7月19日下午,腾讯视频官博发文宣布终止和吴亦凡方一切品牌层面的相关合作。至此,已有多家品牌商与吴亦凡解除或终止商务合作,包括韩束、云听app、立白、滋源、得宝、华帝、康师傅冰红茶和腾讯视频等。此外,与吴亦凡有合作的部分品牌也已在官方微博中删除相关内容。 On the afternoon of July 19th, the Xue Video Officer announced the termination of the collaboration with Wu Yifan at all branding levels. As a result, several branders and Wu Yafan have cancelled or terminated their business cooperation, including HAN, Clouds, Al Qing, Shizuku, Duo, Wah Xi, Master Hong's iced tea and evangelical videos. In addition, some of Wu's brands have been removed from official tweets. 我国境内首宗个人破产申请获法院批准 The first individual bankruptcy application in our country was granted by the court 深圳市民梁先生今天(19日)上午11时许收到了深圳市中级人民法院工作人员送达的裁定书,法院批准了他的个人破产申请。这是我国境内首部个人破产法规《深圳经济特区个人破产条例》自今年3月1日起实施以来,我国境内第一宗裁定生效的个人破产案件。根据梁先生申报的情况,截至破产申请提出之日,他的债务总额约75万元,而其仅有36120元存款、4719.9元住房公积金,每月固定工资收入约2万元,无房产、车辆等大宗财产。根据法院裁定生效的重整计划,梁先生三年内偿还借款本金,所有利息被免去。 At 11 a.m. today, at 11 a.m., Mr. Shenzhen received a decision from the staff of the mid-level People's Court of Shenzhen City, which approved his application for personal bankruptcy. This is the first individual bankruptcy statute in our country, the Henzhen Special Economic District Personal Bankruptcy Ordinance, which has been in force since 1 March of this year. According to Mr. Liang's declaration, his debt totalled approximately 750,000 yuan as at the date of the bankruptcy application, while he had only 36120 yuan in deposits, 4719.9 yuan in housing funds, about 20,000 yuan per month in fixed wages, no real estate, vehicles, etc. 我国成功发射遥感三十号10组卫星 Our country successfully launched the 30th Remote Sensing Group 10 satellite 北京时间2021年7月19日8时19分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征二号丙运载火箭,成功将遥感三十号10组卫星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功。 On 19 July 2021 Beijing time, at 0819 hours, at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre, our launch mission was successfully carried out with the launch of the Long March 2 C launch vehicle and with the successful launch of the 30th Group 10 satellite from remote sensing. 上海等五市率先开展国际消费中心城市培育建设 Five cities, including Shanghai, have taken the lead in the construction of urban incubators in international consumer centres 商务部部长王文涛7月19日宣布,经国务院批准,在上海市、北京市、广州市、天津市、重庆市,率先开展国际消费中心城市培育建设。 On 19 July, the Minister of Commerce, Wang Wentao, announced, with the approval of the State Council, that he had taken the lead in developing urban culture in international consumer centres in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Chongqing. 工信部:支持医疗机构与生产企业等联合创建高端医疗装备应用示范基地 . Support for the creation of demonstration bases for high-end medical equipment applications in conjunction with medical institutions and production enterprises, etc. 7月16日-17日,工信部副部长辛国斌在苏州出席2021中国医学装备大会并调研。辛国斌强调,要开展强链补链,着力补短板、锻长板,增强产业链供应链稳定性和竞争力。培育新模式新业态,促进医疗服务从院中诊疗向院前家庭健康管理、院间资源共享、院后康复的连续性服务延伸拓展。加强应用示范,支持医疗机构与生产企业等联合创建高端医疗装备应用示范基地。深化开放合作,营造开放、透明、包容、公平的国际化市场环境。 On 16-17 July, Deputy Minister Shin Guobin attended and researched the 2021 China Medical Equipment Conference in Suzhou. She stressed the need for strong chains, short and long boards to enhance stability and competitiveness in the supply chain of the industrial chain. 恒大回应1.3亿资产遭广发银行冻结:对方滥用诉讼前保全,将起诉 7月19日,恒大集团发布公告称:我司江苏省公司旗下项目公司宜兴市恒誉置业有限公司与广发银行宜兴支行项目贷款1.32亿到期日为2022年3月27日。对于宜兴支行滥用诉讼前保全的行为,我将依法起诉。无锡市中级人民法院发布的一份裁定书显示,广发银行近日请求冻结被申请人宜兴市恒誉置业有限公司、恒大地产集团有限公司银行存款1.32亿元人民币,或查封、扣押其他等值财产。对于申请原因,广发银行宜兴支行给出的理由是:情况紧急,不立即申请保全将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害。 On 19 July, the Heng Da group issued a communiqué stating that the expiry date of the $132 million loan from the IQB project, a project company owned by Jiangsu Province, and the IQB bank, was 27 March 2022. I will prosecute the abuse of pre-litigation preservation by the IQB. A ruling issued by the Intermediate People’s Court of Tin City shows that the ICB has recently requested the freezing of the deposit of $132 million in RMB from the bank of the applicant’s IQC, the Heat Land Group Limited, or the seizure or seizure of other property of value. The reason given for the application is the urgency of the situation and the failure to immediately apply for protection would result in irreparable damage to its legitimate rights and interests. 华为终端:7月29日将举办华为旗舰新品发布会 Was: A flagship launch will be held on 29 July 华为终端官方微博发布消息称,7月29日19:30将举办华为旗舰新品发布会。华为终端手机产品线总裁何刚转发该条消息称,这次发布会不仅有华为P50系列,还有众多新品一同登场。 China released a message for the terminal official Weibo that it will be hosting a Chinese flagship launch on 29 July at 19:30. The CEO of China’s terminal cellular product line has just sent a message that the launch will not only be in the P50 series, but will also be accompanied by a large number of new items. vivo首款自研芯片曝光:内部代号“悦影” vivo Introduction self-reflection chip exposure: Internal code code "Happiness" 据界面新闻,从供应链处获悉,vivo首款自研芯片即将推出,内部代号为“悦影”,但目前尚不清楚该芯片进一步的功能细节,或专为提升影像能力的一款芯片。 According to the interface news, it has been learned from the supply chain that the vivo first self-research chip is about to be launched, with the internal code name “Happiness Shadow”, but it is not yet clear what further functional details of the chip will be, or a chip dedicated to enhancing image capacity. 华为海思首款柔性OLED驱动芯片进入试产阶段 Was the soft OLED-driven chip of Heith's premiere is entering the test stage 据集微网,华为海思首款柔性OLED驱动芯片进入到试产阶段,预计今年年底就可以正式向供应商交付,华为旗下的产品也有望采用。此款芯片采用40nm制程工艺,计划明年上半年量产,样品已经送给京东方、华为、荣耀测试。 According to MicroNet, the soft OED-driven chip from China is entering the test stage and is expected to be officially delivered to the supplier by the end of this year, and the product under the flag of China is expected to be used. Using the 40nm process, it is planned for production in the first half of next year, and the samples have been sent to Kyodong, Hwayan, and Glory tests. 侯毅:正式成立盒马NB事业部,将以盒马邻里服务站为核心产品 : The NB Department of Boxing will be officially established and will be the core product of the Boxing Horse Neighborhood Service 盒马事业群总裁侯毅日前发出内部信,正式成立盒马NB事业部。据官方介绍,NB即Neighbor Business。该事业部将以盒马邻里服务站为核心产品,从城市外圈和郊区做起,满足消费者日常生活和一日三餐的一站式消费需求。首批服务站已进入上海、北京、广州、武汉、西安等10个城市。 The NB, or Neighbor Business, is the core product, starting from the outside of the city and the suburbs, to meet consumer demand for daily life and three meals a day. The first service stations have entered 10 cities, including Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, and Xian. 山寨小度音箱公司被判赔百度55万 The Little Voice Box Company was awarded a hundred and fifty-five thousand . 7月19日,百度在线网络技术有限公司与北京子乐科技有限公司、北京经纬智诚电子商务有限公司不正当竞争纠纷一审民事判决书公开。判决结果为北京子乐科技有限公司赔偿百度在线网络技术有限公司经济损失50万元及合理开支5万元等。 On 19 July, the 100-degree online technology company Ltd., together with Beijing Zi Lei-Tech Ltd. and Beijing-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology-Technology Ltd., Beijing, were released. 元戎启行向公众开放自动驾驶出行服务,深圳市民即日起可预约乘坐 At the start of the trip, the public will be provided with an automatic driving service, and the residents of Shenzhen will be able to make an appointment to as soon as possible. 今日,深圳福田区与元戎启行合作,正式为公众提供RoboTaxi(自动驾驶出租车)载人应用示范服务。此次公开运营,元戎启行在深圳部署了20辆RoboTaxi,运营区域覆盖包括核心CBD在内的近百个站点,总运营路段长达200余公里。即日起,深圳市民可通过微信公众号“元戎启行DeepRoute”申请乘车邀请码进行免费体验。 Today, the Shenzhen Fukuda district, in collaboration with Yuanjung, officially offers a model human application service for RoboTaxi (automatic taxi driver). In this open operation, Yuanjing deployed 20 RoboTaxi in Shenzhen, covering nearly 100 sites, including the core CBD, with a total area of more than 200 km. 亚太股份:将作为长安马自达的零部件开发和生产供应商 Asia-Pacific shares: will serve as a supplier for the development and production of spare parts in Long Ammadha 亚太股份公告,公司近日收到长安马自达的《先期采购目标协议书》,公司将作为长安马自达的零部件开发和生产供应商,开发和生产SUV车型的前制动器产品,预计将于2023年开始供货。根据客户预测,该项目生命周期为60个月,预计生命周期内公司新增销售额约9500万元。 Asia-Pacific shares announce that the company has recently received an Advance Purchase Target Agreement from Long Ammadha, which is expected to start delivery in 2023 as a supplier of spare parts for the development and production of the SUV model. According to client projections, the project has a life cycle of 60 months and is expected to generate some $95 million in additional sales over the life cycle. 热景生物新冠抗体检测试剂在印度获批上市 New coronary tester for hotscape organisms approved for listing in India 据今日热景生物微信公众号消息,近日,热景生物新冠抗体检测试剂获印度药品和医疗器械国家监管机构CDSCO批准上市。 According to today's hot-view bio-message commotion, the new coronary tester for hot-view organisms has recently been approved for listing by the Indian National Regulatory Agency for Drugs and Medical Devices, CDSCO. 混改公布十天后获首次新增授信苏宁易购、江苏银行、海尔达成战略合作 Ten days after the release of the change, the first new letter was awarded to Sunning, Jiangsu Bank and Haile for strategic cooperation 《科创板日报》记者获悉,苏宁易购与海尔智家、江苏银行达成一致,依托数字化能力,打通三方系统,完成物流、资金流、信息流、票据流的四流合一,实现金融机构全面介入流通领域,推出数字零售行业的全新银企合作模式。这是苏宁易购混改方案公布仅十余天后,获得的首个新增授信项目。苏宁易购相关负责人透露,目前正与更多品牌和金融机构加快推进银企合作新模式的达成。 A reporter from the Innovation Daily newspaper was informed that Suningi acquired the first new letter of credit to be awarded just over a decade after the publication of the Suning Futility Programme. The head of the Soningi Buyer Project revealed that he was working with a larger number of brands and financial institutions to accelerate the conclusion of a new model of cooperation with the Silver Company. 谱尼测试:目前公司已为全国超过10个省提供过多年的碳核查服务 Puny test: The company has now provided carbon verification services for over 10 provinces across the country for over a year 谱尼测试在互动平台表示,全国碳交易市场正式交易后,将成为全球覆盖温室气体排放量规模最大的碳市场,目前我公司已经为全国超过10个省提供过多年的碳核查服务,后续随着国内碳市场的发展我公司还将通过技术人员能力提升,销售人员技能培训等方面,力争扩大市场份额。 The Pawnee test indicates in the interactive platform that the national carbon market will become the largest carbon market with global coverage of greenhouse gas emissions, that my company has now provided carbon verification services for more than 10 provinces across the country for more than a year, and that, as the domestic carbon market develops, my company will also strive to increase its market share through the upgrading of skilled personnel, skills training of sales personnel, etc. 直播带货责任落槌辛巴“燕窝事件”厂家败诉 The Simba Swallow case against the company responsible for the delivery of the goods on live air 近日,广州仲裁委员会就沭阳和翊信息有限公司(辛选集团旗下公司,以下简称 " 和翊公司")诉广州融昱贸易有限公司(以下简称"融昱公司")一案做出终局裁决:确认融昱公司故意误导辛选作出虚假、引人误解的宣传行为,裁决融昱公司向和翊公司支付赔偿款、赔偿损失。这意味着,发生于去年11月的"辛巴燕窝事件"在时隔7个月后发生实质性"反转"。虽然该事件并不发生在带货主播辛巴的直播间,但却一度被舆论误读为"辛巴制假售假",此次裁决最终确认了事实真相。 Recently, the Guangzhou Arbitration Commission handed down a final ruling in the case of Xiaoyang and Xinyang Information Company Ltd. (Sing Xinxing Group Inc., hereinafter referred to as "the Xinxing Company") v. Xinhua Trading Co. Ltd., Guangzhou, confirming that the company deliberately misled the campaign for false and misleading propaganda, and awarded the company compensation and damages. This means that the Ximba Yan Lod incident, which occurred last November, occurred seven months after a material "reverse". Although the incident did not take place during the live broadcast of Simba, it was once misread by public opinion as a `Simba fake sale break', which ultimately confirmed the truth. 网易云音乐正式登记版权维权监控系统 Internet-leaf music is officially registered for copyright rights monitoring system 杭州网易云音乐科技有限公司新增一则软件著作权信息,软件全称为网易云音乐版权维权监控系统,版本号V1.0.0,登记号2021SR0946772,登记日期为2021年6月25日。 An additional software copyright information has been added to Hangzhou Networked Cloud Music Technology Ltd., known as the Internet Cloud Music Copyright Protection Monitoring System, version V1.0.0, registration No. 2021SR0946772, with a registration date of 25 June 2021. 消息称MacBook Pro会使用mini-LED屏幕,iPhone将有常亮显示 News says MacBook Pro will use the Mini-LED screen and iPhone will have regular lights on 彭博社的记者马克·古尔曼近日提到了苹果未来产品的一些消息。他提到:“新的MacBook本来应该更早推出,但围绕新miniLED显示屏的复杂问题阻碍了生产。”此外,古尔曼表示,与之前泄露的电池容量一致,新款iPhone将配备更大的电池,这有助于为120Hz高刷屏幕提升续航,另外可能采用类似Apple Watch常亮显示功能。 In addition, according to Bloomberg, the new iPhone will be equipped with larger batteries, which will help to upgrade the 120 Hz brush screens, and possibly also with Apple Watch-like displays. 贾跃亭打造的FF91量产版开启预订 需支付5万元定金 The FF91 production book, created by Jiajun, is to be opened with a down payment of $50,000. 据媒体报道,Faraday Future(法拉第未来,简称FF)官网和App显示,旗下首款车型——FF91量产版已经正式开启预定。据官网信息,用户需要支付5万元来作为优先预订的预定金来提前体验未来主义者版FF91,5万元预订金支持全额可退。据悉,这款FF 91会在9月21日洛杉矶总部举办投资者日上正式亮相,并于2022年上半年上市。 According to media reports, Faraday Future (Falati Future, FF) and App indicate that the first vehicle under the flag – the FF91 volume version – has been officially opened. According to the website, users need $50,000 as a pre-priorit reserve to experience the futureist version of FF91,500 in full. The FF91 is known to be officially displayed at Los Angeles headquarters on September 21, and to be marketed in the first half of 2022. 特斯拉在美国加州推出分布式虚拟电站计划,以减轻电网压力 Tesla launched a distributed virtual power station program in California to reduce grid pressure 据electrek消息,特斯拉近日宣布在美国加利福尼亚州推出虚拟电站计划,利用其太阳能发电屋顶Solar Roof以及储能电站Powerwall,在白天收集太阳能,用户不需要用电时,将闲置电量输送给电网。该计划并不一定需要太阳能屋顶,仅凭Powerwall即可调节用电峰谷。特斯拉与加州政府进行合作,来试图减少电网压力,并试图降低电费。 According to electrek, Tesla recently announced the launch of a virtual power station program in California, United States, using its solar power roof, Solar Roof, and the storage power plant Powerwall, to collect solar energy during the day and to transfer idle power to the grid when users do not need it. The plan does not necessarily require solar roofs, and Powerwall alone can regulate the power peak valley. Tesla works with the California government to try to reduce grid pressure and to try to reduce electricity costs. 沃尔玛旗下Flipkart:我们和亚马逊不一样,请印度反垄断机构区别调查 Wal-Mart Flipkart: Unlike the Amazon, we ask India's anti-monopoly agencies to investigate separately 据报道,印度监管部门正在对本国两大电商网站,亚马逊印度和隶属沃尔玛的本土Flipkart展开反垄断调查。而在一份法庭文件中,Flipkart指出,在反垄断调查中不应该将Flipkart和亚马逊一视同仁,因为针对两家公司的证据从性质上是完全不同的。该公司提出一个重要证据,即印度竞争委员会调查的一份商业协议,只涉及到亚马逊及其第三方卖家,并没有针对Flipkart的类似证据。 India’s regulators are reported to be conducting anti-monopoly investigations on two of the country’s major power suppliers’ websites, Amazon India, and the Wal-Mart-based Flipkart. In a court document, Flipkart stated that the Flipkart and Amazon should not be treated equally in anti-monopoly investigations, because the evidence against the two companies is completely different in nature. Sensor Tower:TikTok和抖音全球总下载量突破30亿次 Sensor Tower: TikTok and shivering global downloads out of 3 billion Sensor Tower商店情报数据显示,TikTok和抖音在全球App Store和Google Play总下载量已经突破30亿次,成为首款非Facebook系达成此成就的应用。2021上半年,TikTok和抖音是全球下载量和应用内购收入最高的非游戏应用,获得近3.83亿次下载,用户支出高达9.19亿美元。 Sensor Tower store intelligence data show that TikTok and shivering downloads across the globe at App Store and Google Play have passed 3 billion times, becoming the first non-Facebook application to achieve this achievement. In the first half of 2021, TikTok and shivering were the highest non-player applications for global downloads and applications for in-house purchase, with nearly 383 million downloads and user spending up to $919 million. 贝佐斯飞天在即:正接受14小时训练,天气状况有利 Bezos is flying immediately: 14 hours of training and favourable weather conditions 蓝色起源称,贝佐斯和其他成员在周日开始了14个小时的训练计划,包括安全简介、飞行模拟、对火箭及其操作进行回顾、在飞船摆脱地球重力后在船舱内漂浮的指令。他们目前并没有任何未决问题需要处理,“新谢泼德号”做好了飞行准备。他补充称,天气预报似乎有利于蓝色起源在北美中部夏令时7月20日8点(北京时间7月20日21点)发射“新谢泼德号”。 Blue Origin states that Bezos and other members began a 14-hour training programme during the week, including safety briefings, flight simulations, a review of rockets and their operations, and instructions to float in the cabin after the spacecraft is removed from the Earth's gravity. They do not have any outstanding issues to address, and the New Shepherd is ready to fly. He adds that weather forecasts appear to facilitate the launch of the “New Shepherd” at 8 a.m. (20 July Beijing time). 沃尔玛解雇工作16年残疾员工,需赔偿1.25亿美元 Dismissal of Wal-Mart employees with 16 years of work for compensation of $125 million 7月19日,据外媒消息,大型连锁企业沃尔玛百货有限公司因开除一名工作约16年的残疾员工,被判赔偿1.25亿美元(约合人民币8.1亿元)。据悉,这位被辞退的员工是一名唐氏综合征患者。近日,沃尔玛调整了她的工作时间,该员工拒绝这一安排。沃尔玛便以其长期缺勤为由,将她开除。该员工表示,她必须保持严格的作息规律和生活安排来稳定病情,公司新的工作日程更改将会影响自己休息。 On 19 July, according to foreign sources, Wal-Mart Department Limited, a large chain company, was awarded $125 million (approximately $810 million) for the dismissal of a disabled employee who had worked for about 16 years. According to the information received, the dismissed employee was a Down syndrome patient. Recently, Wal-Mart adjusted her working hours, and the employee refused the arrangement. Wal-Mart dismissed her on the grounds of her long absence. The employee stated that she had to maintain strict rules and living arrangements to stabilize her illness, and that changes in the company's new work schedule would affect her rest. 美前财长姆努钦对比特币态度逆转:买比特币和买黄金没什么区别 美国前财长史蒂文·姆努钦已经改变了对比特币的看法,他此前曾批评比特币没有任何价值。但在上周一次采访中,姆努钦表示,购买比特币“与购买黄金或其他一些资产没有什么不同”。姆努钦还说:“我认为(比特币的)区块链底层技术是非常不可思议的,有很多不同的东西,特别是在金融科技和金融领域。”姆努钦补充称,虽然他自己暂时还不打算投资比特币,但不反对其他人这样做。 Former U.S. treasurer Steven Munuchin has changed the point of Bitcoin, who had previously criticized Bitcoin for being worthless. But in last week’s interview, Mnuchin stated that purchasing bitcoin “is no different from buying gold or some other asset.” Mnuchin added, “I think the technology at the bottom of the chain of blocks (by bitcoin) is incredible, and there are many different things, especially in financial science and technology and finance.” Mnuchin added that although he himself did not intend to invest in bitcoin for the time being, he was not opposed to others doing so. 博世考虑关闭燃油车零部件工厂,因担心电动化转型致产能过剩 To consider closing the fuel car spare parts plant, with a fear of electric transformation leading to excess capacity 德国汽车零部件巨头博世集团正考虑关闭位于慕尼黑的一家为燃油汽车生产零部件的工厂,该公司一位发言人称,这是因为担心德国从内燃机汽车向电动汽车的转型将导致“严重的产能过剩,需要进行调整”。博世的一份内部文件显示,未来几年,对该工厂产品(包括电动燃油泵和喷射阀)的需求将下降,从而削弱该工厂的竞争力。 A spokesperson for the German Automotive Parts and Components Group, which is considering closing down a factory in Munich that produces parts and components for fuel cars, argued that this was due to the fear that the German transition from internal combustion vehicles to electric ones would lead to “serious excess capacity and need to be adjusted.” An internal Bosch document showed that demand for plant products, including electric fuel pumps and jet valves, would decline in the coming years, thereby weakening the plant's competitiveness. 现代起亚前5个月新能源汽车出口同比增近45% New energy vehicle exports in the first five months of modern Kia increased by almost 45% in the same year 据韩联社,韩国汽车产业协会19日发布的数据显示,现代汽车和起亚今年前五个月出口的新能源汽车累计14.5781万辆,同比增加44.8%。具体来看,现代汽车和起亚分别出口8.1278万辆和6.4503万辆,同比分别增长45.5%和43.8%。 According to data released by the Korean Automotive Industry Association (KAIA) on 19 September, the cumulative number of new energy vehicles exported in the first five months of this year by modern vehicles and Kia was 145.81 million, an increase of 44.8 per cent over the same period. In particular, modern vehicles exported 81.278 million and 64.5 million respectively, an increase of 45.5 per cent and 43.8 per cent respectively. LG电池子公司与澳洲锂矿商签署氢氧化锂供应协议 LG Battery Company signed a lithium hydroxide supply agreement with the Australian lithium miner 澳大利亚锂矿商Vulcan Energy Resources周一宣布,已与韩国LG化学旗下电池子公司LG能源解决方案签署一项至少5年的氢氧化锂供应协议。根据协议,LG能源解决方案将在交易的第一年采购5000公吨的电池级氢氧化锂,之后每年采购1万公吨。Vulcan表示,LG能源解决方案将以市场价格购买这些原材料来生产电池阴极。此外,双方交易预计将在11月底前敲定。该交易可能会再延长5年。 The Australian lithium miner Vulcan Energy Resources announced on Monday that it had signed an agreement for the supply of lithium hydroxide for at least five years with the LG energy solution of the LG chemical cell subsidiary in Korea. According to the agreement, the LG energy solution would purchase 5,000 metric tons of cell-grade lithium hydroxide in the first year of the transaction, followed by 10,000 metric tons per year. Vulcan stated that the LG energy solution would purchase these raw materials at market prices to produce the battery cathode. 印度自拍致死率全球第一 India is the world's number one self-tap fatality rate 印度因手机自拍导致事故的死亡率排在全球第一位。卡耐基·梅隆大学与新德里的一家研究机构曾经就自拍做过一个研究项目,据统计,同一时间段内印度因自拍导致的死亡人数占到了全球“自拍死”人数的六成。死亡人数是排第二名国家的近10倍。 India is ranked first in the world as a victim of an accident caused by mobile phone self-taping. Carnegie Mellon University and a research institute in New Delhi have conducted a research project on self-taping, and India accounts for 60% of the world’s “self-tape” deaths over the same period. The number of deaths is nearly 10 times that of the second-largest country. 因半导体短缺丰田高冈工厂第1生产线将停产5天 Production Line 1 of Toyota Takaoka Plant will be discontinued for five days due to a shortage of semiconductors 丰田日前表示,受半导体紧缺影响,8月高冈工厂(日本爱知县丰田市)的部分生产线将停产5天。该工厂第1生产线将从8月2日至6日停产。该生产线生产的「卡罗拉」和「卡罗拉Touring」将受影响。随着生产线停产,将导致减产约9千辆(丰田日本国内月产量的4%左右)。 Toyota has recently stated that the production line at Takaoka factory (Toyota, Aichi District, Japan) will be closed for five days in August, owing to a shortage of semiconductors. The production line 1 will be discontinued from 2 to 6 August. The production line " Carola" and "Carola Touring" will be affected. As the production line ceases, it will result in a reduction of about 9,000 vehicles (about 4% of Japan's production per month). 1.口腔护理品牌“参半”宣布完成近4亿元B轮融资,本轮融资由华兴资本旗下华兴新经济基金领投。金鼎资本、基石资本与亚商资本跟投,老股东创新工场与字节跳动本轮继续加注。 The oral care brand “Medium Half” announced the completion of nearly 400 million yuan B round of finance, which is being financed by the new economic fund under the banner of Hwa Hing Capital. Gold and stone capital, along with sub-business capital, continue to bets on old shareholders’ innovative workshops and bytes. 2.近日,区块链技术公司“Cybertino Lab”获千万美元天使轮融资,本轮融资由云九资本领投,渶策资本、万物资本、UpHonest、Hashed、Animoca Brands、Divergence、Draper Dragon等知名投资机构跟投。 In recent days, Cybertino Lab, the block chain technology company, has received tens of millions of dollars in Angel Round Finance, which has been financed by cloud capital, capital, capital for everything, UpHoneest, Hashed, Animoca Brands, Diversence, Draper Dragon and other well-known investment institutions. 3.近日,计算机图形与视觉技术研发公司“粒界科技”宣布完成数千万美元的A3轮融资,由保利资本与无锡金融创投集团联合领投。 In recent days, the Company for the Development of Computer Graphics and Visual Technology “Technology and Technology” announced the completion of a multi-million dollar A3 round of financing, co-led by the Paulie Capital and Tinless Financial Indicators Group. 4.贵州米粉品牌“贵凤凰”完成数千万A轮融资。本次投资由丰厚基金领投,多位黔籍上市公司负责人组成的贵众合伙人企业跟投。 The investment is financed by a large fund, with a number of top-level partner companies, including the heads of companies listed on the market. 5.“星猿哲科技”完成今日资本领投的3500万美元B轮融资,高榕资本、五源资本、源码资本等老股东超额跟投。光源资本担任独家财务顾问。 Star Ape Philosophy completes the $35 million B round of capital-led financing today by overspilling old shareholders such as high capital, five-source capital, and source capital. 6.“戏精桃花源”于近日获得由五源资本与黑蚁资本联合领投的数千万元天使轮融资。 In recent days, the Pixie Flowers have been financed by tens of millions of angel wheels co-financed by five-source capital and black ants. 7.皮肤领域互联网医疗公司“优麦科技”已获得千万美元A+轮融资,由经纬中国独家投资,浩悦资本担任本轮融资的独家财务顾问。 In the dermal sector, the Internet Medical Corporation, Yomichael Technology, has received tens of millions of dollars in A+ rounds of financing, with Ho-Jeong Capital acting as the sole financial adviser for the current round of financing, invested exclusively in China at the latitude and longitude. 8.近日,同城和跨城数字合同物流服务商“带车聘”完成数千万元人民币天使轮融资,本轮融资由胜辉资本领投,零售产业互联网企业拼便宜战略投资,恒东之辉资本、热金资本跟投,老股东高鹏创鸿资本继续追投。 In recent days, co-city and trans-city digital contract logistics service providers have “carryed” to complete tens of millions of yuan renminbi of angel wheel financing, which is being financed by winning and leading capital, retailing Internet companies have made cheap strategic investments, and long-term capital, hot gold and investment, and old shareholders have continued to raise their capital. 自2015年原《证券市场禁入规定》实施后,市场禁入的执法力度明显增强。如今,在新《证券法》、新《行政处罚法》相继颁布后,为与之相配套,落实对资本市场违法违规行为“零容忍”的要求,证券市场禁入新规在7月19日正式施行。此次新规主要有三大看点,其中新增了交易类禁入措施、明确交易类禁入适用规则、明确市场禁入对象和适用情形等,新规中也列示了8类终身身份类市场禁入情形。 Following the promulgation of the new Securities Act and the new Administrative Sanctions Act, the requirement of “zero tolerance” for capital market violations has now been implemented. The new Securities Market Ban came into force on 19 July. 截至7月18日晚间,数据显示,1694家A股上市公司发布2021年上半年业绩预告,其中1183家预喜,占比为69.83%。多家券商研报显示,上市公司2021年中期业绩整体稳中有进,超预期公司数量较多,高景气板块业绩增长值得期待。 As of the evening of 18 July, the data show that 1694 A-listed companies issued performance forecasts for the first half of 2021, of which 1,183, or 69.83 per cent, were positive. The Multi-Voucher Review showed that the overall performance of listed companies improved steadily in mid-2021, that the number of over-expected companies was higher, and that the high-profile performance growth was expected. 据新浪科技讯,知情人士透露,印尼电商Bukalapak将通过该国有史以来最大规模的首次公开募股(IPO)筹集约22万亿印尼盾(约合15亿美元)。知情人士称,这家电商平台计划扩大发现规模至257.7亿股,发行价格定为每股850印尼盾,处在750-850印尼盾指导价格的上限。知情人士称,在扩大发行规模后,这家零售商的估值将达到约60亿美元。 According to the new wave of technology, informed sources have revealed that the Indonesian electric power provider Bukalapak will raise some 22 trillion RND (about $1.5 billion) through the country’s largest public fund-raising fund (IPO) ever. According to informed sources, the company’s platform is planned to expand its discovery to 25.770 billion shares at a price of 850 RND per unit, at a maximum price of 750-850 RND. According to informed sources, the retailer’s valuation will reach about $6 billion as the distribution scale expands. 1.沪指跌0.01%,深成指涨0.14%,创业板指涨0.49%。北向资金净流入超43亿元。 1. The headline drop of 0.01% is 0.14% deep and the start-up board is 0.49% high. The net capital inflows to the north exceed $4.3 billion. 2.港股恒指收跌1.84%,恒生科技指数跌2.39%,科技股、教育股走低,美团跌约5%领跌恒指成分股,万洲国际跌超4%,阿里巴巴、瑞声科技跌超3%;丘钛科技跌超14%,新东方教育跌超10%。恒大系个股走低,中国恒大跌超16%,恒大汽车跌超19%。 2. The Hong Kong stock stock has fallen by 1.84 per cent, the Helium rate by 2.39 per cent, the Science and Technology Unit and the Education Unit have fallen by about 5 per cent, the United States Corps has fallen by about 5 per cent, the world has fallen by more than 4 per cent, Alibaba and Rae has fallen by over 3 per cent, titanium technology has fallen by more than 14 per cent, and education in the new East by more than 10 per cent. 3.欧股主要股指低开低走,意大利富时MIB跌幅扩大至2%,德国DAX30跌1.35%,英国富时100跌1.36%,法国CAC40跌1.54%。 3. The main shares of the European Unit were low and low, with a 2 per cent drop in the MIB when Italy was rich, a 1.35 per cent drop in the German DAX30, a 1.36 per cent drop in the British 100 and a 1.54 per cent drop in the French CAC40. 引擎班机波音707首航 Engine Boeing 707 heading 1954年7月19日,72岁的工程师威廉·E·波音今天在西雅图目睹了“80冲刺”号的首航。这架飞机的型号定为707。在波音的妻子伯莎为该飞机起名“冲刺”后,飞机开始升空并且达到每小时60英里的巡航速度。波音707飞机是为了洲际间的旅行而制造的,可载219名乘客。 On 19 July 1954, a 72-year-old engineer, William E. Boeing, witnessed today in Seattle the first voyage of the 80 Sprint. The model of the plane was set at 707. After Boeing's wife, Bertha, “Sprinted” for the plane, the plane began to lift and reach 60 miles per hour of cruise speed. The Boeing 707 was made for intercontinental travel, carrying 219 passengers.
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