increase.
By about 12 May 2020, Bitcoin was halved for the third time. Since the beginning of 2019, the price of Bitcoin has risen from $3,000 to $14,000 and is now back close to $10,000, roughly the same as before the first two halves.
2012 - 2014 - 14 times the number of active users increased from 14K to 143K;
2014 - 2016: the number of active users increased from 143K to 400K, a 2.79-fold increase;
2016 - The number of active users increased from 400K to 1132K in 2018, a factor of 2.83;
2018 – To date, active users have fallen from 1132K to 800K, and by 2020, how much bitcoin active users can reach? Now I don't know, but I think it will continue to grow. Especially after more financial derivatives such as bitcoin futures, bitcoin ETFs, etc. go online.
For the first time before birth, Bitcoin has a new supply of 7500-8,000 BTC per day;
For the second time before birth, Bitcoin is supplied with new currency of 3700-4000 BTC per day;
For the third time before birth, Bitcoin is supplied with fresh currency of 1900-2000BT per day;
After the third reduction, the additional daily supply of Bitcoin will fall to about 1,000 BTCs.
The price of Bitcoin was US$ 13 at the time of the first reduction in production, which was equivalent to a reduction in the marginal supply of US$ 5.2w during that period;
At the time of the second cut in Bitcoin, the price was US$ 650 and at the time of the second reduction in the postpartum period, equivalent to a reduction in the marginal supply of US$ 130w during that period;
At the time of the third cut in Bitcoin, assuming a price of $10,000, the marginal supply would fall by $1,000w.
1) Cyprus 2013
For example, behind the 2013 Bitcoin rise was the currency crisis in Cyprus, when the Cyprus government was unable to bail out its own banking crisis and turn to the international community. Finally, the EU, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund agreed to lend Cyprus €10 billion, provided that the country’s banks were obliged to collect €5.8 billion from the deposit tax on bank depositors.
The Sierra Leone Banking Restructuring Programme: The second largest bank, the National Bank, will be closed, less than 100,000 euros will be transferred to the first largest bank, and more than 100,000 euros will be transferred without loss, and more than 100,000 parts will be frozen to solve the debt problem, which will almost be lost.
As a result of the popular panic in Cyprus and the competition to exchange the national currency for bitcoin, Bitcoin surged.