17 比特币和加密货币是合法的吗?

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:25 评论:0



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The point-to-point digital currency bitcoin, which first appeared in 2009, ushered in a new era of encryption currency. While tax authorities, law enforcement agencies and regulators around the world are still discussing best practices, a related question is: is Bitcoin legal or illegal? The answer is -- depending on the location and behaviour of the user.


Bitcoin is not issued, endorsed or regulated by any central bank. Instead, it is created through a computer-generated process known as mining. In addition to being an encrypted currency that does not concern any government, it is a point-to-point payment system because it does not exist in physical form.


Consumers can buy goods and services directly from online retailers in bitcoin, take money from bitcoin ATMs, and use bitcoins in some real shops. Many exchanges can trade bitcoins, and virtual currency-related investments and ICO attract investor interest.


在有些国家比特币可以用作货币、纳税、购买商品或像商品一样交易。 在有些国家,持有或者交易比特币可能是非法的。还有一些国家甚至懒得去监管它,在这些国家比特币和其他加密货币处于法律的边缘。中美也在不断地探索对比特币和加密货币的监管,美国联邦机构将加密货币置于现有监管框架内,而中国除了加强对货币和虚拟货币的控制,甚至会将加密货币纳入到正式的法规中。

In some countries, the holding or trading of bitcoins may be illegal. In others, there are countries that do not even want to regulate it, and in these countries bitcoins and other encrypted currencies are on the edge of the law.



Article 1, paragraph 8 (v), of the United States Constitution provides that the federal government retains the power to forge currency and to regulate its value. However, the regulations prohibiting the circulation and use of “unauthorised instruments” similar to that of currencies are not interpreted as prohibiting any form of virtual currency. To date, these regulations apply only to the prosecution of counterfeit United States dollar banknotes and coins.


美国金融犯罪执法网络局(FinCEN)是美国财政部的一个分支机构,它将比特币交易所视为货币服务,要求加密货币管理员根据《银行保密法》注册为货币服务业务(MSB)。在其2013年指南中,FinCEN将虚拟货币与货币区分开来。而“真实”货币的特征是“美国或任何其他国家被指定为法定货币的硬币和纸币….” 虚拟货币是“在某些环境中像货币一样运行的交换媒介,但不具备真实货币的所有属性。”

In its 2013 guide, the United States Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN), a branch of the United States Department of the Treasury, treats the Bitcoin Exchange as a currency service, requiring an encrypted currency administrator to register under the Bank Secrecy Act as a currency service operation (MSB). In its 2013 guide, FinCEN distinguishes virtual currency from currency. The “real” currency is characterized by “coin and banknotes designated as legal currency by the United States or by any other country #8230;... Virtual currency is a “transaction medium operating in some environments as a currency, but does not possess all the attributes of real currency”.



The Court and the Securities and Exchange Commission have also worked to curb fraud and have concluded that the use of bitcoins or Ether financing instruments constitutes a security under the Securities and Exchange Commission v. Howe. Both the Scheffers case and the Securities and Exchange Commission have held that transactions or tokens meet the three-factor luxury test because they involve (1) monetary investment or monetary form, (2) participation in an enterprise, and (3) the expectation that profits will come from the efforts of the initiator or third parties. Such a characterization places encrypted currencies within the scope of the Securities Act, requiring the issuer of the token currency either to submit a registration request to the Securities and Exchange Commission or to obtain a full exemption.


在2015年针对Coinflip,Inc .的诉讼中,商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)裁定,根据《商品交易法》(CEA)第1a(9)条的包容性定义,比特币和其他虚拟货币是商品,其中”商品”包括,除其他事项外,“未来交付合同目前或将来涉及的所有服务、权利和利益。” 在2016年,CFTC对Bitfinex采取了行动,因为该公司在没有注册的情况下运营一个加密货币的网上交易平台,并且未能满足“实际交付”要求,否则会要求将交易排除在《商品交易法》第2(c)(2)(D)(ii)(III)(aa)条CFTC的管辖范围之外。

In the 2015 proceedings against Coinful, Inc., the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) ruled that Bitcoin and other virtual currencies were commodities under the inclusive definition of article 1a (9) of the Merchandise Transactions Act (ECA), of which 8221; commodities” included, inter alia, “all services, rights and interests involved in future delivery contracts, present or future.” In 2016, CFC took action against Bitfinex because it operated an encrypted currency online trading platform without registration and failed to meet the “actual delivery” requirement, otherwise requiring that the transaction be excluded from the jurisdiction of CFTC under article 2 (c) (2) (D) (ii) (III)(aa) of the Merchandise Transactions Act.



On 25 March 2014, the United States IRS issued Circular 2014-21, which states that all virtual currencies are considered property, not currency, for federal tax purposes. According to the circular, virtual currencies are not legal currencies in the United States or in any other jurisdiction. When an encrypted currency has equal value in real currency or is a substitute for real currency, it is called a convertible virtual currency. Thus, the fair market value of a convertible virtual currency paid as a wage “shall be paid federal income tax withholding, federal insurance contribution (FICA) tax and federal unemployment tax (FUTA) tax”.



“Although other governments have put in place real-time payment systems, the United States has relied on our innovative sectors to provide real-time payment technologies. Some of these technologies have been established and managed by banking unions, some by independent nodes-based certification networks, such as block chains,” says Brian Brooks, Administrator of the United States Monetary Supervisory Authority. “The President’s Financial Markets Working Group has recently articulated a strong framework for creating an era of stable monetary-based financial infrastructure, identifying important risks, while allowing them to be managed in a technology-neutral manner.



The People's Bank of China Law designates the People's Bank of China (PBC) as the sole authority to issue and manage currency flows. Article 20 prohibits any entity or individual other than the PBOC from printing or issuing vouchers in exchange for the RMB. Article 16 emphasizes that the RMB is the only “legally compulsory currency” and that no person or unit may refuse to pay in the RMB, in particular in order to pay public or private debts.


The People’s Bank of China and the State Foreign Exchange Administration explicitly prohibit individuals from investing directly in foreign capital markets without the approval of the local foreign exchange authorities. Violations of such regulations may lead to criminal liability.


中国允许两类实体从事虚拟货币业务:网络游戏运营商(“游戏运营商”)和网络游戏虚拟货币兑换服务提供商(“服务提供商”)。游戏运营商是“经营网络游戏并发行/提供虚拟货币的公司”,服务提供商是“为网络游戏用户兑换虚拟货币提供平台服务的公司。”单个实体不能同时既是游戏运营商又是服务提供商。在2017年修订之前,之前的《网络游戏管理暂行办法》对游戏运营商和服务提供商规定了1000万元人民币(2013年约为160万美元)的最低注册资本要求,并要求获得互联网内容提供商许可证。游戏运营商还需要获得互联网文化运营许可证。 必须向潜在用户披露虚拟货币、单价、购买方法以及为保护用户利益而制定的安全措施。

China allows two types of entities to engage in virtual money business: network game operators (“gaming operators”) and virtual network game money exchange service providers (“service providers”). Game operators are “companys that run network games and issue/provide virtual money” and service providers are “companys that provide platform services for network game users to convert virtual money.” Individual entities cannot be both game operators and service providers at the same time. Prior to the 2017 revision, the previous Interim Measures for the Management of Network Game imposed minimum registration capital requirements of 10 million yuan (approximately $1.6 million in 2013) on game operators and service providers, and require Internet content providers to license Internet content providers.



In December 2013, the People's Bank and four other ministries jointly issued a circular on Bitcoin and other virtual currencies (. While the circular prohibited Bitcoin as a tool for the payment of goods and services,



In the 12 months before the ban, China controlled 90% of the transactions in the Bitcoin trading market. The boom period did not last. The ICO’s “crazy” warming was closely monitored by China’s financial regulators.


On 4 September 2017, the People's Bank of China, the Central Networked Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Informatics, the General Directorate of Commerce and Industry, the Banking Supervisory Board, the CVM, the Insurance Supervisory Board, and seven ministries jointly published



On October 23, 2020, the Central Bank issued a notice of public comment on the People’s Republic of China People’s Bank of China Law (Application draft of the revised draft). This law is the first time that we have incorporated into the law “demons” involving virtual currency, encrypted currency, and so on.


In general, the relevant United States regulatory authorities, such as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the IRS and the Monetary Supervisory Authority, under their respective regulatory areas, have attempted, within the existing regulatory framework, to include encrypted currencies such as bitcoins, which are relatively specific and operational, providing a relatively relaxed environment for the innovation and development of encrypted money and block chains.


and China, often in the form of simultaneous circulars or circulars, attempts to regulate the crypto-currency and block-chain industries seem to be on the rise, with innovation in the block-chain industries facing more regulatory challenges. Both individual possession and purchase of bitcoin are legal in China and the United States, but the regulatory environment is very different for the industry’s entrepreneurship. The regulation of the bitcoin and block-chain industries is still in the process of being explored.



Countries Where Bitcoin Is Legal & Illegal (DISH, OTSK)

Why China Had To “Ban” Cryptocurrency But The U.S. Did Not: A Comparative Analysis of Regulations On Crypto-Markets Between The U.S. And China

Global Bitcoin Legality

Federally Chartered Banks and Thrifts May Participate in Independent Node Verification Networks and Use Stablecoins for Payment Activities

政策法规 | 央行新法严禁发币,数字货币首次入法










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