Game-Fi 新贵 MetaArena 项目全解析:重塑区块链游戏生态

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:22 评论:0



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As one of the core areas of digital entertainment, the game industry is also undergoing unprecedented changes. While traditional game giants, such as Steam and Nintendo, have launched Web3 cosmopolitan products, there are still data privacy leaks, uncertain ownership of players’ assets, and loss of asset data.


Even so, existing block-chain games face many challenges. As the current Game-Fi game data are on the chain, users’ interactions need to consume Gas and wait for block confirmation, leading to high Gas costs and inefficient transaction processing speed.


The emergence of MetaArena provides viable solutions to these challenges. MetaArena is committed to breaking down the restricted roles of developers and players in the traditional game industry, ensuring the autonomy of game assets and data by decentralizing the design and avoiding the risks associated with centralizing servers and closing down.

MetaArena的核心在于其ZK游戏引擎,该引擎结合零知识证明技术,确保游戏数据和交易的隐私性和安全性。开发者可以利用这一引擎构建复杂的游戏逻辑,实现低延迟和高吞吐量的游戏体验。Layer3 Rollup架构通过将复杂的交易和数据处理卸载到链下,大幅降低了Gas费用,并显著提高了交易速度和处理效率。这种架构解决了区块链游戏的痛点,也为开发者和玩家提供了更加流畅和高效的游戏体验。

The core of MetaArena is its ZK game engine, which combines zero knowledge to demonstrate technology to ensure the privacy and security of game data and transactions. Developers can use this engine to build complex game logic and achieve a low-delayed and high-absorption game experience. The Layer3 Rollup structure significantly reduces Gas costs and significantly improves transaction speed and processing efficiency by unloading complex transaction and data processing into the chain. It addresses the pains of block-chain games and provides more fluid and efficient play experiences for developers and players.


In addition, the MetaArena platform uses modular design, which allows developers to select and combine different functional modules according to demand. This design greatly enhances the efficiency of development and ensures the scalability of the system so that it can adapt to different sizes and types of games. Developers can build their own game world with flexibility without fear of technical bottlenecks and expansion.

作为MetaArena的首款大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG),《Final Glory》设定在中古世纪冰封大陆,玩家将选择一个英雄,踏上充满挑战和荣耀的冒险之旅,书写属于自己的史诗篇章。

As the first large multi-person online role-playing game of MetaArine (MMORPG), Final Glory was set to cover the medieval ice continent, where players would choose a hero and embark on a adventure full of challenges and honours and write their own epic chapters.

在《Final Glory》中,玩家可以选择不同的英雄职业,每个职业都有独特的特点和背景故事。例如,重剑士卡尔·雷恩出身于古老的骑士家族,凭借坚韧的意志力和出色的剑术,被誉为“高地之刃”;剑斗士杰克·霍克,街头孤儿出身,以迅捷的走位和华丽的连击成为城市的“影刃”;牧师丽莎·怀特出身神圣教会,用强大的治愈能力和光明力量保护世界,被称为“圣光守护者”;射手艾琳·菲尔德,狩猎世家的传奇弓箭手,以精准的射击和灵活的身手成为边境的“飞羽”。玩家将选择并扮演这些英雄,通过在冰封大陆上完成任务、打败黑暗怪物、提升装备等手段提升自己的综合战力,并凭借高战力属性获得游戏官方的代币空投奖励。

In Final Glory, players can choose different heroic professions, each of which has unique characteristics and background stories. For example, heavy swordsman Carl Rehn, born of the ancient knight family, is known as the “drawn of the high ground” with tenacity of will and great swordsmanship; gladiator Jack Hawk, a street orphan, has come from a fast walk and a radiant chain of strikes into the city; pastor Lisa White, born of the sacred church, protects the world with great healing power and light, known as the “sacred light keeper”; archer Irene Field, the hunter-gatherer of the family, becomes the “flying feathers” of the border with precision and flexibility. Players will choose and play these heroes, raising their combined combat power by completing their mission on the frozen continent, defeating dark monsters, upgrading their equipment, etc., and, by virtue of their high-strengthing attributes, receive the official tokens of the game.

MetaArena将其技术优势全部注入《Final Glory》中。基于ZK开发的游戏引擎,保证玩家数据的安全和资产的归属。无Gas交易的设计意味着玩家在游戏中进行交易和互动时,不需支付额外的区块链交易费用,降低了经济负担,提升了游戏的可玩性和参与度。同时,ZKP设计大大提升了游戏数据的安全性和玩家隐私性,分布式存储则保护了玩家的加密资产安全。

MetaArena injects all of its technological advantages into Final Glory. The game engine developed by ZK ensures the security of player data and the attribution of assets. The design without Gas transactions means that players do not have to pay additional block chain transaction costs when they trade and interact in games, reducing the economic burden and increasing playability and participation.

近期MetaArena宣布,《Final Glory》的首个精彩活动——“月门探索,神龙显现 - 寻迹”即将上线。传说中的神龙陨落,其无穷力量被分散成30个碎片,散落在神秘世界的各个角落。各地职业英雄纷纷启程,踏上前往月门的路途,试图凑齐神龙碎片,重新召唤神龙。

Most recently, MetaArena announced that the first great event of Final Glory – “Moon Door Explore, Dragons Showing - Searching for Traces” – was about to come online. The legendary dragon meteor was scattered over 30 fragments of its infinity, scattered around the corners of the mysterious world. Professional heroes everywhere set out on their way to the Moon Door, trying to bring together the dragon fragments and summon the dragon again.


In addition, each time you enter the gate, the player will receive an additional mysterious box of blind treasures. According to official information, these boxes have the opportunity to open two times the TIMI token reward, random dragon fragments (1-5), and high-level medicinal water, among other valuable props. All acquired equipment will automatically be placed in the player's backpack and, as soon as the player gathers 30 dragon fragments, will be able to summon powerful dragons to ride, raise their strength, and take up the wind in later battles and winning awards.

《Final Glory》作为MetaArena打开Web3游戏市场的拳头产品,显然被注入了大量心血。从官方发布的游戏视频来看,《Final Glory》的游戏画面极其精美,英雄的跑动、打斗、关卡的设置等都是上乘之作。同时,官方声称《Final Glory》将提出空白世界的概念,玩家可以在游戏世界中自行探索,并且探索足迹将被记录并对当前世界产生改变,是一款真正的多元元宇宙游戏。

According to the official video of the game, Final Glory’s game is so beautiful that the hero’s running, fighting, level setting, etc. At the same time, the official claims that Final Glory will propose the concept of a blank world in which players can explore themselves and explore the footprints that will be recorded and will change the world today are a real multi-dimensional universe game.


This is all the content of this analysis. More details on the highlights and activities, please focus on the official social media of MetaArena.




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