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Recently, the news in the area of crypto-currency has become more and more exciting.

比特币首度站上68000美元高位,而就在周日,世界首富马斯克把推特名改为“Lorde Edge”,同名加密货币竟然火速诞生,才开始交易6小时就暴涨842%,随后又暴跌80%。

Bitcoin first stood at a high of $68,000, and on Sunday, the world's leading Fumask changed his Twitter name to “Lorde Edge”, with the birth of an encrypted currency with the same name, only to start trading by 842 per cent in six hours and then by 80 per cent.


bitcoinrelateshistoric heights!


BitcoinETF coming?


On 9 November, the bid from the Bitstamp platform showed that Bitcoin had reached $68,065.30, compared to a maximum of $68,564.40 in the past 24 hours, which updated the record of Bitcoin prices at the end of October and was the first time that Bitcoin had passed $68,000.


CoinGecko data show that, as at that date, the total market value of encrypted currencies had crossed the $3 trillion mark, amounting to approximately $307.92 billion. Of this, the market value of Bitcoins was approximately $12.52 billion.


In the view of some industry analysts, bitcoin will be on the rise in the coming weeks.


An encrypt currency dealer said that Bitcoin was currently looking at a secure position, with $66,000 per piece. On November 8, an encrypt currency hedge fund ARK36 released a report stating that it was “approaching to come” for $70,000.

无论比特币价格如何波动,灰度投资(Grayscale Investments LLC)是其长期追随者。当地时间11月5日,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)公开的文件显示,灰度正式提交了“Future Finance” ETF(代码GFOF)的申请,该基金将追踪处于“金融、技术和数字资产交叉点”的公司股票。这是灰度在将世界上最大的比特币基金的灰度比特币信托基金(GBTC)转化为ETF外的第一份ETF申请。

Regardless of how bitcoin prices fluctuate, Grayscale Investments LLC is its long-term follow-up. On November 5, local time, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published documents showing that Greyscale officially submitted a request for a “Fure Finance” ETF (code GFOF), which will track the shares of companies at the “Financial, Technical and Digital Assets Junction Point.” This is the first ETF application to convert the Gret currency Trust Fund (GBTC) of the world's largest Bitcoin Fund into an ETF.

BitcoinTreasuries 数据显示,截至目前,GBTC持有约654885枚比特币。占全球比特币供应量约3.12%。

BitcoinTreasuries data show that, to date, GBTC holds about 654885 bitcoins. This represents about 3.12 per cent of the global supply of bitcoins.


Greyscale suggests that the GFOF is another way for investors to access the encryption industry. “Since its establishment in 2013, we have been working to create a secure and familiar set of investment products that provide investors with access to the digital economy.” According to a speaker from Grayscale, the GFOF’s application is aimed at continuing to diversify our product lines to meet the growing demand for future investment opportunities.

在加密货币交易所AAX的研究和策略主管Ben Caselin看来,目前比特币的上涨主要由此前两只比特币ETF于美国成功上市,闭馆叠加特斯拉CEO马斯克在社交媒体中发起的投票推动的。“随着Shiba和其他加密货币的最近的激增,以及Facebook更名为Meta,人们对加密货币的兴趣持续上升。”

According to Ben Caselin, research and strategy manager of the crypto-currency exchange AAX, the current increase in Bitcoin is driven mainly by the successful listing of two bitcoin ETFs in the United States and the vote launched in social media by Catasla CEOmask. “As Shiba and other encrypted currencies have recently surged, and Facebook has changed its name to Meta, interest in encryption money continues to rise.”


In the evening of 19 October, local time, after the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rebuttal period, ProShares released the first United States Bitcoin strategy ETF (the stock code BITO) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Driven by investors’ previously repressed demand, BITO managed a total asset of $1.1 billion as of Wednesday, with a turnover of over $1.2 billion.

由此引发的热潮仍在继续。当地时间11月8日,BlockFi Inc表示,其已向SEC提交文件,申请推出其比特币ETF。

BlockFi Inc. On November 8, local time, BlockFi Inc. stated that it had submitted documents to SEC requesting the launch of its Bitcoin ETF.

根据BlockFi 向SEC提交的文件,加密借贷服务提供商 BlockFi 和投资管理公司 Neuberger Berman 的合资企业BlockFi NB LLC申请推出“BlockFi NB”比特币 ETF,提供对比特币的直接敞口。

According to the documents submitted to SEC by BlockFi, an encrypted lending service provider, BlockFi and the joint venture of Neuberger Berman, BlockFi NB LLC, applied for the launch of the “BlockFi NB” Bitcoin ETF to provide direct access to Bitcoin.


“The ETF provides investors with the opportunity to enter the Bitcoin market through traditional brokerage accounts without the need to directly hold or transfer bitcoin, thus avoiding the potential obstacles or risks involved in obtaining bitcoin from an exchange or in exploiting bitcoin.” The paper states.


The sponsor believed that the ETF design would enable some investors to implement a strategic and tactical asset allocation strategy using Bitcoin more effectively and efficiently by investing rather than directly purchasing, holding and trading bitcoins.

微策略(MicroStrategy)CEO 首席执行官Michael Saylor此前在彭博科技论坛中表示,比特币正在以最快的速度吞噬黄金,并将在未来两到三年取代所有黄金ETF。“要做到这一点,你需要比特币现货ETF,”塞勒Michael Saylor说,“一旦比特币现货ETF上市,我认为你会看到数十亿、数百亿、数千亿、数万亿美元的资金流入它们。”

Michael Saylor, CEO of MicroStrategy CEO, said earlier at the Bloomberg Science Forum that Bitcoin was swallowing gold as fast as possible and would replace all gold ETFs over the next two to three years. “To do this, you need Bitcoin's spot ETF,” said Sele Michael Saylor, “I think you'll see billions, billions, billions, trillions, trillions of dollars coming to them.”


“The future-based Bitcoin ETF is a secondary product, but it is the best thing institutional investors can currently get.” Saylor claims.

10月21日,摩根大通以Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou为首的策略师在研报中表示,比特币是比黄金更好的通胀对冲工具,这是当前上涨的主要原因,引发了自9月以来从黄金ETF转向比特币基金的趋势。这种资金流动的变化仍然支持比特币到年底的看涨前景。

On 21 October, Morgan Chase’s strategist, led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, stated in his paper that Bitcoin was a better instrument of inflation than gold, which was the main reason for the current rise, triggering a shift from the gold ETF to the Bitcoin Fund since September. This shift in capital flows continues to support Bitcoin’s outlook for upswing by the end of the year.


Similarly, analysts have suggested that the past few weeks have increased the attractiveness of Bitcoin as an instrument of inflation hedges, as gold has failed to cope with rising inflationary fears. “It is certain that encoded currency and digital assets fall more broadly into emerging asset classes and are therefore in the midst of years of structural upwards.”


Just last week, Morgan Chase again stated that, in the long run, the price of Bitcoin would be US$ 146,000 per piece, and next year it would be US$ 73,000 per piece.


Money circles support Musk's purchase of bitcoin


It is worth mentioning that, last weekend, Tesla CEOmask wrote in social media asking whether to sell 10% of his Tesla stock. Multi-currency circles expressed their support and suggested that Musk buy bitcoins with the money he earned.


Michael Seller, Chief Executive Officer of MicroStrategy, who holds 110,000 bitcoins, directly advised Mask to consider converting Tesla's balance sheet to bitcoins and buying $25 billion in bitcoins. “This will bring diversification, inflation protection and greater returns to all investors in a tax-saving manner.”


In addition, following El Salvador's adoption of Bitcoin as the national legal currency, the Government of Zimbabwe indicated that it was considering the use of encrypted currency as a legal form of payment to bridge the gap in cross-border capacity to pay that existed between African and other countries.


Musk Twitter changed its name and an encrypted currency was born immediately!


另外,从上文的截图可以看到,马斯克还一度将自己的推特名字改为“Lorde Edge”。

In addition, as can be seen from the above screenshot, at one point Mask changed his Twitter name to “Lorde Edge”.

这个名字很快就被人利用,以“Lorde Edge”为名的加密货币迅速诞生,并于北京时间昨日晚正式开始交易。

The name

有部分人士认为这一新名字与加密货币没有什么关系。一些推特用户表示,马斯克的新名字可能指的是“edge lord”,这是一个互联网俚语,指的是一个渴望关注的人,或者一个在行为上表现得大胆或非常规的人。

Some think that this new name has nothing to do with encrypted money. Some Twitter users say that the new name of Mask may refer to “edge word”, an Internet adage that refers to a person who aspires to be concerned, or a person who behaves boldly or unconventionally.


Although there was no indication that Mask himself had any connection with the currency in this figure, the price of the encrypted currency was rapidly increased.

据coinmarketcap数据,北京时间11月8号周日下午6点48分左右,名为Loder Edge的加密货币正式开始交易,当时价格为0.000020元人民币左右。

According to coinmarketcap data, the encrypt currency named Loder Edge was officially opened at about 6.48 p.m. on Sunday, 8 November Beijing Time, at a price of around RMB 0.0000020.


Last night, the encrypt currency surged. At around 0.48 a.m. this morning, the encrypt currency price reached RMB 0.0001884, a sharp increase of 842% compared to the start of the transaction.


This means that, in about six hours, the encrypt currency surges by more than eight times.


However, the increase in the encrypt currency has not been sustained, and in the early hours of this morning the encrypt currency fell sharply after touching the height of the day. At around 1:53 a.m. on 9 a.m., the encrypt currency quickly fell to RMB 0.000,4382, a sharp drop of 76.74 per cent compared to the height of the day.


At around 10:30 this morning, the encoded currency fell again to RMB 0.0000,3889, a sharp drop of 79.35 per cent compared to the height of the day.

值得注意的是,狗狗币创始人在推特上也表示,“Lorde edge”是“elder doge”的变位词(即字母相同,但字母排序不同的词)。

It is worth noting that the founder of the dog coin also tweets that the word “Lorde edge” is a variant of the word “elder doge” (i.e., the letters are identical, but the letters are in different order).


In a Twitter comment by the founder of the dog money, many people believe that Mask is in a hidden location, and some of the online users expect the dog money to rise.


Dog coins have also been successful in the hotspot, with Beijing time rising by $0.29 yesterday, more than 9 per cent compared with the cut-off price of 0.2653 on 7 July.


Small market value encrypted currency


Like small market value equities, less marketable encrypted currencies also face liquidity, price volatility, and so on. Investors must not lose their minds with high returns, as cases of rapid collapse after a surge in encrypted currencies occur.


After the explosion of Netflix’s Netflix, the virtual currency market gave birth to a brand-named “squid coin” (SQUID). After its launch, the currency was launched, with a peak of 2,300 times over the past week, with an alarmingly high currency value of $28,61.8 (approximately 18,309 yuan).


The white paper on the squid project shows that the project is a virtual money game-making platform on the BSC public chain, inspired by the Korean hot-blowing show Naifi, which started on October 20, and was sold out in one second.


However, on November 1, US Eastern Time, the squid suddenly collapsed, falling from US$ 2861 per currency to US$ 0.0007, or 99.99976 per cent, in five minutes. According to BscScan data from the block tracking and analysis platform, some 40,000 people still hold the virtual currency after the crash.


According to media reports, the issuer of the project is now on the run, with investors losing at least $2.1 million. Analysis shows that the founder of the project used the TornadoCash protocol to hide transaction details, thereby transferring funds and cashing in the equivalent currency (BNB).

以马斯克名字命名的加密货币“狗狗埃隆火星币”(Dogelon Mars),价格也曾暴涨暴跌。

The price of the encoded currency, Dogelon Mars, named Mask, has also skyrocketed and dropped.


In the early morning hours of 31 October, the price of the encrypted currency rose to RMB 0.0000,1653, or more than 333 per cent in 24 hours, but on 5 November, the price of the encrypted currency fell to RMB 0.000,0568, or more than 65 per cent.

来 源丨21世纪经济报道(ID:jjbd21 记者:胡天姣 家俊辉)、公开信息

Economic Report for the 21st Century (ID:jjbd21, journalist Hu Tianjin, Jiunhui)

本期编辑 黎雨桐

This issue is edited by Li Yuyun.




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