Author: Three and three.
On 24 November, the Korea DAXA (the joint consultative body of the Digital Assets Exchange) announced that it would no longer support Wemade's digital currency, WEMIX, and that several large Korea Digital Currency Exchanges, including Bithumb and Upbit, had announced that WEMIX would be installed on 8 December.
The following week, the price of WEMIX fell all the way from US$ 1.7 to US$ 0.3, with the highest decline of more than 80% in one day. Its affiliates Wemade, WemadeMax, WemadePlay and WemadePlay recorded the highest decline of more than 29% in one-day shares.
At the same time, the story is similar to the story of the chain travel, such as crabs, because the WemIX mine, which earns fire from mining networks, is also rapidly abandoned by users. According to third-party data, as of 5 December, the number of MIR4 international mobile clothes at the same time as online was about 78% less than in the same period in 2021, and the number of Steam online was about 66% less than in the same period.
Thus, between the bleak user data and the pernicious comments, the “update orthodox” was added to the old Legendary IP.
What's the story of Legend 4?
In fact, before the crash, WemIX and Legend 4 were both star projects in the Korean digital currency and chain market.
The price of WEMIX in the first half of 2022 was often above US$ 5 and once exceeded US$ 20 in November 2021, the project itself received US$ 46 million in investments in Microsoft, New Korea asset management, etc.
During the same period, Legend 4 was accompanied by over 1.3 million online, and Steam was on top of the top 10, and in that so-called “linkwalking” market, the product enjoyed almost a knock-down victory. The share price of entertainment virtues quadrupled several times in a year.
This success comes from the mutual achievement of the game and the currency.
When it comes to currency, on the one hand, it is an investment, and investment is about returns and risks.
Compared to the digital money projects of a large number of purse companies in the market, “white paper” companies, WemAIDI is behind WemADE, a listed company, a former Internet giant, and the owner of the year's first Internet tour IP Legend. These backgrounds make WemIX theoretically less risky to invest.
On the other hand, in theory, the WEMIX project itself also has a more rational model and more room for imagination than other block chains, currency projects.
WEMIX项目主要由代币钱包、NFT交易平台、资金流动池和链游应用四个部分组成,除了《传奇4》,WEMIX手下还有《AQUA for WEMIX》《CrypTornado for WEMIX》《BirdTornado for WEMIX》等多个品类产品在研或在运营。
The WEMIX project consists mainly of four components, namely, currency wallets, NFT trading platforms, liquidity pools and chain applications. In addition to Legend 4, WEMIX has several product categories such as AQUA for WEMIX and CrypTornado for WEMIX and BirdTornado for WEMIX.
据娱美德创始人朴冠浩说法,目前公司还有40余个游戏IP可用于链游产品改编,最终目标是拥有100款基于区块链的游戏,通过IP游戏内容+Play to earn的吸引力,WEMIX可以不断吸收用户,并使其在游戏、代币、NFT市场间持续留存和转化。
According to Park Choon-ho, founder of Entertainment, there are currently more than 40 games of IPs available in the company to adapt their chain-based products. The ultimate goal is to have 100 block-based games. Through the attraction of IP games + Play to early, WEMIX can absorb users and sustain them in the game, in the tokens, in the NFT market.
What if we talk about the game?
In the so-called “linkage” market, Legend 4 is an extremely rare product with large IPs and mature, big-plate games.
It's an MMORPG made out of a fantasy 4 and it's a mobile end. It's also a PC end where hand-swap simulators have a sense of view, like those of the PC game platforms in Steam.
In short, the game has a good 3D image, and there are obvious Korean features in art style and cultural elements.
The game contains dozens of hours of drama and almost all of MMORPG’s existing games, such as fighting, pet breeding, NPC wonders, home running, etc.
According to players who experienced the game in late 2021 and participated in mine-digging workshops, because there was a lot of automatic search and combat content in the game, which was relatively boring compared to the latest MMORPG on the market, but better at image performance and story-playing, which was well above the same chain, combined with legendary IPs, the overall experience was “acceptable.” Moreover, based on the peak price of WemIX, the daily return could be maintained at more than $100 and at a peak of more than $400.
For currency circles users, there's money, there's game experience. For game players, it's fun and there's money. Together, there's a "one-month download over millions" and a "one-month income over $10 million."
What's happening again?
Similar to success, money and games are dragging on each other when they crash. The core cause of the WEMIX thunder is to touch the bottom line of investment and block chain business, trust.
According to the Korea Net, DAXA announcement, the conditions that led to the thunderstorm were mainly three:
First, the WEEMIX project is not a direct mining and currency transmission in the public chain, but is converted to DACO currency by means of a token in a game product, such as "black iron," and then to WEMIX currency through the WEEMIX wallet. During this period, the amount of black iron, DRACO, the speed of output, the value of which is not entirely transparent and manageable, together with the excessive number of user requests for information from WEMIX wallets, all appear to be extremely risky.
Second, recreational virtues were exposed to multiple “false suspicions” during the same period, and the less trust, the greater the risk, the lower the price for WEMIX.
In January 2022, a number of Korean media reported that entertaining virtues had secretly sold about 50 million Wemix coins, causing fear in the diaspora, when the price of WemIX fell from 7,000 won to around 4,000 won a week and Korean Internet sources reported that “at least 10,000 investors have lost their assets”.
In February, the new version of the 2021 financial report, published by the Recreationalists, was called into question and, despite official rebuttals, eventually changed the revenue from 56.7 billion won to 33.7 billion won, changing the operating profit from 325.5 billion won to 10.9 billion won. The relationship of trust in the secondary market continues to break down.
By mid-year, investors began to point out that entertainment was clearly contrary to the promise of the White Paper on WemIX in the actual sale of WemIX. For example, in the White Paper, they promised “to issue 1 billion WemIX dollars, 74% of which will be used to support the long-term growth of virtual asset ecosystems.” But, in fact, the hundreds of billions of won wemIX earned in the previous period were used to buy another Korean game developer, Sundaytoz.
据公开资料显示,Sundaytoz成立于2009年,旗下有《anypang》等多款经典休闲游戏产品,在被娱美德收购之后,公司于2021年末更名为Wemade Play,目前暂未有产品为WEMIX或相关区块链项目所用。
According to publicly available information, Sundaytoz was established in 2009 under the banner of a variety of classic recreational games such as Anypang, and after being acquired by entertaining virtues, the company changed its name to Wemade Play in late 2021 and currently has no products for WEMIX or related block chain projects.
Finally, in October, on the eve of the explosion, several media outlets, such as Forkast, began leaking information about the hidden increase in WemIX. According to market data, WemIX had at least 7.2 million in circulation in the market, in addition to the $245 million that Upbit had informed it. That is to say, it had increased by nearly 30%.
As a result, starting in October, several exchanges, such as Upbit, began to provide risk alerts to WEMIX and requested entertainment to submit accurate distribution data. After warning of the lack of success, five major exchanges decided to take down WEMIX on 8 December and crashed.
第三,在LUNA、FIX的崩盘之后,韩国政府对区块链、数字货币项目的态度有了转变,整个2022年间一直保持着愈加严苛的监管趋势。同时其实链游、NFT+游戏的玩法在韩国本身也不合法,其《游戏产业振兴法》规定,“不得利用游戏实施赌博行为或促使其实施其他射幸行为或 放任其实施该等行为”。《游戏产业法》则明文禁止“通过游戏获得的有形、无形的结果进行货币兑换或以回购行为获利”。
Third, following the collapse of LUNA and FIX, the Korean government’s attitude toward block chains and digital money projects has changed, maintaining an increasingly stringent regulatory trend throughout 2022. At the same time, chain travel, NFT+ games are not legal in Korea itself, and its Game Industry Revitalization Act states that “playing is not allowed to gamble or induce it to perform other fortunate acts or to allow it to do so.” The Game Industry Act expressly prohibits “money exchange or repurchase for tangible, intangible results obtained through games.”
In fact, the burning Legend 4 is also a non-monetary “green version” in Korea, and mining plays are mainly conducted in international uniforms.
Back to the Legend 4 game itself, why does WemIX crash, and the game crashes?
The reason for this is also not complex, since Legend 4 is hardly competitive in the game market as a 2021 game, after leaving mining and making profits from the net.
From the point of view of the content of the game, entertainment has made four major changes to Legend 4.
1. The image was changed from 2.5D to 3D, and the face-cuffing system was added;
2. The core experience of the game has evolved from a non-hard target, with users exploring and upgrading themselves to a large number of stage tasks and drama targets;
3. Operational change from manual, exploratory to large-scale automatic attacks and search paths;
4. The equipment system is material-centred and hatched from the BOSS drop box, significantly reducing the high-level equipment scarcity.
This game is too "new" for old IP powder.
Because of the disappearance of a lot of classic experiences and the profits of mining networks, social systems that used to be used to play games are almost dominated by studios and two-way vendors, who can't play or talk.
This game is too old for new-generation players.
On the one hand, a new group of players did not recognize the IP. Since 2003, entertaining virtues have slowed down the pace of Korea’s costumes, turning to “licensing operations” as the main source of income, and the Mir series has been kicked out of Korea’s head market long before the days of hand-walking.
On the other hand, the Chinese market, representing the highest MMORPG level today, has at least four elements for a competitive MMORPG: strong performance, open world, weak target-guided experience, group, or social interest. For related attempts, there was Reverse Cold Water in 2018, and Dream West Three-D edition in 2019.
Legend 4 does not have any advantage over these two products, which came online a few years ago and now seem to end badly. According to a head MMORPG producer, Legend 4 is a design idea and level of a 3D+ massive hang-up experience that is common in the country around 2016, and most of the products are already in place around 2014.
“In 2021, the legend was changed to a set of Quaker-style products, so to speak, to go to its essence, to go to Cantonese.”
Thus, the loss becomes inevitable, and the consumption of the Legendary IP becomes inevitable.
Legend IP. The future is still in China.
Legend 4 lost overseas, but the story of Legendary IP is not over.
As of December 2022, the size of the core users of Legendary products, their length on-line and their payment status remained relatively stable in the MMORPG market, according to interesting games and some of the head hardware sources, with a number of increases of more than 10 per cent in the monthly earnings of some products in the domestic and South-East Asian markets between 2020 and 2021.
Many practitioners believe that the collapse of Legend 4 in the currency circle and in South Korea will have some impact on the development of Legendary IP, but it will not be fatal. The reasons why the Legendary Games and Legendary IP failed to be of the greatest value in the hand-to-hand era seem to be four main reasons why they have been involved in the development and operation of a variety of legendary products, such as The King's Legend, within the Kiing network:
1. The continuing disputes over copyrights, which prevent IPs from introducing new products in a timely and massive manner and maintaining users;
2. Lack of supply of content, resulting in enterprises not having access to a sufficient amount of user data to guide content change over the years;
3. IP users do have certain faults and are currently dominated by male users aged 30-45, with limited numbers and playtime and low acceptance of mobile games;
The relatively old art style of legendary games, mechanisms that emphasize numerical competition, is difficult to attract, or even create, resentment among so-called “Z generation” users.
Another MMORPG producer, a listed company, argued that legendary games were problematic but had advantages in some respects.
First, the dispute over the national Legendary IP is nearing its end. According to the 21st century communiqués such as Huatun and Kie Ying, many of the lawsuits initiated in China by the Fashioned IP Corporation under its flag have been lost.
Second, joint ventures have been set up in the past two years to focus cooperation on “opponents” entangled by copyright, such as Keying, Entertainment, Gambling, Coconut, and so on. Legendary businesses and products are also mostly supported by local governments, policies, and national legends have opened their businesses in Jiangxie Spring in 2019.
Thirdly, in terms of content, the core experiences of the ancient early legend games have always been “free exploration”, “weak targets”, “weak and weak competitions”, elements that correspond to the general direction of the current MMORPG development.
If the research and development team is able to make changes in art that are close to the current aesthetic bias, and at the same time try new ways of changing content and paying for it, it is perfectly possible to produce a product that is above the pass line and has a more mature culture of derivatives, with 20 years of amplitude, play systems, and play values.
More importantly, the largest and most high-quality users of the Legendary Game have been concentrated in China since the advent of MIR2 proxy power, and there are always opportunities when a surging IP is held in the hands of the world's best web- and hand-walker.
塑造《传奇》IP的陈天桥,曾经在2003年一次采访中笑称,“生不如养”,是盛大将一款叫做《Mir 2》的韩国网游塑造成《传奇》。而Wemade公司也曾经在接受采访时承认,盛大比Wemade更加了解如今的《传奇》。也许,今天的版本已经变成:当Wemade用《传奇》这个在中国出名的IP收割全球用户的时候,只有中国公司还想着如何续写《传奇》IP的下一个传奇。
Wemade also admitted in an interview that Wemade knew more about the Legend than Wemade does today. Perhaps today’s version has become: when Wemade uses The Legend, the famous IP harvester in China, only Chinese companies want to continue writing the next legend of The Legendary IP.
This post is from iDoNews.
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