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If there is to be a secure



According to the latest rankings of combined strength and heat, the following is a detailed description of the most recent domestic block chain exchange in 2023:




The new user can: strong >point to view the registration curriculum . The international leading digital asset station in the sector chain, which provides a wide range of digital currency transactions, education, block chain projects hatching, district chain asset distribution platforms, district chain research institutes and sector chain public interest charities, among others, currently covering more than 180 countries and territories around the world, is one of the fastest-growing global platforms for currency encryption.



欧易OKX(没有账号的投资者可以点此查看注册教程)是全球领先的加密生态建设者,成立于2017.5.31。拥有全球顶尖的加密资产交易平台、Web3.0入口-Web3 Wallet及旨在为下一代Web3应用提供安全可编程的智能合约平台的OKC,创立了统一交易账户等全球领先的Crypto交易系统。欧易OKX面向全球用户提供比特币、以太坊等多种加密数字资产的现货、衍生品交易及金融产品等服务。

EuroOKX (an investor without an account can be strong> at is a global leader in encryption ecological construction, founded in 2017.5.31 with the world's top cryptographic Asset Trading Platform, Web3.0 entrance-Web3 Wallet, and the OKC, which aims to provide a secure and programmed intelligent contract platform for the next generation of Web3 applications, creating a global lead trading system, such as a Cryptotrade account, which provides inter alia, inter alia, inter alia, encryption services for global users and various financial and financial products.


Bybit的创办团队主要来自于中国上海,CEO为周本(Ben Zhou),他过去有八年的外汇经理经验,在2017年时开始关注加密技术,并于隔年创办Bybit。Bybit专注于加密货币衍生品的交易,提供多种加密货币现货、永续合约,挂单费0.01%、吃单费0.06%也相对便宜。

Bybit’s start-up team came mainly from Shanghai, China, with the CEO as Ben Zhou, who had eight years of experience as a foreign exchange manager in 2017, began to focus on encryption technology and started Bybit the following year. Bybit focused on the trade of encrypted derivatives of money, providing multiple encrypted currency contracts, now available and permanently, with a single fee of 0.01%, and a single fee of 0.06%, which is also relatively cheap.



Bitfinex was founded in 2012 by Fang Xiu Chul to provide only the P2P guarantee lending platform, followed by the addition of other encrypted currency services. In 2015 and 2016, Bitfinex was hit by hackers, stole bitcoins, and then released BFX in the hope of compensating stolen users in a 1:1 ratio. Bitfinex is characterized by services such as P2P financing, OTC markets, bond trading and derivatives trading for a variety of digital assets.




It is known as

6、Coinbase Pro

Coinbase Pro总部设立在美国,为用户提供安全的平台,方便用户进行各种数字资产投资。Coinbase Pro平台界面简洁易用,包括实时订单查询、图表工具、交易历史记录和简单的订单流程。

Coinbase Pro is based in the United States to provide a secure platform for users to invest in a variety of digital assets. The Coinbase Pro platform interface is simple and easy to use, including real-time order queries, graphic tools, transaction history records and simple order processes.


7. Knet - Kraken


Kraken has been rated by independent media as the best and safest Bitcoin International Station. Kraken was the first international station to display transaction prices and volumes on Bloomberg terminal, and the first to pass an encrypted foreign exchange reserve audit, a partner of the first encrypted currency bank.


Open the door of sesame - Gate.io

Gate.io主体为Gate Technology Inc.,服务全球,在加拿大,韩国、日本、香港等多个国家和地区均设有独立的交易业务和运营中心。Gate.io拥有超级防卫SSL链接,离线比特币钱包技术,即时区块链资产存取功能,多币种地址共享技术,多重安全验证保护,同时提供较低的区块链资产交易费用和提取费用。

Gate.io, a global service provider, has independent trading operations and operations centres in a number of countries and regions such as Canada, Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong. Gate.io has a super-defense SSL link, offline Bitcoin wallet technology, instant block chain asset access, multi-currency address-sharing technology, multiple security clearance protection, and low block chain asset transaction costs and extraction costs.



BitMEX was established in the Republic of Seychelles as the state-of-the-art Bitcoin Derivatives International Station, providing up to 100 times leverage for Bitcoin-type products, as well as high leverage for other digital currency products.


BitMEX provides various types of contracts. All contracts are purchased and paid in bitcoin.


10, Coin - KuCoin


KuCoin, a globally renowned platform for digital money trading services, supports multi-digital asset transactions. Established in September 2017, it has grown into one of the most popular digital money trading service platforms and currently provides one-stop services, such as currency, French, contract, Pool-X, and lending, to 5 million users in 207 countries and regions around the world. The KuCoin operates in Seychelles, providing multi-language, 7x24-hour customer service teams for users, while KuCoin has established localized communities in Korea, Japan, Spain, Italy, Viet Nam, Turkey, Russia, India, etc., to provide the most localized services for users everywhere.


11, Currency Winner International Station - CoinW


CoinW is a world-class, integrated trading platform that provides global users with services such as spot and futures. CoinW currently has more than 7 million users worldwide. CoinW currently has financial regulatory plates in several countries and regions, such as the US MSB, Singapore MAS, and SVGFSA.

12、抹茶交易所——MEXC Global

12. Tea-pumping Exchange - MEXC Global


MEXC has successfully created a one-stop shop for digital assets that can also provide users with transactional services, including off-the-shelf, leverage, ETF, and contracts.


Bitstamp是欧洲的老牌国际站,曾经排名世界第三。BitStamp创始人是纳杰克科德里奇(Nejc Kodric),2011年8月,他与戴米安联合创立BitStamp。2013年10月,Bitstamp获1000万美元投资,投资者为Pantera Capital Management。2015年1月,Bitstamp不幸遭遇黑客攻击,价值510万美元的比特币惨遭洗劫,平台一度关闭。不久,Bitstamp劫后重生,目前已恢复正常运营。

Bitstamp, the oldest international station in Europe, was ranked third in the world. Bitstamp was founded by Nejc Kodric, who co-founded Bitstamp with Damien in August 2011. In October 2013, Bitstamp received $10 million in investment, with investors in Pantera Capital Management. In January 2015, Bitstamp was unfortunately hit by hackers, and $5.1 million worth of bitcoin was looted and the platform was shut down.


14, Twin Star - Gemini


Gemini, founded by the Winklevos brothers at Bitcoin and Etheria International, is a digital monetary investment platform and custodian agency that allows clients to invest and store digital assets and is directly regulated by the New York State financial services sector (NYDFS). Gemini, based in New York, currently supports only BTC, ETH, and Zcash investments, and operates only in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore.


BitFlyer成立于2014年,总部位于日本,比特币交易量居日本第一。Bitflyer由高盛前员工创立,意图填补MtGox倒下后日本比特币交易市场的空缺,目前已获两轮融资,投资方包括三菱UFJ金融集团旗下的三菱UFJ资本有限公司(Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.),日本电通集团旗下的风投公司电通数码控股公司(Dentsu Digital Holdings, Inc.)等。

BitFlyer, founded in 2014 and based in Japan, has the highest volume of bitcoin transactions in Japan. Bitflyer, created by former Goldman Sachs employees to fill the gap in Japan’s Bitcoin trading market following the fall of MtGox, has now received two rounds of financing from Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Ltd. (Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.) under Mitsubishi Digital Holdings, Inc., and others.



Since the start of services in January 2014, Bithumb has seen a sharp increase in the volume of transactions per day, representing the Republic of Korea’s virtual currency station, which ranks first in the world. Not only does it currently support a wide range of virtual currency transactions, such as Bitcoin, Tai shop, but it also expands to business lines such as Payment, offshore remittance services, which can be used as a means of payment, and is a virtual currency-based financial platform business company.


17, Currency Star - BitVenus

BitVenus是发源于欧洲的知名数字资产交易平台,其于2018年6月成立,并在2021年6月开启全球化之路,目前用户覆盖全球100多个国家和地区。BitVenus立足CEX关注Web 3.0,以用户价值为中心提供平台服务、信息共享、共同治理等,打造属于“每一个人的数字货币交易所”,并配合丰富经验的技术安全风控团队、全球领先的管理服务团队,迅速成为欧洲、亚洲、美洲、北非等市场最受青睐的“个性化数字货币交易所”。

BitVenus, a well-known digital asset trading platform originating in Europe, was established in June 2018 and launched the path of globalization in June 2021, with users covering more than 100 countries and territories around the world. BitVenus, based on CEX, focuses on Web 3.0, providing platform services, information sharing, co-governance, etc., with user values at the centre, quickly became the “digital currency exchange” of Europe, Asia, the Americas, North Africa and other markets, the most popular “everyone's” .



Bitget, based in Singapore, is a global platform for digital asset derivatives services. Corporate business includes futures contracts, spot trading, and global OTC. Bitget has branches in Japan, Korea, Canada, etc., and now has more than 900,000 registered users worldwide.



The BIKA Exchange, a fully developed digital asset trading platform, provides a wide range of digital currency spot trading, contract trading, financial management, block-chaining research institutes, and other services to global users. Since its inception, the US MSB, Canada, and MSB finance plates have been acquired, and users now cover more than 100 countries and territories around the world.


20, hot currency - Hotcoin


Hotcoin, a global temperature chain digital asset station, has been established to date to provide over 100 high-quality block chain asset-type transactions and investment services to millions of users from more than 97 countries or regions worldwide, and is one of the leading platforms for global encryption asset-trading services. Hotcoin has consistently prioritized user interests to provide a secure, fair, open, efficient segment chain digital asset-trading environment.


Some small and unstable exchanges of assets have been established for only a few years, are still in the initial stages, and defence systems are inadequate, with a number of small exchanges in previous years being hacked into by hackers and stolen millions of dollars. The first thing to do is to determine whether an exchange is safe and reliable, and the reliability of an exchange can be judged in many ways, first by its ranking, and also by searching for comments about the exchange on the Internet, looking at the exchange’s current market value and 24-hour turnover, in order to analyse whether the exchange has a real track record.




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