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you may have seen online virtual figures who look like real people with their own names, voices and stories, who can sing, dance, live, teach or even talk to you. You may have heard the word "digital people," but do you really know what they are?

## 数字人是什么?

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Digital people, by definition, are created by digital technology


the digital person is a new species in the meta-cosmos , a virtual world built with digital technology and an infinite possibility of parallel space. In the meta-cosmos, digital people are free to exist and operate, socialize and entertain with real or other digital people, participate in games and activities, and display their talents and styles.

## 数字人是怎么产生的?


  • 计算机图形学,就是用计算机程序来生成和处理图像的科学。它可以用数学模型来描述物体的形状、颜色、光照、纹理等特征,然后用算法来渲染出逼真的图像。计算机图形学可以用来制作电影、游戏、动画等各种视觉效果。

    computer graphics, which is the science of using computer programs to generate and process images. It can describe the shape, colour, light, texture, etc. of an object, and then use algorithms to create realistic images. Computer graphics can be used to produce visual effects such as movies, games, animations, etc..

  • 人工智能,就是让计算机具有类似于人类的智能的能力的科学。它可以用数据和算法来训练计算机模型,让它们能够识别、理解、生成和交互等各种任务。人工智能可以用来制作语音识别、自然语言处理、图像识别、机器翻译等各种应用。

    artificial intelligence, which is a science that gives computers the ability to have human-like intelligence capabilities. It can train computer models with data and algorithms that enable them to recognize, understand, generate and interact with a variety of tasks. Artificial intelligence can be used to produce applications such as speech recognition, natural language processing, image recognition, machine translation, etc..


combines computer graphics and artificial intelligence to create digital people. Specifically, there are two ways to create digital people. : /span >

  • 基于规则:这种方法是按照一定的规则和参数来设计数字人的外貌和行为。比如,可以用3D建模软件来制作数字人的模型,然后用动画软件来控制数字人的动作和表情。这种方法比较传统,也比较容易控制,但是需要很多专业知识和技能,而且效果可能不够自然和多样。

    rule-based : This method, for example, can use 3D modelling software to model digital people and then use animation software to control digital people's movements and expressions. This method is more traditional and easier to control, but needs a lot of expertise and skills and may not be natural and varied.

  • 基于数据:这种方法是利用大量的数据来训练数字人的外貌和行为。比如,可以用深度学习(Deep Learning,)这种人工智能技术来生成数字人的图像和声音。这种方法需要很多高质量的数据,比较新颖,也比较灵活

    is based on data : This approach is to use a large amount of data to train the physical appearance and behaviour of digital people. For example, the artificial intelligence technology of learning (Deep Learning, > ) to generate digital images and sound. This method is and is more flexible >.


The most widely used applications are strang>AI >, >, which can customize different appearances, sounds and behaviours according to different needs and scenes, can interact and communicate with real or other digital people, can express their emotions and ideas, and can create a variety of content and works.

## 数字人有什么用处?

  • 娱乐数字人可以作为虚拟偶像、明星、主播、演员等,在各种媒体平台上表演和互动。比如,日本有一个叫做初音未来(Hatsune Miku)的虚拟歌手,她不仅有自己的歌曲和专辑,还经常在舞台上举办演唱会。还有一个叫作Lil Miquela的虚拟模特,她在社交媒体上拥有数百万的粉丝,还和一些真实的名人合作过。

    entertainment: > > as a virtual icon, star, anchor, actor, etc., can perform and interact on various media platforms. For example, Japan has a virtual singer called Hutsune Miku, who not only has her own songs and albums, but also regularly organizes concerts on the stage. There is another virtual model called Lil Miquela, who has millions of fans on social media and has worked with some real celebrities.

  • 教育数字人可以作为虚拟老师、导师、助手等,在各种教育场景中教学和辅导。比如,有一个叫做Soul Machines的公司,他们开发了一些数字人,可以用不同的语言和口音来教授各种课程,还可以根据学生的反馈和情绪来调整教学方式。还有一个叫作Replika的应用,它可以让用户和一个数字人聊天,帮助用户提高自己的情绪和心理健康。

    education : /strong>

  • 商业数字人可以作为虚拟销售、客服、顾问等,在各种商业场景中推广和服务。比如,有一个叫做Neon的公司,他们开发了一些数字人,可以在银行、酒店、机场等地方为客户提供咨询和帮助。还有一个叫作Hour One的公司,他们可以用数字人来代替真实的人员,为各种企业和机构制作视频内容。

    commercial : /strong > can be promoted and served in a variety of business scenes as virtual sales, services, consultants, etc. One company called Neon, for example, develops a number of digital people who can advise and help clients in banking, hotels, airports, etc. Another company called Hour One, who can produce video content for businesses and institutions by replacing real people.

  • 社交数字人可以作为虚拟朋友、恋人、家人等,在各种社交场景中陪伴和交流。比如,有一个叫做AI Dungeon的游戏,它可以让用户和一个数字人一起冒险和玩耍,还可以根据用户的输入来生成各种故事情节。还有一个叫作Eternime的项目,它可以让用户把自己的记忆和信息保存下来,然后用数字人来复制自己的样子和声音,让自己在死后继续存在。

    Society: digital people can accompany and communicate in social scenes as virtual friends, lovers, families, etc. For example, there is a game called AI Dungeon, which allows users to risk and play with a digital person, and which generates storylines based on user input. There is another project called Eternime, which allows users to preserve their memories and information and then reproduce their faces and voices with a digital person, and allows them to continue after death.

## 数字人有什么价值?

  • 提供更多的选择和可能性。它们可以有各种各样的外貌、性格、风格和声音,甚至可以模仿真实人物的样子。它们可以在任何时间和地点出现,也可以随时改变自己的形象和状态。

    provides more options and possibilities they can appear at any time and place, and they can change their image and state at any time.

  • 提供更好的体验和效果。它们可以利用计算机图形学和人工智能技术来生成逼真的图像和声音。它们也可以利用虚拟现实或增强现实技术来呈现在现实世界中。它们还可以根据用户的反馈和情绪来调整自己的行为和表情

    They can use computer graphics and artificial intelligence to generate real images and sound. They can also use virtual reality or enhance real technology to present themselves in the real world. They can also adapt their behaviors and expressions to user feedback and emotions.

  • 提供更多的价值和意义。它们可以作为虚拟偶像、明星、主播、演员等,在各种媒体平台上表演和互动。它们也可以作为虚拟老师、导师、助手等,在各种教育场景中教学和辅导。它们还可以作为虚拟销售、客服、顾问等,在各种商业场景中推广和服务。它们甚至可以作为虚拟朋友、恋人、家人等,在各种社交场景中陪伴和交流。

    provides virtual idols, stars, anchors, actors to perform and interact on various media platforms. They can also serve as virtual teachers, mentors, assistants, assistants, etc. as to perform and interact on various media platforms. They can also serve as virtual teachers, mentors, assistants, etc., in various educational landscapes. They can also serve as , friends to promote and provide services.


It can be seen that digital applications have a wide range of market prospects and business values and can play a role in many areas, such as entertainment, education, health care and tourism. strang> creates more opportunities for users to become more immersive and personalized. /span >




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