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i. Usdt Andre downloads a new version of the log:


1. Community support for the comment function;


2. Add a publishing function;


Invites friends to reconfigure the page;


4. Add a new discovery section function;



What about usdt's non-receipt transfer?


1. The normal charge, the delay of which was confirmed by the blocks, resulted in the delay in the receipt of the chargeable value.

如果您的充值信息确认无误,但资产仍未到账,该笔充值的记录可以在区块上查询到,但是因为区块在等待确认中,当区块完全确认后,区块同步到平台钱包也会有一定的延时,请您耐心等待。 客服人员进行处理,因为欧易平台客服是无法进行协助的。

If you have confirmed the full amount of information, but the assets are still not accounted for, the record of the full value can be found on the block, but since the block is in the process of being confirmed, there will be some delay in synchronizing the block to the Platform wallet when the block is fully identified, so please be patient.


2. Uncollectible in currencies other than the same.


Please confirm before charging that the full currency is the same as that of the platform. If the full name of the currency does not match, you will not be able to account for it.


3. Misfilled addresses and networks, resulting in non-availability of accounts.


For example, do not charge the ETH to the address of the BTC, and do not attach the assets of the ERC20 network to the network or to other networks, which may result in the assets not being accounted for. In such cases, please submit your [question feedback] in time for the staff to take care of it. You can also click at the bottom of the page on [issues of concern] and learn the corresponding questions.


4. Error tags were filled out, resulting in non-availability of accounts.

部分币种的充值需要填写标签(Memo/ 又名Tag)。您需要将该币种的标签正确填写到对方平台,如果标签填写错误,无法正常到账,您可以提交问题反馈,说明您的详细情况,包含您的充值币种、数量、正确的标签和写错的标签、哈希值,会有工程师为您跟进处理。

You need to fill in a label (Memo/Also Tag) for a portion of the currency. If the label is not properly entered, you can submit a question response, specifying your details, including your currency, number, correct label and misspelled tag, Hashi value, and an engineer will follow you up.


5. Smart contract charged, uncollected.


At the time of charging, each currency has a corresponding punctuation address. Please use the puncture address of the currency generated by the punctuation platform system and do not use the contract address in that currency to charge the punctuation, otherwise it cannot be accounted for.


6. Block incentive charges are not available.


For example, the proceeds from mining can only be charged to the wallet address, the assets can be traded to the Euro-money account when they reach the wallet, and Euro-Little does not support the block chain.


7. Packaging charges resulted in non-availability of accounts.


Please do not use multipacking to charge the value. If you have already done so, you will not be able to get to the account properly. An engineer will be required to intervene. Please submit [question feedback] to select the non-payable value and describe your problems in detail, after which the engineer will be available to assist you.


8. Failure to reach the minimum charge level resulted in non-availability of accounts.


The Platform's fill page contains a clear indication of the minimum amount of the charge, and if the amount of the charge does not reach the minimum charge unit, you will not be able to reach the account.


II. UsdtAndre downloads outreach materials:

USDT可以分为三种,它们分别是:基于比特币的 USDT (Omni USDT) ,基于以太坊的 USDT(ERC20 USDT),以及基于波场的 USDT(TRC USDT),如果是用交易所地址进行收款的话,那么久只用找到USDT币种,自行选一个就好了。

The USDT can be divided into three categories: a Bitcoin-based USDT (Omni USDT), an Ethio-based USDT (ERC 20 USDT), and a wavefield-based USDT (TRC USDT), which, if collected at an exchange address, would have been sufficient to find only one USDT currency for a long time.


But it is important to make sure that the transfer address and the outlet address are on the same block chain network, and that the three links are not transferable between each other and cannot be recovered. If a wallet is used to select the collection address, then the main chain wallet of BTC, ETH or TRX is first used, and the corresponding USDT receiving address is found.

一般都是通过地址确认 USDT 是哪一种:Omni USDT 的地址是以 1 或 3 开头的,ERC20 USDT 的地址是 0x 开头的,波场的USDT 的地址是 TR 开头USDT 的。除此之外,转账成功的时间主要是由你在转账时设置的矿工费来决定的,设置的矿工费越高,交易越快成功。

Usually USDT is confirmed by an address: Omni USDT's address starts with 1 or 3, ERC20 USDT's address starts with 0x, and USDT's address starts with TR. In addition, the timing of the transfer is determined by the cost of the miner you set at the time of the transfer, the higher the cost of the miner, the faster the transaction succeeds.

Omni USDT 的交易确认参数与比特币是一样的,10分钟一个确认,如果是转入交易所,一般都是2个确认到账(20分钟),而且 Omni USDT 矿工费也比 ERC20 USDT高。

Omni USDT's transaction confirmation parameter is the same as that of Bitcoin, with a 10-minute confirmation that, if transferred to the exchange, it is generally two confirmations (20 minutes) and that the Omni USDT miner's fees are higher than ERC20 USDT.



How do you get your phone?


1.usdt chain current operating process:


Open EuroAPP, select [assets] & mdash; & mdash; select currency [USDT].


Select & mdash; select the current network, using [USDT-ERC20] as an example & mdash; enter/ paste [present address] & mdash; [number of extractions] & mdash; [submission] & mdash; obtain and enter the relevant password/certification code & mdash as required; [confirmation], complete operations.


Note: Other exchanges or wallets [in full/in full currency network] are to be aligned with the Eulti network when selecting the current network, e.g. for USDT-ERC20. Otherwise the currency will be lost.


2.usdt internal transfer operations:

打开欧易APP,选择【资产】栏 —【提现】—选择币种【USDT】—选择【内部转账】—输入【提现账户】—【数量】—【提交】—按要求获取并输入相关密码/验证码—【确定提现】,完成操作。

Open EuroAPP, select [assets] & mdash; & mdash; select currency [USDT] & mdash; select [internal transfer] & mdash; enter [current account] & mdash; [number] & mdash; [submission] & mdash; obtain and enter the relevant password/certification & mdash as required; complete operations [determination].


Caring reminder: Some currencies are presented with labels, usually a string of numbers. For example, XRP, when you fill out the current address, the bottom label must also be filled in, otherwise the currency will be lost.


III, usdtAndrew Download Note:


First, since identification is both a protection for itself and a layer of protection for wallets, it is not a problem at all.


Secondly, when we create our own digital money wallet, do not forget the private key of the wallet, and if the private key forgets it, it can only be restored and reset with the helpword.


Third, the address of the digital money wallet is well kept, and the balance of the wallet can be searched on the OKLink browser. Because OKLink is a specific viewer of the digital currency, it is important to download and try to use it.


What's a central wallet?


Decentralized wallets, private keys kept in the user's own hands, assets stored on block chains, users were real holders of digital money, and wallets were only a tool to help users manage assets and access data on the chain.


It is therefore difficult for a decentralized wallet to be attacked by hackers, and users need not worry about the wallet service provider's own theft or running, because as long as the wallet is created and your private key is kept safe, your assets remain on the chain, as can be seen in a new wallet.



Bank account opening process for usdt:


1. Authority to go directly to the bank to open the bank.


2. Telephone calls to banks to authorize back-office operations by staff members.


3. As a rule, there are two meshs, one operation and one authorization.


4. Just stick it directly to the computer and authorize it.


iv. Other exchanges recommend:




Established in March 2013 as an encrypted money exchange platform, it is one of the first exchanges in the world to provide a reliable, accessible and secure gateway to the new encrypted financial system. The platform supports real-time counter-point transactions for leading encrypted currencies (e.g., Bitcoin and Ether), as well as payment processing services, hosting services and off-site transaction liquidity service desks.




Although it is an international edition, it also addresses some of the painful aspects of the current exchange, so there is a great difference.


(1) In relation to transactions in French currency (at risk of policy)


At present, most exchanges involve transactions in French currency, which means that you can buy bitcoins in renminbi, and if the State starts to regulate it, it will take additional policy risks.

将以 BTC、ETH 作为基础交易货币(后续可能会添加 EOS、DGX),仅支持区块链资产交易对,不会涉及到任何法币交易。

BTC, ETH will be used as the currency of the underlying transaction (subsequently adding EOS, DGX), supporting only block chain asset transactions and not involving any French currency transactions.

初期预计提供以下交易品种,如果你想买的话,就只能用 BTC 等基础货币购买,无法用人民币购买了。

Initially, the following types of transactions were expected to be available, and if you wanted to buy them, they could only be purchased in basic currencies such as BTC and could not be purchased in renminbi.


(2) Failure to demonstrate equity

绝大多数交易所没有做到账务公开以及 100% 保证金,更别说如何证明公平,这将使交易所作恶成本很低,即使是挪用资金、暗箱操作,也无从追查。

The fact that the vast majority of exchanges fail to make accounts public and 100 per cent of deposits, not to mention how fair they are, makes the transaction costly and untraceable, even if it involves misappropriation of funds and undercover operations.

对此,将坚持「不作恶」的运营理念,实行 100% 准备金,通过多种方式保证用户资金安全,将在资产安全以及如何证明公平方面,成为行业标杆。

In this regard, the concept of "no evils" will be upheld, 100 per cent reserves will be put in place, user funds will be secured in a variety of ways, and the safety of assets and how equity can be demonstrated will become industry poles.


(3) Asset security risks

经常听到有交易所的数字资产被盗,这让我们十分不放心。不过从 2014 年运行至今,口碑比较好,从未出现过被盗事件,一直是交易所的一股清流,到现在都没有什么丑闻,这一点还是让人挺放心的。 也将承袭的运营理念,力争成为全球最具安全性的交易所。

But it is reassuring to hear often that the exchange’s digital assets have been stolen. From the beginning of 2014 to the present, the slogans have been better, there has never been a theft, and there are no scandals in the exchange, and it is reassuring that the concept of operations will also be inherited, seeking to become the most secure exchange in the world.


In addition, there is a commitment to disclose the cold and hot wallet addresses of all block chain assets of the Platform, and to publish on a daily basis all transaction data and account asset balances on the date of the Platform, accessible to all, ensuring transparency.


(4) Unsupervised currencies


Because of the lack of oversight, the exchange can easily choose, by virtue of its interests, only the currency that maximizes its benefits, whereas the currency that has a real application and investment value is sunk by the sea.


The choice of currencies has been well-known, and so far more than a dozen have been selected, and the value added of these currencies has been impressive and has been widely praised.

即将上线的不仅承袭了之前的筛选原则,还将以 ULA 方式上架区块链资产,即采用用户投票的方式参与新品种上线决策。

Not only will it follow the previous selection principles, but it will also take up the block chain assets by ULA, i.e., by using a user vote to participate in online decision-making on new varieties.


(5) Lack of support for multilingualism


The trading of block-chain assets is global, while language is the biggest obstacle for investors, not only because investors look at the Martian language on the screen, but also because exchanges, owing to the loss of investors, limit the scale of development to the detriment of both parties, and will provide multilingual support to improve the issue.



More than 20 top global institutions have invested, including GJB, SYSTEM, BlockVC, capital acquisition, consensus lab, Topsfund, etc., and strategic investors are strong supporters of the project.


The project's team of consultants has considerable experience with block chain investment and research, and has good resources in the block chain industry to advise and assist the project in areas such as operation, finance and economic modelling.

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Copyright statement: The content of the text is contributed by Internet users, and this view only represents the author. The site does not have ownership and does not have legal liability.

标签: 比特币交易平台




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