OKEx“切割”徐明星 维权者:和他无关你信吗?

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:25 评论:0



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Wen Wong Sheng.


Source: People Innovator (ID:reminct)



(OKcoin corporate representative Xu Star)


Recently, a number of investors engaged in contractual transactions on the virtual currency trading platform OKEx gathered to speak out in front of the company building of OKCoin, bringing the discussion about currency bubbles back into public view by the steering man of OKCoin, Xu Star, and the discussion about currency bubbles.


After several web-based platforms focused on the continuation of the talk, OKEx responded officially on the issue of defending rights in the afternoon of 21. The response stated that the contract deal offered by OKEx was not a futures deal, and that there was no official robot in the business transaction under the banner of OKEx. Also, in its latest response to the people ID:reminct in the afternoon of 23, OKEx stated that Star Seo had never worked in his own company and had nothing to do with himself.


However, in the face of OKEx's response, some investors still expressed doubts and asked: “Doesn't he have anything to do with it, do you believe?”


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}KOKEx responds to questions, and defenders still wonder


Mr. Lee and his companions came to Beijing on 19th to participate in advocacy activities, where they conducted virtual currency sales and contract deals through the OKEx trading platform in May, June and December of last year. Mr. Lee told the people that he had seen leverage through French-currency transactions and contracts at the OKEx trading platform, with a multi-fold leverage of 10 and 20 times, and that the system of bonds, mandatory silos, and so on was very similar to the traditional formal futures market pattern. So he joined the military.


Last September, the Central Bank and seven other ministries issued a joint bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, explicitly calling for the immediate cessation of the financing of various forms of money issuance. Mr. Lee questioned the virtual currency, but saw that the trading platform could still be traded.


Mr. Lee found his doubts similar to those of other investors in the power community — OKEx was suspected of manipulation of the trade and frequently blew up, resulting in investors being “empty” killed.

  随着事件发酵,OKEx最终做出回应。回应首先解释了OKEx和乐酷达网络科技有限公司(OKcoin注册公司)的关系:乐酷达是纯中国团队,OKEx是国际团队, OKEx公司注册地在伯丽兹,所有董事都是国际团队,办公室在香港和美国。另外,也有投资者向人民创投也称,其在21日前去讨要说法时,OKcoin指派律师试图安抚他们,并撇清两个平台之间的关系。

The response begins with an explanation of the relationship between OKEx and Lecoin Network Technology Ltd.: Lecoin is a Chinese team, OKEx is an international team, OKEx is registered in Belize, all directors are international teams, and there are offices in Hong Kong and the United States. There are also investors who say that when they come to the people 21 years ago, when they try to talk, OKcoin assigns a lawyer to try to placate them and clear the relationship between the two platforms.


But what puzzles investors is whether the OKEx, who used to be the executive director of Xu, really has nothing to do with Xu's corporate name, Lecupta.



(On 11 February this year, Xu Star posted on Twitter news of his departure and gave a brief statement.


According to Mr. Lee and several other investors, they were involved in the OKCoin platform when they first approached the OKEx contract deal last May. On the one hand, the account numbers and passwords they registered with OKCoin were automatically applied on the OKEx platform; on the other hand, the bitcoins they traded in virtual currency contracts on the OKEx platform were the proceeds of their own purchases on OKCoin, and the money was transferred through the bank card to the Beijing Obel Treasure Technology Ltd.


According to the National Corporate Credit Information and Communication System, the corporate representative of Opo's Financial Science and Technology Ltd. in Beijing is Romin, who is also the supervisor of Lecupta, while the corporate shareholder of Opo's Financial Science and Technology Ltd. in Beijing is Ocay's Soccer Science and Technology Co. Ltd., who is also a corporate shareholder of Lecupta. The corporate representative of Ocupee's Science and Technology Ltd. and Lecupta's corporate representative are Xu Stars.

  “在OKCoin持有的比特币可以轻易地转到OKEx平台上交易,同时平台首页也有对合约交易进行推广。”李先生告诉人民创投(ID:renminct),去年5月他第一次在两个平台上进行交易前,发现两个平台的基本介绍极为相似——两个平台都有策源创投、曼图资本、隆领投资、创业工厂、极客帮创投等数家投资机构的融资加持。而这,也让他吃了一颗定心丸。“特别是去年12月后,比特币的价格飙高破10万美元,自己又担心之前投入的钱会血本无归,于是就一次次加仓 ,最终损失惨重。”

“The bitcoin held in OKCoin can easily be traded on the OKEx platform, and the deal is also promoted on the platform’s front page.” Mr. Lee told the people that, before he first traded on both platforms last May, he found that the basic description of the two platforms was very similar – both of which were financed by a number of investment institutions, such as creative investment, Mantu capital, investment under the crown, start-up factories, and extremes.


In addition to investors’ doubts about the relationship between OKCoin and OKEx in the course of the transaction, the people’s creative project (ID:reminct) also found several posters posted in the OKcoin office area showing that the OKcoin team of product technology was working on the relocation, re-engineering and other tasks of OKEx, and supported the upgrading of OKEx’ brand names, currency-to-currency transactions, index transactions, multi-currency contracts, point-to-point transactions, etc. At the same time, the new media team in OKcoin is also responsible for the official microblogging, self-media operations, and the maintenance of new media relations.


In addition, the company’s address below OKEx’s network is Hong Kong’s Bronze-Tou Bay valedictor, at 255257 and 21st floor of the square, with a 7*24-hour Chinese service line.

  OKEx在23日下午向人民创投(ID:renminct)回应称,徐明星从未在公司任职,相关消息均是自媒体炒作,OKEx官方从未有相关公告发出。同时,OKEx认为持币者在任何互联网平台可以自由划转是比特币的特性,不同平台注册账户和密码一致是基于互联网Open ID常用技术,共享登陆。OKEx与多家互联网平台有采用OPEN ID技术共享。

In the afternoon of 23, OKEx responded to the people’s initiative (ID:reminct) that Xu Star had never been employed in the company, that the news had been made out by the media, and that the relevant announcement had never been made. At the same time, OKEx believed that currency holders could freely transfer to any Internet platform as a bitcoin feature, and that the different platforms’ registered accounts and passwords were based on the usual Internet Open ID technology and shared access.


With regard to the above-mentioned OKcoin office area poster, which shows that OKcoin employees are involved in OKEx’s business, OKEx claims that OKEx and OKcoin have cooperated in technology and services in the past, that the markings and presentations are historical and not updated, but that the situation is not clear.


supervision needs to be perfected and investment risks identified



(On 23 March, some investors continued to defend their rights downstairs in the OKcoin office area.


Some investors involved in defending their rights told the people that their doubts about OKEx and Xu Star were also about the recent removal of their records of transactions on the platform. The defenders' account, OKEx, now keeping only records of transactions after 16 March of this year, had all been “disappeared.” “When we discovered that the records had been deleted, we kept as much records as possible, and notified in the notary office of the home country.” Mr. Lee told the people that they had written the records on OKEx and OKcoin and had kept suspicious records of frequent explosions.


Another investor said that, while Xu was claiming to have left OKEx since its departure, they had just begun to participate in the contract deal, which Xu should have responded to. They hoped that similar virtual currency transactions with multiple suspicions could be banned as soon as possible, and that the losses that investors suffered as a result of the platform’s manipulation of the deal could be addressed by XuEx.


With regard to the dispute over the operation of the Digital Assets Futures Trading Platform, Chen Yunfeng, Senior Partner of the Law Office of Central London and Director of the Internet Financial Professional Committee, recently wrote a legal analysis of digital asset futures transactions, stating that the country has not yet incorporated digital assets into the existing futures trading system and that the Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, issued on 3 December 2013 by five ministries, including the Central Bank, stipulates that financial institutions and payment agencies may not base their products or services on bitcoin and issue bitcoin-related financial products; and that Bitcoin is used as an investment object for trust, fund, etc.


In addition, on 8 July 2017, the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing City, issued judgement No. 12967 (2017) No. 0108, in which it found that, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the country, Bitcoin was not issued by the monetary authorities, was not of a monetary nature of a legal nature and a compulsory nature, was not a currency in the true sense, but that there was no law and regulations expressly prohibiting the parties from making investments and transactions in bitcoin, but rather served as a reminder to all sectors to increase the risk of public investment in society, that ordinary people were free to take part in bitco transactions at their own risk, subject to reasonable investment; and that Internet stations providing services such as Bitco registration, transactions and so forth should file with the telecommunications authorities.


There are also legal sources who reveal to the people that, as a rule, the conduct of virtual currency transactions between individual investors, such as commission, lending, mortgages, transfers, etc., is risky because most investors have limited knowledge of virtual currency, such as bitcoin, and it is difficult to protect their rights and interests in a favourable manner, and because of the lack of the necessary regulation of virtual currency transactions, such as bitcoin, in our country, the courts often fail to make an effective determination.


The Vice-President of the Financial and Financial Institute of the People's University of China and Professor Zhao Si Jun, Senior Researcher of the People's Da Qiangyang Institute of Finance, stated to the people that the governance of financial activities such as unclear responsibilities, lack of regulation and unclear risk management of Internet financing should be made clear, detailed and regulated, and that the regulation of P2Ps, crowd-sourcing etc. should be extended to all financial activities carried out on Internet technology platforms, including the ICO project.


“There is no Internet financial activity without market or government constraints.” According to Zhao Si Jun, the endless algorithms of block chain technology can be used by all, but it is all the more important that participants have the capacity to take risks and that society and government avoid the problems posed by losses.




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