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The metaspace game is one that allows millions of players to interact in a virtual world xff0c; allows you to play games at your own pace xff0c; and promotes your brand on your own terms.

而且,这些游戏中的大多数都涉及虚拟 NFT,它们是完全独特的和虚拟的。在 Facebook 将品牌重新命名为“Meta”之后,许多公司将注意力转向了元宇宙。

And xff0c; most of these games involve virtual NFT, they are completely unique and virtual. After Facebook renamed the brand xff0c; many companies turned their attention to metaco.


So xff0c; there is reason to expect the top virtual world game to rise in the next few years. Although they are popular xff0c; many do not know the unique concept behind meta-gaming.


Axie Infinity?是元宇宙最受欢迎的PLAY-TO-EARN游戏之一,不容忽视。

? is one of the most popular PLAY-TO-EARN games in the Woncosmos xff0c; cannot be ignored.

这是一款基于越南公司 Sky Mavis 创建的神奇宝贝系列的在线视频游戏。基于 NFT 的游戏支持基于以太坊的加密货币或 SLP 作为支付方式。

This is an online video game based on the amazing series of babysitting created by Vietnamese company Sky Mavis. NFT-based games support payment based on an encrypted currency or SLP in Taiku.

通过使用这个游戏,用户可以通过繁殖、比赛和交易他们拥有的宠物“Axies”来赚取金钱或 SLP。

By using this game xff0c; users can earn money or SLPs by multiplying, competing and trading the pets they own.

有趣的是,根据该公司的网站,人们玩游戏是为了获得 NFT 作为奖励,然后他们用这些 NFT 换取更高的利润。在过去的几年里,Axie Infinity 等游戏的受欢迎程度大幅飙升。

Interestingly, xff0c; according to the company's website xff0c; people play games to get NFT as a reward xff0c; and then they trade these NFTs for higher profits. The popularity of games such as xff0c; Axie Insurance has risen dramatically over the past few years.


Features and #xff1a;

  • 一款动作丰富的游戏,你必须与Chimera战斗并收集宝贵的宝藏以进一步前进。这些宝藏有益于升级你的军队。
  • 在艰难的 PvP 对抗中保护自己将使您成为传奇。
  • 交叉axies可以生成一个新的终极后代。



is considered one of the most prominent games available at present.


Sand River provides a virtual world & #xff0c; anyone can develop, own & #xff0c; or even profit from the game experience. Sandboxes based on the Tetsu block chain are at an early stage of development.


On the other hand, #xff0c; sandboxes effectively attract players because of their visually attractive design and pleasant play experience.

沙盒是元宇宙中最受欢迎的区块链游戏之一,它正在颠覆几款成熟的游戏,例如 Roblox 和 Minecraft。

Sandbox is one of the most popular block chain games in the meta-cosm; it is destabilizing a few mature games & #xff0c; for example Roblox and Minecraft.

沙盒之所以与众不同,是因为它以不可替代的通证(通常称为 NFT)的形式向创建者授予真正的所有权。积极参与游戏生态的玩家,会因付出的努力而获得奖励。

The sandbox is unique xff0c; because it gives real ownership to the creator in the form of an irreplaceable pass xff08; commonly known as NFTxff09. Players active in the game ecology xff0c; they are rewarded for their efforts.

令人惊讶的是,沙盒是最受欢迎的元界游戏之一,在元宇宙市场的市场份额约为 7%。

Surprisingly, xff0c; sandbox is one of the most popular meta-gaming games xff0c; the market share in the meta-cosm market is about 7%.


Features and #xff1a;

  • 允许玩家在虚拟世界中创建游戏的平台
  • 智能合约和区块链技术,加上游戏更好的用户体验,让用户更有效地生成内容。
  • VoxEdit 工具可以在 The Sandbox 中找到,它允许任何人生成资产。VoxEdit 还允许用户上传、发布甚至出售他们生成的 NFT。



Because of their amazing ease of use xff0c; Sorare? is undoubtedly one of the best online virtual world games. Anyone can create a free account xff0c in the game; simply enter their email address and start playing the game immediately.

玩家可以使用信用卡或借记卡以及银行转账购买 Sorare NFT 卡。此外,全球 40 多个国家/地区的客户能够轻松购买 Sorare NFT 卡。

Players can use credit or debit cards, as well as bank transfers, to purchase Solar NFT cards. In addition, xff0c; customers in more than 40 countries/areas around the world can easily buy Solar NFT cards.

Sorare 是通过引入新的可能性来扩大游戏范围的缩影。它本质上是在以太坊区块链的基础上开发的足球非金融交易(NFT)游戏。

Sorare is a microcosm that expands the scope of the game by introducing new possibilities. It is essentially a football non-financial transaction developed on the basis of the Taiwan block chain. #xff08; NFT) games.

超过 180 家足球俱乐部在 Sorare 上正式注册是最重要的成就,每周都有新俱乐部加入该平台。

More than 180 football clubs are officially registered in Sorare as the most important achievement xff0c; new clubs join the platform every week.

每周,得分最高的团队将被允许创建新卡作为奖励。此外,Sorare 是宣布 B 轮投资约 6.8 亿美元的顶级元宇宙游戏之一,是业内最大的游戏之一。

xff0c per week; the team with the highest scores will be allowed to create a new card as an incentive. xff0c; Sorare is one of the top-level universe games that announces an investment of about $680 million in B rounds xff0c; it's one of the biggest games in the industry.


Features and #xff1a;

  • 在 Sorare 上,玩家可以购买卡片并使用它们来建立他们的幻想团队。
  • 卡牌上的玩家都是真人,这些玩家在真实比赛中的成功或许可以帮助持卡人得分。



Illuvium is essentially an open world role played in the chain of the tatai cluster. The central premise of the game is to explore the large virtual environment it contains.

玩家在游戏中的主要目标是聚集被称为“Illuvials”的强大生物,这种生物极其稀有且难以获得。Illuvium 的市值已达到 10 亿美元。

The main goal of the player in the game is to assemble a powerful creature called Illuvials #xff0c; this creature is extremely rare and difficult to obtain. Illuvium has a market value of $1 billion.

此外,充满生机的 Illuvium 生态系统的多彩环境是游戏的一大亮点。然而,现在宣布 Illuvium 是目前可用的顶级虚拟世界游戏之一可能还为时过早。

In addition, xff0c; the colored environment of the living Illuvium ecosystem is a big highlight of the game. However, xff0c; it may be too early to declare Illuvium one of the top virtual world games currently available.

但是,Illuvium 提供的真正游戏体验可能会对其有利,从长远来看可以吸引大量玩家。

But #xff0c; Illuvium provides a real game experience that may be beneficial to it #xff0c; it can attract a large number of players in the long run.



  • Illuvium,游戏玩家称赞了非凡的图形质量和引人入胜的游戏玩法。
  • 借助 Illuvium,玩家可以在游戏开放的数字世界中搜索物品和生物,这些物品和生物可用于收集、战斗和交易等各种活动。


Alien Worlds?是一款由七个行星组成的元宇宙游戏,这些行星再现了地球的数字复制品,并拥有基于 Trillium (TLM) 游戏代币的独特经济。Alien Worlds 是 Steam 平台上的一款免费游戏。

is a metaspace game of seven planets & #xff0c; these planets reproduce the Earth's digital replica & #xff0c; and have a unique economy based on Trillium (TLM) tokens. Alien Worlds is a free game on Steam platform.

玩家将 Trillium 押在行星上,以便在即将到来的行星选举中投票或增加相关行星上的奖池。除此之外,玩家还可以参加每周的议会选举,就如何分配行星资金提出建议,甚至可以自己竞选行星议会的职位。玩家可以选择在此游戏中购买和构建 NFT。

Players put Trillium on the planet & #xff0c; to vote or increase the pool of planets on the upcoming planet election. In addition, players can also participate in the weekly parliamentary elections & #xff0c; make recommendations on how to allocate planetary funds & #xff0c; and even run for the planetary council. Players can choose to buy and build NFTs in this game.



  • 可以在这里租宇宙飞船去探索元宇宙。
  • 可以在 Metaverse 上创建你的社区,与你的旅伴分享任务或故事。
  • 还可以在这里创作艺术、音乐、游戏和故事。


Splinterlands?是一款基于区块链技术的PLAY-TO-EARN游戏,允许玩家以数字方式获得奖励。它可以与Magic the Gathering和Hearthstone等游戏相媲美,因为它需要策略和计划。

is a PLAY-TO-EARN & #xff0c game based on block chain technology; allows players to be rewarded digitally. It can be comparable to the Magic the Gathing and Heartstone games #xff0c; it requires strategies and plans.


Similar to previous games xff0c; you can assemble a card xff0c with various characteristics and forces; then use them to fight with other players in skill-based combat to get points.

Splinterlands优于Magic the Gathering和Hearthstone的另一个原因是因为它是赚取Metaverse游戏的玩法之一,这使它成为一种更愉快的体验。

Another reason why Spinterlands is better than Magic the Gathing and Heartthstone is because it is one of the games that earns the Metaverse game #xff0c; this makes it a happier experience.


Participants can purchase, sell and trade their digital assets as easily as the entity cards in this section.


Features and #xff1a;

  • Splinterlands 就是通过设计最有利于你的技术来组建最强大的小队。
  • 在splinterlands中,用户可以查看和查看每张卡片的历史记录,可以看到每张卡片存在或将来会存在多少种不同的类型。
  • Splinterlands 中的交易非常迅速,相关费用也不高。


Farmer’s World?是一款基于区块链的农业游戏,在许多方面与 Farmville 相似。用户将能够在游戏中创建他们的农场、照料他们的植物、管理他们的动物以及执行各种其他农业职责。

? This is an agricultural game based on block chains & #xff0c; in many ways similar to Farmville. Users will be able to create their farms in games, care for their plants, manage their animals and perform a variety of other agricultural duties.

玩家还可以通过访问其他玩家的数字农场并在游戏中争夺资源来竞争 PvP 游戏类型。

Players can also compete for PvP types by visiting digital farms of other players and competing for resources in games.


In addition, xff0c; players can purchase agricultural equipment and virtual land to help them start or expand their farm and other game goods xff0c; e.g. virtual land in games.



  • Farmers World 是全球最大的在线社区之一,拥有来自世界各地的 150000 多人。
  • FarmVille 是一款极具吸引力的游戏,玩家可以在其中建造、培育和繁殖他们的牲畜和农场,以及开采黄金。
  • NFT 在 Splinterlands 中以多种形式提供。渔船、渔网、斧头和其他各种物品是最有趣的。


Plant vs Undead基于著名的植物大战僵尸类型,这款多人塔防游戏专注于团队合作和合作。

独特的 NFT 支持的数字植物和其他游戏内资产可供购买,允许玩家与其他玩家竞争或完成任务。

Unique NFT-supported digital plant and other game-based assets are available for purchase xff0c; players are allowed to compete with other players or perform tasks.


Each user can develop their plants or sow more. In the platform’s internal market xff0c; users can sell each other plants and seeds.

游戏发生在“Planet Plants”宇宙中,玩家必须使用他们的僵尸战斗植物来保护他们的“母树”免受入侵的僵尸和其他威胁。

The game takes place in the “Planet Plants” universe xff0c; players must use their zombie fighting plants to protect their “herds” from invading zombies and other threats.


Each successful defense round that a player completes will be given xff0c in the game; they can buy additional seeds or exchange other encrypted currencies.


Features and #xff1a;

  • 为其参与者提供会员卡,允许他们购买额外的工具。
  • 通过将 PVU 代币发送给您的朋友,将能够与他们交易 NFT 资产作为交换。
  • 这是一款引人入胜的游戏,可以在其中访问其他人的农场并与他们竞争资源,但还必须通过站岗来保护农场。


Farming Tales这款元宇宙游戏以农场为基础,玩家通过参与可以获得 SEST 代币作为游戏内货币的一种形式。农业游戏是最受欢迎的视频游戏之一,这款也不例外。

is a farm-based cosmos game xff0c; players can access SEST tokens as a form of currency in the game by participating.

“一个加密农场,其中 NFT 反映了我们真实农场的真实物品,”根据游戏的官方网站,这也是游戏的特点。

"A encrypted farm xff0c; in which NFT reflects the real items of our real farm xff0c;" according to the official website of the game xff0c; this is also characteristic of the game.


This means that all your efforts in the game will be rewarded in real time by what you have achieved. Unity develops the meta-cosmos of the game & #xff0c; the game itself is built on the WAX block chain.

但是,应该指出 Farming Tales 不是免费游戏,你必须先获得 NFT,然后才能在游戏中进一步发展。

But xff0c; it should be noted that Farming Tales is not a free game xff0c; you have to get NFT, first; then you can go further in the game.


Features and #xff1a;

  • 质押 SSET 代币的能力带来了一些额外的优势。
  • CBIT 代币将作为空投的一部分发放。
  • 这是一款相对容易玩和赚钱的游戏。


My Neighbor Alice?是一款多人建筑游戏,将区块链技术引入了全球数百万游戏玩家。

? is a multi-person architectural game xff0c; introduces block chain technology to millions of gamers around the globe.


Anyone can buy and own virtual islands & #xff0c; acquire and develop interesting things & #xff0c; meet new friends. Anyone can buy and own virtual islands.

可以在 My Neighbor Alice 中自定义您的游戏头像和其他游戏内物品,这是一款免费游戏,你可以边玩边赚钱。

You can customize your header and other game contents in My Neighbor Alice; this is a free game & #xff0c; you can make money while playing.

游戏的奖励以 ALICE 的形式出现,这是一种 ERC-20 通证,可用于购买各种游戏内商品。可以通过完成游戏中的任务来获得 ALICE。

The prize for the game appears in the form of ALICE xff0c; it is an ERC-20 pass xff0c; it can be used to purchase various items in the game. It can be obtained by completing the tasks in the game.


Features and #xff1a;

  • Alice 通证是游戏的主要货币,允许玩家交换 NFT、购买土地并使用 DeFi 功能,如抵押、回购和质押。
  • 玩家可能会从爱丽丝或游戏中的市场购买虚拟情节。宇宙中以 NFT 代币为代表的地块数量有限。
  • 每个玩家都有一个头像,可以用来与游戏中的其他玩家交流。玩家还可以通过添加资产来自定义他们的头像。
  • 游戏内资产可以在市场上买卖。其中包括房屋、动物、蔬菜、装饰品和头像化妆品。


StarCrazy?是另一款极少初始投资的赚钱游戏。此元宇宙游戏适用于 Android 和 iOS。

is another profit game with very little initial investment. This meta-cosm game applies to Android and iOS.

要开始玩游戏,请将 loPay 应用程序下载到您的手机。游戏的一流概念会让你惊叹不已,可以通过收集星星 (NFT) 来获取 GFT 代币。

To start playing games & #xff0c; download the lopay application to your mobile phone. The first-class concept of the game surprises you & #xff0c; the GFT token can be obtained by collecting stars (NFT).



  • 在 StarCrazy 中,可以购买、出售和投标 Stars 和 NFT。
  • 进一步深入就可以获得更多的游戏星星。拥有一颗挖掘能力更强的 Star 可以帮助你赚取更多 GFT 通证。
  • 与其他游戏不同,要开始游戏,不需要花很多钱。


Metastrike这款基于区块链的角色扮演射击游戏中,玩家可以选择各种武器进行装备和升级以完成任务并获得 NFT 和代币。

Metastrike in a block-based role-playing game xff0c; players can choose weapons to be equipped and upgraded to complete their tasks and obtain NFTs and tokens.

Metastrike 中提供了“边玩边赚”和免费游戏选项。该游戏的元宇宙功能包括购买土地以及为所在元宇宙各个区域创建和自定义地图。你甚至可以为他们提供非功能性玩具供其他人使用。

Metastrike offers the options of "profit by game" and free games. The meta-cosm function of the game includes buying land and creating and customizing maps for the various areas of the meta-cosmos. You can even provide them with non-functional toys for use by others.


Features and #xff1a;

  • 该游戏允许玩家构建地图进行战斗,收集枪支收藏并从其他玩家那里窃取 NFT。
  • 使用 MetaStrike 作为起点,你可以根据自己的想法开发自己的第一人称射击游戏。
  • 多人 FPS 游戏需要很多功能,例如武器、爆炸、角色、炮弹、弹丸、游戏模式等对象。


可以边玩边赚的元宇宙游戏?CyberTrade?是使用币安的智能链构建的,并具有一个具有未来感的城市。通过玩这款 MMO 角色扮演游戏,成为最好的战士并赚取 CyberCash ($CCASH)。

is xff0c, built with a smart chain of coins, and a city with a sense of future. Play #xff0c by playing the MMO role; be the best fighter and earn CyberCash ($CCASH).



  • 这是一款大型多人在线角色扮演游戏,玩家在其中扮演大都会市民的角色。Crypto Citizen 具有多种游戏机制,包括 Governance、Rugpull Zone、Purge、Citadel 和 Portal 等等。要开始玩此游戏,只需要一个角色即可开始。
  • 用户可以互相进行战斗,并开始为每场胜利收集 $CCASH。
  • Crypto Citizen Portal 功能将允许 NFT 支持者和游戏玩家在做出财务承诺之前感受游戏。存入一些游戏 NFT,你将获得免费出租的虚拟世界头像或车辆,可以用它来赚取 $CCASH 以换取您的投资。


FOTA是一款 MOBA-RPG 游戏,这意味着你将专注于培养英雄角色,而不是建立军队和其他类似的事情。它充分利用了微软的 Mesh MR(混合现实),一种增强现实和虚拟现实的混合体。

is a MOBA-RPG game xff0c; this means that you will focus on developing a hero role xff0c; instead of building an army and other similar things. It makes full use of Microsoft Mesh MR( mixed reality xff09; xff0c; a hybrid that enhances reality and virtual reality.


If you are a game player xff0c; you can choose from eight different races and three different worlds xff0c; you can start a trip to the meta-cosmos.


Features and #xff1a;

  • 用户可以以 NFT 的形式买卖英雄、皮肤、装备。
  • 用户可以通过使用他们的去中心化身份钱包 ID 登录,在 FOTA 元宇宙中创建和使用头像。
  • 用户可以通过与其他 LP 代币一起耕种来赚取 $FOTA。
  • 由于 Cross NFT 功能,用户可以将现有的 NFT 移动到 FOTA Metaverse 的一部分中,让新手更容易上手游戏。


Decentraland是一个由以太坊区块链驱动的去中心化 3D 虚拟现实平台,Decentraland ($MANA) 允许用户创建虚拟结构,例如赌场、艺术画廊、音乐厅和主题公园,并向其他玩家收费。

is a decentralized 3D virtual reality platform xff0c; Decentraland ($MANA) allows users to create virtual structures xff0c; e.g. casinos, art galleries, music halls and theme parks xff0c; and charges other players.


Users can make money by charging other players the cost of accessing their virtual structures.

系统上共有 90,601 个独立的虚拟土地。每个都是 NFT 的形式,称为 LAND。因此,土地交易是一种非金融交易。

There are 90,601 separate virtual lands on the system. Each is in the form of NFT & #xff0c; known as LAND. & #xff0c; land deals are therefore non-financial transactions.

Decentraland 虚拟现实世界于 2015 年推出,自 2020 年 2 月起向公众开放。它现在运行在 Polygon 上,这是一种开发的第 2 层扩展解决方案。

The Decentraland Virtual Real World was launched in 2015 xff0c; it has been open to the public since February 2020. It is now running on Polygon xff0c; this is the developed 2nd layer extension solution.


It has evolved into a community-driven decentralised self-government organization xff08; DAOxff09; xff0c; community members voting for change.



  • 对于购买土地和其他商品,Decentraland 使用不可替代的通证。
  • 3D 虚拟世界中有两种货币。第一个原生货币是 MANA 通证,另一个是 LAND 代币。


There is no doubt that the meta-cosmos is expanding xff0c; it is true. So xff0c; the best virtual world game can reasonably be expected to be followed up in the coming years.

另一方面,许多爱好者都渴望赶上潮流,以免为时已晚。元界游戏将 NFT 引入等式中,允许玩家指导自己的游戏体验。

On the other hand, xff0c; many fans are eager to catch up with the tide xff0c; before it is too late. The meta-gaming game introduces NFT into the equation xff0c; allows players to guide their own experiences.


And xff0c; many of the most popular virtual world games are still at an early stage of development. On the other hand, xff0c; the promising experience and functionality of new games may open new possibilities for those involved.


Reference link & #xff1a;




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  • 0.00003374个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00003374比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00003374比特币等于2.2826 1222美元/16.5261124728人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.00003374克洛克-0/22216.5261124728比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489807.72 CNY(1比特币=489807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00003374USDT=0.0002442776 CNY)。汇率更新于2024...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...
  • 0.00015693个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.000 15693比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.000 15693比特币等于10.6 1678529美元/76.86554996人民币。比特币(BTC)【比特币价格翻倍】美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000/克洛克-0/5693【数字货币矿机】10.6 167852976.8655254996比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489,807.72 CNY(1比特币= 489,807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00015693 U...
  • 币圈院士:5.20比特币(BTC)以太坊(ETH)行情分析

    利空出尽?华尔街多头坚信美股将摆脱泥潭 经济衰退风险被夸大A lot of people on Wall Street believe that beauty will escape the quagmire; the risk of recession is exaggerated. 从目前美国经济的情况加上美股先有的走势来判断,确信通胀已经或即将见顶,这为价格压力回落铺平了道路,这最终将使美联储得以放缓...
  • 2000年美国GDP占世界的304%,中国GDP仅占35%,现在呢?
