
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:27 评论:0



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Man/Wang Yongfei

“中国正进入区块链3.0时代。”近期,知名咨询与研究公司Forrester Research针对全球区块链应用市场进行调研分析,并发布行业分析报告。Forrester认为蚂蚁集团等领先的区块链供应商所取得的重大技术进展是驱动中国进入区块链3.0时代的重要动力。

“China is entering the 3.0 era of block chains.” Recently, the renowned consulting and research firm Forrester Research conducted research and analysis on the global market for block chain applications and published an industrial analysis. Forrester considers the significant technological advances made by leading sector chain suppliers, such as the ants group, to be an important driver of China’s entry into the 3.0 era of block chains.

该机构首席分析师Charlie Dai表示,在3.0时代,应用区块链技术改变现有业务运营模式正成为所有主要行业的趋势。而在此前的区块链1.0时代,行业主要关注数字货币应用。在2.0时代,仅部分有远见的企业尝试通过区块链技术实现业务价值。

The agency’s chief analyst, Charlie Dai, said that, in the 3.0 era, the application of block chain technology to change existing business models was becoming a trend in all major industries. In the earlier 1.0 years, industry focused mainly on digital currency applications.


block chains drive new business models for multiple industries

据了解,Forrester Research作为全球最具影响力的的研究与咨询公司之一,通过其大胆而又有严谨的预测,为商业和技术领袖以及企业提供咨询决策。Forrester由George F. Colony于1983年7月创建,1996年11月在纳斯达克上市,股票代码为FORR,Forrester有员工1795人,超过688人是研究的专业人士,2019年营收额为4.61亿美元,近几年其研究的行业愈发广泛,全球范围内也在不断地扩张。

Forrester Research, one of the most influential research and consultancy companies in the world, is known to provide advisory decision-making to business and technology leaders and businesses through bold and rigorous forecasts. Forrester, created in July 1983 by George F. Colony, was listed in NASDAQ in November 1996 with a stock code of 1795, with over 688 research professionals and $461 million in 2019, and its research industry has expanded and expanded globally in recent years.


Forrester’s report shows that block chains are changing China’s main industries and promoting new business models in the banking, insurance, medical, energy, government, manufacturing, retail, telecommunications, and logistics sectors. Ant chains’ practices in banking, insurance, etc. have been selected as typical cases in two studies, “China’s Business Chains: Banking” and “China’s Business Chains: Insurance” respectively.




For example, the lack of transparency and the high risk of fraud in the insurance industry has been a central pain in the development of the industry. In partnership with the ant chain, Sino-American life insurance has applied block chain technology to ensure that data are not tampered with, funds are transferred efficiently, and the platform’s operating status is shared and visible in real time among the members of the chain.


In the banking sector’s supply chain finance and microfinance operations, traditional patterns of data silos often lead to fraud and inefficiency. The report notes that technology programmes based on the ant chain link Shanghai Bank, Chongqing Rich Bank to multiple players, sharing credible data, and improving the transparency and efficiency of collaboration.


In addition, in cross-border transfers, the application of block chain technology can significantly simplify the process chain and reduce processing time. AlipayHK, which is supported by the ant chain, is selected as a case report.


According to public sources, the breakthrough integration of the ant chain includes technologies such as block chains, Aiot, smart wind control, and its autonomous technological platform, which supports 1 billion account sizes, 1 billion transactions per day, and has the capacity to process 100,000 PPS multi-chain data packages, making it possible for block chain technology to be applied in large-scale business scenarios. In terms of industrialization, the ant chain has been digitally upgraded in over 50 physical service sites through block chain technology.

不久前,全球权威咨询机构国际数据公司(IDC)发布《IDC MarketScape:中国区块链即服务(BaaS)平台厂商评估,2020》显示,蚂蚁集团凭旗下蚂蚁链位居中国区块链平台领导者位置。

Recently, the International Data Corporation (IDC), a global authoritative advisory body, published IDC MarketScape: Assessment of China's Block Chain or Service (BaaS) Platform Vendors, 2020, which shows that the Ants Group is in the position of leader of the China Block Chain Platform under the flag.



As early as 2017, McKinsey submitted a technical report on block chains to the United States Federal Insurance Advisory Board, which referred to 2009-2016 as the “Dark Age”, during which all block chain solutions were based on Bitcoin, while the new era of block chains will begin in 2016, with more than 100 block chain technical solutions being explored.

目前区块链已经走出了概念性阶段,正在跨入区块链3.0时代,真正融入到人们生活的方方面面。澳大利亚BTL公司主席John Joseph Foley曾表示,区块链3.0时代一旦降临,就将颠覆现在所有的认知,“我们将跨入一个全新的时代,一个不再有信任危机的时代”。

The block chain is now in its conceptual stage, moving into the 3.0 era of the block chain, where it is truly integrated into all aspects of people's lives. John Joseph Foley, President of BTL, Australia, once said that the 3.0 era of the block chain, once it had arrived, would undermine all current perceptions, “we will enter a new era, an era in which there will no longer be a crisis of trust”.


According to an analysis by Roy, an in-house expert to researchers at the Washington Times Financial Research Institute, from the era of the digital currency-dominated block chain 1.0 to the age of the programmable smart contract, which provided a bottom-up technology for the development of upper-level applications, the block chain has brought about a new direction for more industries, some 10 years after it. We are now in the transition from the age of the block chain 2.0 to the age of 3.0, marked by the transformation of productive relationships, the next 10 years, in which firms compete to develop new products and create new production relationships using block chain technology.


He's a researcher at the Warsaw Times Financial Research Institute.

责任编辑:孟俊莲 主编:冉学东

Responsible Editor: Mon Jun-Lian, Editor-in-Chief: Peng Xiaodong


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