
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:27 评论:0



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Hello, I am Raining, and let's focus on tomorrow – the Cancún upgrade in Ethio on March 13. The current price is close to US$ 4,000, and will the market rise significantly after the upgrade? This question is curious. The Cancún upgrade is not just about the benefits on paper; it will actually push the industry forward.


A greener Ether will begin to attract attention from more institutions, especially vis-à-vis Bitcoin, after implementing a network change. She said that, as more investors notice this in the coming years, institutional funds may raise their market value to $100,000.

当前,整个以太坊网络的总算力大约为 870.26 TH/s,用我们熟悉的消费级显卡来对比,英伟达 RTX 3080 的显卡算力大约为 92-93 MH/s,以太坊网络相当于 936 万张 3080 显卡算力的总和。 以太坊白皮书内非常明确提到之后会将 PoW 工作证明的账本机制升级为 POS (Proof of Stake)权益证明的账本机制。

At present, the total power of the entire TER network is about 870.26 TH/s, compared with our familiar consumer-level cards, and the RTX 3080 card strength of RTX is about 92-93 MHz. The RTX network is equivalent to the sum of 9.36 million cards and 3080 cards.


On January 18, there was a collapse of encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin, with a 24-hour up/down calculation, with a 17% drop in Bitcoin, a 20% drop in the courthouse, a 17% fall in the currency, a 26% drop in the Ripoco, a 19% drop in the dogcoin, a 28% drop in the band, a 25% drop in the wave, and a 29% drop in the grape. Virtual currency prices were highly volatile, and the entire net contract market fell into a high warehouse.


In reality, virtual currencies, including bitcoins, do not have the function of conducting monetary transactions in national financial accounting systems. Virtual currencies are more characterized by financial derivatives, and their price trends are also influenced by a variety of factors, sudden regulatory movements, news surges, and major technological changes, all of which have the potential to cause their trading prices to fluctuate significantly.


3- Bitcoin crash: South Korea’s young people are hit both financially and psychologically, and the younger generation used to view encrypted currency as a way out of economic distress, yet the collapse earlier this year caused severe losses for many, causing an increase in “bitcoin distress” and even extremes. The Korean government is concerned about this phenomenon, arguing that virtual currency investment has a pathological effect on young people’s social mindset.


The first is that the market reflects the growth in the intrinsic value of the assets in question, or that there is no change in the real world, but that it is being bought through market participants, as others are buying. The second is called market bubbles, which exist from the seventeenth-century Dutch-known tulip madness to the huge network market boom of the early twentieth century.

5、导致投资者损失惨重 导致投资者损失惨重可以说是数字货币崩盘带来的最为直接的影响,这是因为数字货币价格与投资者的财富息息相关,所以在数字货币价格下跌的情况下,这些投资者的财富也将面临缩水。可以说,这些投资者将最先直面数字货币崩盘带来的冲击,给他们的财富带来比较大的亏损。

5. The most direct impact of the digital currency collapse is the heavy losses that result from investors’ losses, because digital currency prices are closely linked to investors’ wealth, so that the wealth of these investors will shrink when digital currency prices fall. It can be said that these investors will be the first to face the impact of the digital currency collapse, with greater losses on their wealth.

中国国家支持的区块链服务网络BSN与包括以太坊在内的六条主要公链合作,提供数据存储和带宽服务,这将促进全球用户通过跨链结构访问中国的企业链和财务数据。 在DeFi夏季热潮期间,许多投资者关注ETH,因为大多数DeFi项目建立在以太坊公链上。


Chinese state-sponsored block chain service network BSN works with six major public chains, including Ether, to provide data storage and bandwidth services, which will facilitate global users’ access to China’s business chains and financial data through cross-chain structures. During the summer boom in DeFi, many investors focused on ETH, as most of the DeFi projects are based on the Ether public chain.

ETH20时代最起码还需要几年时间来沉淀,也就是说ETH RX580-8G-8卡显卡矿机最少也可以挖两至三年,按照两年的ETH收益来算:019730=140个ETH。 6再加上每天矿机赠送的平台币6000个/台,十台就是60000个平台币。

At least a few more years will be needed to sink in the ETH20 era, which means that the ETH RX 580-8G-8 card miner can dig for at least two to three years, based on two years' ETH revenues: 019730 = 140 ETH.6 Together with 6,000 pyrotechnics per day, 10 are 60,000 pyrotechnics.


ETH is generated through mining, producing an average of 1 block per 15 seconds, and when mining is done, miners use computers to calculate the answer to a function question until the right answer is calculated, i.e., to complete the packing of blocks, and the miners, as the first to be calculated, will be rewarded with three ETHs.


Ether-O has lost its centralization feature. It has to do with the technical capabilities of Ether-Team itself, but also with the centralization of Ether-Team. If Ether-Team is officially upgraded to zero, 35 Ether-Team pledges are too high, and there are few scattered households to bear.


The price of ETHF is 1887 yuan. According to public information on the subject, as of 5 December 2022, the price of ETHF was 0.45857 United States dollars, with 24-hour transactions amounting to 114.4 million dollars. ETHF has increased by 0.39% over the last 24 hours. Its market value is withheld.


On April 14th, 2020, an amount of RMB 170 at a price of RMB 1113 at a price of RMB 170 today.

3、RMB左右。以太币的系统是使用最广泛的支持完备应用开发的公有区块链系统。与比特币相比,以太币的系统以太坊属于区块链 0 的范畴,是为了解决比特币网络的一些问题而重新设计的一个区块链系统。

The Ether is a public block chain system that supports the most extensive applications developed. In contrast to Bitcoin, the Ethercopic system is in the area of block 0, and a block chain system is redesigned to address some of the problems of the Bitcoin network.


Four, the renminbi is about 8,500, and it's about a new height. Ether is perfect. Short-sighted investors tend to focus on immediate interests. So a lot of people play contract leverage. The real long-term vision is the fixed investment in Ether. That is why the Chinese currency can be stamped by Forbes and China, because it is one of the world's largest spot exchanges.


For Bitcoin, $38,000 is indeed a key divide point. Once it falls, it may drop to $36,600. I have stressed that even though there are some deviations in the technical analysis, the core idea is clear. Bitcoin

以下是如何看K线图和分时走势图的简要指南:K线图: 底部横轴:代表时间,每根K线代表一段时间内的价格走势,比如1分钟、5分钟、日线等。 左侧纵轴:代表价格,每个刻度表示一定价格范围,比如1,2,3元等。

The following is a brief guide to how to look at the K-lines and trends over time: the K-line: the bottom horizontal axis: representative time, each K-line represents a price movement over a period of time, such as a minute, five minutes, the solar line, etc. The left-hand vertical axis: representative price, each scale indicates a range of prices, such as 1,2,3 etc.


Look at the short line: look at the 15-minute map, which is suitable for short-line trading, and generally more suitable for start-up practice and practicality. Look at the 15-minute Kline trend, with a profit of 20 points at a time, there is no problem. Adjudication trends: before a transaction, you can look at the solar chart, four-hour map, determine trends and directions; and if the trend is captured, you can capture the list, thereby maximizing profit.


Kline is the most direct manifestation of stock prices, and a single kline is likely to determine the next movement of stocks.




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