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As the second largest encrypted currency in the world, ETH is not only a currency, but also features such as smart contracts and decentralised applications (DApps) and is considered a “digital application platform”.

以太币最初由Vitalik Buterin在2013年提出,他是一位具有卓越计算机编程天赋的年轻创始人。以太坊于2015年正式宣告诞生,作为一个开源的公共区块链平台,它相对于比特币的区块链应用范围更广,被誉为区块链2.0。

It was originally proposed by Vitalik Buterin in 2013 as a young founder with a brilliant computer programming talent. It was officially launched in 2015 as an open-source public block chain platform that has a wider application than Bitcoin’s block chain, known as the block chain 2.0.


The ETH currency is characterized by its high programmerability and faster speed of transactions. The Tails provide a well-developed script language that allows users to perform what they want by writing smart contracts. Smart contracts are similar to automatic agents, and when a transaction is received, the contract runs a specific code, modifying the data storage or sending transaction within the contract.


It can be used not only as a digital currency for trading, but also as a primary form of collateral for decentralizing the financial lending market, as well as as as a major unit of account for the non-homogenous currency market. In addition, it can be used to cover fuel costs and to support smart contract enforcement and transaction certification in the community.


There are two main ways in which ETH money can be obtained: one is purchased through an exchange, where investors can choose to operate a global-renowned crypto-currency trading platform, such as currency security, coins, OKEx and Coinbase, and the other is through mining, where participants can support the operation of the Taiku network by providing computational resources and receive a corresponding incentive in talisman.


It is also easier to trade and sell ETH in Etheria. Users can trade through an exchange, depending on the market.


As block-chain technology continues to grow and expand, it is expected that it will be applied in more scenarios and become an important infrastructure in the digital economy. The team is also constantly upgrading and improving technology to improve its efficiency, safety, and intelligence.


In general, the ETH currency has a wide range of uses and potential as a digital currency with smart contracts and decentralised applications. Investors can seize opportunities and participate in transactions and applications in the TT by understanding their characteristics and future trends.

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The ETH currency, as a crypto-digital passor for the Taiwan platform, has many unique features that make it attractive and acceptable in the crypto-currency market.


Etheria is a decentralised platform, which means that there is no central authority or authority to control and manage the issuance and transaction of ETH. The transaction is more transparent, fair and secure than the traditional financial system.


A smart contract is an automated contract that operates on an Etheraya platform that automatically executes the conditions and operations set out in the contract. This means that the ETH currency can be used to create and implement a variety of smart contracts, such as financial contracts, supply chain management contracts, digital identity contracts, etc.


Using the Tulin script language as a platform allows ETH to be highly programmable. Developers can use advanced programming languages like C, Python, instead of using the bottom script language directly. This programming makes ETH development more flexible and convenient and facilitates rapid development of the ETH ecosystem.


The consensus mechanism and transaction recognition algorithm used on the Taiyo platform allows transactions in ETH to be confirmed in a relatively short time, and has a higher amount of transaction throughput. This makes ETH an encrypted currency more suitable for routine transactions and payments.


It has a strong global community of developers, researchers, investors and users. The community constantly promotes its development and innovation, providing technical support, safety audits, applications development, and so on. This community support brings greater credibility and stability to ETH.


In addition to trading and paying as a digital currency, ETH currency can be used for financial services, supply chain management, digital identification, decentralised applications (DApps). This diverse application scenario offers more opportunities and potential benefits to ETH holders.


In short, the ETH currency, as an encrypted digital translator for the Taiwan platform, has unique features such as decentralised platforms, smart contract functions, highly programmable, high-speed transaction recognition, strong community support, and diversified applications. These characteristics make ETH a highly visible and recognized digital asset in the crypto-currency market.


The following are some of the main uses:


A smart contract is an automated contract executed on a block chain that automatically enforces the terms of the contract and operates accordingly when certain conditions are met. The ETH currency is used as an internal currency of the network to pay for the implementation of the smart contract. Smart contracts can be applied in a variety of areas, including finance, real estate, supply chain management, etc.


It provides developers with a decentralised application (DApps) platform. The DApps are applications based on block chain technology with decentralised, transparent, secure features. The ETH plays an important role in DApps, which can be used to pay for applications, purchase virtual goods or services, etc.


The DeFi application provides a range of financial services, such as loans, deposits, transactions, etc., without the need for intermediaries from traditional financial institutions. The ETH currency is widely used in DeFi as collateral, interest payments, transaction fees, etc.


Non-consistency tokens (NFTs) are a digital asset in the Taiku, each of which has unique attributes and values. ETHs can be used to purchase and trade NFTs, such as art works, games props, virtual real estate, etc. The NFT market has developed rapidly in recent years, attracting the attention of many investors and collectors.


The value and liquidity of the ETH is essential for the stability and development of the ETH network.


In short, the ETH currency has multiple uses and applications in the Etherms network. It is not only a digital currency, but also a key element in smart contracts, Dapps, DeFi, and NFT.


There are several common ways to obtain ETH currency. The following are some of the common ways to obtain ETH currency:


digs : Mining is the process of acquiring ETHs by providing arithmetic for the Etherms network. Miners verify transactions and create new blocks by solving complex mathematical problems, and they will receive a certain amount of ETHs as a reward for their numeracy. However, mining is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive and requires a great deal of computing resources and electricity inputs.


When you are registered and certified, you can purchase ETH in a legal currency (e.g. the United States dollar or the euro) or other encrypted currency on the exchange.

参与ICO:ICO(Initial Coin Offering)是一种集资方式,新项目通过发行代币来筹集资金。在ICO期间,您可以使用ETH币购买新项目的代币。如果新项目获得成功并获得市场认可,您所购买的代币可能会增值,从而使您获得更多的ETH币。

participates in ICO: The ICO is a fund-raising modality, and the new project is financed by issuing a token.


accepts payment : If you are a business or self-employed person, you can choose to accept ETH as payment.


participates in air drop and reward programs : Some projects distribute tokens through air drop and reward schemes to those who hold ETH.


Make sure that you have sufficient knowledge of the market and take appropriate risk management measures before any transaction takes place.


These are some of the most common ways to obtain ETH currency. Depending on your personal circumstances and preferences, you can choose the most appropriate way to obtain ETH currency.


Please continue to read the following section for more information on transactions and sales of ETH currency.


ETH is an important digital currency on the Taiku network and can be traded and sold through an exchange.


A good exchange should have a high degree of security, good liquidity, and reliable transaction enforcement capacity. Some well-known exchanges, such as currency security, coins, OKEx, and Coinbase, are good choices.


The exchange usually requires identification and personal information to ensure the legitimacy and security of the transaction.


The purchase and sale of ETH on the exchange is simple. First, a certain amount of legal currency (e.g., United States dollars or euros) needs to be charged to the exchange account.


In conducting transactions and sales of ETH, attention needs to be paid to exchange fees and price fluctuations of ETH. Different exchanges may have different fee structures, and prices of ETH may fluctuate according to market supply and demand. Therefore, it is recommended that transactions and sales be preceded by information on exchange fees and market prices in order to make informed decisions.


It is important to protect the security of accounts in the course of transactions and sales of ETH currency. It is recommended that a strong password be used and that security features such as dual identification be activated.


If there is uncertainty about the local law, it is recommended that a professional or legal adviser be consulted.


To sum up, transactions and sales of ETHs can take place through a trusted encrypted currency exchange. In conducting transactions and sales, care needs to be taken to select the right exchange, register and verify accounts, understand transaction costs and price fluctuations, protect account security, and comply with laws and regulations.


It is hoped that this information will help you better understand and participate in the transactions and sales of ETH.


With ETH as the core currency of the Taiwan network, the prospects for its future development are promising. As block-chain technology matures and expands, it will play an increasingly important role in the digital economy.


First of all, the tae currency will continue to play a vital role as a way of paying for transaction costs on the Taiyo network. As the crypto-currency market continues to evolve, more and more people are beginning to use it for transactions and payments.


Second, decentralizing the financial system by providing users with more open and transparent financial services through smart contracts and block chain technology. Using the currency as the main collateral, it can be used for borrowing, interest-earning, and other financial transactions, providing users with more financial options and opportunities.


In addition, the decentralized applications (DApps) on the e-Team network will be further developed, and the e-Ten currency will be the core driving force behind these applications. The development of Dapps will promote the growth of demand in the e-Ten and increase its market value. As more and more people begin to use DApps, the e-Ten currency will become the link between users and applications.


In the future, it will also continue to upgrade and improve technology to improve its performance and safety. For example, it is planning to move from a PoW consensus mechanism to a PoS consensus mechanism, which will further enhance the efficiency and expansion of the network.


As a means of paying transaction costs, decentralizing the main collateral of the financial system, and decentralizing applications, it will provide users with more financial options and opportunities. At the same time, the technological upgrading and improvement of the platinum will further enhance the performance and security of the platinum, giving new impetus to its future development.




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