洞察数据密码,欧科云链链上天眼 2.0 赋予用户「火眼金睛」

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海量链上数据堪称一座「金矿」,而 Nansen、链上天眼 2.0 全新版本等为普通用户提供分析服务的数据产品,就是获取链上先发优势的关键。

Data on the chain can be described as a "gold mine" & #xff0c; and data products such as Nansen, SkyEye on the chain 2.0, which provide analytical services to ordinary users & #xff0c, are key to obtaining a prior advantage in the chain.


written by #xff1a; Yang tree


#xff0c in the chain; every massive transfer of the address of the giant whale xff0c; all that could lead to a stormy second-tier market xff1b; a financial network of scaffolding behind a large warehouse house xff0c; and often the ability to excavate early wealth codes.


The data on the chain are bad news, short time #xff0c; often it means money and #xff0c; only the majority of ordinary users tend to be weak xff0c; "Indoor news" is "public" xff0c; but it is hidden behind big data.

而此次链上天眼此次全新升级的 2.0 版本,对普通用户而言,不啻于挖掘数据背后有效交易信息的免费利器:

And this whole new upgrade of the chain is 2.0 & #xff0c; for ordinary users & #xff0c; no less than a free sharp object #xff1a that digs out information that is effectively traded behind the data;

  • 一方面,它可像 Nansen 那样实现对 Smart Money 或币种资金流入流出的单向追踪;
  • 另一方面,它通过挖掘链上交易图谱,支持进一步探索双向、多向的链上信息——比如描绘以地址为元单位的资金流动归集网络等。

从 2020 年的「DeFi Summer」开始,DeFi、NFT、GameFi 包括近来的 SocialFi、DAO 等概念板块轮番登场,加密世界积累了海量的原生链上数据,谁能做到有效的的搜集获取,谁就能拥有交易层面的先发优势。

Starting with "DeFi Summer" in 2020, xff0c; DeFi, NFT, GameFi, including recent concepts such as SocialFi, DAO & #xff0c; encrypting the world's accumulated amount of raw chain data xff0c; who can effectively collect xff0c; and who can have a pre-emptive advantage at the transaction level.

4 月 21 日欧科云链发布的链上天眼 2.0,核心就在旧版本上进行了全面升级,并向用户免费开放所有服务。

On April 21, Ocowin's chain was released with Sky-Eye 2.0 & #xff0c; the core was completely upgraded on the old version xff0c; and all services were made free of charge to users.

它和 Nansen 一样标记并过滤了上亿个地址和海量、即时的链上底层数据,并对这些地址进行标签分类,可以让用户进行原生的交易数据分析与图谱溯源。

Like Nansen, it tags and filters hundreds of millions of addresses and volumes, instantaneous chain bottom data xff0c; labels these addresses xff0c; allows users to carry out raw transaction data analysis and map traceability.


At the same time xff0c; it builds on data such as address labels, retrospectively analysed addresses, monitored addresses and transactions xff0c; further data services such as strong's address health, address analysis, transaction mapping etc. can be provided .


链上天眼的「地址/交易分析」功能在原先比特币主链(BTC、OMNI 形式的 USDT)、以太坊主链(ETH、ERC20 形式的 USDT)、OKC 主链(OKC)的基础上,大大拓展了监控资产类型:

"Address/transaction analysis" on the chain was based on the original Bitcoin master chain & #xff08; BTC, USDT) in the form of OMNI; ETH, ERC20, USDT) OKC master chain & #xff08; OKC& #xff09; xff0c; significantly expanded the type of asset monitoring #xff1a;

  • 以太坊主链增加?USDC、DAI、BUSD、OKB(后期支持更多 ERC-20 资产类型);
  • OKC 主链增加CHE、CELT、JF和 KIP20 形式的USDT;
  • 新增支持 TRX 主链,并提供对 TRX、TRC20 形式 USDT?的支持。

根据官方数据,截至目前链上天眼已经收录了 1.08 亿个地址标签和 2050 个地址标签类型,已追溯分析地址 55980 个,已监控地址和交易 4060 个。

According to official data xff0c; to date, 108 million address labels and 2050 address label types xff0c; 55980 xff0c addresses have been analysed retroactively; 4060 addresses and transactions have been monitored.

在大体量数据的基础上,就可以从数据线团中抽丝剥茧,最大程度处理并挖掘出价值,所以「链上监控」旨在对比特币、以太坊、OKC 等公链上的地址及交易进行 7*24 小时实时监控,帮助用户及时准确地掌握链上交易动态。

, based on broad data & #xff0c; able to strip xff0c from data lines; maximizing processing and excavating value & #xff0c; so chain-based surveillance is aimed at 7*24 hours of real-time monitoring of addresses and transactions in the public chain of Bitcoin, Etheria, OKC, etc. xff0c; and helping users to keep up to date and accurately with the dynamics of transactions in the chain.


For most users, however, xff0c; has no effective means of analysing big data xff0c; there is a high probability that conclusions will be biased or even ineffective.

而链上天眼 2.0 可以帮助用户一站式可视化查看资金来源、查看资金去向、查看全部交易对手。

On the chain, SkyEye 2.0 helps the user


Retrace xff0c via a visual address; the user can well form a complete network of relationships based on these data, thus identifying hidden information such as financial flows preferences and asset allocation needs.

链上天眼也很快会上线 NFT 交易图谱,从而进一步丰富链上交易图谱的覆盖广度,更全面地追踪、分析对应某个链上地址的多维度交易图谱。

NFT transaction & #xff0c; thus further enriching the breadth of coverage of the chain transaction & #xff0c; more comprehensively tracking and analysing the multi-dimensional trade map corresponding to the address of a chain.


In addition, xff0c; the concept of "address health" xff08; the test version xff09; xff0c; and the creation of a chain-based risk assessment system based on address and data reputation can be understood simply as .


Its core approach is to quantify the risk of an address on the chain in fixed rules and rating models xff0c; then show it in fractions xff0c; and give users a visual sense of the risk level of an address.

其中健康度的展示为 10 分,分值越高,地址的安全程度越高,目前测试版本的评分维度是基于Account模型(ETH、ERC20 形式 USDT)链上交易行为的特征识别。

The health profile is shown at 10 minutes & #xff0c; the higher the score xff0c; the safer the address & #xff0c; the scoring dimension of the current test version is based on the Account model & #xff08; ETH, ERC20 form USDT) and the characteristic identification of transaction behaviour on the chain.

以上图为例,就是 Vitalik Buterin 某一地址的地址健康度,经过判断他的地址分值为 5.3 分,中风险,命中风险主要是频繁交易、非常规交易、大额交易和复杂标的交易。

This is the example of xff0c; this is Vitalik Buterin's address health xff0c; his address score is determined to be 5.3 xff0c; medium risk xff0c; the hit risk is mainly a high transaction, an irregular transaction, a large transaction and a complex transaction.


In fact, it calculates the user's risk level by trading related data on the chain & #xff0c; represents the user's credibility, influence, credit at the address.

我们可以从咱们普通链上用户的角度,进行实际使用层面的感受,体验下全新升级的天眼 2.0 可以为个人的链上交易分析,提供哪些免费且有意思的想象空间。

We can look at the user's perspective on our normal chain & #xff0c; feel the practical use level & #xff0c; experience a completely new upgrade of the Eye 2.0 that can be used to analyze transactions on the individual's chain & #xff0c; what free and interesting imaginations are available.


The Spring River Water Warm Duck Prophet #xff0c; the most direct #xff0c; and undoubtedly the dynamic surveillance of the address on the chain.

链上每秒可产生数以十亿计的新数据,里面可能随时蕴藏着有价值的信息(巨鲸资金布局、「Smart Money」仓位异动等),用户通过链上天眼添加了监控后,即可在监控任务看板看到所有的监控任务。譬如点击某一监控地址的「详情」按钮,便会进入该地址的监控详情页。

The chain generates billions of new data per second xff0c; there may be valuable information in and xff08; xff09; xff0c; users add surveillance to the chain by adding xff0c; they can see all surveillance tasks on the watchboard. For example, click on the "Details" button of a monitoring address xff0c; they will enter the details page of that address.


The monitoring details page presents xff0c with three modules: monitoring mission details, monitoring address time axes and monitoring time lines; it is better visualized.

尤其是像 Ronin 这样的黑客相关地址,就可以进行异动追踪,监控它的资产持仓变化,一旦它开始转移资金到中间地址或 Tornado,就可以第一时间通过预警获悉。

In particular, hacker-related addresses such as Ronin & #xff0c; hesitant tracking xff0c ; monitoring its asset holdings xff0c ; as soon as it starts transferring funds to an intermediate address or Tornado #xff0c; and as soon as it becomes known by early warning.


This is also one of the surveillance services in the context of “chain security” & #xff0c; #xff0c in the context of current security incidents; and one of the effective ways to respond effectively to chain risks.


Monitoring is also available for 30, 60, 90 days & #xff0c; early warning is also fairly humane & #xff0c; information subscriptions on and off the chain & & #xff0c; supports mobile phones, mailboxes and other traditional forms of notification .


This ensures that the chain is instantaneous xff0c; that our users can be informed at the first minute to respond effectively xff0c; after all xff0c; that the time difference between the message on the chain xff0c; and that money means money.


At the same time #xff0c; `Address health' can also help our average user introduce risk factors & #xff0c; or even a well-developed set of risk assessment mechanisms.

这样一方面可以帮助在事前进行链上风险的智能判断,譬如某个特定地址的可疑交易排除,杜绝 P2P 的交易风险。

This would, on the one hand, help to pre-empt the intellectual judgement of risk on the chain xff0c; for example, suspicious transactions at a particular address exclude xff0c; and eliminate the risk of P2P transactions.


Even the original risk credit system xff0c on the future derivative chain; the most direct consideration xff0c based on asset status and behavioural data on the chain; the division of risk levels xff0c; and thus the enjoyment of different chain credit rights.

如果能获取巨鲸大户的整体链上资金流向,普通用户对于后市的判断无疑就会更加清晰。而通过链上天眼,我们可以对某一币种的前 10 等持仓大户进行交易链路分析,描绘出对应的交易图谱,获取溯源结果。

can gain access to financial flows from the entire chain of giant whale households xff0c; ordinary users will no doubt be clearer in their judgement of the future city. , through the chain of eyes xff0c; we can conduct a trade link analysis of the front 10 of a currency, etc. xff0c; map the corresponding transaction xff0c; get the retroactive results.

譬如获知 ETH 的大量巨鲸通过层层关联转账交易等行为,最终将巨额 ETH 转入 DEX,那就可以作为一个明显的后市预警信号,做好相应准备。

For example, a large number of ETH giant whales are known to act through stratum-linked transfers xff0c; eventually, large ETHs are transferred to DEX, that can serve as a clear post-city warning signal xff0c; and be prepared accordingly.

从功能上讲,Nansen 这样致力于将海量链上数据挖掘量化(专业标签、精准分类、交易溯源) 的数据服务产品,会是加密世界原生数据不断膨胀下的必然趋势。

Functionally xff0c; Nansen is committed to quantifying data from the sea chain xff08; professional labels, precision classifications, transaction traceability xff09; data service products xff0c; and is a necessary trend in the growth of raw data in the encrypted world.

无论是简单地操作 BTC、ETH、ERC-20 等链上地址间的代币转账,抑或是为宪法 DAO 等捐赠 ETH 等等,我们每天都在生产大量的数据资源,里面蕴含了详细的链上信息和交易图谱。

Whether it's simple to operate money transfers between addresses on the BTC, ETH, ERC-20 chains & #xff0c; or donations for constitutional DAOs, etc. ETH et al. & #xff0c; we produce a huge amount of data resources xff0c a day; it contains detailed chain information and trade maps.


But the excavation of the "data gold mine" on this chain xff0c; it is a very differentiated competition xff0c; ordinary users are often at a disadvantage — integration of web-wide ecological data sources, analysis of aggregate data, etc.

因此无论是付费的 Nansen,还是此次全新升级并免费开放的链上天眼 2.0 等等,核心都是在用户操作层面满足个性化的服务需求,帮助用户更公平地进行链上数据洞察,从而做出更明智的决策。

So whether it's a paid Nansen, or this whole new upgrade and free-of-charge chain with Sky-Eye 2.0, et cetera & #xff0c; the core is to meet individualized service needs at the user-operability level & #xff0c; to help users make more equitable data insights on the chain & #xff0c; and thus to make more informed decisions.

不过 Nansen 除了较高的付费门槛之外,其功能也多为定制化的链上数据结果,本质上还是销售?Web2 数据服务的封闭仪表板产品。普通用户只能接受?Nansen 所提供的加工后数据,在此基础上再进行决策分析,很可能无法满足更广泛的个性化需求:

However, Nansen, in addition to the higher fee threshold xff0c; its functions are mostly customized chain data results & #xff0c; it is essentially sales? Web2 data services closed dashboard products . General users can only accept the processed post-processing data provided by Nansen and #xff0c; decision-making analysis on this basis xff0c; it is likely that wider individualization needs xff1a will not be met;


For example, we want to know the financial connection of an address and other addresses xff0c, or to dig up a trade map covering a key address xff0c, etc.; these individualized needs are very difficult to meet.

所以数据赛道里强大的玩法应该是像 Dune 一样拥抱和加速数据的开放——只为用户提供数据分析的基础设施,具体怎么进行使用、组合,由用户根据自己的个性化需求进行自由「乐高」。

So the powerful game in the data track should be to embrace and accelerate data openness like Dune — infrastructure that provides data analysis only to users xff0c; how to use, grouping xff0c; free Lego by users according to their personalized needs.


#xff0c; either address/transaction analysis or chain-based surveillance & #xff0c; or transactional profile or address health & #xff0c; merely providing tools for analysing and tracking addresses on different chains & #xff0c; users can freely use xff0c according to their personalized needs; or even collating some interesting sparks between different tools.

譬如通过地址分析,形成某个 NFT 交易链条的历史持有人图谱,然后逐个鉴别它们的地址健康度,找出符合自己需求的 NFT「Smart Money」。

, for example, analyses & #xff0c by address; maps of historical holders who form a NFT transaction chain & #xff0c; then identifies their address health & #xff0c by address; identifies NFT 'Smart Money', which meets their needs.

拥抱链上数据的开放性,而不是与之对抗,从这个角度看,链上天眼 2.0 相比 Nansen,如果能够持续丰富自身的数据服务能力,不排除会成为帮助用户免费搭建链上数据分析「乐高」的加密基础设施。

Openness of the data on the hug chain xff0c; not against xff0c; from this perspective xff0c; on the chain 2.0% compared to Nansen, if it can continuously enrich its data service capabilities xff0c; does not exclude being an encryption infrastructure for




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