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With the agreement of the municipality, the Beijing Plan for the Advancement of Financial Science and Technology (2018-2022) has now been published for you to follow.







i. Planning background


(i) Definition and Features of Financial Science and Technology


1. Basic definition

  金融科技(Financial Technology,FinTech)強調金融和科技的結合,是指新技術帶來的金融創新,落腳點在科技,它能創造新的業務模式、應用、流程或産品,從而對金融市場、金融機構或金融服務的提供方式造成重大影響。金融科技強調將技術創新作為服務金融産業發展的手段,以維護金融穩定和安全、防範金融風險為原則,在具體應用和發展過程中,仍需遵循金融市場的基本規律。金融穩定理事會(FSB)和巴塞爾委員會(BCBS)把金融科技活動分為:支付結算、存貸款與資本籌集、投資管理、市場設施等,並指出金融科技創新的供給側驅動因素是不斷演進的新技術和變化的金融監管,需求側影響因素則是不斷變化的企業與消費者偏好。隨著金融科技的發展,其應用正在向城市治理等領域加速拓展。

Financial Technology (FEST) emphasizes financial and technological convergence as a means of service finance development, based on financial stability and security, financial risk prevention, and the need to follow the basic rules of the financial market in the process of physical application and development. The Financial Stability Council (FSB) and the Bassel Commission (BCBS) divide financial and technological activities into: paying, financing, capital collection, investment management, market design, and so forth, and notes that the new drivers of financial science and technology are accelerating the development of new technologies and transformations in the financial environment.


The financial science and technology model of the scheme is mainly around the integration of new technologies and financial functions. On the one hand, the physical approach is to actively influence the development of technology at the bottom of the financial science and technology function, and to improve the technology market, including artificial intelligence, big data, interconnectivity (movement, network), distribution technology (correspondents, sector chains), safety technology (mass calculations, biological awareness, encryption) and so on. On the other hand, to create conditions to facilitate the deployment of technology, to create new financial goods and service models, to improve client experience, to reduce transaction costs, to improve service efficiency, and to prevent and control financial risks more effectively at the same time.


2. Development features


The development of the financial technology industry has given rise to the following special features:


Financial technology is a highly innovative industry, not only as a result of changes in business patterns, but also as a result of technological drive, technological innovation and technological applications that will result in full value chain appreciation for the financial sector. The “financial innovation” that is “heavy” beyond the traditional financial paradigm, by euphemisticizing the applications of cutting-edge technologies and ideas in the financial domain, has been rapidly launched.


Financial and technological companies need only low fixed capital or fixed costs to open their businesses, the costs of which are reduced by the expansion of their businesses, enabling them to support growth at low profit rates. Moreover, because of their lightness, which is not as “brain” as traditional finance, their strategic choices, organizational structures, and business development are more dynamic and open to new creation.


Retesting: With mobile devices such as smart phones, financial technology companies have developed simple, user-friendly products or services. Financial technology companies focus heavily on user experience, actively listening to users’ hearts, responding to and predicting user needs, simplifying product and service processes, accelerating product rotation, and creating service experiences that are distinct from traditional patterns.


As the life cycle of technology at the bottom evolves, the development of financial technology presents different developments at different times, depending on technological maturity and the broad range of applications, mainly in terms of technology and entrepreneurship, market composition and saturation, competition and fragmentation, new ways of generating business, and the major risks involved.


(ii) Opportunities and advantages of financial technology development in Beijing


1. New environment and new opportunities


On the one hand, the rapid development of technology at the bottom of the financial system has contributed to the overall upgrading of financial technology applications in mainstream financial institutions and has become an important driving force for innovative development; on the other hand, major developments in the context of the move will drive the demand for financial technology into the ground. Financial science and technology has become more sank in the infrastructure, strict surveillance will become the norm in the development of financial technology, and the financial security and risk protection of technology support will be one of the most important blue seas.


The Party’s 19th report clearly states that in the transition to high-quality development, the new economic model will continue to emerge, financial needs will become more intelligent and accessible, financial supply will be more responsive and structural. With new technology support, financial services will be less likely to be reduced, financial reforms will be “revealed out of reality” and will improve the ability to deliver digitally inclusive finance. Financial technology has become an important component of the country’s financial security system.


As a central source of growth for cities and countries around the capital, Kyoto is becoming an essential part of the capital’s global resource interface and international economic and political exchange. In this context, Kyoto’s central focus is on development, with its central mission and key link being the orderly defusion of non-capital functions in Beijing.


The development of financial science and technology is an important component of the construction of new technology centers, and it can effectively boost public investment, promote economic growth and social development in Beijing. In the context of the capital’s capacity-building strategy, financial technology and technology have been instrumental in the development of modern industries, space, and human resources, and have become important players in the development of national financial management systems.


2. Foundations and advantages of Beijing


In recent years, new technologies, new industries, new products, and new models have emerged under new technological revolutions and transformations. Beijing, as the nation-wide centre for innovation, is one of the most resource-intensive regions of the world.


In 2017, the financial sector accounted for 17 per cent of the economy of the city, which has become the first pillar of the economy, and effectively led to an overall upgrading of Beijing’s financial architecture. In 2017, the city’s financial institutions (including external resources) held an additional 1,440 million yuan in foreign currency deposits, a further 696 million yuan in foreign currency loans; a total of 4,466 billion yuan in securities; and a total of 1973.2 billion dollars in insurance revenues. The Beijing financial street, which is the core of Beijing’s financial resources, has a regional financial architecture of 99.5 billion yuan in capital, nearly 40 per cent of the country’s total financial capital, and nearly 41 per cent of the regional commercial bank’s commercial bank’s capital stock, and 41 per cent of the country’s capital stock, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and other, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and other, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, capital, and


In recent years, Beijing has seen a rapid increase in the number of financial and technological sub-soils. By May 2018, Beijing’s 1070 artificial and intellectual enterprises, accounting for about 26% of the country’s capital investment, and 431 capital and 35% of the country’s capital finance institutions, have attracted a large number of financial and technological enterprises.


In terms of education, research, and human resources, Beijing has an absolute pre-eminence and wealth within the country. Beijing is also the only co-opportunity city for the expansion of the country’s services sector. Beijing is also the only city where the country’s services sector has opened up.


II, summation


(i) Guiding ideas


Guided by the idea of China’s socialism of the recent era, and guided by the key directions of the Party’s 19-year-old General Secretary of Science and Technology on financial work, and guided by a thorough review of Beijing’s important speeches and a series of important instructions to Beijing’s work, the Secretary of Science and Technology has made full use of financial technology to promote the construction of “four centres” in the capital, especially in the country’s new centres for science and technology. In line with the Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035), it has been called upon to give full effect to the outstanding advantages of the new geographical and financial security landscape of Beijing’s financial and technological resources, to encourage the creation of a new culture of financial science and technology, to create a new culture of excellence, to provide a space for the creation of new institutions and policy support, to bring together the cutting edges of financial technology, to promote the integration of finance and technology, to lead a new drive to the development of capital’s capital, and to spearhead the creation of a new financial and economic transformation of the country’s capital’s economic and social services.


(ii) Basic principles


Increased awareness of the internal rules of technological development, an in-depth study of the new life cycle of financial technology, the creation of innovative and innovative mechanisms for open and integrated technology, the creation of new technological breakthroughs and the expansion of the landscape, the effective promotion of the depth of financial services in the capital, the promotion of better integration of financial and physical economies, and efforts to address the contradictions of “unbalancedness” in regional financial development.


2. Keeping the balance between development speed and efficiency, avoiding the proliferation of rough and bubbles, and strengthening the foundations and elements of new financial technologies in Beijing, and effectively remedying the weaknesses in the development of industries. Addressing the balance between technological innovation and financial security, personal data, and privacy protection, addressing the boundaries of innovation and security, keeping firmly in place the bottom line of non-systemic risks, preventing the accumulation of systemic risks, establishing a clear list of new red lines and negative aspects of financial science and technology, and creating new and safer ones.


3. To maintain market ownership. To improve the market ownership of financial technology innovations and applications, and to improve the decision-making role of the market in resource allocation, and to improve government guidance. To actively guide the market community in fostering the demand for financial technology applications, to increase the effective supply of financial technology, and to create a multi-layered financial technology market system. To make full use of the key players in the financial science and technology chain, and to strengthen the market dynamism of financial science and technology in Beijing.


To take stock of the emerging trends in global finance and technology, to actively integrate into national financial development strategies the leading cities in the development of foreign and foreign financial technology, to take stock of current financial and technological developments, to identify new and innovative sources of finance and technology in Beijing, and to bring new and innovative ways to bear on the country’s global competition for finance and new technologies. The multi-layered opening of capital finance with science and technology has led to “introduction” and “outwards”; to change the spatial dimension of financial development in the region, to open up the model of financial and technological development, to serve the economy in Beijing as a catalyst for foreign trade, and to use external resources and elements.


(iii) Development objectives


1. Overall objectives


Efforts have been made to establish Beijing as a national financial science and technology innovation and service centre with global impact, to speed up the creation and development of financial science and technology institutions and major projects, and to make breakthroughs in financial science and technology services for financial supervision and security, risk prevention, economic restructuring and development, urban governance, regional agreements, etc., and to create a new paradigm for financial science and technology for “capital characteristics, national radiation, national and international standards”.


By the end of 2022, five to ten internationally recognized financial and technological companies had emerged, forming three to five innovative clusters of financial technology with international influence, such as regulatory and intellectual finance, launching 10 to 15 major demonstration projects in the areas of financial services, security supervision, life services and urban governance, promoting financial and technological integration, sustaining the development of innovative and innovative financial and technological systems, increasing the efficiency of urban operations and providing important support for the development of the “four centres” in the capital.


2. Specific objectives


(i) Financial technology regulatory innovation demonstration


The laws and regulations governing financial science and technology can be explored and laid down at the local level, creating effective local financial supervision and risk prevention mechanisms, and creating a “capital model” for the development of financial science and technology regulations.


(2) Financial science and technology co-opts are highlighted


Financial technology has emerged as a fast-growing financial technology. A breakthrough has been made in the development of financial technology infrastructure and applications, with artificial intelligence, big data, interlocking technology, distribution technology, safety technology, etc., gaining a number of national and foreign-led know-how.


Financial science and technology services form the core of the competition. A new pattern of convergence and development of financial technology applications has emerged, with some 10 or so leading companies and brand companies.


(3) Financial technologists have reached the scale.


Actively motivated talent is being introduced and nurtured, with more basic education and training in applications, and efforts are being made to create a multi-layered pattern of financial and technological talent. The full-scale implementation of financial and technological talent-aggregation projects is driving middle- and high-level talent-aggregation; and the development of channels for the healthy development of support-based talent.


(4) Full development of financial science and technology applications and service city management


Financial science and technology has made a breakthrough. Support for 10-15 financial technology applications with demonstrated and proven results has led the way in the development of financial infrastructure, leadership, and improved urban governance. Financial services around liquidation, investment, resource allocation, risk management, and information provision have moved to a full range of technology applications, forming part of a mature model that can be promoted.


Building new technologies, new finance, and a new three-tier system of urban governance, and developing innovative initiatives and initiatives in science and technology enterprises and finance institutions, strengthening the capacity of the relevant ministries to reform and service, and deepening the demand for financial science and technology in urban management, as well as promoting the modernization of urban governance and the development of science and technology.


(5) Financial science and technology systems continue to improve


The creation of a well-established financial technology incubator, the efficient interaction and integration of financial and technological resources into a win-win set, the clear positioning of financial and technological regulators and public service providers, the overall improvement in the capacity to manage and adapt financial and technological technologies, the creation of an efficient policy support model, such as capital, resources, and the effective promotion of financial and technological enterprises.


iii. Motivate technological innovation and applications at the bottom of financial science and technology, leading to previous technologies .


To maintain the convergence between technological drive and demand, to accelerate the development of key technologies at the bottom of financial science and technology, to accelerate the diffusion of new technologies, to develop sound technology technologies, to create new models for dynamic applications, to create building blocks for the interaction between new technologies and new finance, to expand financial technology applications further to areas such as urban governance, and to provide basic support and space for exploration.


The focus is on supporting businesses and research institutions, developing technological and technological advances at the bottom level, building knowledge and expertise as quickly as possible in the new technological field, and building new niches in financial technology. The focus is on artificial intelligence, big data, and comprehensive development and applications, seeking new leadership within and outside the country; inter-linkages technology is at the heart of continuous technological advancement and strengthening the foundations of financial science and technology; decentralized technology is at the heart of broad-based applications for cloud computing, competing for mature applications of regional chains; and safety technology is used as a guarantee for the creation and development of new and dynamic financial technologies.


(i) Focus on innovation and applications of AI technology


Support for the use of AI technology in financial fields such as identity recognition and anti-fraud, quantification of transactions, investment, customer service, risk management, supervision, etc.


(ii) Full roll-out of big data technology innovation and applications


Supports the applications of big data technologies in financial fields such as customer management, credit and risk management, securities investment, insurance pricing, asset management, alternative data management, etc. The focus is on supporting the development of large data base technologies, including monitored algorithms and models, unsupervised algorithms and models, suitable algorithms and models for large data scenes. Explore the integration of large data with high performance calculations, margin calculations, etc., to effectively address the difficulties in data accounting and analysis.


(iii) Activating the innovation and applications of interoperability technologies


Highlighting the new technologies represented by the Migration Interconnectivity, the Internet, and the Internet. Intensifying the development of the Migration Interconnectivity Technology, promoting the full integration of mobile Internet and financial functions, and making better use of public services. Accelerating the development of the fifth generation of mobile communication (5G) technologies. Accelerating the breakthrough and transformation of core technologies, such as moving crystals, mobile mobility systems, intelligent sensors, location services, and the development of standards such as core software hardware, the development environment, external devices, etc., and accelerating the roll-out of new mobile web-based technologies, such as virtual reality, enhancing reality, micro-electric systems, etc.


Support for the development of the animal network, and support for the use of the network in supply chain finance, payments, credit system construction, and banking, encourage banks, insurance, and other financial institutions to have adequate access to the network. Emphasis is placed on the development of sensor technology, steady transfer technology, and intelligent processing techniques. There is a strong focus on the integration of the network with digital technologies.


(iv) Innovative and innovative applications of positive push-distribution technologies


To encourage financial institutions to use technology such as cloud computing to speed up the creation of products and services, to increase the deployment of financial institutions on public, private and mixed clouds, and to effectively reduce the cost of IT for financial institutions, including virtualization technology, partitioning technology, computing management technology, cloud control technology, cloud security technology within them.


Support for the development of infrastructure, middle-level agreements, and service-based innovations in sector-link technology. Support for the development of multi-dimensional sector-link technology, such as Wisdom, provides a strong incentive for the next generation of technology-based research. Highlighting support for the development of internationally influential start-up organizations by technocratic companies, and for the creation of new, innovative and business-based technological and business-based systems.


(v) Deep push for safety technology innovation and applications


Supports the use of cryptography in fields such as digital identity, identification, fraud management, network security, data encryption, etc.


Supports the applications of quantum technology in areas such as financial volume secure communication within the city, off-site data encryption, etc.


Support for the development and application of bio-awareness technologies to improve the efficiency of financial and payment institutions, to prevent financial risks, to promote financial innovation, and to manage cities.


IV. Accelerating the development of financial science and technology chains and the creation of innovative systems


In keeping with the full chain, it has been able to promote the development of financial science and technology, build up the capacity to nurture, incubate and upgrade financial science and technology enterprises, explore the potential to create new ones, promote a holistic approach to technology development, accelerate the build-up of major infrastructure and matrix elements, and build and improve the whole chain of financial science and technology.


(i) Support for foundational research and human resource development in institutions of higher learning


To support and encourage the establishment of financial science and technology institutes in relevant schools in Kyoto, and to promote the design of cross-disciplinary courses in technology and finance in order to encourage professionals to continue to upgrade their research capabilities and technical skills, and to develop a pool of financial science and technology specialists. Greater support is being provided to the financial science and technology research stations of existing high schools, research institutes, and to encourage organizations and social forces to work together to create more research teams on financial science and technology and to create a favourable environment for research.


(ii) Development of bottom-level technology to create new businesses


Building a diversified, multilayered and multichannel financial science and technology service system that brings together businesses in financial science and technology parks or areas of competence to foster and introduce technological innovation at the bottom, to support the development of leading firms and potential start-ups, and to provide them with a healthy environment that meets the needs of different levels of financial science and technology applications. The focus is on supporting bottom technology enterprises to enhance innovation in financial institutions, encouraging cooperative efforts among bottom-level technology and industry to develop and develop innovative applications in a rule-based manner.


(iii) Constructing multi-layered results-forwarding models


To accelerate the transformation of technological achievements, to accelerate the development of technological innovations, and to strengthen the development and development of new institutions and institutions. Emphasis is being placed on stimulating the transformation of technological achievements in institutions of higher learning, promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in enterprises, enhancing the capacity of technological services, and enhancing the carrying capacity of technological and technological achievements in the central and central villages. To strengthen the demand of financial institutions around the focal areas of financial science and technology, leading to the integration of industry resources into the Kyoto Research and Development Centre, the hard-core laboratories, and the development of technological research and innovation, and effectively addressing the key issues of innovation. To support businesses, financial institutions, financial incubators, accelerations, creative spaces, etc., and other equations such as incubators, and other types of incubating carrier functions, and to build up the architecture of technology, business incubators, whole-of-service systems for the development of industries and industries, and to promote the transfer of technology and results.


(iv) Support for the creation of a new platform


Support for companies, financial institutions, and institutions of higher learning by strengthening their cooperation to create multi-agency, multi-factoral and cross-fertilization structures. Support for the development of financial science and technology associations and associated organizations to bring together financial institutions, science and technology enterprises, research institutes, and co-sponsor the interface and landing of financial science and technology applications and standard-setting.


(v) Promotion of major infrastructure in financial science and technology


The key features of paying settlements, bookkeeping, credit ratings, equity transactions, data management, etc., are being used in Kyoto to actively compete for major financial and technological infrastructure, to support new technology applications and upgrades in existing national financial infrastructure, and to support the provision of basic services, maintenance of market stability, pooling of factor resources, and support for new developments. The focus is on supporting the central bond management system, the Chinese credit register accounting system, the national equity transfer system for small and medium-sized businesses, the middle-credit institution reporting system, the Beijing equity trading centre, and other financial market infrastructure applications and upgrades, to promote new technology explorations in the People’s Bank payment system, the People’s Bank’s Bank payment system, the Agricultural and Silver Clearing Centre, etc., and to support the construction of new liquidation organizations such as the online clearing system.


V. Expanding the financial science and technology application scene and developing the modern financial services system


To insist on the application of pro-development and technological innovation, to accelerate the full application of new technologies in the financial field, to fully meet financial reforms and to create new multi-layered needs, to promote the sound and efficient development of financial science and technology, and at the same time to create new positive externalities in financial science and technology, and to explore outreach applications in areas such as security oversight, life services, and urban governance.


(i) Deep push for new technology applications in the domain of financial services


The rapid development of financial technology has profoundly changed the mode of financial services, improving their quality, making them more sophisticated, self-active, and intelligent. The new technologies are applied to the common understanding and core of the financial field, with a view to promoting the security and stability of the financial system and improving the efficiency of the financial services economy.


1. Payment of liquidation services


Financial institutions and paying companies are encouraged to use technology such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and other technologies to transform their industries, promote the transfer of payment services, intellectualization, landscape development, electronicization, and enhance client service facilitation and improvement. More attention is paid to the development of labelling technologies, end-of-life smarts, bio-sensor technology for research and development in online payments.


2. Integration of goods and services


Financial institutions use new technologies to generate financial innovation, speed up the development of smart goods, and meet the financial needs of businesses and residents more effectively, at a lower cost, and more quickly. Support smart banks, build intelligent web sites, build intelligent bio-links, and deliver artificial financial services. Support financial services landscapes, and finance and finance innovations based on new technologies.


To create a digitally inclusive financial services system for small and medium-sized enterprises. The focus is on technology-based micro and small enterprises, exploring new technologies such as large data and sector chains, building a large data sharing and credit rating system with capital characteristics, building up an online, online and secure credit system, developing customized financial and technological services, meeting the demand for corporate finance and reducing the cost of corporate finance. To encourage banks, core supply chains and other technologies to operate effectively, creating supply chain financial services to provide efficient and easy access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises up and down the country.


3. Smart marketing and service optimization


Financial institutions such as banks, insurance, etc. are encouraged to use techniques such as artificial intelligence, big data, etc., to better position potential clients, and to reduce the cost of acquiring clients. Support banks, insurance, etc., to optimize their data collection and processing processes, to build data analysis models, to produce accurate drawings of user images, to strengthen customer life cycle management, and to effectively develop a variety of precision marketing tools, such as marketing, cross-marketing, personalization and recommendation.


To encourage the use of artificial intelligence to reform the traditional customer service, and to support the promotion of intelligent seats. To support the creation of a database based on intelligent seats, pre-credit, loan, loan, post-lending, marketing, return, etc., to achieve precision and efficiency in services. To support the application of bio-awareness systems in intelligence-driven systems, to promote the use of intelligence-driven platforms in information-testing, repayment alerts, and alarm alerts, and to encourage the use of large data to create various layers of recovery models, to eliminate violence, and to improve efficiency.


4. Insurance products and services


Through techniques such as networks, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, the personalization of insurance products and the accuracy of insurance prices can be achieved to improve the actuarial accuracy and efficiency of insurance policies. Support the innovation of management models such as insurance insurance, price fixing, customer services, and wind control and anti-fraud.


5. Intellectual investment and intellectual development


The financial management industry is encouraged to develop innovative ideas in investor analysis, investment allocation, risk measurement, exploring the interaction between artificial intelligence and investors, and deep-seated investment needs of investors. Full intellectual investment is encouraged in reducing the cost of finance, expanding the service community, drawing from clients, and prioritizing investment advice. There is a strong intellectual investment in the role of investment management, using new technologies to integrate data, information, decision-making, intellectual alignment between data availability, and improving the efficiency and investment capacity of investors. Support for quantitative investment platforms to build driving models using large numbers of technology; support the use of artificial intelligence algorithms and programming modules to reduce team costs, prevent unsystemic risks.


(ii) Strong support for financial science and technology applications for security and regulatory areas


1. Security and supervisory technology


Monitoring changes in risk areas, specific client groups, etc., and issuing alerts in time. Focusing on information related to communities, forums and social media, making full use of technology such as large data sets for positive and adverse determinations, and identifying and addressing problems in time. Supporting institutions to make full use of financial science and technology systems to optimize regulatory regimes and reduce compliance costs.


Increased monitoring of the applications and location of technology in risk prevention and management, and effective financial risk management at all levels of financial supervision. Emphasis is placed on monitoring technology applications in monitoring data digitization, predicting codes, model analysis and machine intelligence, and big data analysis. System architecture is based on digital surveillance systems with large data technology and cloud computing technology at their core, with immediate, operational and full-scale supervision.


The Department of Financial Supervision in the city makes full use of financial technology to improve management and oversight systems, rich in urban credit monitoring and warning systems, and creates smart risk surveillance, behavioral surveillance, and corporate services. It surrounds financial parks of all kinds, builds smart parks of AI systems, realizes smart decisions and management. It actively promotes the application of bio-awareness techniques such as “face proof” in the daily management of the local financial sector, effectively fulfils the multiple objectives of identity recognition, anti-money laundering, risk management, and, over time, monitors the potential risks of market owners, financial consumers, and effectively defends financial security and stability in the capital.


Identification, wind control and anti-fraud


Promote the use of new technologies in financial risk management by accelerating the exploration of new technologies for financial risk management, improving the availability of various types of wind control systems, collecting more online data, more efficient data mining, improving the efficiency of business decisions, further improving data forgery, and better safeguarding the safety and privacy of data use. Encourage financial institutions to use large data mining methods, introducing valuable external data, effectively integrating with intra-business information, undertaking loan risk analysis, and quantifying the creditworthiness of businesses.


3. Financial credibility and social credit services


To explore the use of credit technology in large-scale data generation, to expand and regulate the use of credit information data, to optimize credit information management and evaluation models, and to promote the creation and improvement of credit products and services. To accelerate the development of new technologies that focus on local credit systems, to lead social forces to participate in credit creation and to develop third-party credit services.


(iii) Actively promoting the use of financial technology for life-service applications


1. Wisdom medical care


Through the in-depth application of technology, the value chain of medical services has been gradually changed, and intelligent and easy-to-use models of financial and technological services have been explored to promote a more effective integration of new payment and insurance models into the medical landscape. New technologies, such as speeding up the innovation of financial services, such as instalments and medical insurance, combining large data and grids, implementing medical insurance self-insurance, Wisdom compensation, helping to reduce the population’s medical costs and the allocation of medical resources.


2. Smart life


It is important to support older people in learning to use mobile payment tools and to increase the cost of various types of public services. It includes innovative mobile devices in hand circles that provide safe, simple, easy, and lively financial services. Using financial technologies, the creation of smart communities and the creation of more supermarkets and convenience stores. It explores the use of digital techniques to guide residents to conserve their energy and low-carbon lives. It is important to use financial technologies to promote cultural tourism to provide more convenient integration and payment services for layoffs, travel, entertainment, fitness, etc.


(iv) Strive to explore the use of financial science and technology for urban governance


1. Smart traffic


Make full use of mobile technologies and new payment tools to improve traffic management, transportation transport, public travel, etc., and improve traffic management and safety. Promote the sharing of traffic data and traffic cloud applications, set up mobility platforms, and introduce new techniques such as human face recognition, rapid and economic mobility. Improve the integration of science and technology with financial needs.


2. Wisdom Social Security


Financial technologies such as information processing, client drawings, identity recognition, etc., are used to improve the quality of process services, social security, and the efficiency of the operation of care services. On the basis of wisdom, community-based old-age care and integration services, active integration into new technology support and business models is being developed, financial technology is being promoted in the field of old-age insurance, consumption, and investment. New technologies are being used to improve the quality and timeliness of identification of specific groups of people, and to improve the process and effectiveness of housing security.


VI. Estimating the financial science and technology space to form a coherent development pattern


According to the Beijing Master Plan for Cities (2016-2035), the foundation and focus of financial science and technology development is integrated into the regional resource base, with “one-size-fits-all support” as a handout, supporting financial science and technology enterprises to gather in specific areas and buildings, and providing comprehensive supervision to shape the development of financial science and technology in the city of Beijing, which is “specific, interactive and mutually supportive”.

圖6-1 “一區一核、多點支撐”示意圖.png


(i) A region-by-region approach: building new demonstration and core areas of financial science and professional services in Beijing


New demonstration areas for financial science, technology and professional services in Beijing: in the north of the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the middle and in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the west, in order to support the formation of a new demonstration area for financial science, technology and professional services for the main, in the 15 square kilometres, focusing on financial security and supervision, in the south, in the south, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the north, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the north, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in the west, in


The demonstration is aimed at becoming a new leader in the development of the Financial Highlands and Financial Science and Technology Supervisory System of our country’s financial and professional services.

圖6-2 “北京金融科技與專業服務創新示範區”示意圖.png


2. Beijing's Financial Science, Technology and Specialized Services (FIS) Innovative Zones (FIS) are located at the heart of the West Side Zone (the original batch area), the lower-north and central village streets of the Bay Area, where a Beijing FTSD core area is being built for the main sector, with a specific area of 600,000 square metres selected, with a focus on monitoring four domains of technology, risk management, financial security and professional services for financial development, and setting up financial monitoring and testing areas. The centre's locational advantages, which are linked to the financial street, are mutually supportive and responsive with the National Financial Management Centre, and are based on a new set of good patterns for financial institution development, risk management, financial component support and technology.

圖6-3 “北京金融科技與專業服務創新示範區核心區”示意圖.png


(ii) Multi-purpose support: building clusters of innovative and innovative financial technologies


1. The Financial Science and Technology Sub-Technology Network (FST) is a new cluster of financial technology. It is based on the wealth of technology, intelligence, and financial elements in the North Road Clearing Zone, the Quantities of the Quantities and the Five Passage, focusing on the development of financial science and technology sub-Technology, attracting the financial science and technology professional subsidiaries of licensed financial institutions and the financial science and technology subsidiaries of Internet-based enterprises, building financial science and technology alliances and creating new platforms, hard technology incubators, accelerators, etc., focusing on the development and gathering of technology sub-Technology, big statistics, cloud computing, sector chains, bio-awareness, etc.


2. Bank insurance technology cluster. Speed up the construction of the Beijing Bank Insurance Park in Shizhen Hill, with a focus on core, radiation and outreach areas, and fully demonstrate the role of leading the way by promoting innovative policies that pre-empt the Bank Insurance Park. Accompanies the development of a new banking insurance industry, focusing on such areas as bank insurance accuracy, high-value actuarial valuations, artificial intelligence accounting and management, attracting financial science and technology subsidiaries of bank insurance institutions, and providing new technology services such as software development, big data applications, cloud computing services to bank insurance institutions, expanding the use and implementation of cutting-edge technology in the banking insurance industry, building new pilot zones in national banking insurance companies and leading to bank insurance culture.


3. Financial and technological safety clusters. Based on the Beijing Internet security demonstration park in the housing sector, which encourages the development of new and secure financial and technological safety cores, the full scale-up of the convergence of research institutes and business innovations, the development of financial security-related networks, crystals, exchange systems, data centres, etc., and the development of appropriate technologies to attract data security, network security, information security, system security, etc., and the development of new and innovative financial and technological safety technologies, the development of new and innovative technology and innovation technologies, the development of financial and technological safety technologies, the creation of financial and technological infrastructure, the development of smart financial security networks, crystallization, exchange systems, data and technology, the development of smart-driven anti-fraud, anti-money laundering, financial transactions and business systems, the development of new rules and procedures, the development of credible statistics sharing in statistics and corporate statistics, the introduction of financial and technological safety techniques in risk prevention and the use of financial institutions.


4. Finance management cluster. Building a more open investment environment based on the Beijing International Finance Science and Technology Park in the state, building a coherent and interactive development of institutions such as science and technology, advanced information technology and efficient financial capital flows, encouraging financial institutions to expand their financial value-added services, and developing innovative and innovative investments in investor analysis, capital allocation and risk measures, and promoting the development of intellectual investment, intellectual investment and investment platforms to attract a pool of financial management institutions, such as capital management, funds, trust, investment, etc.

圖6-4 “多點支撐”示意圖.png


VII. Launch of a new financial science and technology system to ensure the healthy development of financial science and technology


In keeping with the technological innovation and institutional innovation two-wheel drive, promoting a favourable environment for the creation and development of financial technology, trying to highlight the new safety demonstration of financial science and technology in Beijing, taking advantage of the new development path of financial science and technology, and improving the “Big Elements” of financial science and technology in digital information, creating conditions for new internationalized and interactive cooperation in financial science and technology.


(i) Promotion of the development of a new and risk-resistant system of supervision and management


Increased interaction with the financial regulatory department to guide the application of innovative financial science and technology models and to strengthen the supervision of cross-practice, cross-market and cross-border financial instruments. The establishment of risk alerts, precautionary measures, and coping mechanisms to improve emergency preparedness and improve emergency response standards.


To promote new opportunities for financial technology management, with sandboxing as its core. To promote financial science and technology applications for financial security and risk prevention, to encourage science and technology enterprises to invest in financial security, and to support them in providing risk management solutions for regulatory departments, governments, financial institutions, etc.


(ii) Promotion of financial technology standards and infrastructure


Initiation of the financial technology benchmarking project in Beijing, around the idea of creating a central body of financial industry standards in the country’s financial industry, support for the creation of a professional financial standards service platform by relevant industry associations, coalitions of industry and professional institutions, the launching of a core financial technology standards research programme, the promotion of the financial science and technology industry and quality standards architecture, with a focus on group standards and corporate standards, the creation of a new standard service model to upgrade the quality of services, the development of a core set of influential financial science and technology industry standards, and the development of strong standards in risk-oriented areas.


(iii) Development of information data governance and value extraction schemes


To support financial technology enterprises in collecting, storing, and analysing data in a variety of formats, and to provide support for the development of accurate financial services, risk prevention and management. To improve large-scale data development agreements, enhance data governance and personal information security, and promote systems such as data management agreements, infrastructure implementation, data standard specifications, data sharing systems, etc.


In terms of data collection and storage, both business and residential information protection principles are maintained, and efforts are made to sever data, increase data integration capabilities, and promote the development of data sources. Further work is being done on public data systems in Beijing, focusing on supporting the sharing of business data, together with improved financial and business data, and effectively supporting the establishment of corporate credit systems.


(iv) Establishment of mechanisms for international exchange and cooperation in financial science and technology


To encourage financial science and technology enterprises in the country to open up international research, effectively serve the new demand for technology in the cross-border financial field, set up new branches and incubators in high-level overseas markets, and strive to find a place for business. To support the involvement of financial institutions, lead international efforts to standardize financial technology, promote internationalization of financial science and technology standards, and promote language rights in global financial science and technology competitions.


To support the Beijing Global Summit on Financial Science and Technology, a global competition for financial science and technology has been launched to encourage innovative initiatives. A Beijing financial science and technology development report has been launched to demonstrate the new achievements and models of financial science and technology in Beijing abroad.


8 with enhanced focus on policy support to create good creative environments


The project is aimed at bringing together financial and technological innovation across the city, creating a system of policy support services covering key aspects of the development of financial technology, and launching a pilot project in Nakamura.


(i) Support for financial science and technology development, privatization and demonstration applications


Support for the development of key technologies, knowledge rights and standards at the bottom of financial technology. Support for the development of bottom technologies, forward technological development, and the creation of technical standards, intellectual rights and know-how by the Alliance of Industries, the Association for the Creation of Business Associations, the transformation and privatization of major front-line technologies, and the creation of new high-rises in financial science and technology.


To encourage the development of major pilot projects in such areas as financial services, financial supervision, and urban governance, and to increase support for core technology development and priority demonstration projects on financial science and technology. A new incentive system for financial science and technology creation in Beijing is being developed to promote the development and improvement of financial science and technology applications across the board, and to speed up the testing and promotion of the scene.


(ii) Support for financial science and technology infrastructure and service platform construction


To complement the development of financial technology, to mobilize social resources, to support innovative players such as businesses, financial institutions, intermediaries, etc., around key financial science and technology issues, to set up infrastructure such as credit information, data trading, financial transactions, information exchange, banking surveillance, and financial science and technology applications, and to improve the financial science and technology environment. To encourage companies, universities, research institutes, etc., to build common technology, to co-operate with innovation, public services, etc., and to provide services such as technology research and development, business incubatoring, benchmarking, product conversion, testing and certification.


(iii) Support for the development and development of high-quality people in finance and technology


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(iv) Establishment of a well-developed system of multi-channel financing services


In collaboration with relevant communities, investment institutions, military enterprises, etc., a financial investment fund has been set up to combine capital investment in innovative financial technologies with autonomous knowledge rights or critical core technologies, and to promote the transformation and diversification of technology outcomes. The capital investment facility (the Fund) that focuses on investing in financial science and technology has stepped up its registration process, providing incentives to invest in a proportion of its investments, and directing investment institutions to invest in early investment and value investments.


To guide banks to develop science and technology-based products and services based on the special features of financial and technological enterprises. To improve business transformations, listings, listings, and marketing schemes, to support financial and technological enterprises in making use of multi-layered sub-prime markets and integrating resources across and across the world.


(v) Strengthening the education and protection mechanisms of financial and technological consumers


Increased awareness of financial science and technology is universal, making financial science and technology consumers fully aware of the special features and risks of financial technology and services, and at the same time increasing the inclusiveness, sense of acceptance and acceptance of new technologies, as well as an active and rational embrace of financial innovation.


Efforts have been made to explore mechanisms for the protection of financial and technological consumers at the local level, by creating new technologies based on the characteristics of different types of consumers, improving the rules of the relevant system, and establishing a model of coordinated protection for regulatory departments, business organizations, military enterprises, and so on. Consider the large amounts of data available for financial and technological applications, strengthen the assessment of the risks of personal privacy in the flow of personal data, and explore legislative and other ways to move into personal data privacy protection at the municipal level, balance the rational use of personal data with privacy protection, and ensure that individual data processing and services comply with data privacy protection requirements.


(vi) Establishment of a financial science and technology industry coordination system


To support the development of a new generation of financial and technological sub-level technology enterprises, and to encourage financial and technological services to come out. To foster financial and technological excellence, and to provide appropriate support and security policies. To explore the establishment of a continuous tracking and evaluation mechanism for financial and technological enterprises, and to promote sustainable growth in their health.


The local governments facilitate the provision of services in the areas of business taxes, social housing, health education, etc., and further improve the business environment in line with the development of financial science and technology.


(vii) Promotion of the Beijing financial technology brand


Support for financial forums, research seminars, fairs, creative competitions, etc. With the financial street forum and the China-China-village forum as an instrument, the new capacity and dynamism of Beijing’s financial science and technology has been highlighted, and Beijing’s influence in the global financial science and technology industry has been increased, as well as its advocacy of the financial and technological excellence of Beijing’s enterprises. Support for companies through the production of promotional films, publications, new media, etc., has given full expression to the new and innovative elements of Beijing’s financial science and technology creation, as well as to the promotion of policy guarantees and support elements, and the creation of new urban brands and brands in the capital’s financial science and technology industry.


IX, Safeguards


(i) Strengthened organizational leadership


The establishment of the Beijing Board of Directors for the Development of Financial Technology and Specialized Services, which provides comprehensive guidance and coordination on the development of pilot projects, and the establishment of mechanisms to promote financial science and technology across the city. The coordination and coordination between the various ministries, regional governments, and regulatory agencies has resulted in a well-targeted and accountable system of decision-making and coordination that fully guarantees the orderly implementation and implementation of the plan.


(ii) Establishment of an information statistics system


Research on the identification of financial science and technology enterprises, and the development and improvement of financial science and technology inventories.


(iii) Strengthening the think tank query


To strengthen the financial science and technology infrastructure in Beijing, international and national experts in finance and technology, financial institutions, financial and technological companies, and representatives of well-known investors form an advisory board of financial science and technology experts to discuss important issues in financial science and technology implementation. Close cooperation has been established with recognized universities and research institutes both within and outside the country to bring together the wisdom and ideas needed for the development of financial science and technology in Beijing.


(iv) Increased risk prevention


Actively promote research and exchange on the risks associated with financial science and technology activities among various groups, explore financial science and technology theory and practice in depth, increase awareness of risks, prevent new risks from being introduced, protect the legitimate rights of businesses, and support the development of financial science and technology health. Under self-regulatory organizations and industry associations, promote financial science and technology enterprise alliances, enforce laws and regulations, clean up financial science and technology competitions. In line with the principle of “who leads in, who is responsible”, it is the local responsibility of regional governments to establish financial science and technology risk reporting systems, strengthen the evaluation of business risks, and address financial science and technology risks in a timely manner.


(v) Monitoring and evaluation


The objectives and tasks of each ministry are clearly defined by the division of tasks, which requires sound mechanisms, planning, division of tasks, accountability, continuous improvement of the implementation of specific programmes and organization, a focus on general experiences, and an orderly promotion of financial science and technology. Effective risk prevention and incentives for innovation are maintained, financial innovation and innovation are supported under manageable, legally-compliant conditions, surveillance and evaluation of developments, and problems are identified and reforms are introduced to safeguard financial security, maintain financial stability, guide and regulate the orderly development of financial science and technology.




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